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Ditemukan 28 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Adi Mulya Ilmi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intrinsic motivation dan ekstrinsic motivation terhadap consumers rsquo; attitude pada iklan video di YouTube. Dimana intrinsic motivation dipengaruhi beberapa variabel independen, yaitu consumers rsquo; innovativeness, dan perceived enjoyment. Sedangkan extrinsic motivation dipengaruhi timeliness, localization, dan personalization. Responden pada penelitian ini mencakup pengguna YouTube yang berdomisili di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi dengan waktu terakhir mengakses YouTube tidak lebih dari 3 tiga bulan yang lalu. Dan responden yang sudah sesuai dengan penelitian ini terkumpul 200 responden, yang kemudian data dari responden tersebut dioleh menggunakan metode SEM Structural Equation Modelling . Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa intrinsic motivation dipengaruhi secara positif oleh variabel independennya consumers rsquo; innovativeness dan perceived enjoyment. Kemudian variabel timeliness dan personalization terbukti berpengaruh positif dengan extrinsic motivation, namun variabel localization terbukti tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap extrinsic motivation. Dan pada penelitian ini terbukti bahwa intrinsic motivation dan extrinsic motivation berpengaruh positif terhadap consumers rsquo; attitude pada iklan video di YouTube, namun intrinsic motivation terbukti lebih kuat mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap consumers rsquo; innovativeness dibandikan extrinsic motivation.
This study was conducted to determine the effect of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation toward consumers rsquo attitude on YouTube rsquo s video ads. Where intrinsic motivation is influenced by some independent variables, such as consumers rsquo innovativeness, and perceived enjoyment. While extrinsic motivation influenced by timeliness, localization, and personalization. The respondents in this study are YouTube users who lived in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi with the last time accessing YouTube is no more than 3 three months ago. And 200 respondents who are in accordance with this study have collected, then data from the respondents were obtained by using SEM Structural Equation Modeling method. The results of this study prove that intrinsic motivation is positively influenced by consumers rsquo innovativeness and perceived enjoyment. Then timeliness and personalization proved to have positive effect with extrinsic motivation, but localization variable proved not to have positive effect on extrinsic motivation. And in this study, it is evident that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation have a positive effect on consumers rsquo attitude to video advertising on YouTube, but intrinsic motivation proved has stronger positive affect to consumers rsquo innovativeness than extrinsic motivation.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Suciati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap motivasi intrinsik karyawan PT XYZ serta program intervensi yang dapat dilakukan. Peneliti melakukan penelitian secara kuantitatif untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut melalui survei dan melakukan training sebagai program intervensi. Partisipan penelitian pada pengambilan data awal (studi 1) adalah 73 karyawan PT XYZ yang berada di empat lokasi di Jakarta. Berdasarkan analisis data dari survei yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh terhadap motivasi intrinsik secara signifikan (F (1, 71) = 69.23, p < .05, R2 = .494). Berdasarkan data tersebut, peneliti menentukan target pelatihan yaitu supervisor yang dinilai bawahannya memiliki kepemimpinan transformasional yang rendah. Adapun supervisor dengan kepemimpinan transformasional rendah yang mengikuti pelatihan berjumlah delapan orang. Setelah program pelatihan dilaksanakan, peneliti melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran. Berdasarkan evaluasi pembelajaran tersebut diketahui bahwa training “lead an effective team†meningkatkan pengetahuan supervisor PT XYZ mengenai kepemimpinan transformasional. Namun setelah satu bulan pelaksanaan pelatihan diperoleh hasil bahwa pelatihan tersebut tidak meningkatkan kepemimpinan transformasional dan motivasi intrinsik secara signifikan. Penelitian ini masih memiliki keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang harus diperbaiki untuk kedepannya. Oleh sebab itu diskusi mengenai keterbatasan dan saran perbaikannya akan dibahas selanjutnya. ...... This research aims to examine the effect of transformational leadership on employees’ intrinsic motivation at PT XYZ and an intervention program that can be done to improve them. In order to achieve these goals, the researcher utilizes the quantitative research method using survey and use training as the intervention program. Participants of the first research are 73 PT XYZ employees’ who are stationed in four locations in Jakarta. Based on the data analysis, the researcher finds that transformational leadership significantly predicts intrinsic motivation of PT XYZ employees’ (F (1, 71) = 69.23, p < .05, R2 = .494). Then, the researcher chooses the supervisors who are perceived having low transformational leadership that attend the training program is eight people. At the end of the training session, the researcher underwent a knowledge evaluation. Based on the evaluation, “lead an effective team†training is found to improve supervisors’ knowledge regarding transformational leadership. Meanwhile, a month post training program, a behavioural evaluation shows that there is no significant improvement on transformational leadership and intrinsic motivation. This research still has some limitations that need to be improved for future research. Thus, discussion regarding those limitations and future recommendations will be discussed later.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmadia Trisia Effendi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi intrinsik dengan intervensi turnover pada karyawan di Divisi X PT ABC serta bentuk intervensi yang sesuai dalam meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik karyawan. Penelitian dilakukan pada 103 orang karyawan. Pengukuran intensi turnover menggunakan kuesioner intensi turnover 2012 dan pengukuran motivasi intrinsik menggunakan subskala interest/enjoymet pada intrinsic motivation inventory 1982 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi intrinsik secara signifikan berkorelasi negatif dengan intensi turnover r = -.51, p < .01 . Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, rancangan intervensi yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik adalah job crafting yang diberikan melalui program workshop. Hasil evaluasi tim SDM mengenai rancangan program intervensi menunjukkan bahwa program intervensi sesuai diterapkan di organisasi.
This study aims to determine relationship of intrinsic motivation and turnover intervention on employees in Division X PT ABC as well as appropriate intervention program to improve employee rsquo s intrinsic motivation. The study was conducted on 103 employees. Measurement of turnover intentions is performed using the turnover intention questionnaire 2012 and intrinsic motivation measurement is performed using interest enjoymet subscale on intrinsic motivation inventory 1982 . The results showed that intrinsic motivation was significantly correlated with turnover intention r .51, p
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Julianti
Abstrak :

Berbagai penelitian sebelumnya menyoroti kreatifitas sebagai komponen utama dalam industri kreatif termasuk televisi. Peningkatan kreatifitas telah menjadi kebutuhan perusahaan pada industri ini. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh motivasi baik instrinsik dan ekstrinsik terhadap kinerja kreatif karyawan perusahaan televisi berita dengan moderasi dari creative self efficacy danreward importance. Hasilnya, ditemukan bahwa kedua variabel tersebut tidak memiliki efek moderasi atas pengaruh motivasi ekstrinsik yakni rewardsterhadap creative performance. Sementara motivasi intrinsik memiliki pengaruh yang tinggi terhadap kinerja kreatif individu. Analisa ini memperkaya penelitian sebelumnya yang menyimpulkan moderasi creative self efficacyhanya terjadi terhadap karyawan yang memiliki high creative self efficacy. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 202 karyawan yang berasal dari tujuh perusahaan televisi berita di Indonesia, termasuk kepada karyawan dari divisi business operation dan business strategic. 



Creativity has been a discussion as creative performance being one of the most important matters in creative industry. Companies tries to improve their creativity as it is a necessity especially for those who enggaged in this industry. Despite the pro cons of reward effectiveness, many companies put reward as their tools to enhanced their employees performance. This study focused on the influence of both instrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the creative performance of news television company employees. Creative self efficacy and reward importance placed as the moderating variable of  extrinsic motivation or rewards. Result found that these two variables did not have a moderating effectthe influence of reward for creative performance, meanwhile intrinsic motivation highly influence individual creative performance. This analysis enriches previous research which conclude that the moderation of creative self efficacy only occurs on employees who have high creative self efficacy ( Malik et al., 2015). The study was conducted on 202 employees of 7 news television companies in Indonesia who worked not just a journalist, but also supporting role such as business operation and business strategic. 

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Maryam Suroso
Abstrak :
Sifat industri hospitality membutuhkan posisi frontline untuk terlibat dalam tantangan sejumlah tugas ketika berinteraksi langsung dalam memberikan pelayanan dari organisasi. Hal ini tidak mengherankan, karena karyawan frontline adalah cerminan perusahaan hospitality, sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan pelayanan konsumen yang berkualitas tinggi dan berhasil menangani masalah serta konsumen yang komplain. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menyelidiki pengaruh intrinsic motivation, polychronicity, work-family conflict terhadap service recovery performance pada karyawan frontline menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling SEM . Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hipotesis diuji menggunakan data yang diambil dari 124 karyawan frontline hotel bintang empat dan bintang lima di Jakarta melalui kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intrinsic motivation tidak memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap work-family conflict, intrinsic motivation memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap service recovery performance, polychronicity tidak memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap work-family conflict tetapi hasil menunjukkan negatif sehingga dapat dikatakan terdapat indikasi bahwa kedua variabel berpengaruh negatif, polychronicity tidak memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap service recovery performance dan work-family conflict tidak memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap service recovery performance.
The nature of the hospitality industry requires frontline position holders to engage in a number of tasks in challenging service encounters of organization. This is not surprising, because frontline employees FLEs are the face of a hospitality firm and are expected to offer high quality customer service and successfully handle customer complaints and problems. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of intrinsic motivation, polychronicity, work family conflict toward service recovery performance of frontline employees using Structural Equation Modeling SEM method. The sampling technique using purposive sampling method. Hypothesis tested using data of 124 frontline employees at four star and five star hotels in Jakarta using questionnaire. The study result showed that intrinsic motivation does not have negatively influence to work family conflict, there is a positive influence between intrinsic motivation and service recovery performance, polychronicity does not have a negative influence on work family conflict but the result show negative so it can be said there is an indication that both variables has a negative effect, polychronicity does not have positively influence to service recovery performance, and work family conflict does not have negatively influence to service recovery performance.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Amira Shofia
Abstrak :
Tuntutan yang berlawanan dapat menimbulkan ketegangan bagi karyawan. Dalam penelitian ini, kami mengusulkan bahwa sumber ketegangan berasal dari tuntutan untuk menghasilkan gagasan baru dan berguna. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana karyawan dapat mengatasi ketegangan melalui paradoks pola pikir. Berdasarkan teori paradoks, teori penentuan nasib sendiri, dan kerangka kerja kreativitas, kami berpendapat bahwa ketika karyawan memiliki pola pikir paradoks, akan meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik mereka untuk menjadi kreatif, yang mengarah ke tingkat kreativitas yang lebih tinggi. Data dari seratus empat puluh lima pasang pemimpin-karyawan dari organisasi yang beroperasi di Belanda dan Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa pola pikir paradoks berhubungan positif dengan motivasi intrinsik karyawan. Namun, hubungan antara motivasi intrinsik dan kreativitas positif, namun tidak signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini menekankan pada pentingnya memiliki pola pikir paradoks bagi karyawan sebagai cara untuk menanggulangi ketegangan di tempat kerja mereka.

ABSTRACT<>br> Competing demands may create tensions for the employees. In this study, we propose that the source of the tensions come from the demands to generate both novel and useful ideas. This research explored how employees can cope with tensions through paradox mindset. Drawing on paradox theory, self determination theory, and the creativity framework, we argue that when employees have paradox mindset, it will increase their intrinsic motivation to be creative, leading to a greater level of creativity. Data from one hundred forty five leader member pairs from organizations operating in Netherlands and Indonesia showed that paradox mindset was positively related to employees rsquo intrinsic motivation. However, the relationship between intrinsic motivation and creativity was positive, but not significant. The result of this study emphasizes the importance of having paradox mindset for the employees to engage with tensions in their workplace.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ristia Rani
Abstrak :
Usaha Kecil dan Menengah UKM di Indonesia memiliki peran penting dalam ekonomi Indonesia. UKM dianggap sebagai pilar ekonomi untuk mencapai kesetaraan dan kesejahteraan. Penelitian sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa keberhasilan UKM tergantung pada kinerjanya. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi intrinsik, work-life balance, dan komitmen afektif memiliki dampak positif terhadap kinerja organisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi intrinsik dan work-life balance terhadap kinerja organisasi dengan mediasi komitmen afektif. Work-life balance telah menjadi topik menarik dalam praktik SDM, namun penelitian mengenai work-life balance pada UKM masih kurang. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui survei menggunakan kuisioner terhadap pemilik UKM di Sulawesi Selatan dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 770. Dalam penelitian ini, motivasi intrinsik dan work-life balance memiliki dampak yang signifikan dan positif terhadap komitmen afektif. Sementara itu, hanya motivasi intrinsik memiliki dampak yang signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja organisasi. Peran komitmen afektif sebagai mediator terbukti untuk kinerja non-finansial. ......Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs in Indonesia have an important role in the Indonesian economy. SMEs are considered as economic pillars to achieve equality and prosperity. Moreover, SMEs have a large contribution to Indonesia 39 s GDP. Previous research suggested that success of SMEs depends on their performance. Previous studies show that intrinsic motivation, work life balance, and affective commitment have a positive impact on organizational performance. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of intrinsic motivation and work life balance on organizational performance with the mediation of affective commitment. Work life balance has become an interesting topic in HR practice, but work life balance research on SMEs is still lacking. Data collection in this study was conducted through a survey using questionnaires to the owners of SMEs in South Sulawesi with the number of respondents as much as 770. In this study, intrinsic motivation and work life balance have a significant and positive impact on affective commitment. Meanwhile, only intrinsic motivation has a significant and positive impact on organizational performance. The role of affective commitment as a proven mediator for non financial performance.Key words SMEs, organizational performance, work life balance, affective commitment, intrinsic motivation.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thoriq Aulia
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi terjadi di sektor perbankan dimana aktivitas transaksi perbankan cukup dilakukan melalui ponsel pintar. Perkembangan tersebut memunculkan jenis bank baru yaitu branchless bank yang tidak memiliki kantor layanan atau cabang. Penelitian ini mencoba meneliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi intrinsik dan kepercayaan seseorang terhadap branchless bank, lalu bagaimana motivasi intrinsik dan kepercayaan mempengaruhi adopsi dan kepuasan pengguna branchless bank, serta dampak yang dirasakan pengguna branchless bank dan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Penelitian ini mengusung model yang diadaptasi dari DeLone & McLean IS Success model. Responden terdiri dari 343 pengguna layanan branchless bank (dari berbagai merek). Analisis dilakukan dengan metode Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) menggunakan aplikasi SmartPLS version 3.0 sebagai alat bantu. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perceived reputation, trust in the internet, dan perceived security berpengaruh terhadap trust. Selain itu perceived enjoyment, curiosity, dan familiarity ditemukan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap intrinsic motivation. Selanjutnya trust, intrinsic motivation ditemukan mendorong penggunaan dan perasaan puas terhadap branchless bank. Penggunaan sendiri juga ditemukan memengaruhi kepuasaan pengguna branchless bank. Lebih lanjut penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna branchless bank memengaruhi time savings, intention to recommend, continuance intention, dan individual performance secara signifikan. Diharapkan penelitian ini mampu memperkaya pengetahuan, memberikan perspektif baru terkait, serta meningkatkan adopsi penggunaan branchless bank khususnya di Indonesia. Selain itu penelitian ini juga dapat digunakan untuk membantu penelitian tentang branchless bank atau bidang-bidang terkait di masa mendatang. ......Technological developments occur in the banking sector where banking transaction activities are sufficiently carried out via smart phones. This development gave rise to a new type of bank, namely a branchless bank that does not have service offices or branches. This study attempts to examine the factors that influence intrinsic motivation and one's trust in branchless banks, then how does intrinsic motivation and trust affect adoption and user satisfaction of branchless banks, as well as the impact felt by branchless bank users and the people around them. This study uses a model adapted from the DeLone & McLean IS Success model. Respondents consisted of 343 users of branchless bank services (from various brands). The analysis was carried out using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method using the SmartPLS version 3.0 application as a tool. This study found that perceived reputation, trust in the internet, and perceived security have an effect on trust. Besides that, perceived enjoyment, curiosity, and familiarity were found to have a significant effect on intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, trust, intrinsic motivation was found to encourage use and feelings of satisfaction with branchless banks. Self-use was also found to affect branchless bank user satisfaction. Furthermore, the use and satisfaction of branchless bank users significantly affect time savings, intention to recommend, continuance intention, and individual performance. It is hoped that this research will be able to enrich knowledge, provide new related perspectives, and increase the adoption of the use of branchless banks, especially in Indonesia. In addition, this research can also be used to assist research on branchless banks or related fields in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alif Herdin Besila
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi terjadi di sektor perbankan dimana aktivitas transaksi perbankan cukup dilakukan melalui ponsel pintar. Perkembangan tersebut memunculkan jenis bank baru yaitu branchless bank yang tidak memiliki kantor layanan atau cabang. Penelitian ini mencoba meneliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi intrinsik dan kepercayaan seseorang terhadap branchless bank, lalu bagaimana motivasi intrinsik dan kepercayaan mempengaruhi adopsi dan kepuasan pengguna branchless bank, serta dampak yang dirasakan pengguna branchless bank dan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Penelitian ini mengusung model yang diadaptasi dari DeLone & McLean IS Success model. Responden terdiri dari 343 pengguna layanan branchless bank (dari berbagai merek). Analisis dilakukan dengan metode Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) menggunakan aplikasi SmartPLS version 3.0 sebagai alat bantu. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perceived reputation, trust in the internet, dan perceived security berpengaruh terhadap trust. Selain itu perceived enjoyment, curiosity, dan familiarity ditemukan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap intrinsic motivation. Selanjutnya trust, intrinsic motivation ditemukan mendorong penggunaan dan perasaan puas terhadap branchless bank. Penggunaan sendiri juga ditemukan memengaruhi kepuasaan pengguna branchless bank. Lebih lanjut penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna branchless bank memengaruhi time savings, intention to recommend, continuance intention, dan individual performance secara signifikan. Diharapkan penelitian ini mampu memperkaya pengetahuan, memberikan perspektif baru terkait, serta meningkatkan adopsi penggunaan branchless bank khususnya di Indonesia. Selain itu penelitian ini juga dapat digunakan untuk membantu penelitian tentang branchless bank atau bidang-bidang terkait di masa mendatang. ......Technological developments occur in the banking sector where banking transaction activities are sufficiently carried out via smart phones. This development gave rise to a new type of bank, namely a branchless bank that does not have service offices or branches. This study attempts to examine the factors that influence intrinsic motivation and one's trust in branchless banks, then how does intrinsic motivation and trust affect adoption and user satisfaction of branchless banks, as well as the impact felt by branchless bank users and the people around them. This study uses a model adapted from the DeLone & McLean IS Success model. Respondents consisted of 343 users of branchless bank services (from various brands). The analysis was carried out using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method using the SmartPLS version 3.0 application as a tool. This study found that perceived reputation, trust in the internet, and perceived security have an effect on trust. Besides that, perceived enjoyment, curiosity, and familiarity were found to have a significant effect on intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, trust, intrinsic motivation was found to encourage use and feelings of satisfaction with branchless banks. Self-use was also found to affect branchless bank user satisfaction. Furthermore, the use and satisfaction of branchless bank users significantly affect time savings, intention to recommend, continuance intention, and individual performance. It is hoped that this research will be able to enrich knowledge, provide new related perspectives, and increase the adoption of the use of branchless banks, especially in Indonesia. In addition, this research can also be used to assist research on branchless banks or related fields in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nelson Fernando
Abstrak :
Mobile banking (m-banking) menjadi layanan perbankan melalui media elektronik yang paling populer dikarenakan adanya peningkatan penggunaan telepon seluler di masa kini. Namun, pengembangan infrastruktur m-banking melibatkan investasi yang cukup besar sehingga penggunaan m-banking oleh nasabah secara berkelanjutan menjadi poin penting bagi bank untuk mendapatkan profitable return on investments dan mempertahankan kelangsungan jangka panjang sistem teknologi perbankan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti pengaruh dari relationship-marketing dan knowledge sharing terhadap penggunaan m-banking secara berkelanjutan dengan peran mediasi customer’s intrinsic motivation. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan two-step procedural approach untuk menguji hipotesis dengan menggunakan 411 sampel nasabah pada sembilan perbankan dengan pengguna aktif m-banking terbanyak di Indonesia. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa relationship-marketing berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap customer’s intrinsic motivation yang dapat mengarahkan pada penggunaan m-banking secara berkelanjutan. Lain halnya dengan knowledge sharing, meskipun berpengaruh secara positif, hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa knowledge-sharing tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap customer’s intrinsic motivation sehingga tidak memiliki pengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap penggunaan m-banking secara berkelanjutan. ......Mobile banking (m-banking) has become the most popular banking service through electronic media due to the increasing use of cellular phones today. However, the development of m-banking infrastructure involves a large investment so that the continuous usage of m-banking by customers is an important point for banks to obtain profitable returns on investments and maintain the long-term viability of the banking technology system. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of relationship-marketing and knowledge sharing on the continuous use of m-banking with the mediating role of customer's intrinsic motivation. This study uses the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method with a two-step procedural approach to test the hypothesis by using a sample of 411 customers in nine banks with the most active m-banking users in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that relationship-marketing has a positive and significant effect on customer's intrinsic motivation which can lead to the sustainable use of m-banking. Meanwhile, knowledge sharing, although it has a positive effect, the results of the study show that knowledge sharing does not have a significant effect on customer's intrinsic motivation so that it does not have an indirect influence on the continuous usage of m-banking.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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