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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Coorough, Calleen
New York: Harcourt College , 2001
006.7 COO m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palahniuk, Chuck
Abstrak :
Summary: A novel about the apocalyptic marketing possibilities of female pleasure. Sisters will be doing it for themselves. And doing it. And doing it. And doing it some more ... Penny Harrigan is a low-level associate in a big Manhattan law firm with an apartment in Queens and no love life at all. So it comes as a great shock when she finds herself invited to dinner by one C. Linus Maxwell, aka "Climax-Well," a software mega-billionaire and lover of the most gorgeous and accomplished women on earth. After dining at Manhattan's most exclusive restaurant, he whisks Penny off to a hotel suite in Paris, where he proceeds, notebook in hand, to bring her to previously undreamed-of heights of orgasmic pleasure for days on end. What's not to like? This: Penny discovers that she is a test subject for the final development of a line of sex toys to be marketed in a nationwide chain of boutiques called Beautiful You. So potent and effective are these devices that women by the millions line up outside the stores on opening day and then lock themselves in their room with them and stop coming out. Except for batteries. Maxwell's plan for erotically enabled world domination must be stopped. But how?"
London: Jonathan Cape, 2014
813 PAL b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwina Deandra Subroto
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh Experiential Quality, Excitement, Museum Image, dan Experiential satisfaction pada Museum MACAN Jakarta terhadap Revisit Intention. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik sampel non-probability sampling. Hasil penelitian membuktikan adanya pengaruh positif secara signifikan pada keempat dimensi primer Experiential Quality terhadap Experiential Quality. Selain itu, ditemukan adanya pengaruh positif antara experiential quality terhadap excitement, excitement terhadap experiential satisfaction, experiential quality terhadap experiential satisfaction, experiential satisfaction terhadap revisit intention, experiential quality terhadap museum image, serta museum image terhadap experiential satisfaction. Penelitian pun membuktikan pengaruh secara tidak langsung dari Experiential Quality terhadap Revisit Intention yang secara signifikan dimediasi oleh Excitement, Museum Image, dan Experiential satisfaction.
This thesis discusses the influence of Experiential Quality, Excitement, Image Museum, and Experiential satisfaction in the MACAN Jakarta Museum on Revisit Intention. This research is a descriptive study with a non-probability sampling technique sample. The results of this research prove a significant positive effect on the four primary dimensions of Experiential Quality on Experiential Quality. In addition, the researcher found positive effects between experiential quality on excitement, excitement on experiential satisfaction, experiential quality on experiential satisfaction, experiential satisfaction on revisit intention, experiential quality on museum image, and museum image on experiential satisfaction. Research also proves the indirect effect of Experiential Quality on Revisit Intention, which is significantly mediated by Excitement, Museum Image, and Experiential satisfaction.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sembiring, Frans Hendra Suryanta
Abstrak :
Peritel dalam beberapa tahun yang lalu telah menggunakan beberapa dorongan dari lingkungan makro yang telah mengubah landscape dari psalm yang mereka jalankan. Termasuk di dalamnya penyebaran departement store, berkembangnya pusat kota dan munculnya ritel dengan format yang sesuai dengan lifestyle dari konsumen dan munculnya ritel online sebagai platform bare dari ritel yang memberikan kenyamanan iersendiri bagi konsumennya. Sehingga seat ini operasionai ritel secara konvensional tidak lagi menjadi faktor utama dalam mencapai kesuksesan usaha ritel, karena scat ini aspek hiburan dari ritel lebih menjadi kunci sukses dui persaingan di bisnis ritel. Perubahan ini diakibatkan perubahan perilaku konsumen yang Iebih mencerminkan kebutuhan akan hedonic values daripada utility values dari aktifitas berbelanja yang mereka lakukan. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah emosi positif yang dialami saat berbelanja dan pengaruhnya pads kepuasan dan intensi berbelanja ulang. Dalam penelitian ini diuji bagaimana orientasi internal pembelanja (enduring involvement dan motif berbelanja) dan tingkat variabel eksternal (image toko) mengakibatkan kegairahan berbelanja konsumen saat di departement store serta menguji per-an variabel kegairahan berbelanja tersebut sebagai mediator orientasi internal dan eksternal terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan intensi berbelanja ulang. Responden yang dipilih adalah pare karyawan karena merekalah yang menjadi konsumen utama departement store di Jakarta. Tempat penelitian kami adalah PERTAMINA, ASTRA HONDA MOTOR, dan RCTL Jumlah total respondennya adalah 281 orang, dan kuesioner dibentuk berdasarkan multi skala basil penelitian sebelunmya. Seluruh hipotesa yang menghubungkan konstruk model struktural diuji dengan LISREL versi 8.30, dan dari hasilnya diperoleh bahwa seluruh hipotesa diterima. Jadi penelitian ini memberikan dukungan pads pengetahuan bahwa kegairahan berbelanja dapat menjadi mediator bagi pembentukan kepuasan berbelanja dan keinginan berbelanja ulang pads departement store di Jakarta.
Over the years, retailers have been buffeted by a number of macro-environmental forces that have changed the landscape of the industry. These include the spread of department stores, the proliferation of suburban power centers and the lifestyle retailing formats, and the recent arrival of the Internet as an alternative retail platform offering consumers unparalleled convenience. In this environment it is no longer enough for a retailer to operate in a conventional manner by enticiting consumers with broad assortments, low pricing, and extended store hour. The entertainment aspect of retailing or "entartailing," is increasingly being recognized as a key competitive tool. The focus of this research is on the positive emotional experience of shopping that influences on satisfaction and the intention to repatronage behavior. This research examined how a shopper's internal orientation (i.e. enduring involvement and shopping motives) and store level external variable (i.e. store images) affect the excitement of shopping at department stores. A conceptual model of excitement as a mediating variable between selected internal and external factors and shopping outcomes (i.e. satisfaction and repatronage intentions) was build and tested in the context of the Jakarta apparel department store retail industry. Workers were chosen as respondents since they are the primary shoppers at department stores in Jakarta. Our research sites are PERTAMINA, ASTRA HONDA MOTOR, and RCTI. The total respondent are 280 workers, and the questionary develops base on multi-item scales of prior research studies. All hypotheses in the model were tested by using LISREL v.8.30, and from the print out and path diagram were found that all hypotheses are not rejected. So this study provides an encouraging start in understanding the mediating role of shopping excitement for departement store retailing in Jakarta markets.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini secara empiris menguji dampak dari empatdimensi kepribadian merek (sincerity, excitement, competencedan sophistication) pada brand love, store brand loyaltyand positive word of mouth.Sayafokus pada pengecer online di Indonesia. Model yang diusulkan diuji menggunakan pemodelan persamaan struktural (SEM) dari 398 responden yang dikumpulkan. +WOM penting untuk mengurangi biaya pemasaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah empatdimensi brand personalitydan brand lovememiliki dampak positif pada store brand loyaltydanpositive word of mouth. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa tigadari empatdimensi kepribadian merek yaitu sincerity, competence, sophistication memiliki dampak positif pada brand lovedan melalui jalur store brand loyaltyke positif word of mouth. Dua dimensibrand personality yaitu sincerity, excitement berpengaruh secara positif terhadap+ WOM.Pengaruh tigadimensibrand personality pada + WOM karena brand love. Jadi, temuan ini memperkuat pentingnya membangun brand personality danbrand love dalam konteks ritel.
ABSTRACT This research empirically tests the impact of four brand personality dimensions (sincerity, excitement, competence and sophistication) on brand love, store brand loyalty and positive word of mouth. I focused on online retailers in Indonesia. The proposed model is tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) from 398 collected respondents. +WOM is important to reduce marketing costs. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the four dimensions of brand personality and brand love have a positive impact on store brand loyalty and positive word of mouth. The results demonstrated that three of four dimensions of brand personality namely sincerity, competence, sophistication have a positive impact on brand love and through store brand loyalty path to positive word of mouth. Two dimensions of brand personality, namely sincerity, excitement have a positive effect on + WOM. The effect of three dimensions brand personality on +WOM because brand love. So, this finding strengthens the importance of the brand personality brand love construct in the context of retailing.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindy Yanci
Abstrak :
Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, penelitian mengenai brand telah memperoleh perhatian banyak pihak. Hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan brand, seperti brand love dan brand engagement merupakan salah satu hal yang menarik untuk dipelajari lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari brand love, brand image dan brand personality terhadap brand engagement dengan ethnocentrism sebagai faktor moderasi dengan menggunakan studi kasus brand fashion lokal di Indonesia. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah orang-orang yang pernah membeli brand fashion lokal spesifik pada pakaian atau clothing. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Model SEM . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa excitement tidak memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap brand love, dan brand image tidak memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap WOM. Namun, dengan adanya moderasi ethnocentrism maka pengaruh excitement terhadap brand love dan brand image semakin besar. Brand love memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap WOM yang akhirnya menciptakan brand advocacy.
In the last few decades, research on the brand has gained the attention of many parties. Matters related to the brand, such as brand love and brand engagement is one of the interesting things to be studied further. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of brand love, brand image and brand personality on brand engagement with ethnocentrism as a moderating factor by using case studies of local fashion brand in Indonesia. Respondents in this study were people who has ever buy a specific brand of local fashion on clothing. Data processing method used is Structural Equation Model SEM . The results of this study indicate that the excitement does not have a positive influence on brand love and brand image does not have a positive effect on WOM. However, the presence of ethnocentrism moderating the influence of excitement to the brand love and brand image even greater. Brand love to have a positive effect on WOM finally creating brand advocacy.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Graciella Florensa Tani
Abstrak :
Fesyen memiliki kaitan yang luas dengan simbol visual, terutama di era ekonomi digital. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi interaksi antara persepi simbol visual digital dengan kehadiran sosial, kegembiraan kolektif, identitas budaya, dan niat pembelian ulang, serta pengaruh moderasi dari identitas budaya dan melihat perbandingan hasil penelitian pada merek fesyen lokal dan merek fesyen global. Survei dilakukan secara daring terhadap 210 responden yang berdomisili di Indonesia dan memenuhi kriteria. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan PLS-SEM. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa perbedaan tingkat signifikansi antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi merek fesyen lokal dan merek fesyen global. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa persepsi symbol visual digital mempunyai pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap kehadiran social dari kedua merek, diikuti dengan kehadiran social yang mempunyai pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap kegembiraan kolektif dan niat pembelian ulang. ......Fashion has a wide range of connections with visual symbols, especially in the digital economy era. This study explores the interaction between digital visual symbol perception, social presence, collective excitement, cultural identity, and repurchase intention, as well as the moderating effect of cultural identity and compares the research results on local fashion brands and global fashion brands. An online survey was conducted on 210 respondents who reside in Indonesia and meet the criteria. The data obtained were analyzed using PLS-SEM. This study shows that there are several differences in significance levels between the factors that influence local fashion brands and global fashion brands. The study also shows that the perception of digital visual symbols has a significant positive effect on the social presence of both brands, followed by social presence having a significant positive effect on collective excitement and repurchase intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audrie Diandra Satvika
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengaruh persepsi kepribadian merek terhadap preferensi merek, sikap loyalitas merek, dan perilaku word-of-mouth pada restoran Pizza Hut. Penelitian ini melibatkan 210 responden yang meliputi wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling dengan program Lisrel 8.51. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi kepribadian merek pada Pizza Hut yang diukur melalui lima dimensi kepribadian merek, yakni sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, dan ruggedness, memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap preferensi merek, sikap loyalitas merek, serta perilaku word-of-mouth. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin baik persepsi konsumen terhadap kepribadian merek Pizza Hut, maka semakin konsumen memilih Pizza Hut sebagai merek pilihan mereka serta bersikap setia, dan pada akhirnya konsumen cenderung untuk merekomendasikan dan menyampaikan hal-hal yang positif tentang merek Pizza Hut. ......This research is focused on the effects of brand personality perceptions toward brand preference, attitudinal brand loyalty, and word-of-mouth behavior at Pizza Hut restaurant. The study involved 210 respondents covering Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Data processing in this study uses Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL program 8.51. The results of this study indicate that the perception of the brand personality at Pizza Hut as measured by the five dimensions of brand personality, that is sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness, has a positive influence on brand preference, attitudinal brand loyalty, and word-of-mouth behavior. This study shows that the better the consumer perceptions of Pizza Hut brand personality, the more consumers choose Pizza Hut as their preferred brand and be loyal, and ultimately consumers tend to recommend and deliver positive information about Pizza Hut.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library