Keterlibatan akademis orang tua dan Prokrastinasi akademis merupakan faktor-faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi pencapaian akademis seseorang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kedua variabel tersebut. Sampel dalam penelitian ini merupakan mahasiswa yang sedang mengambil program S1 di Universitas Indonesia (N = 201). Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur keterlibatan akademis orang tua adalah alat ukur yang disusun oleh peneliti sesuai dengan keterlibatan akademis orang tua di perguruan tinggi. Sedangkan, alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur prokrastinasi akademis adalah Procrastination Academic Student Scale (PASS) (Solomon & Rothblum, 1984) yang terdiri dari frekuensi prokrastinasi dan persepsi masalah dalam tujuh area akademis. Hasilnya, terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara keterlibatan akademis orang tua dengan prokrastinasi akademis.
Both Academic parental involvement and academic procrastination are all factors that can affect a person's academic achievement. The purpose of this study is to know whether there is a significant correlation between these two variables. The sample in this study is the students who are taking bachelor degree at the University of Indonesia (N = 201). The data were collected by a questionnaire that consist of two instrument to measure academic parental involvement and academic procrastination. The instruments that was used to measure academic parental involvement was a measurement tool developed by researchers according to parental involvement in the academic colleges. Meanwhile, The instruments that was used to measure academic procrastination was PASS (Solomon & Rothblum, 1984) which consists of the frequency of procrastination and the perception of problems in seven academic area. As a result, there is a significant correlation between academic parental involvement with academic procrastination.
Penelitian ini ingin melihat perbedaan prokrastinasi akademik berdasarkan demografi (usia, kelas/angkatan, dan jenis kelamin) mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Perilaku prokrastinasi akademik diukur dengan menggunakan Procrastination Assessment Students Scale (PASS). Partisipan dalam penelititan ini adalah 208 Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia program sarjana (S1). Dari analisis data diketahui bahwa frekuensi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik pada area tugas makalah kelompok cenderung lebih tinggi pada rata-rata mahasiswa daripada mahasiswi UI. Selanjutnya, diketahui bahwa frekuensi perilaku prokrastinasi akademik pada area tugas administratif cenderung lebih tinggi pada rata-rata usia 22 tahun dan 23 tahun daripada usia 20 tahun mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Adapula, perilaku prokrastinasi akademik tugas makalah individual dipersepsikan sebagai suatu masalah, cenderung lebih tinggi pada rata-rata angkatan 2011 daripada angkatan 2010 mahasiswa UI. Terakhir, alasan perilaku prokrastinasi akademik cenderung lebih tinggi pada rata-rata mahasiswi daripada mahasiswa yaitu alasan rendahnya self-esteem dan kesulitan membuat keputusan
This study would like to see the difference of academic procrastination based on demographics (age, grade level/class, and gender) students of Universitas Indonesia. Meanwhile, academic procrastination behavior was measured by using Students Procrastination Assessment Scale (PASS). The participants in this study were 208 undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia. Based on the data analysis was known that the frequency of academic procrastination behavior on writing group a term paper tend to be higher on average Universitas Indonesia male students than female students. Furthermore,it was also known the frequency of academic procrastination behaviour on administrative tasks of students Universitas Indonesia tend to be higher on age average among 22 years old and 23 years old than 20 years old. Beside that, academic procrastination behaviour on writing individual a term paper of students Universitas Indonesia which was perceived as problem, tend to be higher on average grade/class 2011 than 2010. Last, the reason of academic procrastination behaviour tend to be higher on average female students than male students was reason for low self-esteem and difficulties making decisions
Studi ini meneliti hubungan antara intensi untuk prokrastinasi tugas kuliah dengan pemahaman kerentanan terhadap tekanan teman sebaya, serta dengan faktor-faktor dari teori perilaku terencana. Studi ini menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengumpulkan data, empat bagian dari kuesioner menggunakan item dari Ajzen (2006) teori perilaku terencana yaitu Sikap, Norma Subjektif, Persepsi Kendali Perilaku, dan Intensi. Kerentanan terhadap tekanan dari teman sebaya diukur menggunakan item yang diadaptasi oleh Sim & Koh (2003). Dari data, terlihat bahwa ada hubungan positif antara intensi untuk prokrastinasi tugas kuliah dengan sikap dan persepsi kendali perilaku. Sementara itu, intensi untuk prokrastinasi menunjukan hubungan negatif dengan persepsi kerentanan terhadap tekanan teman sebaya. Namun, tidak ditemukan bahwa intensi untuk prokrastinasi tugas kuliah berkaitan dengan norma subjektif. Kesimpulannya, ada beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi intensi untuk prokrastinasi tugas kuliah, yaitu sikap, persepsi kendali perilaku, dan persepsi kerentanan terhadap tekanan dari teman sebaya.
This study examined the relationship of intention to procrastinate on academic assignment at university with perceiving susceptibility to peer pressure and also with the factors from the theory of planned behavior. The study used a questionnaire to collect the data, four sections of the questionnaire were using the items from Ajzen’s (2006) theory of planned behavior which are Attitudes, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Intentions. Susceptibility to peer pressure was measured using the items that were adapted by Sim & Koh (2003). From the data, it shows that there is a positive relationship between the intention to procrastinate on academic assignment with attitudes and perceived behavioral control. On the other hand, the intention to procrastinate is negatively associated with perceived susceptibility of peer pressure. However, it is not found that the intention to procrastinate on academic assignments were associated with subjective norms. In conclusion, there are several factors that can influence the intention to procrastinate on academic assignment, which are attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and perceived susceptibility of peer pressure.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang hubungan antara prokrastinasi akademis dengan tiga jenis goal orientation, yakni mastery orientation, performance approach orientation dan performance avoidance orientation. Prokrastinasi diukur dengan melihat frekuensi menunda serta persepsi individu mengenai seberapa besar dampak prokrastinasi. Pengujian data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis statistika korelasi parsial. Untuk memahami lebih dalam arah hubungan antara goal orientation dengan prokrastinasi akademis, dilakukan pengujian korelasi tambahan antara jenis goal orientation dengan alasan-alasan melakukan prokrastinasi. Penelitian terhadap 208 mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa mastery orientation memiliki hubungan yang signifikan negatif dengan prokrastinasi akademis, sementara performance approach orientation memiliki hubungan yang signifikan positif dengan prokrastinasi. Di sisi lain performance avoidance orientation tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, namun jenis goal orientation ini paling banyak banyak berhubungan positif signifikan dengan alasan melakukan prokrastinasi. Analisa tambahan menunjukkan bahwa jenis goal orientation paling dominan pada responden adalah mastery orientation. Sementara itu ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, perbedaan signifikan hanya ditemukan pada kecenderungan mengadopsi performance avoidance orientation.
This study investigated the relationship between academic procrastination and three types of goal orientation, that are mastery orientation, performance approach orientation and performance avoidance orientation. Two hundred and eight University of Indonesia’s students are participated in this study. Academic procrastination was assessed by the frequency of delays and person’s perception about problems related to the delays. To assess the relationship between those variables, partial correlation is used in this study. Since partial correlation cannot assess the correlation’s direction, additional analysis such as the correlation between goal orientation types and reasons to procrastination is necessary to be done. Mastery orientation was found to be inversely significantly correlated with academic procrastination, while performance orientation was positively correlated with the same variable. Performance avoidance orientation was not significantly correlated with academic procrastination, but this type of goal orientation was found to be correlated with most of procrastination’s reasons. Additional results show that mastery orientation is the most dominant adopted goal orientation. Meanwhile based on gender, the only significant difference in adopting goal orientation was found only in performance avoidance orientation.