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Regina Putri Sukasmi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis strategi rekrutmen caleg perempuan di Partai Nasional Demokrat dalam upaya memenuhi kebijakan affirmative action 30% keterwakilan perempuan pada Pemilu 2014. Pertanyaan dari penelitian ini adalah strategi Partai Nasional Demokrat merekrut calon legislatif perempuan dalam memenuhiAffirmative Action 30 % keterwakilan perempuan di Pemilu 2014.Penelitian ini beragumen, bahwa strategi Partai NasDem adalah memberikan kemudahan kepada perempuan untuk dapat masuk ke Partai NasDem, memberikan bantuan kepada caleg perempuan, membuat program rekrutmen, dan melakukan rekrutmen secara terbuka melalui media.Untuk menjawab pertanyaan, peneliti menggunakan teori rekrutmen politik yang berasal dari Pippa Norris dan Miriam Budiardjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam sebagai data primer, dan menggunakan data sekunder seperti undang-undang, AD/ART, dan studi literature lainnya. Penelitian ini menemukan 5 strategi Partai NasDem dalam merekrut caleg perempuan, diantaranya; Pertama, Partai NasDem mendirikan organisasi perempuan di bawah naungan Partai NasDem sebagai sumber kader perempuan dalam merekrut calon anggota legislatif perempuan. Kedua, Melakukan rekrutmen terbuka, Ketiga, Memberikan syarat mudah khusus untuk perempuan yang ingin bergabung dengan Partai NasDem.Keempat, Memberikan bantuan kepada caleg perempuan.Kelima, Partai NasDem tidak memungut biaya kepada caleg perempuan yang ingin maju di pemilihan. ...... This research analyzes the female candidates recruitment strategy in National Democrat (NasDem) party in order to fulfill the 30% female representation affirmative action policy in the election of 2014. The research question is what is National Democrat party's strategy to recruit female legislative candidates in order to fulfill 30% female representation affirmative action in the election of 2014? I argue that NasDem party's strategy is to accommodate women to join NasDem party, providing help for female candidates, making recruitment programs, and conducting recruitment openly through media. To answer the question, I use political recruitment theory from Pippa Norris and Miriam Budiarjo. This research uses qualitative strategy with deep interview technique for primary data, and using secondary data consisting of constitutions, party's statute and bylaws (AD/ART), and other literature study. This research found 5 NasDem party's main strategies in recruiting female candidates, which consist of; First of all, NasDem party establishes a female organization under the auspices of NasDem party as the source of female cadre in recruiting female legislative candidates. Second of all, conducting open recruitment. Third of all, requiring easily fulfilled requirements for women who want to join NasDem party. Fourth of all, providing help for female candidates. And fifth of all, NasDem party does not collect any payment from female candidates who want to come forward for the election.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Program "Affirmative Action" merupakan suatu komitmen antara suatu perusahaan, sekolah, atau institusi lainnya untuk memberikan kesempatan yang lebih luas terhadap kaum wanita, orang kulit hitam, kaum Hispanics, dan kelompok minoritas lainnya, dengan tujuan untuk memperbaiki akibat-akibat dan perlakuan diskriminasi terhadap mereka dimasa lampau. Dalam pelaksanaanya program ini sering mendapatkan reaksi negatif terutama dari laki-laki kulit putih (WASPs Male). Mereka justru menganggap bahwa program tersebut hanya membuat ketidakadilan, dan memberikan keuntungan kepada kelompok minoritas belaka. Hal ini yang akhirnya menimbulkan "reverse discrimination" dimana dalam usaha memberantas diskriminasi terhadap kaum minoritas, justru akhirnya menimbulkan diskriminasi baru terhadap seseorang atau sekelompok orang lainnya. Penulisan tesis ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan mengapa program "affirmative action" ini dapat menimbulkan "reverse discrimination" bagi masyarakat Amerika dan juga untuk menunjukkan mengapa "reverse discrimination" tersebut sulit dihilangkan. Timbulnya kasus-kasus "reverse discrimination" memperlihatkan bahwa telah terjadi pertentangan diantara nilai-nilai budaya baik pertentangan antara nilai "equalitiy" yang terkandung dalam program "affirmative action" itu sendiri, yaitu "equality of opportunity" dengan "equality of outcome", maupun antara nilai "equality of outcome" dengan nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat Amerika lainnya. Pemerintah Amerika telah menyadari bahwa kebijakan program "affirmative action" tidak selamanya sempurna, "review" terhadap program tersebut terus dilakukan dengan harapan suatu saat "reverse discrimination" bisa menghilang dan program "affirmative action" akan dihapuskan seiring dengan hilangnya praktek diskriminasi di Amerika. Namun hal ini berjalan cukup lamban, dikarenakan kesadaran masyarakat Amerika sendiri khususnya dari kelompok WASPs terhadap perlakuan diskriminasi masih sangat rendah. Tesis ini menggunakan sumber kepustakaan, dan dalam pengkajiannya menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Disamping itu kajian ilmu sosial dan budaya juga digunakan dalam memahami berbagai aspek yang terkaitdalam permasalahan yang dikaji.
ABSTRACT Affirmative action program is a commitment among enterprises, schools, other institutions to give greater opportunities to women, blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups in order to improve the effects of former discrimination. In its implementation, the program frequently got negative reaction especially from WASPs males. They suppose that the program has been done unfair which gives advantages to those minority groups only. Finally, this case creates reverse discrimination, a new discrimination which appears to a person or groups of people as an effect of the effort in order to fight other discrimination. The objectives of this thesis are focused on why the program of affirmative action can cause reverse discrimination and also to indicate why it is hard to be abolished. The emerges of reverse discrimination cases show that there has been conflicts among the cultural values. Either the conflicts of equality values that implies in affirmative action program itself., the equality of opportunity and the equality of outcome, and also the value of equality of outcome with the other cultural values of American societies. The United States has realized that the policy of affirmative action program is not fully perfect. The review-of the affirmative action program has been conducted in the hope that the reverse discrimination will be abolished in the future, and the affirmative action program will be abolished by the same time the practices of discrimination eliminated in United States. Nevertheless, the implementation works very slowly due to the positive consciousness of Americans especially the WASPs towards the discrimination is still weak. This thesis uses the library resources and its research utilizes the qualitative approach. Besides the studies of social and culture are also utilized in order to interpret all related aspects in the case study.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan program affirmative action masyarakat perbatasan pada rekrutmen dan seleksi calon Bintara Polri di Polda Kalimantan Barat dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi proses pelaksanaan affirmative action pada rekrutmen dan seleksi tersebut. Pendekatan penelitian dalam penyusunan tesis ini adalah post positivism dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Teori yang dirujuk untuk menganalisis proses rekrutmen dan seleksi pada tesis ini yaitu teori Phases of Talent Acquisition Management yang dikemukakan oleh Daly (2010) bahwa dalam implementasinya rekrutmen dan seleksi terdapat tiga tahapan yaitu review posisi, screening of candidates dan selection interviews. Sedangkan faktor yang mempengaruhi digunakan teori High Quality Recruitment yang dikemukakan Berman dkk (2016) bahwa terdapat faktor-faktor kunci untuk keberhasilan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi sehingga memiliki tingkat kualitas yang tinggi dengan memperhatikan perspektif pemberi kerja dan perspektif pelamar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan affirmative action sudah diterapkan pada pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon Bintara Polri di Polda Kalimantan Barat namun masih sebatas dititikberatkan pada perlunya diakomodir penduduk asli wilayah perbatasan. Belum dapat menyasar seluruh wilayah yang ditetapkan, selain itu belum terlihat spesifikasi jabatan, kuota yang dibutuhkan dan metode rekrutmen untuk menjaring calon yang berkualitas. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan affirmative action bagi calon peserta wilayah perbatasan pada rekrutmen dan seleksi ini, sebelum pelaksanaan seleksi dilingkungan internal Polri dan Polda Kalimantan Barat menunjukkan kondisi yang mengakomodir keberagaman yang didukung kebijakan terkait, kemauan organisasi pun terlihat untuk merekrut dalam konteks keberagaman dan target yang disasar pun sudah spesifik menyasar ke wilayah perbatasan meskipun belum merata. ......This research aims to analyze the implementation of affirmative action program in border community on recruitment and selection of the Non-Commissioned Officer Candidate for Indonesian National Police in Regional Police of West Kalimantan and factors affecting the process of implementing affirmative action in recruitment and selection. Approach of the research in writing this thesis was post-positivism using the descriptive methodology. Theory referred to analyze recruitment and selection processes in this thesis was a theory of the Phases of Talent Acquisition Management as stated by Daly (2010) in which implementation of recruitment and selection had three stages, namely position review, screening of candidates and selection interview. Meanwhile, for the affecting factors, it used theory of High Quality Recruitment as stated by Berman et al. (2016) in which there are key factors for the success of recruitment and selection processes, thus having high quality by considering perspective of employer and applicant. The research shows the result that affirmative action has been implemented in the implementation of recruitment and selection of Non-Commissioned Officer Candidate for Indonesian National Police in Regional Police of West Kalimantan, but it was still limited on accommodation of indigenous people in border region. It did not yet target the whole region as stipulated, while specifications of position, quota required, and recruitment method for recruiting the quality candidates were not yet shown. In factors affecting the implementation of affirmative action for the candidate from border region in recruitment and selection, before implementation of selection in Indonesian National Police and Regional Police of West Kalimantan, it shows condition accommodating diversity as supported by the related policy, while willingness of the organization is shown in recruitment, in the context that diversity and target focus on the border region, despite not being equal.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oryza Sativa
Abstrak :
Komitmen organisasi saat ini menjadi salah satu fokus terpenting bagi manajemen untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Tindakan afirmatif dapat menjadi strategi yang tepat untuk mencapai komitmen organisasi bagi karyawan. Selain itu, kerjasama tim sebagai faktor signifikan yang mampu mempengaruhi komitmen organisasi diusulkan sebagai variabel mediasi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tindakan afirmatif terhadap komitmen organisasi dengan memediasi kerja tim pegawai tetap Perum LKBN Antara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan survei, menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 582 responden sesuai kriteria sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara tindakan afirmatif terhadap komitmen organisasi, dan kerja tim terhadap komitmen organisasi, serta hubungan positif yang signifikan antara tindakan afirmatif terhadap komitmen organisasi. Kemudian, hasil penelitian juga menyatakan bahwa kerjasama tim secara parsial memediasi pengaruh tindakan afirmatif terhadap komitmen organisasi pegawai tetap Perum LKBN Antara. ...... Organizational commitment is currently one of the most important focuses for management to achieve company goals. Affirmative action can be the right strategy to achieve organizational commitment for employees. In addition, teamwork as a significant factor capable of influencing organizational commitment is proposed as a mediating variable in this study. This study aims to analyze the effect of affirmative action on organizational commitment by mediating the teamwork of permanent employees of Perum LKBN Antara. This study uses a quantitative research approach with data collection techniques using surveys, distributing questionnaires to 582 respondents according to the sample criteria. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The results of his research indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between affirmative action on organizational commitment, and teamwork on organizational commitment, as well as a significant positive relationship between affirmative action on organizational commitment. Then, the research results also state that teamwork partially mediates the effect of affirmative action on the organizational commitment of permanent employees of Perum LKBN Antara.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Less than 30% of psychologists report familiarity with transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) clients' needs. The clients, in turn, report a lack of support in their gender journeys. There is clearly a large gap in knowledge, skill, and competence in this area of practice. This clinical guide aims to fill that gap by providing mental health practitioners with an affirmative approach that emphasizes a collaborative partnership guided by client-driven goals. An expert panel of contributors teaches readers strategies for working with a diverse array of TGNC clients, including adolescents, older adults, parents, and people of color. Client factors, including sexual orientation, religious and spiritual beliefs, and traumatic experiences, are also given special attention. Readers will learn how to address the impact of the injustices TGNC people face in everyday life, work with clients' strengths to enhance their resilience and coping skills, and advocate for their rights to obtain mental and physical health services. Readers will also learn how to negotiate complex issues, such as interdisciplinary care, ethical and legal obligations, and gender-affirming surgeries and medications. The chapter authors draw from evidence-based theories and APA's "Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People (PDF, 462KB)" to help readers meet the latest standards of care
Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association, 2017
616.890 AFF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerapetritis, George
Abstrak :
This book discusses affirmative action or positive discrimination, defined as measures awarding privileges to certain groups that have historically suffered discrimination or have been underrepresented in specific social sectors. The book?s underlying rationale is that one cannot place at the same starting point people who have been treated differently in the past because in this way one merely perpetuates a state of difference and, in turn, social gaps are exaggerated and social cohesion is endangered. Starting out with an introduction on the meaning and typology of affirmative action policies, the book goes on to emphasise the interaction of affirmative action with traditional values of liberal state, such as equality, meritocracy, democracy, justice, liberalism and socialism. It reveals the affirmative action goals from a legal and sociological point of view, examining the remedial, cultural, societal, pedagogical and economy purposes of such action. After applying an institutional narrative of the implementation of affirmative action worldwide, the book explains the jurisprudence on the issue through syntheses and antitheses of structural and material variables, such as the institutional recognition of the policies, the domains of their implementation and their beneficiaries. The book eventually makes an analytical impact assessment following the implementation of affirmative action plans and the judicial response, especially in relation to the conventional human rights doctrine, by establishing a liaison between affirmative action and social and group rights.. The book applies a multi-disciplinary and comparative methodology in order to assess the ethical standing of affirmative action policies, the public interests involved and their effectiveness towards actual equality. In the light of the above analysis, the monograph explains the arguments considering affirmative action as a theology for substantive equality and the arguments treating this policy as anathema for liberalism. A universal discussion currently at its peak.
Switzerland : Springer, 2016
341.763 GER a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gulfan Afero
Abstrak :
Masalah kesamaan kesempatan di Amerika merupakan masalah yang sangat kompleks dan termasuk salah-satu isu utama dalam sejarah Amerika. Masalah kesamaan kesempatan ini berpangkal dari pernyataan Deklarasi Kemerdekaan Amerika yang menyatakan bahwa : We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. (Kami menganggap kebenaran-kebenaran ini muthlak, bahwa semua manusia diciptakan sederajat, bahwa mereka dikaruniai oleh Pencipta mereka hak-hak tertentu yang tidak terpisahkan, bahwa diantaranya ialah hak untuk hidup, kebebasan, dan usaha mencapai kebahagiaan) Kutipan tersebut di atas memperlihatkan adanya keyakinan yang tidak dapat diubah mengenai hakekat dan harkat manusia dan kemanusiaannya yang mencirikan apa yang disebut dengan "Amerika". Identitas Amerika ini bersumber pada pedoman keyakinan yang mendasar dan utama, atau disebut dengan nilai-nilai budaya mendasar Amerika. Generasi-generasi berikutnya mempertahankan pedoman ini dan menggunakannya dalam berbagai kegiatan praktikal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan hidup serta mengembangkannya menjadi suatu pandangan hidup yang utuh dengan menambahkan berbagai nilai-nilai budaya lainnya sebagai pendukung- endukungnya (Suparlan : 1993, 5).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihite, Irma Latifah
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang rendahnya tingkat keterwakilan perempuan dalam parlemen, penyebabnya, implikasinya, dan upaya pemerintah dalam mengatasinya. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa lebih dari setengah penduduk Indonesia adalah perempuan, namun mereka tidak memiliki wakil yang proporsional di parlemen. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh hambatan-hambatan struktural maupun kultural yang menghambat akses perempuan terhadap dunia politik. Kesadaran tentang arti penting perempuan di parlemen telah mulai dibangun melalui kebijakan afirmasi dengan sistem kuota. Melalui kebijakan ini diharapkan partisipasi aktif dari perempuan, sehingga akan didapat keterwakilan yang memadai di parlemen. Namun, dinamika ketatanegaraan yang terjadi kerap kali kontradiktif dengan cita-cita keterwakilan proporsional perempuan. Hasilnya, angka minimal 30% yang ingin dicapai melalui kebijakan afirmasi tidak tercapai dan hanya mampu meraih 18%. Meski tidak dapat dipungkiri, bahwa tercapainya keterwakilan yang proporsional tidak hanya bicara aturan semata tetapi juga kesadaran dan keinginan penuh dari kaum perempuan itu sendiri. Untuk itu, kebijakan afirmasi ini harus diaplikasikan dari hulu ke hilir. Mulai dari pendidikan politik bagi kaum perempuan, pembangunan kesadaran partai politik akan arti penting partisipasi perempuan, sampai dengan jaminan hukum terhadapnya. ......This thesis discusses about the low level of women representation in parliament, causes, implications, and government efforts to overcome them. As we know that more than half of Indonesia's population are women, but they do not have a proportional representative in parliament. This condition is caused by structural and cultural barriers that hinder women's access to politics. Awareness about the importance of women in parliament has begun to be built through affirmative policies with quota systems. This policy is expected to increase active participation of women, so it will get adequate representation in parliament. However, the dynamics of state administration shows in contradiction with the ideals of proportional representation of women. The result, at least 30% figure to be achieved through a policy of affirmation is not reached and only able to reach 18%. Although it is undeniable, that the achievement of proportional representation not only talk about rules but also full consciousness and the appetency of women themselves. Therefore, this affirmation policy should be applied from upstream to downstream. Starting from the political education for women, building awareness of political party about the importance of women political participation, until the legal guarantees against it.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nada Sakinah
Abstrak :
Abstract. The Constitution of Republic of Indonesia guarantees every citizen – without exception – to have the equal right to get a proper occupation and a decent living, for humanity, this means citizens with disabilities have the same right along with others; this research describes the implementation of policies related to recruitment of civil servants, especially where disabled people are involved as applicants. By applying qualitative method, data collection of this research is done through an in-depth interview and supporting data on recruitment process from related institutions. This research had captured problems within recruitment process for disabled people in every aspect of recruitment such as human resources (HR) planning, job analysis, HR formation, HR procurement and portrayed problems that government agencies face to implement the non-discrimination and affirmative action principles to disabled people in their recruitment processes.

Abstrak. UUD RI 1945 menjamin semua warga negara, tanpa terkecuali, memiliki hak yang sama untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang layak dan hidup karena kemanusiaan, termasuk warga penyandang cacat; penelitian ini menggambarkan pelaksanaan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan perekrutan pegawai negeri, terutama dalam kasus penyandang cacat. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan data pendukung dari proses perekrutan instansi terkait. Penelitian ini telah menangkap masalah dalam perekrutan penyandang cacat dalam setiap aspek dari proses perekrutan seperti perencanaan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia (SDM), analisis jabatan, formasi SDM, pengadaan SDM dan menggambarkan masalah yang dihadapi instansi pemerintah untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip non-diskriminasi dan tindakan afirmatif kepada penyandang cacat dalam proses perekrutan mereka.
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jakarta, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hwok-Aun Lee
Abstrak :
The New Economic Policy has transformed Malaysia since 1971. Pro-Bumiputera affirmative action has been intensively pursued and continuously faced pushback. This paper revisits three key junctures in the NEP’s fifty-year history that heightened policy debates—and the ensuing persistent polarization and stalemate in policy discourses. First, at its inception in the early 1970s, despite substantial clarity in its two-pronged poverty alleviation and social restructuring structure, the NEP was marred by gaps and omissions, notably its ambiguity on policy mechanisms and long-term implications, and inordinate emphasis on Bumiputera equity ownership. Broader discourses have imbibed these elements, and they tend to be more selective than systematic in policy critique. Second, during the late 1980s, rousing deliberations on the successor to the NEP settled on a growth-oriented strategy that basically retained the NEP framework and extended ethnicity-driven compromises. Third, since 2010, notions of reform and alternatives to the NEP’s affirmative action program have been propagated, which despite bold proclamations again amount to partial and selective—not comprehensive—change. Affirmative action presently drifts along, with minor modifications and incoherent reform rhetoric stemming from conflation of the NEP’s two prongs. Breaking out of the prevailing polarization and impasse requires a systematic and constructive rethink.
Kyoto : Nakanishi Printing Company, 2022
050 SEAS 11:2 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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