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Ghaathy Najuda
Abstrak :
Industri farmasi merupakan badan usaha yang memiliki izin untuk melakukan kegiatan pembuatan obat atau bahan obat. Industri harus selalu memenuhi persyaratan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik untuk menjamin bahwa obat yang dihasilkannya bermutu, aman, dan efektif. Kualitas obat yang ditawarkan industri kepada pelanggan haruslah kualitas yang baik dengan harga yang terjangkau dan pelayanan yang baik. Di sisi lain industri memerlukan laba untuk dapat melanjutkan aktivitas bisnis perusahaannya dan bertahan di dalam persaingan. Hal tersebut dapat diperoleh dengan melakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan continuous improvement yang memanfaatkan tools Operational Excellence. Pemanfaatan tools Operational Excellence dipilih sebagai topik tugas khusus. Tugas khusus dilakukan terhadap produk yang paling diminati di pasaran yaitu Tablet Flu Berlapis dan Tablet Multivitamin Salut Gula. ...... Pharmaceutical industries is a business entity that has permission to perform activities of producing medicines or medicinal materials. The industry has to fulfill the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice to ensure that the medicines they produce are high quality, safety, and effective. The quality of medicines that industry offers to customers must be good quality with affordable price and good services. On the other hand, industry needs profits to continue its business activities and survive in the competition. This can be achieved by continuous improvement using Operational Excellence tools. The implementation of Operational Excellence tools was chosen as the topic of specific task. Specific task was performed to the products that highly market demand, such as Layered Flu Tablet and Sugar coated Multivitamin Tablet.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Hapsari K.
Abstrak :
Industri Farmasi merupakan suatu badan usaha yang memiliki izin dari Menteri Kesehatan untuk melakukan kegiatan pembuatan obat atau bahan obat yang meliputi pengadaan bahan awal dan bahan pengemas, produksi, pengemasan, pengawasan mutu, dan pemastian mutu sampai diperolehnya obat untuk didistribusikan. Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT. Medifarma Laboratories bertujuan agar mahasiswa PKPA mampu memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab di Industri Farmasi, memahami penerapan CPOB di Industri Farmasi, dan memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi. Selain itu, mahasiswa PKPA juga diberikan tugas khusus yang berjudul Peningkatan Yield pada Tahap Pencetakan Tablet Multilayer Fenilpropanolamin Menggunakan Metode Statistical Process Control di Departemen Produksi. Tugas khusus bertujuan agar mahasiswa PKPA mampu memahami dan mengaplikasikan tools Statistical Process Control (SPC) sebagai salah satu tools dari Operational Excellence pada proses produksi di industri farmasi, meningkatkan yield tablet multilayer Fenilpropanolamin di Departemen Produksi menggunakan metode Statistical Process Control (SPC), serta mengetahui proses apa saja yang harus dilakukan pada saat SPC untuk meningkatkan yield dari proses pencetakan tablet.
Pharmaceutical industry is a business entity that has a licence from the Minister of Health to conduct the manufacture of drugs or excipients which include the procurement of starting materials and packaging materials, production, packaging, quality control, quality assurance, until the distribution of drugs. The internship program was aimed to make students understand the duties and responsibilities, to understand the implementation of GMP, and also the challenges in pharmaceutical industry. In addition, students are also given a special assignment titled Peningkatan Yield pada Tahap Pencetakan Tablet Multilayer Fenilpropanolamin Menggunakan Metode Statistical Process Control di Departemen Produksi. The special assignment was aimed to make students be able to understand the implementation of Statistical Process Control (SPC) as one of Operational Excellence tools in Production Department, to increase the yields of Phenylpropanolamine tablet using Statistical Process Control (SPC), and also to know the process of SPC to increase the yield of Phenylpropanolamine tablet.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Sari Nendhya Susanti
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan persaingan perusahaan penunjang telekomunikasi yang semakin ketat membuat perusahaan harus melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas. Perusahaan penunjang telekomunikasi harus mampu melakukan analisis faktor yang mendukung operational excellence mereka, sehingga perusahaan mampu bersaing dengan kompetitor. Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) digunakan untuk mengetahui keinginan pelanggan dan tindakan yang harus diambil perusahaan untuk memenuhi keinginan pelanggan, faktor teknis keluaran QFD kemudian dilakukan analisis faktor resiko kegagalan, efek dan cara pengendalian dengan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) sehingga perusahaan mampu melakukan maintenance dan melakukan operasional secara optimum. Penelitian ini menghasilkan analisi faktor yang mendukung operational excellence pada perusahaan pengadaan barang/jasa penunjang telekomuniksi bahwa terdapat empat faktor teknis yang memiliki peluang kegagalan yang besar dan perlu dilakukan perhatian lebih yaitu: Faktor teknis beradaptasi pada tren baru dalam strategi operasional dan pemeliharaan, Faktor teknis redesign process bisnis (business processes redesign), Faktor teknis sinkronkan design dengan strategi, dan Faktor teknis membangun Leaders yang tepat dan mampu.
The growing of fierce competition between telecommunication-supporting companies has massively affected these companies in a way that these companies have to keep improving and increasing their qualities. telecommunicationsupporting companies should be able to do the analysis of the factors that support their operational excellence, so that the company will be able to compete with its competitors. Methods of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is used to determine the customers demand and actions to be taken by the company to meet customer demand. Technical factors, as output of the QFD were then analyzed using the method of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in terms of failure risk factors, effects and how to control, therefore the companies will be able to perform maintenance and perform at its optimum operational. The study produced analysis of the factors that support operational excellence in enterprise procurement of goods/services supporting telecommunication. The main concern are the four technical factors with the greatest probability of failure, which are technical factors to adapt to new trends in operational and maintenance strategies, technical factors business processes redesign, technical factors sync with the strategy design, and technical factors leaders establish appropriate and capable
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gamma Rizkina
Abstrak :
Sebagai RS kelas B, RS UI akan menanggung pembiayaan yang cukup tinggi khususnya untuk kebutuhan operational & maintenance ( O&M ). Terlebih lagi rumah sakit pendidikan harus dapat beroperasi secara mandiri tanpa suntikan dana/subsidi dalam jangka waktu 3 tahun, dimana jangka waktu tersebut tidak menjamin bahwa RSUI telah mencapai titik pengembalian. Saat ini pemerintah sedang mengambil langkah dalam hal peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam sektor kesehatan, pemerintah dengan program JKN mewajibkan seluruh fasilitas kesehatan dan rumah sakit baik pemerintah maupun swasta bersinergis dengan BPJS Kesehatan, dimana tarif yang ditetapkan berbasis pada sistem pembiayaan yakni INA-CBG. Hingga saat ini banyak rumah sakit yang harus menambahkan fasilitas kesehatan, obat, alat kesehatan, serta alat penunjang medis lainnya karna peningkatan jumlah peserta BPJS Kesehatan berkembang pesat. Beredarnya isu bahwa terdapat kesenjangan pada klaim yang diberikan pemerintah baik dalam hal biaya maupun waktu pembayaran premi menimbulkan polemik tersendiri bagi stakeholder, termasuk RSUI yang berpotensi mengalami kerugian dalam hal keuangan. Riset ini akan menganalisa perhitungan kebutuhan finansial RS UI dalam perhitungan biaya satuan (unit cost) dengan metode activity based costing, riset ini akan memberikan gambaran bagaimana biaya unit operasional pada rumah sakit kelas B dialokasikan. Pada tujuan tertentu, perhitungan secara sistem ABC dapat digunakan dalam penentuan tarif, analisa dalam pengambilan keputusan, serta dasar pengajuan dana kepada pemerintah.
Qualified as a B class hospital, RSUI will bear the financial burden due to high operational and maintenance cost. Moreover, university hospital shall operate independently without any financial injection/subsidy in 3 years afterwards, while no one guarantee when is the Break Event Point of this hospital. The Government of Indonesia is currently taking steps to improve people welfares by implementing Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional in the healthcare sectors. This program requires every healthcare services to cooperate with BPJS Kesehatan, where each unit cost has assigned by the Government based on INA-CBGs system. Due to the robust growth of participants, many hospitals should enhance the facility such as medical equipments, room expansion, additional beds, and other supporting units. Polemical issues has risen in this sector?s regarding the payment delays and also cost distortion in unit cost claims. This situation has become the concerns of stakeholders, including RSUI that potentially distressed in financial aspect. This research will analyze the calculation of unit cost, and how every cost of operational units need to be allocated based on activity. Goals of this research is to disentangle different levels of cost system design and the drivers in a health care setting that explain this process changing to ABC. For specific purposes, ABC has used to identify a high cost activity, pricing & budgeting model, and as a bargaining tools of financial calculation to the Government as well.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyan Oktavia Rindhu S.R.
Abstrak :
Kegiatan Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengalaman praktis dan meningkatkan pemahaman tentang peran dan tanggung jawab apoteker di industri farmasi. Kegiatan PKP juga memfasilitasi mahasiswa dalam memahami penerapan CPOB dan gambaran nyata permasalahan kefarmasian di industri farmasi. Kegiatan PKP dilaksanakan di PT. Abbott Indonesia, terdiri dari rangkaian kegiatan berupa penjelasan materi, diskusi, peninjauan lapangan, dan pelaksanaan tugas khusus. Tugas khusus yang diberikan selama PKP berjudul Analisis Routing Time Kaplet X sebagai Langkah Awal Penerapan Operational Excellent.
Profession Internship aimed to obtain practical experience and better understanding about roles and responsibilities of pharmacist in pharmaceutical industry. In addition, Profession Internship facilitated the student to understand implementation of CPOB and real representation of pharmacy practice problems in pharmaceutical industry. Profession Internship implemented at PT. Abbott Indonesia, activities consist of description of material, discussion, field visit, and special assignment. The special assignment given during PKP called Analysis of the Caplets X Routing Time as an Initial Step Operational Excellent Implementation.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Itsnanta Muhammad Fauzan
Abstrak :
Pasca merger antara MNO-1 dan MNO-2 menjadi entitas baru 'MNO-M', ada beberapa kewajiban dari pemerintah: Diperlukan untuk membuat pengembalian pita frekuensi 2x5 MHz pada 2,1 GHz, menambahkan situs baru untuk layanan hingga 2025, dan untuk meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan (QoS). Di atas kewajiban tersebut, selama konsolidasi jaringan, ada beberapa tantangan seperti kompleksitas infrastruktur jaringan besar dari MNO-1 &; MNO-2, konsolidasi jaringan harus dilakukan pada jaringan langsung yang berpotensi berdampak pada pengalaman pelanggan, dan banyak situs 3G yang mengharuskan sunset sebagai bagian dari government complianc. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah dengan menganalisis data sekunder dari MNO-M dan review literatur ilmiah sebagai referensi pendukung. Strategi untuk dapat menghadapi tantangan adalah dengan membangun platform dan alat yang akan memberikan visibilitas end-to-end ke jaringan multi-operator.  Makalah ini memperkenalkan konsep dan solusi operasi digital baru bernama DIAMON (Digital Intelligence Automation Multi-Operator Network). DIAMON mengintegrasikan semua Network Elements (NEs) multi-vendor end-to-end dan memberikan visibilitas penuh untuk manajemen operasi jaringan (pemantauan jaringan, manajemen kinerja, kualitas layanan, dan manajemen pengalaman pelanggan). Platform dan alat operasi digital yang kuat melalui DIAMON juga sangat penting dalam mendukung jaringan multi-operator untuk menghadapi tantangan konsolidasi jaringan dan memberikan layanan operasional yang unggul di Indonesia. ......Post-merger between MNO-1 and MNO-2 become new entity 'MNO-M', there are some obligations from government: It is required to make a frequency band return of 2x5 MHz at 2.1 GHz, adding new sites for services until 2025, and to improve its Quality of Service (QoS). On top of those obligations, during the network consolidation, there are some challenges such as big network infrastructure complexity from MNO-1 & MNO-2, network consolidation must be done on the live network which potentially impact to customer experience, and many 3G sites which require to be sunset as part of government compliance. The method that is used in this paper is by analysis secondary data from MNO-M and review of scientific literature as supporting reference. The strategy to be able to face the challenges by building a platform and tool that will provide end-to-end visibility to multi-operator networks.  This paper introduces a new digital operation concept and solution named DIAMON (Digital Intelligence Automation Multi-Operator Network). DIAMON integrates all of Network Elements (NEs) multi-vendor end-to-end and provides full visibility for network operations management (network monitoring, performance management, service quality, and customer experience management). A strong digital operation platform and tool through DIAMON is also very important to support the multi-operator network to face network consolidation challenges and provide excellence operational services in Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wakhid Slamet Ciptono
Abstrak :
This study examines the structural relationships between TQM, Reengineering, Operational Excellence in downstream and upstream sectors, Reformation, and sustainable community development program. A good understanding of how oil and gas industry should integrate mainstreaming the approach to sustainable community development into policymaking. Sustainable community development should be implemented by considering the links between change management trough TQM and reengineering, operational excellence applications, and the real reformation. Recognizing that contributors of reformation (via the amendment of law of the Republic Indonesia No. 22/2001 concerning oil and natural gas) in the sustainable community development is a key component in the Indonesia's economy reform and recovery.

Empirical evidences find that seven causal paths specified in the hypothesized model were found to be positive and statistically significant. Furthermore empirical results suggest that reengineering has positive and significant indirect effect on sustainable community development program through its direct effect on operational excellence in supply chain and reformation. The results is also shows that a complete model fit and the acceptable parameter which indicate the overall parameter are good fit between the hypothesize model and the observed data. By concentrating on a single industry (oil and gas) is that SEM specification of the structural relationship model between six constructs can be more complete and specific because unique characteristics of the oil and gas industry can be included (upstream and downstream activities). Finally, the particular design of the research and the findings suggest that the structural model of the study has a great potential for replication to business as well as public sectors.
Depok: Management Research Center Graduate School of Management FEUI, 2007
330 SEAM 1:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rüttimann, Bruno G.
Abstrak :
This book goes beyond searching for Muda by Gemba walk; the aim is to industrialize the office environment in view of the new digitalization challenge by applying the same principles of Lean industry. Whereas the basic process theory remains valid, the Lean tools have to be adapted and transposed to the office characteristics where not machines but employees are at the center of the transactions. Here, a new, already successfully applied, integrated, industry-derived, and systematic approach is presented. It will not only boost office effectiveness and productivity as well as shortening lead-time of office routines far beyond simple Muda elimination, but it will also prepare the processes in view of the upcoming digitalization era.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library