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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ratu Abigail Audity
Abstrak :
Dalam era kompetitif di masa kini, institusi pelayanan kesehatan pada umumnya dan rumah sakit pada khususnya, perlu menerapkan sistem akuntansi yang baik dengan menciptakan efisiensi biaya. Salah satu metode dalam penghitungan analisis biaya satuan yang dapat digunakan adalah Activity-based costing (ABC).

Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus evaluative yang dikaji secara deskriptif. Metode analisis biaya yang dipakai adalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Rujukan metodologi yang dipakai adalah Activity Based Costing.

Hasil perhitungan unit cost pemeriksaan CT Scan pada RSUD Pasar Rebo menunjukkan angka yang lebih rendah dibandingkan tarif standar layanan CT Scan sebagaimana ditetapkan melalui Pergub DKI Jakarta No. 117 Tahun 2012. Namun, pada RSUD Cengkareng, sebagian pemeriksaan menunjukkan angka yang lebih tinggi.
In the present competitive era, health care institutions in general and hospitals in particularly, need to implement a good accounting system. One method in calculating the unit cost analysis that can be used is Activity-Based Costing (ABC).

This study is an evaluative case study that assessed descriptively. The method used is the cost analysis of qualitative and quantitative methods. Reference methodology used is Activity Based Costing.

The results of the calculation of unit cost by activity based costing method for a CT Scan examination at Pasar Rebo Hospital showed a lower rate than the standard rate of CT Scan service as determined by regulation of Jakarta’s Governor No. 117 Year 2012. However, Cengkareng Hospital showed a higher rate in part of the CT Scan examination.
[Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia], 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moch Prastawa Assalim Tetra Putra
Abstrak :
Pulsa oksimeter Non Kontak dengan sensor berupa kamera CMOS dikembangkan oleh Humpfrey, 2005. Memodifikasi metode Humpfrey, dibangun sistem pengukuran Non Kontak memanfaatkan webcam sebagai sensornya. Pengambilan video dilakukan saat cahaya merah dan inframerah dihidupkan secara manual selama 5 detik. Sumber cahaya 660 nm dan 940 nm. Kotak area pengukuran 50 x 50 pixel. Menghitung nilai rerata pixel per kotak, mengeplot per frame, dihasilkan sinyal yang familier dengan pulsa oksimeter. Menghitung nilai SPO2 dari rumus rasio dan empiris kalibrasi. Dengan sampel 30 orang dewasa, dihasilkan nilai SPO2, dibandingkan peralatan standar, terjadi kesalahan terbesar 4%.
Non Contact Pulse oximeter with a CMOS camera as a sensor developed by Humpfrey, 2005. Modifying Humpfrey method, built system utilizing a webcam as a sensor non contact measurement. Video capture is done when the red and infrared light manually turned on for 5 seconds. Light source 660 nm and 940 nm. Box area measuring 50 x 50 pixels. Calculate the average value of pixels per box, plotting per frame, the resulting signal is familiar with the pulse oximeter. Calculate the SpO2 value of the ratio and empirical calibration formula. With a sample of 30 adults, resulting SpO2 value ,compared with standard equipment, the largest error occurs 4%.
Salemba: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toto Ciptodibroto
Abstrak :
Perkembangan EEG Pasta yang ada masih tetap menggunakan bahan-bahan yang dapat menyebabkan rasa pedih di mata, perih di kulit dan susah membersihkannnya diperlukan EEG Pasta yang tidak mengakibatkan masalah diatas tetapi tetap memiliki sifat konduktansi yang sangat bagus. Maka dibuatlah prototype Pasta EEG berbahan dasar tepung jagung dengan pengukuran impedansi. Pengukuran impedansi dilaksanakan di RS Pertamedika Sentul City- Sentul City, dimulai tanggal 03/12/2103 ? 20/12/2013. Nilai Impedansi yang diukur meliputi CZ, C3, C4, Z, A1 dan A2 dengan menggunakan Pasta Original, Pasta Tepung Jagung 25% dan Pasta Tepung Jagung 50%. Mengamati nilai impedansi EEG tersebut, dengan penambahan pasta konsentrasi semakin tinggi. Pasta kontrol dan pasta tepung jagung 25% sudah cukup memenuhi syarat pengukuran EEG dengan nilai impedansi yaitu 5-10 k Ohm. Semakin besar kandungan tepung jagung (50%) semakin besar nilai impedansinya.;
Trend of EEG Paste now is still use the ingredient which can cause skin and eyes irritation also hard to removed. We need EEG paste which cannot cause the above conditions but still have good conductitivity. So we produce prototype EEG paste staff from corn flour with impedance measurement. Impedance measurement executed at Pertamedika Sentul City Hospital, starting from 03/12/2013 ? 20/12/2013. Impedance value including CZ, C3, C4, Z, A1 and A2 using Origin paste, corn flour paste 25% and corn flour paste 50%. Observe EEG impedance value with additional high concentrate paste. Control paste and corn flour paste 25% are fulfilled conditions impedance EEG measurement with impedance value 5-10 k Ohm. More bigger corn flour contains (50%) more higher impedance value., Trend of EEG Paste now is still use the ingredient which can cause skin and eyes irritation also hard to removed. We need EEG paste which cannot cause the above conditions but still have good conductitivity. So we produce prototype EEG paste staff from corn flour with impedance measurement. Impedance measurement executed at Pertamedika Sentul City Hospital, starting from 03/12/2013 – 20/12/2013. Impedance value including CZ, C3, C4, Z, A1 and A2 using Origin paste, corn flour paste 25% and corn flour paste 50%. Observe EEG impedance value with additional high concentrate paste. Control paste and corn flour paste 25% are fulfilled conditions impedance EEG measurement with impedance value 5-10 k Ohm. More bigger corn flour contains (50%) more higher impedance value.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Jojor
Abstrak :
Multifungsi untuk terapi kanker tulang dan regenerasi jaringan tulang mulai dipelajari dengan menggunakan scaffold komposit biopolimer dan magnetik. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyintesis dan mengarakterisasi scaffold karbonat apatit/kitosan/alginat/partikel magnetik kalsium alumina ferrit serta menganalisis viabilitas selnya. Pertama disintesis karbonat apatit kemudian dicampurkan dengan kitosan, alginat dan kalsium alumina ferrit kemudian di freeze drying untuk mendapatkan scaffold. Hasil menunjukkan terbentuknya struktur komposit. Kalsium alumina ferrit berbentuk irregular dan berukuran 0,5-2 μm. Magnetisasi partikel kalsium alumina ferrit dan scaffold magnetik ditunjukkan dengan magnetisasi saturasi, medan koersivitas dan magnetisasi remanen. Scaffold tersebut teramati tidak mempengaruhi viabilitas sel HaCaT.
Multifunction for bone cancer therapy and bone tissue regeneration has been studied using biopolymers and magnetic composite scaffolds. The aim of stud was to synthesize and characterize the carbonate apatite/chitosan/alginate/calcium aluminate ferrite composite scaffold as well as to analyze the cell viability. Firstly, carbonate apatite was synthesized and then was mixed with chitosan, alginate and calcium aluminate ferrite. Then the resulted gel was freeze dried to obtain the scaffold. Results indicated the formation of a composite structure. Calcium aluminate ferrite particle were irregular in shape and 0.5-2 μm in size. Magnetizations of the calcium aluminate ferrite particle and the magnetic scaffolds were demonstrated in the saturation magnetization, coercivity field and remanent magnetization. The produced scaffold was observed did not affect the viability of HaCaT cells., Multifunction for bone cancer therapy and bone tissue regeneration has been studied using biopolymers and magnetic composite scaffolds. The aim of stud was to synthesize and characterize the carbonate apatite/chitosan/alginate/calcium aluminate ferrite composite scaffold as well as to analyze the cell viability. Firstly, carbonate apatite was synthesized and then was mixed with chitosan, alginate and calcium aluminate ferrite. Then the resulted gel was freeze dried to obtain the scaffold. Results indicated the formation of a composite structure. Calcium aluminate ferrite particle were irregular in shape and 0.5-2 μm in size. Magnetizations of the calcium aluminate ferrite particle and the magnetic scaffolds were demonstrated in the saturation magnetization, coercivity field and remanent magnetization. The produced scaffold was observed did not affect the viability of HaCaT cells.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuning Kurniasih
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan, penanggulangan KLB penyakit meliputi surveilans, deteksi dini melalui sistem kewaspadaan dini dan respon cepat, jika dilakukan dengan cara efektif, efisien akan berdampak terhadap penurunan jumlah korban yang signifikan, informasi KLB yang tepat, akurat, dan cepat dapat diperoleh jika dirancang suatu sistem informasi berbasis web dan real time, dimana setiap ada kejadian KLB dapat diinformasikan langsung dari lokasi KLB melalui jaringan internet Metode Penelitian, kualitatif dengan kuasi eksperimental menggunakan post lest only tanpa kontrol, karena belum terdapat sistem pembanding yang serupa dengan sistem yang dirancang saat ini Hasil Penelitian, sistem dikembangkan dari format input dalam laporan W1 yang dilaporkan dalam kurun waktu 24 jam setiap terjadi KLB kemudian dirancang sebuah Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) yang dapat menampilkan data spasial wilayah dan puskesmas serta data tabular informasi KLB dalam tampilan peta digital, legenda peta, tool navigasi dan informasi query pada halaman web, sehingga dapat bekerja sebagai suatu sistem informasi geografis yang dapat diakses secara interaktif melalui internet Kesimpulan, secara umum prototype perangkat lunak SIG berbasis web SIMPB-KLB dapat dimanfaatkan untuk monitoring penyakit berpotensi KLB; secara khusus meningkatkan kecepatan penyampaian informasi secara interaktif dan real time karena berbasis web, mengetahui secara langsung lokasi terjadinya KLB atau wabah penyakit, membuat sistem monitoring penyakit berpotensi KLB, membuat model sistem informasi kewaspadaan dini yang berbasis wilayah. ......Introduction, prevention of disease outbreaks including surveillance, early detection through a system of early warning and rapid response, if done effectively, efficiently will have an impact on reducing the significant number of victims. Outbreaks Information would be right, accurate, fast that can be obtained if designed a web-based information Systems, where every event of outbreak can be informed immediately from outbreak locations through the Internet, Research Methods, qualitative quasi-experimental post test using only without control, because there is not a comparison system similar to systems designed up to now, Research Results, developed a system based on input formats in the report WI which reported within 24 hours of any outbreak' occurs and then designed a Geographic Information System (GIS) that can display spatial data and the region health tabular data outbreak information in a digital map display, map legend, navigation tools and information queries on the web page, so it can work as a geographic information system that can be accessed interactively via the internet, Conclusion, in general, Software prototype of web-based GIS (SIMPB-KLB) can be used to monitor potential disease outbreaks; specifically speeding up the delivery of Interactive information and real time as a web-based, direct knowledgc of the location of outbreaks or epidemics, making the monitoring system for the potential disease outbreaks, to model early warning information system based on region.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Hidayat
Abstrak :
Penyakit jantung merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama di dunia, khususnya negara berkembang. Deteksi dini terhadap masalah jantung sangat diperlukan. Variabilitas Laju Jantung VLJ telah digunakan oleh berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk memprediksi morbiditas dan mortalitas, serta untuk mendeteksi disfungsi dari saraf otonom. Belum ada alat elektrokardiografi EKG genggam yang terintegrasi analisis VLJ. Tujuan dari riset ini adalah untuk menghasilkan alat EKG genggam yang memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan analisis VLJ dari bank data MIT-BIH. Alat EKG genggam yang digunakan merupakan pengembangan dari Sparkfun Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor AD8232 . Ada 3 buah elektroda yang digunakan, komponen Analog to Digital Converter ADC yang digunakan adalah ADS1115, pengolahan data dilakukan pada Raspberry Pi, dan menggunakan layar LCD Nokia 5110. Untuk membenamkan proses akuisisi sinyal EKG, deteksi R, analisis VLJ, hingga tampilan hasil analisis VLJ pada layar LCD, digunakan bahasa pemrograman Python. Riset ini menghasilkan alat EKG genggam dengan implementasi analisis VLJ. Hasil akurasi VLJ pada alat EKG genggam dibandingkan perangkat lunak HRVAS Ramshur, 2010 adalah 100 untuk parameter rerata RR, dan 94.7 untuk parameter rasio LF/HF. ......Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world, especially in developing countries. Early detection of heart problems is necessary. Heart rate variability HRV has been used by various disciplines to predict morbidity and mortality, as well as to detect dysfunction of autonomic nerves. No integrated electrocardiographic ECG instrument has been integrated in HRV analysis yet. The purpose of this research is to produce a handheld ECG device that has the ability to perform HRV analysis from a MIT BIH databank. The ECG handheld device used is the development of the Sparfun Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor AD8232. There are 3 electrode used, Analog to Digital Converter ADC component used is ADS1115, data processing is done on Raspberry Pi, and using Nokia 5110 LCD screen. To immerse the acquisition process of ECG signal, detection R, VLJ analysis, VLJ analysis on LCD display, used Python programming language. This research produces a handheld ECG device with HRV analysis implementation. HRV accuracy results in handheld ECG device versus HRVAS software Ramshur, 2010 were 100 for the mean RR parameter, and 94.7 for LF HF ratio parameters.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
St. Nawal Jaya
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas citra USG 2D dan evaluasi parameter untuk phantom polyurethane sebagai test unjuk kerja dan akurasi USG 2D. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka dilakukan tahap pre-processing, intermediate-processing, dan post-processing menggunakan software Matlab secara offline. Pre-processing terdiri dari cropping dan filtering, intermediateprocessing berupa segmentasi menggunakan algoritma FCM, dan post-processing mengevaluasi parameter-parameter dari citra phantom polyurethane. Hasil dari pre-processing yaitu dimensi citra menjadi kecil, resolusi turun, dan citra menjadi blur. Algoritma FCM yang diimplementasikan mempartisi objek citra ke dalam empat cluster berdasarkan similaritas derajat keabuannya. Tahap terakhir, menampilkan jarak, diameter, dan titik konsentrasi objek pada parameter tertentu dari citra. Segmentasi merupakan inti dari peningkatan kualitas citra yang mana algoritma FCM menghasilkan citra yang tersegmentasi secara tepat namun evaluasi beberapa parameter masih kurang signifikan (lihat Tabel 4.1).
The research aim to upgrade image quality of USG 2D and to evaluate parameter for polyurethane phantom as performance test and accuracy of USG 2D. The goals could be reached via pre-processing, intermediate-processing, and postprocessing step using Matlab software in offline. Pre-processing consist of cropping and filtering process. Intermediate-processing is segmentation that using Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm and post-processing evaluated parameter of polyurethane phantom image. Result of pre-processing is polyurethane phantom image with small dimension, low resolution, and blur. FCM algorithm was implementation make partition image object into four cluster based on similarity its gray scale. The last step display distance, diameter, and concentration dot of object in particular parameter of image. Segmentation is main step of enhancement of image quality which FCM algorithm that produced image segmentation accurately however evaluation of any parameter did not still quite significant (look at Table 4.1).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Rachman Firdaus
Abstrak :
Pemakaian LCU dengan irradiansi tinggi secara medis berpotensi merusak jaringan pulpa gigi akibat kenaikan suhu yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh prototipe LCU menggunakan High Power LED dengan 3 mode Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) untuk mengontrol sinar irradiansi sinar output pada mode 1 dengan irradiansi 800 mW/Cm2, mode 2 dengan irradiansi 900 mW/Cm2, mode 3 dengan irradiansi 1.000 mW/Cm2 yang berdurasi 5 detik, 10 detik dan 20 detik dan suhu sinar output ≤ 37 °C. Lampu yang digunakan LED biru high power komersial Model LZ4-00DB10 sebagai sumber sinar. Pengukuran irradiansi dan suhu dengan menggunakan LED Radiometer dan Thermocouple. Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan Prototipe LCU LED dengan metode kombinasi Pulse Width Modulation pada Mode 3 irradiansi 999 ± 3,16 mW/cm2 dan suhu sinar output 38,76 °C dengan durasi waktu penyinaran 20 detik. Pengaturan kombinasi PWM perlu disempurnakan lagi agar irradiansi diatas 1000 mW/cm2 dapat tercapai, sedangkan suhu sinar output LCU LED dapat terkendali tidak melebihi ≤ 37 °C. ......LCU with high irradiance medically potentially damage the dental pulp tissue due to the temperature rise caused objective of this study is to obtain a prototype LCU using High Power LED with 3 modes Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the output light beam irradiance in mode 1 with irradiance of 800 mW / cm2, mode 2 with irradiance of 900 mW / cm2, mode 3 with irradiance of 1,000 mW / cm2 which lasts 5 seconds, 10 seconds and 20 seconds and the temperature of the output beam ≤ 37°C. Commercial high power blue LED as a light source LZ4- 00DB10 model. Irradiance and temperature measurement using the LED Radiometer and Thermocouple. In this study produced prototype LED LCU with a combination method Mode Pulse Width Modulation at 999 ± 3 irradiance of 3.16 mW / cm2 and a temperature of 38.76°C output beam with a duration of 20 seconds exposure time. PWM combination settings need to be revised so that the irradiance above 1000 mW / cm2 can be achieved, while the temperature of the output beam can be controlled LED LCU not ≤ 37°C.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurhasanah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis gel elektrode konduktif berbasis carbopol polymer dengan variasi konsentrasi penambahan solanum tuberosum (sari, pati, nano partikel bentuk suspensi, nano partikel bentuk serbuk) 1%, 5%, dan 10%. Gel hasil sintesis diuji, terdiri dari : organoleptis (warna, bau, dan homogenitas), pH, viskositas dan sifat alir, daya sebar, impedansi, uji mikrobiologi dan uji iritasi pada kelinci. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan Meann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan nano partikel Solanum Tuberosum bentuk serbuk dengan konsentrasi 5 % berbasis carbopol polymer dapat dibuat menjadi gel elektrode konduktif.
This study aims to synthesize electrode conductive gel based on carbopol polymer with the addition of solanum tuberosum (pollen, starch, nanoparticle suspension, nanoparticle starch) to the concentration variation of 1%, 5%, and 10%. The result of gel?s synthesized tested for the consisting of : organoleptic (color, odor, and homogeneity), pH, viscosity and rheogram, dispersive power, impedance test, microbiology and irritation in rabbit. The data were analyzed statisically by Mean Whitney. The results of this study indicate that the addition of solanum tuberosum nanoparticle starch into gel based on carbopol polymer can be made to be electrode conductive gel., This study aims to synthesize electrode conductive gel based on carbopol polymer with the addition of solanum tuberosum (pollen, starch, nanoparticle suspension, nanoparticle starch) to the concentration variation of 1%, 5%, and 10%. The result of gel’s synthesized tested for the consisting of : organoleptic (color, odor, and homogeneity), pH, viscosity and rheogram, dispersive power, impedance test, microbiology and irritation in rabbit. The data were analyzed statisically by Mean Whitney. The results of this study indicate that the addition of solanum tuberosum nanoparticle starch into gel based on carbopol polymer can be made to be electrode conductive gel.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Imam Sudrajat
Abstrak :
Faktor keamanan dan kinerja merupakan aspek fundamental pada peralatan medis. Untuk menjamin kualitas dan keamanan pada peralatan Elektroensefalograf (EEG), salah satunya ialah harus memenuhi syarat kompatibilitas terhadap elektromagnetik (EMC) yang secara khusus diatur pada standar IEC 60601-1- 2:2014. Pada penelitian ini, telah dilakukan analisis dan pengembangan aspek kompatibilitas elektromagnetik terhadap prototipe EEG berbasis Arduino Uno mengacu standar IEC 60601-1-2:2014. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan emisi radiasi elektromagnetik pada prototipe EEG dapat diturunkan dengan modifikasi PCB, menambah ferrite bead pada kabel USB dan menambah shield. Dengan menggabungkan ketiga metode tersebut, level emisi radiasi pada rentang frekuensi 30MHz sampai 1GHz dapat diturunkan, sehingga berada di bawah limit standar. Penurunan terbesar level emisi radiasi elektromagnetik terjadi pada frekuensi 35.9MHz yaitu sebesar 27.7 dB. Pengembangan dengan menggabungkan ketiga metode tersebut tidak berdampak pada level emisi melalui konduksi, sehingga masih tetap berada dibawah limit standar. Prototipe EEG yang telah diberi penambahan varistor dan ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) suppressor juga terbukti mampu bertahan dari kerusakan permanen saat pengujian imunitas dengan level surge sampai 1kV dan pengujian ESD secara kontak sampai 8kV.
Safety and performance of medical devices are fundamental aspects to be concerned. To ensure the quality and safety of electroencephalograph ( EEG ), one of the requirement is electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) which is specifically regulated by IEC 60601-1-2: 2014 standard. EMC aspect of Arduino Uno based EEG prototype was analyzed and developed refer to IEC 60601-1- 2:2014. The results of this study indicated emission of electromagnetic radiation on EEG prototype can be derived by PCB modification, added ferrite beads on the USB cable and added a shield. By combining these three methods, radiated emission level at frequency range 30MHz until 1GHz was reduced until below the standard limit. The largest reduction of electromagnetic radiated emission level occured at frequency 35.9MHz with value 27.7 dB. Combination of these three methods on a EEG prototype did not impact on the level of emissions through conduction, and it remained below the standard limit. EEG prototype that has been fitted with varistor and ESD (Electrostatic Discharge ) suppressor also proved to be able to withstand from permanent damage at the level surge immunity testing up to 1kV , and contact ESD testing up to 8kV.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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