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London : Pharmaceutical press, 2011
615.1 PHA (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khafifah Any
Pelayanan farmasi klinik di rumah sakit sebagai salah satu sistem memegang peranan yang cukup penting dalam meningkatkan pelayanan di rumah sakit, terutama dalam pengobatan dan perawatan pasien, baik dilihat dari sudut kepentingan pasien maupun kepentingan rumah sakit sendiri.
Perkembangan layanan farmasi di RSUD Pasar Rebo saat ini menuju pelayanan farmasi klinik yang merupakan suatu pelayanan diberikan oleh apoteker untuk memastikan bahwa pasien menerima dosis optimum dari obat yang tepat untuk kondisi spesifik melalui bentuk sediaan yang rasional dengan interval pemberian yang tepat, mengidentifikasi serta mengatasi masalah interaksi obat, yang bekerjasama dengan petugas kesehatan di rumah sakit terutama dokter dan perawal yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penggunaan obat yang tepat dan aman bagi pasien.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana gambaran pelayanan farmasi klinik yang dilaksanakan di RSUD Pasar Rebo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif, menggunakan design suatu telaah kasus karena hanya melakukan penelaahan terhadap proses yang sedang berjalan. Analisa data dilakukan dengan menelaah data melalui trianggadasi data wawancara, observasi dan data sekunder berupa dokumen, kemudian dianalisis sesuai kebutuhan berdasarkan teori yang berkenaan dengan materi penelitian, pelaksanaan di rumah sakit lain, data di sajikan dengan Cara tekstular dan tabulasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan farmasi klinik di RSUD Pasar Rebo sudah dilaksanakan sebagian antara lain : distribusi obat pasien secara unit dose wawancara sejarah pengobalan pasien, ward round dan diskusi, peninjauan resep, informasi obat dan konseling pasien, dengan keterlibatan dan kerjasama yang baik diantara para petugas seperti dokter, apoteker dan perawat pada pengobatan dan perawatan pasien.
Disimpulkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan pelayanan farmasi klinik di RSUD Pasar Rebo perlunya peningkatan dari komponen input antara lain: SDM, sarana, prosedur dan kebijakan manajernen rumah sakit.
Saran yang diusulkan: perlu ada kebijakan tertu!is dari manajemen RS untuk penggunaan obat rasional, meningkatkan kemampuan klinis dan apoteker RS, perlu peningkatan pengetahuan bagi perawat akan obat-obatan dan informasi tertulis berupa brosur/ leaflet, untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien dan ketepatan dalam minum obat perlu digunakan informasi berupa poster mengenai obat yang umum digunakan.
Diharapkan dengan perkembangan layanan farmasi menuju pelayanan farmasi -klinik di RSUD Pasar Rebo dapat meningkatkan peran apoteker dalam tim pengobatan dan perawatan pasien, yang akhirnya ketepatan dan keamanan obat pasien lebih terjamin.

The Developing of Pharmaceutical Services in RSUD Pasar Rebo is Aiming the Pharmaceutical Clinic ServiceClinical Pharmacy Service in Hospital holds an important role in developing hospital service, especially in treatment and medication to the patients. This can be seen whether from patient's need point of view or hospital's need point of view.
The developing of pharmaceutical services in RSUD Pasar Rebo nowadays is aiming the pharmaceutical clinic service. This service is given by a pharmacist for assuring that the patients get the optimum dose and the right interval of of time for giving the medication, identifying and solving the problem of drug interaction and cooperating with other Health team especially the Physicians and Nurses for improving the use of the right and safe medicienes for the patients.
This research is aimed to get the description of the Clinical Pharmacy's service in RSUD Pasar Rebo. This observation is an analytical description using the design of studying the case that is taking place right now. Data was analyzed by using the interview, observation and secondary data - document - based on the theory that suitable with the research material, practice in other Hospital, data text and table.
The results showed that Clinical Pharmacy Service in RSUD Pasar Rebo has been practiced, and it applied in Unit Dose system, inter view with the patient about his medication's history, ward round with discussion, prescription's controlling, drug information and patient's counseling. This involved cooperation between the Health Team in medication and treatment patients.
The conclusion by developing the components of the service, Manpower, facilities, the system and the regulation of Hospital Management, will develop the Clinical Pharmacy Service in RSUD Pasar Rebo.
The suggestion are a need for written regulation from the Hospital Management for using Rational Drugs, augmenting the clinical capability of Hospital Pharmacist, ad+vance the knowledge of the nurses about drugs and written information such as leaflet or brochures, to increase patient compliance with information such as poster about general medication.
Hopefully, with the developing the system of Clinical Pharmacy Service in RSUD Pasar Rebo can expand the role Pharmacist in a Team of patient's medication.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nur Alfisyahrin
Rumah sakit merupakan salah satu tempat dilakukannya pelayanan medis atau kesehatan bagi
masyarakat. RSPAD Gatot Soebroto merupakan rumah sakit tipe A Pendidikan yang merupakan
rumah sakit rujukan dari rumah sakit dibawahnya. Salah satu faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi
mutu dari rumah sakit adalah pelayanan kefarmasian. Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker yang
dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati ditujukan untuk memahami tugas dan fungsi
apoteker dalam melaksanakan Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit yang meliputi pengelolaan
Sediaan Farmasi dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai, serta pelayanan farmasi klinik. Untuk melakukan
pelayanan kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit, khususnya dalam bidang farmasi klinis maka Apoteker
perlu untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan pengetahuan serta peraturan yang berlaku. Strategi
pengembangan praktek kefarmasian di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto adalah dengan melakukannya
kegiatan penyuluhan rutin terkait obat untuk para tenaga kefarmasian maupun tenaga kesehatan
ABSTRACT The hospital is one place of the medical or health care does for the community. Gatot Soebroto
Hospital is a hospital-type A education which is the referral hospital of other. One of the factors
that greatly affect the quality of the hospital is a pharmaceutical services. Pharmacists Profession
Internship conducted at General Hospital Gatot Soebroto aimed to understand the duties and
functions of pharmacists in carrying out in Hospital Pharmaceutical Services which includes
management of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Materials and Consumables, and clinical
pharmacy services. To perform pharmacy services in hospitals, particularly in the field of clinical
pharmacy, the pharmacist needs to keep learning of developments and valid regulations.
Development strategy in Gatot Soebroto Hospital pharmacy practice is to give a routine
informations related to the pharmaceutical medicine for other pharmacist and other health
;The hospital is one place of the medical or health care does for the community. Gatot Soebroto
Hospital is a hospital-type A education which is the referral hospital of other. One of the factors
that greatly affect the quality of the hospital is a pharmaceutical services. Pharmacists Profession
Internship conducted at General Hospital Gatot Soebroto aimed to understand the duties and
functions of pharmacists in carrying out in Hospital Pharmaceutical Services which includes
management of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Materials and Consumables, and clinical
pharmacy services. To perform pharmacy services in hospitals, particularly in the field of clinical
pharmacy, the pharmacist needs to keep learning of developments and valid regulations.
Development strategy in Gatot Soebroto Hospital pharmacy practice is to give a routine
informations related to the pharmaceutical medicine for other pharmacist and other health
;The hospital is one place of the medical or health care does for the community. Gatot Soebroto
Hospital is a hospital-type A education which is the referral hospital of other. One of the factors
that greatly affect the quality of the hospital is a pharmaceutical services. Pharmacists Profession
Internship conducted at General Hospital Gatot Soebroto aimed to understand the duties and
functions of pharmacists in carrying out in Hospital Pharmaceutical Services which includes
management of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Materials and Consumables, and clinical
pharmacy services. To perform pharmacy services in hospitals, particularly in the field of clinical
pharmacy, the pharmacist needs to keep learning of developments and valid regulations.
Development strategy in Gatot Soebroto Hospital pharmacy practice is to give a routine
informations related to the pharmaceutical medicine for other pharmacist and other health
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Wulandari
"Apotek merupakan salah satu sarana pelayanan kesehatan tempat dimana apoteker melakukan praktik kefarmasian. Praktik kefarmasian yang dilakukan meliputi pembuatan, pengendalian mutu, pengadaan, penyimpanan serta pendistribusian atau penyerahan obat hingga pemberian informasi obat. Fokus pelayanan kefarmasian kini telah mengalami perubahan dari sebelumnya yang berfokus pada obat drug oriented menjadi lebih berfokus pada pasien Patient oriented . Perubahan pada fokus pelayanan kefarmasian ini menuntut profesi apoteker untuk memiliki pengetahuan, kemampuan serta ketrampilan dalam melakukan pelayanan kefarmasian. Salah satu pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek yang dilakukan oleh apoteker adalah melakukan pengkajian resep. Dalam tugas khusus dilakukan pengkajian terhadap resep obat inhalasi yang digunakan dengan nebulizer. Hal ini berguna untuk memastikan bahwa pasien telah mendapatkan pengobatan yang rasional. Untuk dapat melakukan pelayanan kefarmasian yang baik, apoteker harus memiliki pengetahuan serta pengalaman yang cukup. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Apotek Rini, Rawamangun.

Apothecary is one of the health care facilities where a pharmacist do a pharmaceutical practices. Pharmaceutical practices include dispensing, quality control, procurement, storage and distribution or deliver drugs to the patients and give an information about the drugs. The focus of pharmaceutical service now has changed from drug oriented to Patient oriented. This changes lead to pharmacist profession to have great knowledge and skills in providing pharmaceutical services. One of the pharmaceutical services which given by the pharmacists in a pharmacy is prescription analysis. The prescription that has been analized in special assignment is the prescription of inhalation drug which used with nebulizer tools. The aim of prescription analysis is to ensure that the patient received a rational treatment. To be able to perform good pharmaceutical services, a pharmacists must have great knowledge and enough experience. Therefore, conducted Internship of pharmacist profession at Rini Apothecary."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catty Amalia Yaricsha
Apotek merupakan sarana pelayanan kefarmasian tempat apoteker melakukan praktik kefarmasian. Pelaksanaan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 366 bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek serta mendapatkan gambaran secara nyata terhadap tugas dan tanggung jawab yang dilakukan oleh Apoteker di apotek. Melalui Praktik Kerja Profesi ini, mahasiswa dapat menerapkan ilmu yang telah dipelajari dengan melakukan kegiatan pelayanan kefarmasian seperti penyiapan obat, peracikan, pemberian informasi obat, dan konseling. Selain itu melalui tugas khusus, mahasiswa dapat melakukan bagaimana menganalisis resep dan bagaimana menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada. Praktik Kerja Profesi dilakukan selama empat minggu pada bulan April 2017

Pharmacy is one of facilities care unit where pharmacist do pharmacy practice. Implementation of Pharmacist Profession Practices in Apotek Kimia Farma No. 366 was intended to have knowledge and understanding about standard of pharmaceutical care, also to gained insight into the role and responsibilities of pharmacist in pharmacy. Through the internship, students were able to put skills learnt on the degree course into practice through assisting in the dispensing of drugs, give an information about drugs, and patient counseling. Futhermore, a specific assignment has been given to the student to do prescription analysis. The internship was performed for four weeks in April 2017."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catty Amalia Yaricsha
Pelaksanaan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Puskesmas Kecamatan Tambora Jakarta Barat bertujuan untuk memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di Puskesmas serta memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan kefarmasian yang terjadi di Puskesmas. Selain itu melalui tugas khusus, mahasiswa dapat mengetahui salah satu tugas dan fungsi bagian farmasi di Puskesmas, yaitu Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat. Praktik Kerja Profesi dilakukan selama empat minggu pada bulan Maret 2017

The implementation of the Pharmacist Profession Practice at the Tambora Sub district Health Center in West Jakarta aims to understand the role, duties and responsibilities of the pharmacist in Puskesmas as well as to have a real picture of the pharmaceutical problems occurring at the Puskesmas. In addition through special tasks, students can know one of the duties and functions of the pharmacy department at the Puskesmas, the Evaluation of Drug Use. The Profession Practice is conducted for four weeks on March 2017."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alisa Nur Octaviani
"Apotek merupakan suatu sarana pelayanan kefarmasian tempat dilakukan praktik kefarmasian oleh Apoteker. Dalam melakukan pelayanan kefarmasian diperlukan suatu standar pelayanan kefarmasian yang meliputi 2 dua hal yaitu pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai serta pelayanan farmasi klinik. Kegiatan Praktek kerja profesi di Apotek Kimia Farma berguna sebagai sarana pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa dalam mengetahui tugas dan tanggung jawab seorang apoteker di Apotek dari segi teknis kefarmasian seperti pengadaan barang, penerimaan barang, penyimpanan barang hingga penjualan, maupun segi non teknis kefarmasian seperti pencatatan dan pelaporan dimana hal tersebut telah berjalan di Apotek Kimia Farma. Tugas khusus yang diberikan adalah melakukan kajian resep terkait penyakit reumatik dimana hal yang dilakukan adalah mencari resep yang terkait penyakit reumatik yang diterima oleh Apotek Kimia Farma 07 dan melakukan kajian terkait pengkajian administratif, persyaratan kesesuaian farmasetik, persyaratan pertimbangan klinis. Berdasarkan hasil pengkajian resep dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum sudah cukup baik dan sesuai persyaratan.
Pharmacy is a means of pharmaceutical service where pharmaceutical practice is undertaken by the Pharmacist. In performing pharmaceutical services, a pharmacy service standard is required, covering 2 two matters, such as management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices, and medical consumables as well as clinical pharmacy services. Internship at Kimia Farma rsquo s Pharmacy is a way of learning about a pharmacist job description at pharmacy such as Procurement of goods, receipt of goods, storage of goods until the sale, as well as non technical aspects of pharmaceutical such as recording and reporting where it has been running in Pharmacy Kimia Farma. The specific task given is to conduct a prescription study related to rheumatic diseases related to administrative assessment, pharmaceutical conformity requirements, clinical consideration requirements. Based on the results of prescription assessment can be concluded that in general is quite good and in accordance with the requirements. "
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The pharmaceutical services at a dispensary are prescription dispensing , self medication and drug information. Patient's satisfaction is an essential factor in improving medicines sale at dispensary.The objective of survecy is to know the patient's satisfaction who get the prescription service at Kopkar dispensary. Cross sectional study is conducted by collecting data from 100 adult patients who get the prescription service at kopkar dispensary on november2003 by questioner.Respondent are selected bu the systematic random sampling.Data were analyzed by comparing between the perception of reality service and the perception of need service using corelation index.The result of this study are:(1)_ the patients have high satisfaction to the empathy and the cleaning writing room, (2) The patients have moderate satisfaction to the drug service,the cashier service,the drug information,the drug completed, the drug price, the desk in writing room,the fan and air conditioning service and (3) the patients have low satisfaction to the television service."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aida Rumaisha
"Regulasi mengenai standar pelayanan kesehatan di fasilitas-fasilitas kesehatan di Indonesia diperlukan agar para tenaga kesehatan memiliki tolak ukur kualitas pelayanan dalam menangani pasien. Di Indonesia sendiri, fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dibagi menjadi tiga tingkatan berbeda yang tiap fasilitas kesehatan di tiap tingkatan tersebut memiliki tanggung jawab serta wilayah kerjanya masing-masing Puskesmas merupakan salah satu dari fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama dan puskesmas wajib dimiliki oleh setiap kecamatan di Indonesia. Standar untuk Pelayanan kefarmasian di puskesmas tertuang dalam peraturan menteri kesehatan nomor 74 tahun 2016 dimana di dalamnya tertuang tolak ukur apa saja yang wajib dimiliki dan dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan di bidang farmasi. Farmasi klinis atau komunitas memainkan beberapa peran penting yang membutuhkan interaksi langsung dengan pasien. Kepuasan pasien atas pengalamannya mengenai interaksi tersebut akan menciptakan padangan pasien terhadap apoteker dan pelayanan kefarmasian yang dia terima dan merupakan salah satu indikator kualitas layanan kesehatan yang penting karena mencerminkan perbedaan antara realitas pelayanan kesehatan yang diterima pasien dengan kualitas pelayanan yang diharapkan pasien. Secara umum, terdapat beberapa aspek yang dapat menjadi faktor kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan tetapi faktor – faktor tersebut dapat berbeda untuk tiap fasilitas kesehatan. Oleh karena itu, mengetahui faktor-fakto yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Rebo sebagai salah satu fasilitas layanan primer kesehatan sangatlah penting karena dapat membantu untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan, khususnya layanan kefarmasian. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan metode survei. Survei dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner tingkat kepuasan pasien yang mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan nomor 74 tahun 2016 mengenai standar pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas. Kuesioner tersebut diberikan kepada pasien-pasien Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Rebo yang berobat ke poli layanan ISPA dan menggunakan jasa layanan kefarmasian pada shift pagi, yaitu dari jam 08.00 – 14.00 WIB. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa faktor keramahan apoteker mendapatkan nilai tertinggi, yaitu sebesar 69,1%.
...... Regulations regarding health service standards in health facilities in Indonesia are needed so that health workers have benchmarks for the quality of service in treating patients. In Indonesia itself, health service facilities are divided into three different levels where each health facility at each level has responsibilities and their respective work areas. Puskesmas is one of the first level health facilities and puskesmas must be owned by every sub-district in Indonesia. Standards for pharmaceutical services at puskesmas are contained in Minister of Health Regulation number 74 of 2016 which contains benchmarks that must be owned and carried out by health workers in the pharmaceutical sector. Clinical or community pharmacy plays several important roles that require direct interaction with patients. Patient satisfaction with their experience of this interaction will create a patient's view of the pharmacist and the pharmaceutical services he or she receives and is an important indicator of the quality of health services because it reflects the difference between the reality of the health services that patients receive and the quality of service that patients expect. In general, there are several aspects that can be a factor in patient satisfaction with services, but these factors can be different for each health facility. Therefore, knowing the factors that influence patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical services at the Pasar Rebo District Health Center as one of the primary health care facilities is very important because it can help improve the quality of services, especially pharmaceutical services. The research design used was cross sectional with a survey method. The survey was conducted using a patient satisfaction level questionnaire referring to Minister of Health Regulation number 74 of 2016 concerning pharmaceutical service standards at Puskesmas. The questionnaire was given to patients at the Pasar Rebo District Health Center who went to the ISPA polyclinic for treatment and used pharmaceutical services during the morning shift, from 08.00 – 14.00 WIB. The data obtained were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The results obtained are that the pharmacist friendliness factor gets the highest score, which is equal to 69.1%."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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