ABSTRAKSeiring dengan kompetisi yang semakin meningkat hampir di segala bidang, personal branding menjadi konsep yang semakin penting untuk diterapkan. Dimensi personal branding tidak hanya terkait dengan merek personal seperti citra diri, namun juga dilihat dari sudut pandang konsumen, sehingga konsep customer-brand relationship menjadi penting untuk dianalisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep Attachment-Aversion Relationship Model yang diadopsi dari penelitian Park et al (2013). Studi kasus yang dipilih adalah tokoh Ridwan Kamil pada Pemilihan Umum Daerah Walikota Bandung 2013. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 233 responden dengan hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa tiga determinan Enticing (Annoying) the self, Enabling (Disabling) the self, dan Enriching (Impoverishing) the self tidak mempengaruhi Attachment- Aversion Relationship yang terjadi. Selain itu, motivational strength juga terbukti menjadi mediasi antara hubungan Attachment-Aversion Relationship dan behavior intention dan behavior.
ABSTRACTAs the competition increases in almost all aspects, personal branding becomes a more significant concept to consider. Personal branding dimension does not only focus on the personal brand itself, but also on the consumer’s point of view. Thus, it is pivotal that marketer analyzes the relationship between consumer and brand. This paper investigates the customer-brand relationship using Attachment-Aversion Relationship Model (Park et al., 2013). Case study approach was selected to undertake the investigation. The case choosen was Ridwan Kamil in the Bandung Mayor Election 2013. The study was conducted on 233 supporters of Ridwan Kamil. The result implies that 3 determinants of AA Relationship (Enticing (Annoying) the self, Enabling (Disabling) the self, and Enriching (Impoverishing) the self) did not significantly influence the Attachment-Aversion Relationship. In addition, motivational strength significantly mediated the relationship between Attachment-Aversion Relationship and behavior intention and behavior."