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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ummi Khalimatus Sa`diyah
Thariq al-Bakrie terkenal sebagai seorang sastrawan anak atau `adib al-`aṭfaal, yang banyak menulis cerita-cerita anak. Selain sebagai seorang penulis yang sangat produktif, ia juga aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan dan organisasi yang berhubungan dengan anak. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai unsur badi’ yang terkandung dalam lima cerita anak karya Tariq al-Bakrie. Lima cerita yang menjadi sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah cerita yang berjudul al-Faraasyah, al-Sirru al-Jamiilu, Azuuz al-Fannaan, al-Himaaru al-Mufakkiru wa al-Himaaru al-Syaa’iru, dan al-Shoiyaadu al-Shoghiiru. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis struktural-retoris. Kelima cerita tersebut memiliki unsur retoris yang unik, yang jarang dijumpai dalam cerita-cerita anak pada umumnya. Unsur retoris yang terkandung dalam lima cerita tersebut mencangkup unsur badi’ dan gaya bahasa repetisi atau al-takriir. Hal unik lainnya yang terdapat dalam lima cerita tersebut adalah sulitnya menentukan unsur intrinsik yang dimunculkan Thariq dalam beberapa ceritanya. Keunikan-keunikan tersebut menjadikan cerita menjadi sulit dipahami, sehingga dirasa kurang cocok bila disebut sebagai cerita anak.

Thariq al-Bakrie is well known as a children writer or `adib al-`aṭfaal, who writes many children stories. Other than as a productive writer, he actively participate in various children related activities and organizations too. This research will discuss about badi’ element consist in five children stories by Thariq al-Bakrie. The five stories which will be the primary source in this research are al-Faraasyah, al-Sirru al-Jamiilu, Azuuz al-Fannaan, al-Himaaru al-Mufakkiru wa al-Himaaru al-Syaa’iru, and al-Shoiyaadu al-Shoghiiru. The method used in this this research is analytical-structural-rhetorical method. The five mentioned stories have unique rhetorical element rarely found in common children stories. The rhetorical element consist in the five stories include badi’ element and repetition style or al-takriir. Other unique thing found in the five stories is that it is so hard to determine the intrinsic element appeared in Thariq’s stories. Theses distinctive factors make the story become so elusive that it is not suitable if the story is categorized as a children story."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Al-Suwaidi, Jamal Sanad
Abu Dhabi: Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi, 2018
953.57 ALS u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silmi Sabila Azmi Rosemaladewi
"Industri kosmetik halal mendapat perhatian dan perkembangan yang signifikan. Dalam beberapa tahun ini terjadi peningkatan permintaan produk bersertifikat halal di kalangan konsumen muslim di Uni Emirat Arab. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana aspek budaya mempengaruhi masyarakat Emirat terhadap produk dengan branding Islami dan mengelaborasi faktor-faktor yang mendukung peluang kosmetik halal Indonesia di UEA yang berkaitan dengan strategi Islamic Branding. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tinjauan kepustakaan dan studi media. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan Indonesia memiliki peluang untuk memasarkan produk kosmetik halal dengan strategi branding Islami ke UEA. UEA menjadi pasar yang potensial sebab adanya kedekatan budaya sebagai sesama negara dengan penduduk mayoritas muslim membuat konsumen UEA memilih produk kosmetik bersertifikasi halal. Hal ini membuat kosmetik halal Indonesia memiliki daya tarik dan berperan sebagai alternatif yang jauh lebih aman bagi masyarakat muslim UEA. Tingginya permintaan dan daya beli kosmetik halal, meningkatnya persentase wanita karir dan tren fesyen di Emirat, serta situasi geopolitik UEA dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pintu masuk ke negara tetangga Emirat, baik negara-negara Timur maupun Barat untuk meningkatkan eksposur kosmetik halal Indonesia. Di sisi lain, Indonesia juga telah meningkatkan hubungan bilateralnya dengan UEA, melalui perjanjian UAE–CEPA dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam pameran dagang Internasional di UEA.
......The halal cosmetics industry has gained significant attention and development. In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for halal-certified products among Muslim consumers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This research aims to explore how cultural aspects influence Emirati society's perception of Islamic-branded products and elaborate on the factors supporting the opportunities for Indonesian halal cosmetics in the UAE, particularly related to Islamic branding strategies. The research was conducted through literature review and media studies. Findings of the research indicate that Indonesia has the potential to market halal cosmetics with Islamic branding strategies in the UAE. The UAE presents a promising market due to its cultural proximity as a fellow Muslim-majority country, leading Emirati consumers to prefer halal-certified cosmetic products. This makes Indonesian halal cosmetics appealing and a safer alternative for Muslim communities in the UAE. The high demand and purchasing power for halal cosmetics, the increasing percentage of career women, and fashion trends in the Emirates, along with the stable geopolitical situation, can be utilized as entry points to neighboring countries, both in the East and the West, to increase the exposure of Indonesian halal cosmetics. On the other hand, Indonesia has also strengthened its bilateral relations with the UAE through the UAE-CEPA agreement and active participation in international trade exhibitions in the UAE. These efforts further enhance the potential for expanding the market and winning the hearts of UAE consumers for Indonesian halal cosmetics, leveraging the Islamic branding strategy."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahayu Ningsih
"Export promotion is an important policy for developing country in term of foreign exchange earning. And every country has competed with each other to seize in global market in exporting their products. However, to be a winner in global competition, each country should suitably pose their products in certain market. Besides that, each country should also understand their products position (relative to their competitor) and how competitive their products in that market. This study tries to map Indonesia's product position and its performance in United Arab Emirates (UAE) market during 2001 and 2006 period. Using Boston Consulting Gronp Matrix (BCG Matrix) and Constant Markel Share Analysis (CMSA), this study found that some of Indonesia's products were superior in UAE's market especially for certain kind of textile products, paper and pulp products, automotive and parts, agro industrial products (cocoa butter, coffee, and black tea), certain kind of wood products, jewelry from precious metal, glassware, and miscellaneous products (soaps, shampoos, and pasta). While, some products faced declining in position especially for certain kind of textile products, plastic products, fomilure products.certain kind of footwear, and electronic part and accessories products. Finally, in order to improve Indonesia's export we must apply different strategy for each product depending on its position and its performance in that market."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miura Sekar Nurindra
"Artikel ini membahas tentang pariwisata halal di Uni Emirat Arab (UEA). Negara UEA adalah salah satu anggota Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI) yang mendapat peringkat ke-5 sebagai destinasi pariwisata halal terbaik dunia pada 2019. Sebagai negara di kawasan Timur Tengah, dengan mayoritas penduduk beragama Islam, bukankah kehalalan tidak perlu dinyatakan lagi? Demikian pertanyaan yang mendasari penelitian ini. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif melalui studi pustaka, artikel ini menjelaskan konsep pariwisata halal dalam perspektif UEA, potensi pariwisata yang dikembangkan dan penerapan pariwisata halal di UEA. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori pengembangan pariwisata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep pariwisata halal di UEA merupakan konsep standardisasi pelayanan dan sarana dalam menarik wisatawan muslim mancanegara. Adapun potensi yang dikembangkan adalah warisan kebudayaan Islam dalam kemasan modernitas.
......This article discusses halal tourism in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE is a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which is ranked 5th as the world's best halal tourism destination in 2019. As a country in the Middle East region, with the majority of the population being Muslim, doesn't halal need to be declared again? These are the questions that underlie this research. By using qualitative research through literature study, this article explains the concept of halal tourism in the UAE perspective, the tourism potential that is developed and the application of halal tourism in the UAE. The theory used in this research is the tourism development theory. The results show that the concept of halal tourism in the UAE is a concept of standardization of services and facilities in attracting foreign Muslim tourists. The potential to be developed is Islamic cultural heritage in the packaging of modernity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian utama Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan strategi kompetitif
Emirates dan SkyTeam dalam hal keberlanjutan mereka. Proyek penelitian mencoba untuk
menjawab pertanyaan apakah penerbangan non-aliansi seperti Emirates dapat mempertahankan
posisi kompetitif mereka di pasar tanpa bergabung aliansi maskapai. Kerangka teoritis seperti
berbasis sumber daya view (RBV) dan kemampuan dinamis diterapkan untuk proyek ini.
Tinjauan literatur Bab mengidentifikasi sumber spesifik keunggulan kompetitif yang
berkelanjutan (misalnya kepemimpinan biaya dan diferensiasi). Manfaat utama dan kelemahan
bergabung aliansi maskapai disebutkan di bagian teoritis. Secara khusus, aliansi maskapai
penerbangan memiliki lebih banyak sumber daya yang mereka miliki dan basis pelanggan yang
lebih besar. Hal ini ditemukan bahwa Emirates memiliki model bisnis yang sangat hemat biaya
dan dapat bersaing secara efektif tanpa bergabung aliansi maskapai. Disarankan bahwa peneliti
masa depan di lapangan harus menyelidiki lebih lanjut hipotesis operasional mengenai manfaat
dan kelemahan yang terkait dengan bergabung aliansi penerbangan di industri penerbangan
komersial global

The main research aim of this study is to compare the competitive strategies of Emirates and
SkyTeam in terms of their sustainability. The research project attempts to answer the question
whether non-alliance airlines such as Emirates can sustain their competitive position in the
market without joining airline alliances. Such theoretical frameworks as the resource-based view
(RBV) and dynamic capabilities are applied to this project. The literature review chapter
identifies specific sources of sustainable competitive advantage (e.g. cost leadership and
differentiation). The key benefits and drawbacks of joining airline alliances are mentioned in the
theoretical part. Specifically, alliance airlines have more resources at their disposal and a larger
customer base. It is found that Emirates has a very cost-efficient business model and can
compete effectively without joining airline alliances. It is recommended that future researchers in
the field should further investigate the operational hypotheses concerning the benefits and
drawbacks associated with joining alliance airlines in the global commercial airlines industry"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Safara
"Penelitian ini membahas terkait perbandingan pemaknaan wisatawan Muslim Indonesia terhadap konsep Pariwisata Ramah Muslim atau PRM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan perbedaan dalam pemaknaan dan penerapan konsep PRM antara ke dua negara tersebut menurut perspektif wisatawan Muslim Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari wawancara dan studi literatur. Wawancara dilakukan kepada wisatawan Muslim Indonesia yang pernah berkunjung ke salah satu atau kedua negara ini. Studi literatur dilakukan sebagai sumber informasi tambahan dalam meneliti topik terkait. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu UEA telah terbuka bagi masyarakat dari penjuru dunia di mana mengakibatkan beberapa tempat menyediakan makanan dan minuman non-halal. sehinggaPRM di UEA berperan untuk memfasilitasi kenyamanan warga dan wisatawan Muslim. Jepang telah mengakomodir berbagai kebutuhan wisatawan Muslim, walaupun hanya terdapat di beberapa kota besar dan beberapa titik destinasi yang banyak dikunjungi wisatawan Muslim. Wisatawan Muslim dapat memaklumi hal ini. Oleh karenanya, PRM dinilai sebagai sebuah standarisasi kebutuhan wisatawan Muslim yang menunjang kenyamanan dan keamanan wisatawan, khususnya untuk wisatawan Muslim ketika melakukan perjalanan ke kedua negara tersebut.
......This research discusses a comparison of the meaning of Indonesian Muslim tourists towards the concept of Muslim-Friendly Tourism or PRM. This research aims to identify differences in the meaning and application of the PRM concept between the two countries from the perspective of Indonesian Muslim tourists. This research uses a qualitative approach with the research methods used consisting of interviews and literature studies. Interviews were conducted with Indonesian Muslim tourists who had visited one or both of these countries. Literature studies are carried out as additional sources of information in researching related topics. The results of this research are that the UAE has been open to people from all over the world, which has resulted in several places providing non-halal food and drinks so that PRM in the UAE plays a role in facilitating the comfort of Muslim citizens and tourists. Japan has accommodated various needs of Muslim tourists, even though it is only available in a few big cities and a few destinations visited by many Muslim tourists. Muslim travelers can read this. Therefore, PRM is considered as a standardization of the needs of Muslim tourists which supports the comfort and safety of tourists, especially for Muslim tourists when traveling to these two countries."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library