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Ditemukan 52 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Martha Kastriah
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaruh beberapa faktor-faktor Internal seorang wirausahawan dan faktor eksternalnya terhadap manifestasi kewirausahaan oleh UMKM. Dinamika kewirausahaan adalah kunci untuk inovasi dan pertumbuhan perekonomian, oleh karena itu pengembangan wirausaha baru di Indonesia menjadi keniscayaan untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan daya dukung perekonomian nasional. Hasil penelitian studi kasus pada UMKM yang tergabung dalam Perkumpulan Bisnis Tangan Diatas (TDA) diwilayah bekasi membuktikan bahwa faktor internal dan faktor eksternal seorang wirausahawan merupakan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap manifestasi/ perwujudan kewirausahaan oleh para pelaku UMKM tersebut. Terdapat beberapa hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan agar manifestasi kewirausahaan oleh UMKM dapat lebih maksimal seperti pelatihan, sosialisasi dan bantuan finansial atau infrastruktur.
This thesis discusses the influence Internal and external factor of an entrepreneur to the manifestation of entrepreneurship by SMEs. The dynamics of entrepreneurship is the key to innovation and economic growth, therefore the development of new entrepreneurs in Indonesia becomes a necessity to improve the competitiveness and the carrying capacity of the national economy. The results of case studies on SMEs belonging to the Business Society of Tangan Diatas (TDA) for Bekasi region proves that the internal factor and external factor of an entrepreneur are all factors which significantly influence the manifestation / embodiment of entrepreneurship by the entrepreneur of these SMEs. There are some important things to note that the manifestation of entrepreneurship by SMEs can be more optimally, such as training, dissemination and financial assistance or infrastructure.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Ayu Larasati
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang alasan mahasiswa mengungkapkan informasi berbasis lokasi mereka di Path. Terdapat tiga basis teori yang digunakan yaitu Theory of reasoned action, Theory of planned behavior, Technology acceptance model. Variabel yang diteliti adalah norma subjektif dan perceived usefulness pengungkapan lokasi sebagai variabel independen, sikap positif terhadap pengungkapan lokasi sebagai varibel mediasi, dan niat untuk mengungkapkan informasi berbasis lokasi di Path sebagai variabel dependen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah konklusif deskriptif dengan metode penelitian convenience sampling. Kuesioner online dan offline disebar ke 140 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia pengguna Path yang pernah menggunakan fitur check-in atau tag lokasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa norma subjektif memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan baik langsung maupun tidak langsung pada niat mahasiswa untuk mengungkapkan informasi berbasis lokasi di Path, dimediasi oleh sikap positif terhadap pengungkapan lokasi. Namun perceived usefulness pengungkapan lokasi tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada penelitian ini. Pada penelitian ini juga terdapat implikasi manajerial serta saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya. ......This paper discusses the reasons college students disclose their Location based information on Path. There are three theoretical base used is Theory of reasoned action theory of planned behavior, Technology acceptance models. The variables studied were the subjective norm and perceived usefulness of location disclosure as independent variables a positive attitude toward location disclosure as a mediating variable and the intention to disclose location based information on Path as a dependent variable. The research design is conclusive descriptive with convenience sampling as the method of the research. Online and offline questionnaires spreaded to 140 University Of Indonesia rsquo s college students who are a Path user and has experience in using the check in or location tag feature. This research resulted in the conclusion that subjective norms have a significant positive effect either directly or indirectly on the student 39s intentions to disclose location based information on Path mediated by a positive attitude towards disclosure of the location But perceived usefulness of location disclosure do not have a significant effect in this study In this study there are also managerial implications and suggestions for further research.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marlinna Budiarti
Abstrak :
Kewirausahaan dipercaya sebagai kekuatan penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi global yang menciptakan usaha baru dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk masalah pengangguran. Sedangkan pendidikan kewirausahaan merupakan komponen penting dari bisnis pendidikan sekolah yang telah terbukti memberikan stimulus bagi individu dalam membuat dan atau mempertimbangkan wirausaha sebagai pilihan karir sehingga meningkatkan penciptaan usaha baru dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini didesain untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan sebelumnya berkontribusi pada niat kewirausahaan mahasiswa dengan pendekatan dari integrasi dua teori yaitu Theory of Entrepreneurial Event (Shapero and Sokol, 1982) dan Theory of Planned Behaviour ( Ajzen, 1991) yang memiliki tiga konstruksi pusat ? Perceived Desirability of Self Employment, Perceived Feasibility of Entrepreneurship , dan Entrepreneurship Intention. Penelitian dilakukan dengan sampel 71 responden mahasiswa PE FE UI. Survey dilakukan secara online selama bulan Mei - Juni 2012. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis multivariate dengan metode Partial Least Square. Dan hasil analisis diperoleh hasil bahwa Entrepreneurial Education memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Entrepreneurial Intention. ......Entrepreneurship is believed to be an important force in global economic growth that creates new businesses and economic growth, and as one solution to the problem of unemployment. While entrepreneurship education is an important component of business school education has been shown to provide stimulus for the individual in making or considering entrepreneurship as a career choice that enhances the creation of new businesses and economic growth. This study was designed to see how the influence of the earlier entrepreneurial education contributed to the entrepreneurial intentions of students with the approach of integration of the two theories : Theory of Entrepreneurial Event (Shapero and Sokol, 1982) and Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1991) which has three central constructs - Perceived Desirability of Self Employment, Perceived Feasibility of Entrepreneurship, and Entrepreneurship Intention. The study was conducted with a sample of 71 respondents of PE FE UI students. The survey was conducted online during the month of May-June 2012. Data analysis methods used are the multivariate analysis by Partial Least Square method. And analytical results obtained results that Entrepreneurial Education has a significant positive effect on Entrepreneurial Intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verdy Septian Nugraha
Abstrak :
Studi ini meneliti tentang mekanisme kepercayaan customer secara online sebagai anteseden dari repurchase intention customer di marketplace elektronik. Penelitian ini menggunakan data berupa hasil survei dari 749 customer Tokopedia di Indonesia untuk menguji model penelitian yang diusulkan. Studi empiris dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan SEM-PLS. Studi ini menemukan bahwa kedua belah pihak, marketplace elektronik dan e-seller memiliki pengaruh masing-masing dalam membentuk repurchase intention. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa, bagi customer Indonesia, marketplace elektronik, seperti Tokopedia, memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk transaksi online daripada e-seller. Ini berarti bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang dapat dipertukarkan antara peran marketplace elektronik sebagai pihak ketiga dan e-seller dalam pembentukan repurchase intention. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perilaku customer di marketplace elektronik dalam membentuk kepercayaan kepada e-penjual dan marketplace sendiri menggunakan sampel dari customer Indonesia dan marketplace Tokopedia, yang memiliki model bisnis yang berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengkonfirmasi dan mengeksplorasi kelayakan dari model mekanisme kepercayaan. Hasil penelitian dapat digunakan manajer untuk memilih dan mengevaluasi fitur marketplace apa saja yang dapat dipertahankan dan dikembangkan dalam rangka meningkatkan kepercayaan customer berdasarkan dimensi dan kegunaan yang dipersepsi oleh customer. ......This study describes and extends the current literature about customer online-trust mechanisms as the antecedent of customer's repurchase intentions in the marketplace environment. The research collects survey data from 749 Tokopedia customers in Indonesia to test the proposed research model. Empirical studies conducted using SEM-PLS approach. This study found that both party, marketplace and e-seller have their path on forming repurchase intention. However, the findings indicate that, for Indonesian customers, the marketplace, such as Tokopedia, has a critical role in forming any online transaction than an e-seller who has a low significant effect. It is mean that there is no interchangeable relationship between the role of the marketplace as a third party and e-seller in forming customer repeat purchase. The research aims to explain customer behavior in the online marketplace environment in forming a trust to e-seller and marketplace using a sample from Indonesian customer and Tokopedia marketplace, which have a different business model with previous research. The aim is to confirm and explore the properness of the trust-mechanism model. Our results can help the manager to select which marketplace feature can be maintained and developed to improve customer trust base on the dimension and usefulness that customers perceived. Categorizing the sample whose have a lot of experience and first-timer customer is needed to expand the variety of results base on their prior experience. Also, the model can be used to explain the trust-mechanism in a different type of e-commerce, such as apply to studies social commerce.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Arina Safarina
Abstrak :
Industri perawatan pesawat terbang sedang berada pada momentum yang sangat penting untuk digarap. Prospek dan peluang bisnis industri ini terbuka lebar, contohnya dengan akan diberlakukannya ASEAN open sky. Namun, hal ini juga memberikan indikasi bahwa persaingan antara AMO akan semakin tajam dan headto- head diantara AMO lintas negara bahkan regional. Untuk menangkap peluang tersebut, AMO harus mampu memahami kustomernya dan memberikan pelayanan berkualitas berdasarkan pemahaman tersebut. Perhatian manajemen AMO terhadap Perceived Value dan Service Quality diperlukan, mulai dari penawaran kepada kustomer hingga proses evaluasi oleh kustomer. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengidentifikasiperceived value dan indikatorindikator service quality yang ditawarkan oleh AMO kepada pemegang keputusan hingga ke perwakilan dari kustomer yang merasakan langsung pelayanan yang diberikan. Dari penelitian terhadap service quality tersebut, teridentifikasi gap lain yang perlu ditambahkan di dalam model service quality klasik. Gap tersebut adalah bahwa pada industri B2B, kemungkinan besar akan terjadi kesenjangan di dalam organisasi konsumen tersebut, yakni antara pengambil keputusan dengan yang langsung merasakan proses ataupun hasil dari pelayanan jasa tersebut. Proses untuk mengidentifikasi indikator-indikator apa yang dianggap penting oleh kustomer cukup sulit. Sebagai bahan masukan untuk perancangan awal sistem service quality bagi AMO, penelitian ini berusaha menginvestigasi indiktor-indikator yang memiliki kemungkinan dampak yang signifikan terhadap terjadinya gap pada layanan jasa yang diberikan dan relasinya dengan tingkat kepentingan dimensidimensi service quality. Satu set kuesioner disusun untuk membentuk manajemen pelayanan kualitas yang solid di dalam tubuh AMO. Kuesioner tersebut terdiri dari:  Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan yang terjadi diantara organisasi pembeli. Sekaligus, kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan antara ekspektasi konsumen dengan persepsinya.  Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan antara persepsi manajemen AMO terhadap ekspektasi konsumen dibandingkan dengan apa ekspektasi kustomer sebenarnya.  Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab terjadinya perbedaan persepsi antara manajemen AMO dengan ekspektasi kosumen. Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi apakah ada formalitas standard pelayanan yang disusun oleh manajemen AMO.  Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi formalitas standard pelayanan dijalankan oleh seluruh karyawan dalam organisasi AMO.  Kuesioner untuk mengidentifikasi apakah terjadi kesenjangan antara pelayanan yang diberikan dengan janji yang dikomunikasikan.  Kuesioner penunjang lain yang telah disusun oleh peneliti sebelumnya, yakni, untuk mengidentifikasi gap yang terjadi pada front-liner, contohnya gap pada employee empowerment. Relationship quality sama pentingnya dengan service quality dalam memberikan dampak terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada industri yang membutuhkan trust. Kuesioner yang dirancang oleh Durvasula et.al dapat dimanfaatkan untuk melengkapi program peningkatan kepuasan konsumen.
Aircraft maintenance industry is on the truth of moment to grap. Business prospects and opportunities of this industry is now widely opened, for example, ASEAN open sky policy which would be enacted this year. However, it also indicates that the competition among the AMO?s will be sharper and AMO?s might be faced head-to-head across country and regional. In order to capture these opportunities, AMO should understand the customers and be able to provide quality services consistently with their wants and needs. AMO management must be paid attention to service quality demanden by them, from the offering process to them until the evaluation process by them. This aim of this study is to identify perceived quality and the indicators of service quality offered by AMO. These indicators are identified from the decision maker to the customer?s representatives of who directly evaluated the services provided. This study identified an additional gap to the classical model of service quality. There is a gap in B2B organization, which is between the decision makers and who directly evaluated the processes/results of theservices. Process for identifying indicators importantly considered by customers is quite difficult. In order to designed the tools for management of service quality (a aset of questionnaires), this study investigates the factors that significantly impacted on service qulity and its dimension. In order to form an integrated management of service quality of AMO, a set of questionnaires are developed, consisted of:  Questionnaire to identify gaps in the buyer organization, among team of decision makers, or between the decision maker and the customer?s representatives who directly evaluated the services provided.  Questionnaire to identify the gaps between consumer expectations and consumer perceptions.  Questionnaire to identify gaps between management perceptions against consumer expectations, if compared to what customers expected.  Questionnaire to identify the causes of perception differences between management and consumer expectations.  Questionnaire to identify if there are formalizatons of service standards prepared by AMO management Questionnaire to identify if the service standards /procedures are executed by employees in AMO organization.  Questionnaire to identify the gaps between the service delivery and the promises that has been communicated by AMO.  Other supporting questionnaires that had been developed by previous researchers, to identify the gaps that occurs in the frontliner, for example is the gap of employee empowerment. In industry requiring trustworthiness, relationship quality is the same important as service quality for customer satisfaction. Questionnaire of relationship quality that developed by Durvasula et.al. can be utilized as well to improve customer satisfaction, Aircraft maintenance industry is on the truth of moment to grap. Business prospects and opportunities of this industry is now widely opened, for example, ASEAN open sky policy which would be enacted this year. However, it also indicates that the competition among the AMO’s will be sharper and AMO’s might be faced head-to-head across country and regional. In order to capture these opportunities, AMO should understand the customers and be able to provide quality services consistently with their wants and needs. AMO management must be paid attention to service quality demanden by them, from the offering process to them until the evaluation process by them. This aim of this study is to identify perceived quality and the indicators of service quality offered by AMO. These indicators are identified from the decision maker to the customer’s representatives of who directly evaluated the services provided. This study identified an additional gap to the classical model of service quality. There is a gap in B2B organization, which is between the decision makers and who directly evaluated the processes/results of theservices. Process for identifying indicators importantly considered by customers is quite difficult. In order to designed the tools for management of service quality (a aset of questionnaires), this study investigates the factors that significantly impacted on service qulity and its dimension. In order to form an integrated management of service quality of AMO, a set of questionnaires are developed, consisted of:  Questionnaire to identify gaps in the buyer organization, among team of decision makers, or between the decision maker and the customer’s representatives who directly evaluated the services provided.  Questionnaire to identify the gaps between consumer expectations and consumer perceptions.  Questionnaire to identify gaps between management perceptions against consumer expectations, if compared to what customers expected.  Questionnaire to identify the causes of perception differences between management and consumer expectations.  Questionnaire to identify if there are formalizatons of service standards prepared by AMO management Questionnaire to identify if the service standards /procedures are executed by employees in AMO organization.  Questionnaire to identify the gaps between the service delivery and the promises that has been communicated by AMO.  Other supporting questionnaires that had been developed by previous researchers, to identify the gaps that occurs in the frontliner, for example is the gap of employee empowerment. In industry requiring trustworthiness, relationship quality is the same important as service quality for customer satisfaction. Questionnaire of relationship quality that developed by Durvasula et.al. can be utilized as well to improve customer satisfaction]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gusti Bagus Suteja
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis differensiasi antara produk Joy Cook dan ELPIJI 12 kg Hasil penelitian ini nantinya diharapkan dapat memberi masukan tentang marketing strategi dan marketing plan Joy Cook untuk memperluas pangsa pasar LPG Non Subsidi untuk rumah tangga Berdasarkan hasil penelitian melalui survey pada 90 orang responden melalui pendekatan perceived risk financial functional physical sensory temporal dan social dan pendekatan unique selling proposition lebih aman lebih ekonomis pelayanan lebih eksklusif member benefit maka diketahui bahwa responden merasa tidak ada perbedaan antara Joy Cook atau Elpiji 12 kg Kaca kunci differensiasi perceived risk unique selling proposition marketing strategy marketing plan.
This research aims to analyze the differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg The main finding of this study is that there is no differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg according to 90 respondents survey either using perceived risk approach financial functional physical sensory temporary and social or unique selling proposition approach safer more economical more exclusive service and member benefit This leads to an important implication that the decision maker should redevelop Joy Cook rsquo s marketing strategy and marketing plan in order to expand the Non Subsidy LPG products market for household Key Words differentiation perceived risk unique selling proposition marketing strategy marketing plan.;This research aims to analyze the differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg The main finding of this study is that there is no differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg according to 90 respondents survey either using perceived risk approach financial functional physical sensory temporary and social or unique selling proposition approach safer more economical more exclusive service and member benefit This leads to an important implication that the decision maker should redevelop Joy Cook rsquo s marketing strategy and marketing plan in order to expand the Non Subsidy LPG products market for household Key Words differentiation perceived risk unique selling proposition marketing strategy marketing plan ;This research aims to analyze the differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg The main finding of this study is that there is no differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg according to 90 respondents survey either using perceived risk approach financial functional physical sensory temporary and social or unique selling proposition approach safer more economical more exclusive service and member benefit This leads to an important implication that the decision maker should redevelop Joy Cook rsquo s marketing strategy and marketing plan in order to expand the Non Subsidy LPG products market for household Key Words differentiation perceived risk unique selling proposition marketing strategy marketing plan ;This research aims to analyze the differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg The main finding of this study is that there is no differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg according to 90 respondents survey either using perceived risk approach financial functional physical sensory temporary and social or unique selling proposition approach safer more economical more exclusive service and member benefit This leads to an important implication that the decision maker should redevelop Joy Cook rsquo s marketing strategy and marketing plan in order to expand the Non Subsidy LPG products market for household Key Words differentiation perceived risk unique selling proposition marketing strategy marketing plan ;This research aims to analyze the differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg The main finding of this study is that there is no differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg according to 90 respondents survey either using perceived risk approach financial functional physical sensory temporary and social or unique selling proposition approach safer more economical more exclusive service and member benefit This leads to an important implication that the decision maker should redevelop Joy Cook rsquo s marketing strategy and marketing plan in order to expand the Non Subsidy LPG products market for household Key Words differentiation perceived risk unique selling proposition marketing strategy marketing plan , This research aims to analyze the differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg The main finding of this study is that there is no differentiation between Joy Cook and ELPIJI 12 kg according to 90 respondents survey either using perceived risk approach financial functional physical sensory temporary and social or unique selling proposition approach safer more economical more exclusive service and member benefit This leads to an important implication that the decision maker should redevelop Joy Cook rsquo s marketing strategy and marketing plan in order to expand the Non Subsidy LPG products market for household Key Words differentiation perceived risk unique selling proposition marketing strategy marketing plan ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aldo Wijanarko
Abstrak :
Menjual barang atau konten di dalam game sudah menjadi hal yang popular dilakukan oleh pengembang game belakangan ini, terutama untuk video game online. Kami melihat ini sebagai kesempatan bagi retail-retail brand untuk mendistribusikan voucher digital untuk brand-brand mereka dengan bentuk cashback di berbagai video game online. Walaupun penelitian sebelumnya sudah meneliti berbagai alasan atau motivasi untuk pemain game membeli barang atau konten di dalam game, penelitian sebelumnya belum terfokus kepada kemungkinan untuk menjadikan online video game sebagai channel distribusi untuk digital brand retail voucher. Motivasi membeli barang di dalam game (19) dioperasionalkan melalui survey (N=523). Pertama, kami mengeksplorasi bagaimana motivasi-motivasi ini bergabung menjadi kategori. Hasilnya mengindikasikan bahwa motivasi membeli barang atau konten di dalam game tergabung menjadi enam dimensi: 1) Ostentatious, 2) Addiction, 3) Generosity, 4) Eagerness, 5) Personal Value, and 6) Indulgence. Kemudian, kami menginvestigasi hubungan antara ke-enam dimensi tersebut terhadap Behavioural Aspects dan Intention to Use cashback digital voucher. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dimensi Generosity dan Personal Value terasosiasi secara signifikan terhadap Behavioural Aspects dan juga Intention to Use, dimana menunjukkan jika pemain game tersebut memiliki salah satu motivasi dari dimensi ini, top of mind mereka dapat berubah dan mereka akan menggunakan digital voucher yang didapat dari game sebagai cashback ketika mereka membeli barang atau konten di dalam game. Karena dimensi Behavioural Aspects menunjukkan bahwa orang akan membeli lebih banyak daripada yang mereka rencanakan ketika mendapatkan cashback, pengembang game akan mendapatkan peningkatan di pendapatan mereka, pemain game pun dapat menikmati manfaat cashback, dan retail-retail brand juga dapat mendapatkan pelanggan baru atau menjaga loyalti dari pelanggan lama.
Selling in-game content has become a popular revenue model for game publishers recently, especially in online video games. Revenue from microtransaction in video games has been increasing every year, which shows the raising interest towards online gaming and shows the purchasing power of the gamers. We saw this as an opportunity for retail brands to distribute their digital voucher as an advertisement for their brands in the form of cashback through various online games. While prior research has investigated the inventory of reasons for players buy in-game content, the prior literature has not focused on the possibility of using online video games as distribution channel of brand retail digital voucher in the form of cashback. The various purchase motivations (19) were operationalized into a survey (N=523). Firstly, we explored how these motivations converged into categories. The results indicated that the purchasing reasons converged into six dimensions: 1) Ostentatious, 2) Addiction, 3) Generosity, 4) Eagerness, 5) Personal Value, and 6) Indulgence. Secondly, we investigated the relationship between these factors towards Behavioural Aspects and Intention to Use the cashback digital voucher. The results revealed that dimensions of Generosity and Personal Value were positively associated with the Behavioural Aspects and Intention to Use, indicating that if the gamers possess these traits, their top of mind could be changed, and they will use the digital voucher that they get as a cashback from the game. Since the Behavioural Aspects dimension indicates that people usually will spend more than they planned when they get a cashback, game developers will get increase in revenue, gamers will enjoy the cashback benefit as they can purchase retail brand products with the vouchers, and the retail brand will be able to expand their customer base or maintain loyalty within existing customers.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oloan, Joseph Mervin
Abstrak :
Keberhasilan kegiatan pemasaran dan kesuksesan finansial pada suatu area komersial/pusat perbelanjaan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, dimana salah satunya adalah faktor bauran penyewa (tenant mix). Proses analisis atas komposisi bauran penyewa dengan menggunakan metode consumer preference weighting dapat memudahkan pengembang dalam mengetahui secara tepat jenis–jenis penyewa yang diharapkan dan dibutuhkan oleh para calon konsumen. Objek penelitian dalam studi ini adalah Travoy Hub, sebuah area komersial yang sedang dikembangkan oleh PT Jasamarga Related Business. Secara spesifik, terdapat 3 (tiga) parameter utama yang dapat menggambarkan model bauran penyewa secara efektif, yaitu kategori preferensi tenant (Preferred Main Tenant Category), kategori urutan tenant (Ranking of Main Tenant Category Preference), dan kategori kecenderungan pembelian produk tenant (Likelihood of Supporting Preferred Tenant). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan logika dari metodologi penelitian serta preferensi calon konsumen atas rencana penyewa yang akan beroperasi pada area komersial dimaksud, dengan menggunakan contoh suatu area komersial di daerah Jakarta Timur. ......The success of financial and marketing activities in a commercial area/shopping center is influenced by several factors, one of which is the tenant mix factor. The process of analyzing the composition of the tenant mix using the consumer preference weighting method can facilitate developers in knowing exactly the types of tenants expected and needed by potential customers. The research object in this study is Travoy Hub, a commercial area being developed by PT Jasamarga Related Business. Specifically, there are 3 (three) main parameters that can effectively describe the tenant mix model, namely the Preferred Main Tenant Category, the Ranking of Main Tenant Category Preference, and the Likelihood of Supporting Preferred Tenant Category. The purpose of this study is to explain the logic of the research methodology as well as the preferences of potential customers for the planned tenants that will operate in the commercial area in question, using the example of a commercial area in the East Jakarta area.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini melakukan analisa terkait kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap konsep rest area pada Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera Ruas Tebing Tinggi – Parapat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena perencanaan rest area yang ada saat ini masih belum efektif secara konsep dan kurang memerhatikan aspek komersial. Padahal dengan sisi komersial rest area yang optimal, biaya pemeliharaan rest area dapat dibiayai dari pendapatan yang diperoleh. Dengan demikian, Perseroan tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya tambahan untuk pemeliharaan, mengingat terdapat beban keuangan Perseroan yang diakibatkan oleh pembangunan JTTS yang tidak layak secara finansial. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Model Analytic Network Process (ANP) yang nantinya akan dibagi menjadi 3 cluster yaitu cluster tujuan, cluster kriteria, dan cluster alternatif. Klaster tujuan merupakan tujuan akhir yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini. Kriteria cluster merupakan kriteria penilaian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan analisis benchmark rest area eksisting, studi literatur, dan validasi ahli. Klaster alternatif merupakan pilihan pengembangan yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis penggunaan tertinggi dan terbaik. ......The paper establishes and analyzes research regarding community needs for the concept of rest areas on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road Section of Tebing Tinggi - Parapat. The background of the research is due to the fact that the current planning of rest areas is still not effective yet in concept and does not pay much attention to the commercial aspect. Even though with the optimal commercial side of the rest area, the cost of maintaining the rest area can be funded from the income earned. Thus, the Company does not need to incur additional costs for maintenance, considering the Company's financial burden due to the construction of JTTS which is not financially feasible. The analysis used in this study is the Analytic Network Process (ANP) Model which will later be divided into 3 clusters namely the destination cluster, the criteria cluster, and the alternative cluster. The objective cluster is the final goal to be achieved in this study. Cluster criteria is the assessment criteria used in this study based on analysis of existing benchmark rest areas, literature studies, and expert validation. Alternative cluster is development options obtained from the results of the highest and best use analysis.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carissa Lorens Marchia Raharja
Abstrak :
Meningkatnya penggunaan internet telah mempengaruhi perkembangan travel agent. Pertumbuhan internet juga menjadi pemicu para milenial melakukan wisata. Namun, pandemi Covid-19 membuat para milenial harus mempertimbangkan risiko dalam niat pembelian di travel agent. Penelitian ini ingin mempelajari bagaimana persepsi risiko mempengaruhi niat pembelian travel agent secara online pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Terdapat enam persepsi risiko yang diukur yaitu, risiko keuangan, risiko produk, risiko, keamanan, risiko waktu, risiko sosial, dan risiko psikologis. Survei akan dilakukan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 310 responden yang akan difokuskan kepada generasi milenial sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada masa pandemi, keenam persepsi risiko yang diukur memiliki pengaruh yang negatif terhdap niat pembelian pada online travel agent. Risiko produk, risiko waktu, dan risiko psikologis menjadi ketiga risiko yang memiliki pengaruh negatif tertinggi terhadap niat pembelian online pada masa pandemi Covid-19.Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa pandemi mengubah perilaku konsumen dalam melihat risiko yang akan dihadapinya. Dengan memahami persepsi risiko, perusahaan travel agent dapat mengurangi persepsi risiko yang akan berdampak negatif kepada niat pembelian dari konsumen. ......The increasing use of the internet has influenced the development of travel agents with the existence of online travel agents. The growth of the internet is also one of the triggers for millennials to travel. However, the Covid-19 pandemic makes millennials have to consider the risks in their purchase intentions at travel agents. This research wants to study how perceived risks affect online purchase intention of travel agencies during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are six perceptions of risk that are measured, namely, financial risk, product risk, risk, security, time risk, social risk, and psychological risk. The survey will be carried out by distributing questionnaires to 310 respondents who will focus on the millennial generation as respondents. The results showed that during a pandemic, the observed risk of perception had a negative effect on purchase intentions of online travel agents. Product risk, time risk and psychological risk are the three risks that have the highest negative influence on online purchase intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic.The results also show that the pandemic changes consumer behavior in seeing the risks they will face. By understanding the differences in risk perceptions, companies can reduce perceived risks that will have a negative impact on consumer purchase intentions.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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