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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sry Wahyuni Thalib H. Hasan
Abstrak :
Stigma dan ekspresi emosi yang terjadi pada keluarga yang memiliki anggota keluarga menderita gangguan jiwa dengan pemasungan merupakan kejadian yang traumatik. Keluarga menunjukan perubahan perilaku dengan menarik diri dari hubungan dengan klien dan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap stigma dan ekspresi emosi dari keluarga yang memiliki anggota keluarga menderita gangguan jiwa dengan pemasungan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental pre-post-test with control group. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 44 keluarga yang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok. Kelompok intervensi berjumlah 22 keluarga diberikan terapi suportif dan pendidikan kesehatan, sedangkan kelompok kontrol berjumlah 22 keluarga diberikan pendidikan kesehatan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner kemudian dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat. Analisa univariat menggunakan tendensi sentral dan distribusi frekuensi. Analisa bivariat menggunakan Paired T Test dan Independent T Test untuk data yang terdistribusi normal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan terapi suportif dan pendidikan kesehatan berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap stigma dan ekspresi emosi dari keluarga yang memiliki anggota keluarga menderita gangguan jiwa dengan pemasungan. Terapi suportif dan pendidikan kesehatan direkomendasikan dalam menurunkan stigma dan ekpresi emosi pada keluarga yang memiliki anggota keluarga menderita gangguan jiwa dengan pemasungan. ......Stigma and emotional expression that occur in families whose family members suffer from mental disorders with pemasungan is a traumatic experience. Families exhibit behavioral changes by withdrawing from relationships with clients and society. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supportive therapy on stigma and emotional expression of families whose family members suffer from mental disorders with pemasungan. The research design used in this study was a quasi-experimental pre-posttest with control group. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with a sample of 44 families divided into 2 groups. The intervention group, which consisted of 22 families, was given supportive therapy and health education, while the control group, which consisted of 22 families, was given health education. Collecting data using questionnaires and then analyzed by univariate and bivariate. Univariate analysis using central tendency and frequency distribution. Bivariate analysis using Paired T Test and Independent T Test for normally distributed data. The results of this study indicate that supportive therapy and health education have a significant effect on stigma and emotional expression of families whose family members suffer from mental disorders with pemasungan. Supportive therapy and health education are recommended in reducing stigma and emotional expression in families whose family members suffer from mental disorders with pemasungan.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Angka kejadian angka kejadian perundungan kerap terjadi di lingkungan pendidikan sekolah atau Pondok Pesantren semakin meningkat secara global, termasuk di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi suportif (TS) terhadap Postraumatic Growth pada remaja korban perundungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperimental dengan jumlah sampel 66 orang yang dibagi menjadi 33 remaja dalam kelompok intervensi yang mendapatkan terapi suportif dan 33 remaja dalam kelompok kontrol yang tidak mendapatkan intervensi terapi suportif . Uji analisis yang digunakan yaitu dependent t-test dan independent t-test. Hasil uji analisis dependent t-test menunjukkan pemberian intervensi terapi suportif dapat meningkatkan nilai Postraumatic Growth dari dari 10,30 (kategori rendah) menjadi 21,52 (kategori tinggi) terdapat pengaruh secara bermakna (p-value < 0,05) dengan selisih sebesar 11,212). sedangkan hasil uji analisis independent t-test menunjukan nilai Postraumatic Growth pada kelompok yang mendapatkan intervensi terapi suportif sebesar 21,52 dan 11,64 pada kelompok yang tidak mendapatkan tindakan intervensi terapi suportif dengan selisih sebesar 9,879. Hal ini berarti bahwa terdapat perbedaan Postraumatic Growth secara bermakna (p-value < 0,05). Bedasarkan hasil penelitian pengaruh terapi suportif maka terapi suportif direkomendasikan pada remaja Postraumatic Growth untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah pada remaja korban perundungan. ......The number of incidents of bullying that often occur in the educational environment of schools or Islamic boarding schools is increasing globally, including in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supportive therapy (TS) on posttrauma growth in adolescent victims of bullying. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a sample size of 66 people who were divided into 33 adolescents in the intervention group who received supportive therapy and 33 adolescents in the control group who did not receive supportive therapy. The analytical test used is the dependent t-test and independent t-test. The results of the dependent t-test analysis showed that giving supportive therapy interventions could increase the value of posttrauma growth from 10.30 (low category) to 21.52 (high category). There was a significant effect (p-value <0.05) with a difference of 11.212). while the results of the independent t-test analysis showed that the posttrauma growth value in the group that received supportive therapy intervention was 21.52 and 11.64 in the group that did not receive supportive therapy intervention with a difference of 9.879. This means that there is a significant difference in posttrauma growth (p-value <0.05). Based on the results of research on the effect of supportive therapy, supportive therapy is recommended for post-traumatic growth adolescents to improve the ability to solve problems in adolescent victims of bullying
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Atun Wahyuningsih
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap kemampuan keluarga merawat klien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisa di Rumah Sakit PELNI Jakarta. Disain penelitian adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain pre-post design with control group. Data diambil sebelum dan sesudah pemberian terapi suportif. Sampel penelitian diperoleh secara consequtive sampling berjumlah 45 untuk kelompok intervensi dan 45 kelompok control yang memenuhi criteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan perbedaan signifikan skor kemampuan merawat setelah dilakukan Terapi Suportif. Terdapat peningkatan yang bermakna pada kemampuan kognitif sebesar 4,84, afektif 4,4 dan kemampuan psikomotor sebesar 5,98 dibandingkan yang tidak mendapatkan terapi suportif pada kelompok control (p =α). Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah agar dapat dilakukan terus menerus di Ruang Hemodialisa Rumah Sakit PELNI Jakarta dan dapat mengupayakan terapi spesialistik guna memberikan pelayanan keperawatan yang komprehensip. ......The aim of this research is to know about the impact of supportive therapy on family ability against GGK client during hemodyialisys care on PELNI Hospital Jakarta. Research method is the experiment quation by designing pre-post design with control group. The data were taken before and after giving supportive therapy. The experiment samples are gotten by 45 consequtive sampling for intervention group and 45 control group. The experiment result found that there are significant increasing on cognitive capability about 4.84, affective 4,4 and psychomotor capability about 5,98 with compared to non supportive therapy on control group (p value=0.000). This research recommended to Hemodialisys room in Pelni Hospital Jakarta is able to manage specific therapy for comprehensive nursing service.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Fitria
Abstrak :
Orang dengan gangguan jiwa (ODGJ) akan mengalami perubahan pada aspek emosi, perilaku, kemampuan berpikir serta kemampuan dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain. ODGJ membutuhkan orang lain dalam membantu memenuhi kebutuhan yang disebut dengan caregiver. Proses pengobatan dan perawatan yang dilakukan membutuhkan waktu yang panjang, sehingga dapat menyebabkan munculnya caregiver strain. Munculnya caregiver strain dapat menyebabkan kegagalan dalam merawat klien dan juga muncul masalah psikologis pada caregiver. Caregiver strain menyebabkan psychological well-being caregiver menurun. Beberapa program yang ada seperti psikoedukasi keluarga (PEK) dan terapi suportif (TS) yang diberikan saat ini oleh pelayanan kesehatan dibuat sama rata, tanpa mempertimbangkan caregiver strain yang ada, sehingga belum jelas mengukur peningkatan psychological well-being pada caregiver. Karya ilmiah akhir spesialis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh PEK dan TS terhadap caregiver strain dan psychological well-being. Pendekatan dalam karya ilmiah akhir ini menggunakan case studies dengan caregiver sebanyak lima orang dengan dilakukan pengukuran pre-post test. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah modified caregiver strain index (MCSI) dan psychological well-being scale (PWBS). Hasil menunjukkan terjadi penurunan caregiver strain dan peningkatan psychological well-being yang lebih optimal setelah diberikan tindakan keperawatan Ners, PEK dan TS. Pemberian Tindakan Keperawatan Ners ditambah dengan dengan PEK dan TS berdasarkan caregiverstrain dan pengukuran psychological well-being direkomendasikan sebagai salah satu paket terapi untuk koping caregiver.
People with mental disorders (PWMD) have many abilities changing aspects such as cognitive, emotion, behaviour and in relationships with others. PWMD needs other people to fulfill the needs called caregivers. The process of medication and care requires a long period, so it can cause strain for caregivers. The Caregiver strain can cause failure in caring for clients and also overcome psychological problems in caregivers. Caregivers strain cause reducing caregiver psychological well-being. Efforts to improve psychological well-being and reduce the strain of caregivers are needed. Family psychoeducation (FPE) and supportive therapy (ST) given today by health services are made equal to all caregiver, without considering the existing strain of caregivers, so it is not clear to measure the increase in psychological well-being of caregivers. Related to this final scientific work to study the effect of FPE and ST on caregiver strain and psychological well-being. The research approach used in this study was case series a case study with five caregivers with pre-post test measurement used are strain caregivers (MCSI) and psychological well-being scale (PWBS). The results showed a decrease in the caregiver strain and a more optimal psychological improvement after FPE and ST were given. Nursing care, psychoeducation therapy based on caregiver strain and supportive therapy were recommended as a therapy packages for coping caregivers to reduce caregiver strain and improve psychological well-being.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Yulvi Azni
Abstrak :
Gastritis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Helicobacter Pylori, pola makan tidak teratur, kebiasaan hidup yang buruk, stimulasi makanan, dan stres yang berlebihan. Masalah psikososial yang sering menyertai gastritis adalah ansietas dan ketidakefektifan koping individu. Kedua masalah ini perlu mendapatkan intervensi keperawatan, salah satunya dengan terapi suportif. Tujuan karya ilmiah ini untuk memberikan gambaran penerapan terapi suportif pada 20 klien gastritis dengan masalah ansietas dan ketidakefektifan koping individu berbasis komunitas menggunakan pendekatan Teori Interpersonal Peplau. Terapi suportif diberikan kepada 3 kelompok klien dewasa (setiap kelompok terdiri dari 6-7 individu). Intervensi diberikan sebanyak 4 pertemuan dari mulai 30 Maret sampai 28 April dengan rata-rata pertemuan 45-60 menit. Hasil pengukuran pre dan post menunjukkan pemberian terapi suportif pada klien gastritis dengan pendekatan Teori Interpersonal Peplau dapat menurunkan tanda dan gejala koping individu khususnya pada tanda gejala afektif 95%. Perubahan afektif terjadi dikarenakan selama proses terapi suportif klien diberi kesempatan yang sama untuk mengungkapkan perasaan dan pengalaman yang dialami, serta bisa saling sharing dan diskusi yang terdapat pada fase eksploitasi. Terapi suportif direkomendasikan dilakukan oleh perawat spesialis jiwa untuk meningkatkan koping individu klien gastritis dan Teori Peplau sebagai peningkatan dalam proses interpersonal yang terapeutik dalam keperawatan jiwa.ildren with ASD. Method: The design of this study was a pre-post test analysis. The subjects are children aged 6-10 years who had been diagnosed as GSA by a pediatric neurology consultant and attended the Anakku Clinic Check My Child (CMC) Kayu Putih, Anakku Clinic BSD Serpong, Pondok Pinang, Depok, Bekasi, as well as Anakku Pulomas School within period of April until June 2023. The sampling method was consecutive sampling method. It required total of 33 subjects for 80% power, 5% significance level, 1 point of effect size along with pre-estimated 20% drop out. Firstly, we formulated an animation video-modeling of bathing activity along with its checklist evaluation instrument. The checklist consisted of 20 sequences shown in video-modeling of bathing. Subjects were mandated to watch the video-modeling minimum once a day for duration of 4 weeks. Subjects with the video exposure less than 75% were excluded from the analysis. The evaluation was conducted by adding 1 point for each sequence activity performed by ASD child, without any verbal instructions nor motoric prompts. Pre-test score is the sum of the bathing activity checklist before subject was exposed with the video-modeling, meanwhile the post-test score was taken after 4 weeks intervention period of video-modeling. Result: Among 35 subjects attended in the beginning of the study, only 29 children (82.8%) completed the study for 4 weeks. Most of the subjects (94.2%) were aged 6-8 years with a male and female ratio of 5:1. Median score of ASD childrens’ bathing activity before and after the video-modeling exposure is 3 (0–10) and 6 (1–17), on a scale of 20. The pre- and post-test difference is statistically significant which gives result of 3 point of difference (-4–13), on a scale of 20. Conclusion: There is a statistically significant difference between the sequence imitation skills of bathing activity in ASD children before and after using video-modeling. Further research is needed to determine the clinical significance of this value. ...... Gastritis is a disease caused by Helicobacter Pylori infection, irregular diet, poor living habits, food stimulation, and excessive stress. Psychosocial problems that often accompany gastritis are anxiety and individual coping ineffectiveness. Both of these problems need to get nursing interventions, one of which is with supportive therapy. The purpose of this scientific work is to provide an overview of the application of supportive therapy in 20 gastritis clients with community-based individual coping problems and ineffectiveness using Peplau's Interpersonal Theory approach. Supportive therapy was provided to 3 groups of adult clients (each group consisted of 6-7 individuals). The intervention was given as many as 4 meetings from March 30 to April 28 with an average meeting of 45-60 minutes. The results of pre and post measurements show that the provision of supportive therapy to gastritis clients with Peplau's interpersonal theory approach can reduce the signs and symptoms of individual coping, especially in the sign of affective symptoms 95%. Affective changes occur because during the supportive therapy process clients are given the same opportunity to express feelings and experiences experienced, and can share and discuss each other contained in the exploitation phase. Supportive therapy is recommended by psychiatric nurses to improve individual coping of gastritis clients and Peplau's theory as an improvement in the therapeutic interpersonal process in psychiatric nursing.
Depok: Fakultai Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Integritas diri lanjut usia didasarkan pada keyakinan bahwa hidup seseerang telah berguna sehingga memungkinkan individu untuk menghadapi kematian tenang dan hidup yang lebih bermakna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi suportif temadap integritas diri pada 1anjut usia di Kota Bogor. Desain penelitian quasi experimental pre-post test with control group. Sampel berjumlah 70 orang, masing-masing 35 orang kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Hasil penelitian mimunjukkan integntas diri -pada lanjut usia meningkat secara signifikan. Setelah dilakukan terapi suportif (pvalue= 0,0001 < a=0.05). Peningktan integritas diri lansia lebih tinggi dan signifikan pada kelompok yang mendapat terapi suportif dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak mendapatkan terapi suportif (pvalue=0,001 < a::;0.05). Terapi suportif direkomendasikan sebagai terapi keperawatan untuk meningkatkan integritas diri pada lanjut usia di masyarakat. ...... The elderly self integrity based on a belief that one's life have meaning to enable such individual to face death peacefully and a more meaningful life. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of supportive therapy to self integrity in elderly at Bogor City. The research design was quasi-experimental pre-post test with control group. The sample of this research are the elderly of 70 respondents including 35 respondents in the intervention group and 35 respondents in the control group. The results showed that elderly self integrity significantly after supportive therapy (pvalue=0,0001 < a=0.05). This research showed significant comparation of the elderly self integrity between group with supportive-therapy and neither (pvalue=O,OOl < a=0,05). Suppotive therapy recommended as nursing therapy used to treat elderly.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Efri Widianti
Abstrak :
Remaja yang harus menjalani masa masa hukuman akibat tindak kriminal yang pernah dilakukannya sangat rentan mengalami ansietas. Ansietas sebagai salah satu masalah psikososial dapat di atasi dengan beberapa psikoterapi diantaranya terapi logo dan terapi suportif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Terapi Logo dan Terapi Suportif terhadap ansietas remaja di rumah tahanan dan lembaga pemasyarakatan wilayah Jawa Barat. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment pre-post test with control group dengan 78 responden yang merupakan hasil screening berdasarkan kriteria inklusi, terdiri dari 39 responden untuk kelompok intervensi dan 39 responden untuk kelompok kontrol. Terapi ini diberikan dalam 8 sesi yang terdiri dari terapi logo 4 sessi dan terapi suportif 4 sessi. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 5 minggu. Karakteristik dan tingkat ansietas remaja dianalisis menggunakan uji independent t test, chi-square dan marginal homogenity. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh terapi logo dan terapi suportif terhadap penurunan tingkat ansietas remaja secara bermakna pada kelompok intervensi. Rekomendasi penelitian ini ditujukan kepada Kanwil Hukum dan HAM Provinsi Jawa Barat selaku pemegang kebijakan, perawat spesialis dalam aplikasi terapi spesialis, keilmuan dan pendidikan serta penelitian selanjutnya. ......Adolescence who should spend their punishment time for a criminal action, highly susceptible to anxiety. Anxiety as a psychosocial problem which often happen in youth can be solved by psychotherapies, including logo and supportive therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of logo and supportive therapy of anxiety level in adolescence at detention centers and correctional institutions in West Java. This study used quasi experimental, pre-post test with control group design with 78 respondents which is the result of screening based on the inclusion criteria, consist of 39 respondents of intervention group and 39 respondents of control group. These therapies administered at eight sessions, consist of four sessions of logo therapy and four sessions of supportive therapy. The research conducted for 5 weeks. Characteristics and adolescent anxiety levels were analyzed using independent t-test, chi square and marginal homogenity. The results showed an influence of logo and supportive therapy for adolescent anxiety levels at the intervention group. Research recommendation is addressed to Justice and Human Rights Regional Office of West Java as the holder of the policy, the nurse specialist within a specialist therapeutic applications, scientific and education and further research.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taty Hernawaty
Abstrak :
Gangguan jiwa dialami oleh 96 jiwa dari 12392 jiwa penduduk di Kelurahan Bubulak Bogor Barat. Pengetahuan dan kemampuan keluarga dalam menggunakan sumber dukungan dalam merawat klien gangguan jiwa masih kurang, program pelayanan kesehatan jiwa masyarakat di puskesmas hanya berfokus pada pengobatan klien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran pengaruh terapi suportif keluarga terhadap kemampuan keluarga dalam merawat klien gangguan jiwa. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ?Quasi experimental pre-post test with control group? dengan intervensi terapi suportif keluarga. Cara pengambilan sampel adalah cluster sampling one stage dengan sampel sebanyak 74 keluarga yang mempunyai anggota gangguan jiwa dan dibagi dua kelompok; kelompok yang mendapat terapi suportif keluarga dan kelompok yang tidak mendapat terapi suportif keluarga. Terapi suportif keluarga diberikan 4 sesi dalam 4 kali pertemuan selama 2 minggu. Kemampuan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor keluarga diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis menggunakan t-test, Chi-Square, dan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor keluarga dalam merawat klien gangguan jiwa secara bermakna pada kelompok keluarga yang mendapat terapi suportif keluarga. Kemampuan kelompok keluarga yang mendapat terapi suportif keluarga meningkat lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok keluarga yang tidak mendapat terapi suportif keluarga. Hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan riset Hamada, dkk. (2002) mengenai sistem dukungan keluarga bagi klien Skizofrenia menjelaskan bahwa di dalam melakukan perawatan kesehatan jiwa masyarakat, pendekatan tidak hanya dilakukan pada klien tetapi juga keluarga. Hasil riset Chien, dkk. (2006) tentang mutual support group pada keluarga China dengan diagnosa Skizofrenia bahwa terapi suportif memberi efek positif pada beban keluarga. Terapi suportif keluarga direkomendasikan bagi keluarga yang mempunyai anggota gangguan jiwa di masyarakat.
Mental illness experienced by 96 people among 12.392 inhabitants in District of Bubulak, West Bogor. At the same time, the knowledge and ability of family are not run well, a serving for psychology health program by Centre of Community Health is not run well. The title of this research is The Influence of Family Supportive Group to Family Ability in Taking Care Client with Mental illness in District of Bubulak, West Bogor. The research was aimed to get a comprehensive picture about the influence of Family Supportive Group to family ability in taking care client with Mental illness. Design of the research was using ?quasi experimental pre-post test with control group? by using Family Supportive Group intervention. A sample was chosen by using cluster one stage and consist of 74 families with mental illness of client. The group was divided into 2 groups as follows: Family Supportive Group treatment (4 sessions in 4 meeting) and without Family Supportive Group. The family?s cognitive ability, affective ability, and psychomotor ability are valued by using questioner and then the results of questioners are analyzed by using t-test, Chi-Square, and Simple Linear Reggresion method. The research showed a significant increase in family?s cognitive ability, affective ability, and psychomotor ability in taking care client with mental illness. The abilities of the group that treated by Family Supportive Group were increase highly and significantly compare to the group without Family Supportive Group. In Hamada, et al. (2002) that the family support may take in family and client. In Chien, et al. (2006) that mutual support group may exert positive effects on the family?s burden. These results suggest that family supportive group recommended to families who have client with mental illness in community.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anjas Surtiningrum
Abstrak :
Klien isolasi sosial memiliki jaringan sosial yang kecil, sehingga klien membutuhkan suport sistem yang mendukung terbentuknya jaringan sosial yang kondusif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap peningkatan kemampuan bersosialisasi klien isolasi sosial di RSJD Dr Amino Gondohutomo Semarang. Desain penelitian quasi experimental, pre-post test with control group. Tempat penelitian di RSJD Dr Amino Gondohutomo Semarang. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh klien isolasi sosial yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian membuktikan adanya pengaruh terapi suportif yang signifikan terhadap perubahan kemampuan bersosialisasi klien isolasi sosial pada kelompok intervensi. Disarankan terapi suportif digunakan sebagai terapi keperawatan dalam merawat klien isolasi sosial. ......Social isolation's clients has a narrow space of social network that make them need a support system which supports the creation of a conducive social networks. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supportive therapy toward the increase of social ability of social isolation's clients. This research conducted a quasi-experimental, pre-post test with control group design. Research site was at Regional Mental Health Hospital dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang. The samples were all clients of social isolation who met the inclusion criteria. Result showed that there was a significant effect of supportive therapy to client's social skill ability in the intervention group. The recommendation of this study that can be applied for the next research was a supportive therapy for the social isolation's clients.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keksi Girindra Swasti
Abstrak :
Penelitian bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap ansietas siswa dalam menghadapi UN. Menggunakan desain quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. Sejumlah 82 sampel dipilih secara purposive sampling. Kuesioner yang valid dan reliabel dianalisis menggunakan independent t-test, dependent ttest dan regresi linier ganda. Hasil menunjukkan penurunan ansietas pada kedua kelompok (p-value < α 0,05) dengan selisih score ansietas kelompok intervensi (0,821) dan kelompok kontrol (0,454). Penurunan ansietas dipengaruhi oleh terapi suportif, jenis kelamin dan penghasilan orang tua, dengan peluang perubahan 27,9%. Terapi direkomendasikan untuk mengatasi ansietas pada siswa yang menghadapi UN. ......This study aimed to explain the effect of supportive therapy on students anxiety for facing National Examination. The design was quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. A number of 82 students were selected using purposive sampling. Data collected using validated and reliable questionairre were analyzed by independent t-test, dependent t-test and double linear regression. The result indicated decreased anxiety (p-value < α 0,05) with quarrel score for intervention group was higher than that of control group. The decreased of anxiety was influenced by supportive therapy, sex and their parents income with the determination coefficient was 27.9%. Supportive therapy is recommended to solve students? anxiety when they facing National Examination.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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