"Most studies on HIV/AIDS revealed that young people
are highly at risk to that epidemic mainly because of their physical,
psychological, social, and economical attributes. AIDS is incurable
but preventable disease. HIV, the virus causes ofAlD.S1 spreads
through unique means and preventable. A significant effort on
preventing HIV/AIDS among young people may come from the
family who generally has big influences over them- and that
influence can last a lifetime. In other words, working with families
as early as possible in young people is lives could help solidify their
healthy behaviors on HIV/AIDS and prevent the risk before it
happens. Yet, studies _found that families in Indonesia have unique
barriers in preventing their teens to escape from the HIV/AIDS
epidemic. This paper aims to explore family barriers in preventing
HIV/AIDS in the context of Indonesia. Qualitative method with in-
depth interview and focus group discussion was employed The
results of the study found at least five cultural barriers faced by
family, (1) cultural constraints, (2) lack of understanding about the
extend of H1 V/A IDS problem; its causes and its solution, (3) lack of
understanding about how to resolve the Hi' V/A IDS problem, (4) lack
of awareness of the HIV/AIDS problem, and (5) lack of support and