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Ditemukan 72 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Muhammad Mahdi Heaveny Noviansyah
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan meningkatnya angka penyimpangan atau pelanggaran anggota Polri baik disiplin, kode etik maupun pidana pada tahun 2022. Jumlah anggota Polri yang melakukan pelanggaran pidana sebanyak 1.281 personel, pelanggaran kode etik sebanyak 1.903 personel dan pelanggaran disiplin sebanyak 3.090 personel. Hasil ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa peran Biro Paminal dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota begitu dominan dalam penegakan hukumnya. Berdasarkan persoalan tersebut, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis bagai penguatan peran ideal dari Biro Paminal dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota di Mabes Polri. Pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah teori peran, teori pembinaan, konsep pembinaan pengamanan internal Polri dan konsep Polri Presisi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan dengan metode pendekatan penelitian lapangan (field research). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Biro Paminal memiliki peran yang besar dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota khususnya terkait dengan peran dalam artian kebijakan, strategi, dan terapi. Meskipun demikian, harus disadari, peran Biro Paminal tidak cukup kuat pada komunikasi dan penyelesaian sengketa. Penguatan peran ideal dari Biro Paminal dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota di Mabes Polri dapat ditempuh melalui Peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas personel, Peningkatan manajemen media, Pengajuan peningkatan struktur kepangkatan, Implementasi Transformasi Pengawasan Polri Presisi yang berbasis teknologi informasi, Peningkatan sinergitas antar fungsi untuk melakukan akselerasi yang berbasis perubahan mind set dan culture set pada pembinaan penyimpangan anggota serta Menjalin kerjasama dengan Univesitas, Lembaga Sertifikasi, Lembaga NAC serta Lembaga sosial untuk meningkatkan kompetensi personel, membangun integritas moral serta komitmen personel dalam pembinaan terhadap penyimpangan anggota.
......This research is motivated by the increasing number of irregularities or violations of members of the National Police both discipline, code of ethics and criminal in 2022. The number of members of the National Police who committed criminal violations was 1,281 personnel, violations of the code of conduct were 1,903 personnel and disciplinary violations were 3,090 personnel. These results also indicate that the role of the Paminal Bureau in fostering member malfeasance is dominant in its law enforcement. Based on these problems, this study is intended to analyze how to strengthen the ideal role of the Paminal Bureau in coaching against member irregularities at the National Police Headquarters. The analysis knife in this study is role theory, coaching theory, the concept of fostering internal security of the National Police and the concept of Precision Police. This type of research is qualitative research with a field research approach method. The results of this study show that the Paminal Bureau has a large role in fostering member deviations, especially related to the role in the sense of policies, strategies, and therapies. However, it must be realized, the role of the Paminal Bureau is not strong enough in communication and dispute resolution. Strengthening the ideal role of the Paminal Bureau in coaching against member deviations at the National Police Headquarters can be achieved through increasing the quantity and quality of personnel, improving media management, proposing to improve the rank structure, implementing the transformation of precision police supervision based on information technology, increasing synergy between functions to accelerate based on changes in mind set and culture set in fostering member deviations and establishing cooperation with Universities, Certification Bodies, NAC Institutions and social institutions to improve personnel competence, build moral integrity and personnel commitment in coaching against member deviations."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Putu Galih Pratiwi
"Artikel ini membahas tentang masalah yang berkaitan dengan peran stakeholder dalam manajemen pelestarian pada Cagar budaya di Provensi Lampung. Masalah tersebut hadir dikarenakana sering terjadinya tumpang tindih kebijakan dalam proses pelaksanaan pengelolaan dan pelestarian Cagar Budaya di Provinsi Lampung. Untuk itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran stakeholder dalam melaksanakan pelestarian pada kedua objek yang memiliki perbedaan status Cagar Budaya dan setelahnya dapat membantu manajemen pengelolaan yang tepat untuk kedua objek di Provinsi Lampung. Metode yang digunakan yaitu teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada para stakeholder. Hasil dari penelitian pada kedua objek Cagar Budaya dan yang diduga Cagar Budaya di Provinsi Lampung yaitu stakeholder sekunder menjadi pengelola dikedua situs. Stakeholder kunci dan stakeholder primer seharusnya turut dalam melakukan pelestarian, namun pada Situs Cagar Budaya hal ini tidak diterapkan. Sedangkan pada objek yang diduga Cagar Budaya, stakeholder kunci dan stakeholder primer telah melakukan perannya.
......This article discusses issues related to the role of stakeholders in conservation management in Cultural Heritage in Lampung Province. This problem is present because of the frequent overlapping of policies in the process of implementing the management and proservation of Cultural Conservation in Lampung Province. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to determine the role of stakeholders in carrying out the preservation of the two objects that have different Cultural Conservation statues and after that can assist the proper management of the two objects in Lampung Province. The method used is qualitative data collection techniques by conducting in-depth interviews with stakeholders. The results of the research on the two objects of Cultural Conservation and the suspected Cultural Conservation in Lampung Province are secondary stakeholders who become managers of both sites. Key stakeholders and primary stakeholders should participate in carrying out conservation, but in Cultural Heritage Sites this is not applied. Meanwhile, in the object that is suspected of being a Cultural Conservation, key stakeholders and primary stakeholders have played their roles.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Wulandari Ratnaningsih
"Kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh perempuan untuk melahirkan, demikian juga dengan keahlian mengurus rumah tangga, telah dijadikan suatu penanda untuk membedakan laki-laki dan perempuan. Hal ini lalu dijadikan alat untuk mengidentifikasi identitas dan pribadi peermpuan sebagai individu. Kapasitas yang dimiliki perempuan terkait dengan peran domestiknya juga sering dikaitkan dengan karakter perempuan yang cenderung tidak kompetitif dan berbagai persepsi lainnya yang bersifat merendahkan. Penilaian ini kemudian dianggap sebagai suatu yang alamiah Dalam hal ini, alam dijadikan alat legitimasi utuk mempertahankan status quo bahwa perempuan itu inferior. Mengingat alam berada di luar kendali manusia, maka tidak ada yang dilakukan untuk mengubah sesuatu yang bersifat alamiah. Kapasitas reproduksi perempuan semakin mendekatkan perempuan dengan peran dan fungsi domestiknya dalam kehidupan rumah tangga dan dijadikan alat untuk menentukan peran dan kedudukan perempuan secara sosial di dalam masyarakat. Skripsi ini membahas masalah identifikasi dan representasi perempuan terkait dengan peran mereka sebagai ibu atau istri dalam suatu relasi domestik khususnya dalam lingkup masyarakat patriarkal.

Womens ability to bear and suckle children, as well as to maintain the household, has been seen as not only marking out their difference from men, but also as generating within women a distinctively female identity and personality. Women_s reproductive capacity is also linked with character traits of nurturance, lack of competitiveness, and so on. Nature is frequently invoked to account for womens difference from men, but also to set up a natural link between bearing a child and bringing up that child. Women_s reproductive capacity, therefore, is seen to determine their proper social roles. Nature in this sense is a powerful legitimating tool for maintaining the status quo. Since nature is outside of human control, this type of argument suggests, there is nothing that can be done to alter it. Thereby motherhood is still largely as a given fact rather than as the possible outcome of specific social processes because it is often seen as a natural outcome of biologically given gender differences. This thesis is concerned with the identification, representation of women with motherhood, with the links made between being a woman and being a mother or a wife doing domestic activities within the household, especially in the male dominated culture."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yekti Wahyuni
This study aims to find out the productive, reproductive and community roles of fisherwomen in Muara Angke, Kecamatan Penjaringan, North Jakarta. The subjects of the study were two fisherwomen who work in the processing of green shells, as owners and as shell-peeler laborer. The study explores womens experience as breadwinners in the marine sector including the experience as a catch fisherwomen. The results showed that the role of fisherwomen in the productive and improvement of the family economy is very real, either directly or indirectly as a fisherwomen or processor of marine products. Three roles of fisherwomen in Muara Angke, sub district Penjaringan, North Jakarta namely productive, reproductive, and social community. The fisherwomen took part in supplementing family income. In addition to performing reproductive roles related to domestic work, fisherwomen also have an active social role in social movements in order to maintain their living spaces and their spheres. The study found the tendency of women to abandon the role of capture fisherwomen when carrying out the role of biological reproduction."
Jakarta: Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan, 2017
305 JP 22:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evita Dwi Saiverda
"Penelitian ini menggambarkan kondisi penurunan fungsi Situ Ria Rio di Jakarta Timur. Situ Ria Rio sebagai salah satu bagian aset perkotaan yang berfungsi untuk mengatasi permasalahan air resapan sebagai area tangkapan air (catchment area), telah berubah dengan makin berkurang luasannya. Penurunan fungsi tersebut yaitu pendangkalan situ akibat digunakannya situ sebagai tempat pembuangan sampah, pembuangan limbah industri dan rumah tangga serta adanya pemukiman liar di sebagian bantaran situ. Faktor aksesibilitas dan neighborhood juga menyebabkan kawasan ini mempunyai land value yang tinggi, sehingga dikhawatirkan untuk kepentingan aktivitas perkotaan akan mendesak lahan situ yang diperuntukkan fungsi kepentingan konservasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan karakteristik penduduk sekitar dengan fungsi Situ Ria Rio Jakarta Timur dan untuk mengkaji pengaruh unsur lokasi terhadap fungsi Situ Ria Rio Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini untuk menguji hipotesis adanya pengaruh penduduk sekitar dan unsur lokasi terhadap fungsi situ. Penekanan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, penyebaran angket (kuesioner) dan observasi langsung. Jumlah responden sebanyak 167 orang yang tersebar di RW 15 Kelurahan Kayu Putih Kecamatan Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur.
Dari analisis data, wawancara, dan pengamatan di lokasi penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi fungsi Situ Ria Rio saat ini dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik pendidikan penduduknya yang sebagian besar rendah, kepadatan penduduk setempat yang tinggi dan tidak tersedianya prasarana dan sarana sanitasi lingkungan yang sesuai untuk suatu Situ. Adapun saran penelitian ini adalah: (1) Perlu strategi khusus untuk menangani permukiman liar di sekitar Situ, dan dampaknya terhadap keberlanjutan fungsi Situ; (2) Perlu adanya pengembangan program sosialisasi manfaat dan fungsi situ; (3) Perlu adanya pendidikan kesadaran menjaga situ bagi para pemukim; serta (4) Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan terhadap fungsi Situ yang dikaitkan dengan unsur-unsur lingkungan fisik (ketinggian, lereng, struktur geologi, run off dan lain-lain), yang pada penelitian ini tidak dianalisis.

This research describes Lake Ria Rio roles degradation in East Jakarta. As city assets, Lake Ria Rio, cannot optimally role as a catchments area and reservoir. It caused of the impact of the mis-use of lake as a trash exile, industry waste, domestic waste, and slummy area. Neighborhood and accessibility factors also attribute this region with high economic land value that will lead to land transformation The objectives of this research are to analyze the relationship between neighborhood characteristics with Lake Ria Rio roles and to study the influence of location aspect against Lake Ria Rio roles.
This research is to examine hypothesis of location aspect and neighborhood influence to the Lake Ria Rio roles. The methods of collecting data are by interview, questioners and observation. There are 167 respondents spread in RW 15 Kayu Putih Sub district, District Pulo Gadung in East Jakarta. Based on data analysis, interview and observation in research object, can be concluded that lower education, highly density community and inavailability of suitable sanitation infrastructure attach to the Lake, nowadays influence the Lake Ria Rio roles. The research suggestion i.e: (1) Design treatment strategy to manage slummy area with land public illegal occupancy and also the impact to the sustainability role of lake. (2) Design socialization program to give information about the benefit and role of lake for the people. (3) Design awareness education to maintain the lake. (4) To follow up the research which more focus to the physically aspect of lake such as height, slope, geology structure, run off, etc., which is not analyzed in this research."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anjani Sekarsari Percaya
"Women worldwide have come a long way in combatting systematic and patriarchal barriers in employment. More and more women are taking on jobs and female labor force participation has reached historical highs in recent years. Mobility studies have pointed out the differences in men and women rsquo s commuting patterns to work as a consequence of gender inequality on employment. This research found that there is a difference in men and womens commute in Indonesia through descriptive and inferential analysis using a modified Multinomial Logit model, using national data from the National Labor Survey SAKERNAS 2017. Moreover, other socio demographic and employment pattern factors were found to influence commuting time. This study concludes that there is a difference in men and womens mobility behavior related to their employment and raises the topic of mobility data limitations in Indonesia.

Perempuan dari seluruh dunia telah berjuang jauh dalam membasmi halangan halangan bersifat sistematis dan patriarkal dalam bekerja. Semakin banyak wanita bekerja dan partisipasi perempuan dalam dunia pekerjaan telah mencapai rekor tertinggi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Studi studi lampau mengenai mobilitas telah menunjukkan perbedaan antara pola mobilitas ulang alik antara laki laki dan perempuan sebagai konsekensi dari ketidaksetaraan antar gender pada dunia pekerjaan. Riset ini menemukan adanya perbedaan antara pola mobilitas ulang alik antara laki laki dan perempuan diIndonesia melalui analisa deskriptif dan inferensial menggunakan Model Multinomial Logit termodifikasi, menggunakan data nasional dari Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional SAKERNAS 2017. Selain dari itu, faktor faktor sosio demografi dan pola pekerjaanlainnya telah ditemukan berpengaruh terhadap durasi waktu ulang alik. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara perilaku mobilitas laki laki dan perempuan yang melibatkan pekerjaan mereka dan memulai pembicaraan mengenai keterbatasan data mobilitas di Indonesia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daffa Al Fiana
"Jakarta yang menjalankan peran ganda beserta faktor faktor pendorong dan penghambat terciptanya work-life balance. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Agustus 2022 - Juli 2023. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan studi literatur yang melibatkan 5 orang informan. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah pertama untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi work-life balance guru perempuan SMAN 1 yang menjalankan peran ganda, kedua untuk mendeskripsikan faktor pendorong dan penghambat tercapainya work-life balance. Penelitian ini memiliki manfaat penelitian untuk ilmu kesejahteraan sosial mengenai bahasan well being pekerja yang termasuk kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya perbedaan mengenai kondisi work-life balance dari keempat informan, 3 diantaranya berpandangan belum memiliki work-life balace yang baik. Hal ini disebabkan faktor kehidupan pekerjaan yang berat ditambahan faktor luar pekerjaan dimana ketiga informan masih memiliki anak balita-kanak kanak sehingga terjadinya kelekatan. Kondisi tersebut berbeda dengan satu informan yang menyatakn bahwa memiliki pandangan memiliki work-life balance yang baik hal tersebut dikarenakan informan memiliki kontrol personal terhadap pekerjaannya disisi lain informan memiliki anak yang berada di fase kanak-kanak akhir. Dari penelitian ini juga dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat faktor pendorong dan penghambat. Dari lingkup organisasi memiiliki rekan kerja yang suportif dan lingkungan kerja yang baik, adapun faktor pendorong lingkup rumah yakni pasangan yang suportif, orang tua yang turut membantu dan adanya asisten rumah tangga sedangkan faktor penghambat yang ditemukan hanya berasal dari lingkup pekerjaan yakni adanya perubahan sistem penerimaan siswa baru dan adanya kasus khusus pada peserta didik. Sementara itu ditemukan faktor pendorong dari individu yakni kontrol personal dan orientasi untuk bekerja.
......This research describes the work-life balance conditions of female teachers at SMAN 1 Jakarta who have dual roles, along with the factors that promote and hinder the achievement of work-life balance. The research was conducted from August 2022 to July 2023. Data collection was done through interviews and literature study involving 5 informants. The objectives of this research are, firstly, to describe the work-life balance conditions of female teachers at SMAN 1 who have dual roles, and secondly, to describe the factors that promote and hinder the achievement of work-life balance. This research has research benefits for the social welfare field regarding the well-being of workers, including health and occupational safety. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that there are differences in work-life balance conditions among the four informants, with 3 of them expressing that they do not yet have a good work-life balance. This is due to the heavy work demands combined with external factors, as the three informants still have young children, resulting in attachment. This condition differs from one informant who stated that she has a positive view of having a good work-life balance, which is due to having personal control over her work, while also having a child in the late childhood phase. The research also revealed the presence of promoting and hindering factors. Within the organizational scope, supportive colleagues and a favorable work environment are promoting factors, while within the household scope, a supportive spouse, involved parents, and the presence of a household assistant are promoting factors. The hindering factors identified were related to the work domain, such as changes in the new student admission system and specific cases involving students. Meanwhile, personal factors such as personal control and work orientation were found to be promoting factors."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012
309 TAK
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Indah Kinarsi
Tesis ini membahas peran Penilai PBB sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku, persepsi atas peran Penilai PBB setelah pengalihan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Sektor Pedasaan dan Perkotaan (PBB P2) ke pemerintah daerah, peran aktual Peniilai PBB, dan upaya untuk meningkatkan peran Penilai PBB. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan data diperoleh dari wawancara dengan Dirjen Pajak dan institusi terkait lainnya. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa peran yang masih dilakukan Penilai PBB setelah pengalihan PBB P2 adalah pelatihan, asistensi, keberatan, dan banding. Penilai PBB melakukan peran-peran tambahan seperti penilaian properti, penilaian bisnis, penilaian dukungan terkait PPh Pasal 4 ayat 2, dan penilaian transfer pricing, Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan agar melakukan upaya peningkatan peran Penilai PBB seperti membuat Standar Kompetensi dan Jenjang Kompetensi, membuat diklat spesialisasi, memperbaharui uraian jabatan dan Standard Operating Procedures.

This script describesProperty Tax Functional Employee?s prescribed roles, perceived roles, actual roles, and efforts needed in empowering the roles. This study uses a qualitative approach where the data comes from in-depth interview on Directorate General on Taxes and related agencies.
Based on the results, this study concludes that the Property Tax Functional Employee roles after transition were training, assistance, objection, and appeal, besides carry outextra roles such asproperty andbusiness valuation, supporting valuation forImcome Taxes Article 4 Subsection 2, and valuation of assets in transfer pricing, Study results suggest empowering effort such as establish Competency Standard, Competency Stages, specialization training, updating position description and Standard Operating Procedures.;This script describesProperty Tax Functional Employee?s prescribed roles, perceived roles, actual roles, and efforts needed in empowering the roles. This study uses a qualitative approach where the data comes from in-depth interview on Directorate General on Taxes and related agencies.
Based on the results, this study concludes that the Property Tax Functional Employee roles after transition were training, assistance, objection, and appeal, besides carry outextra roles such asproperty andbusiness valuation, supporting valuation forImcome Taxes Article 4 Subsection 2, and valuation of assets in transfer pricing, Study results suggest empowering effort such as establish Competency Standard, Competency Stages, specialization training, updating position description and Standard Operating Procedures.;This script describesProperty Tax Functional Employee?s prescribed roles, perceived roles, actual roles, and efforts needed in empowering the roles. This study uses a qualitative approach where the data comes from in-depth interview on Directorate General on Taxes and related agencies.
Based on the results, this study concludes that the Property Tax Functional Employee roles after transition were training, assistance, objection, and appeal, besides carry outextra roles such asproperty andbusiness valuation, supporting valuation forImcome Taxes Article 4 Subsection 2, and valuation of assets in transfer pricing, Study results suggest empowering effort such as establish Competency Standard, Competency Stages, specialization training, updating position description and Standard Operating Procedures.;This script describesProperty Tax Functional Employee’s prescribed roles, perceived roles, actual roles, and efforts needed in empowering the roles. This study uses a qualitative approach where the data comes from in-depth interview on Directorate General on Taxes and related agencies.
Based on the results, this study concludes that the Property Tax Functional Employee roles after transition were training, assistance, objection, and appeal, besides carry outextra roles such asproperty andbusiness valuation, supporting valuation forImcome Taxes Article 4 Subsection 2, and valuation of assets in transfer pricing, Study results suggest empowering effort such as establish Competency Standard, Competency Stages, specialization training, updating position description and Standard Operating Procedures., This script describesProperty Tax Functional Employee’s prescribed roles, perceived roles, actual roles, and efforts needed in empowering the roles. This study uses a qualitative approach where the data comes from in-depth interview on Directorate General on Taxes and related agencies.
Based on the results, this study concludes that the Property Tax Functional Employee roles after transition were training, assistance, objection, and appeal, besides carry outextra roles such asproperty andbusiness valuation, supporting valuation forImcome Taxes Article 4 Subsection 2, and valuation of assets in transfer pricing, Study results suggest empowering effort such as establish Competency Standard, Competency Stages, specialization training, updating position description and Standard Operating Procedures.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Fajri Vidi Astuti
"Penelitian ini akan menjelaskan mengenai bagaimana komunitas masyarakat sipil dalam pengawalan kebijakan yang menjalankan peran enabling, coordinating, dan change facilitating. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi kasus pengawalan Komunitas Peduli Sungai Cileungsi – Cikeas (KP2C) terhadap Peraturan Daerah Kota Bekasi Nomor 07 Tahun 2007 tentang Izin Pembuangan Limbah Cair, khususnya mengenai fenomena pencemaran Kali Bekasi yang terjadi tahun 2016 – 2019. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa melalui peran enabling, coordinating, dan change facilitating yang dilaksanakan oleh KP2C sebagai komunitas masyarakat sipil ternyata memiliki pengaruh dalam meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat sipil untuk mengawal Peraturan Daerah Nomor 07 Tahun 2007 tentang Izin Pembuangan Limbah Cair, meskipun KP2C masih memiliki kendala dalam hal penegakan hukum terhadap industri-industri yang melanggar. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa masyarakat sipil juga menjadi aktor yang bisa diperhitungkan dalam pengawalan kebijakan selain dari political maupun business society. Ditemukan pula dalam penelitian ini bahwa pada tingkat lokal, hubungan komunitas masyarakat sipil dengan pemerintah tidak selalu dalam model oposisi, namun juga dapat bersifat cooperation dan menjadi mitra dari pemerintah dalam menangani pencemaran Kali Bekasi tahun 2016 – 2019.
......This research will explain about civil society community in escorting the policies that carry out the role of enabling, coordinating, and change facilitating. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study of Komunitas Peduli Sungai Cileungsi – Cikeas (KP2C) in conducting escort to the Bekasi City Regional Regulation Number 07 of 2007 concerning Permit for Liquid Waste Disposal, specifically regarding to the Bekasi River pollution phenomenon that occurred in 2016 - 2019. The purpose of this study is to show that through the role of enabling, coordinating, and change facilitating carried out by KP2C as a civil society community, it turns out that KP2C also has an influence in increasing civil society participation in guarding Regional Regulation Number 07 of 2007 concerning Permit for Liquid Waste Disposal, even though KP2C still has problems in terms of law enforcement against violating industries. It was also found in this study that at the local level, the relationship between the civil society community and the government is not always in the opposition model, but also can be cooperative in nature and become a partner of the government in dealing with the pollution of Bekasi River in 2016 - 2019."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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