ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan organizational citizenship behavior antara Generasi X dan Y sebagai generasi yang paling banyak ditemui di dunia kerja saat ini. Menurut Organ (dalam Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman, & Fetter, 1990) organizational citizenship behavior adalah tingkah laku sukarela individu yang mendukung efektivitas perusahaan namun tidak diakui secara eskplisit dalam sistem pemberian reward yang formal. Konstruk ini memiliki lima dimensi, yaitu: altruism, civic virtue, conscientiousness, courtesy dan sportmanship. Data diperoleh dari 212 responden (127 orang Generasi X dan 85 orang Generasi Y) yang mengisi Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale. Hasil perhitungan statistik dengan teknik independent sample t-test menunjukan bahwa skor dimensi consciencetiousness lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada Generasi X (M = 5,70, SD = 0,87) dibandingkan dengan Generasi Y (M = 3,55, SD = 0,89), t(210) = 17,339, p < 0,05, d = 1,10. Penelitian selanjutnya harus menelaah kembali dimensi organizational citizenship behavior yang sesuai dengan budaya Indonesia.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the differencess on organizational citizenship behavior between Generation X and Generation Y, as the biggest generation in workplace now. Theorically, Organ (in Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman, & Fetter, 1990) defines organizational citizenship behavior as individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization. This construct has five dimensions: altruism, civic virtue, conscientiousness, courtesy and sportmanship. There are 212 respondens (85 of Generation X and 127 of Generation Y) that filled out Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale. Independent sample t-test result indicated that Generation X employees had significantly higher score (M = 5,70, SD = 0,87) than Generation Y employees (M = 3,55, SD = 0,89) in conscientiousness, t(210) = 17,339, p < 0,05, d = 1,10. Future study should examine culturaly suitable dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior in Indonesia."