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Ditemukan 32 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lusiana Sanjaya
Abstrak :
Terjadinya foodborne disease pada karyawan akan mempengaruhi poduktifitas kerja dan merugikan perusahaan. Untuk mencegah terjadinya hal tersebut, perlu dilakukan berbagai hal yang dapat menjamin tersedianya makanan yang aman dikonsumsi oleh karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai peranan pedoman sederhana Five Keys to Safer Food untuk mencegah terjadinya foodborne disease dikaitkan dengan food safety audit yang telah dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner kepada 30 orang penjamah makanan, observasi kesesuaian tindakan dengan posedur serta penilaian kembali 10 indikator audit yang mendapatkan nilai terendah pada audit sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan adanya hubungan bermakna dari pengetahuan dan perilaku responden (p=0.001) mengenai pentingnya pemisahan makanan mentah dan makanan matang untuk mencegah terjadinya kontaminasi silang. Berdasarkan perhitungan statistik dan observasi lapangan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa prosedur kerja perusahaan sudah baik, namun belum terimplementasikan seluruhnya. Perusahaan disarankan melakukan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan responden serta melakukan food safety audit secara rutin untuk mengetahui kondisi aktual agar dapat mempertahankan atau meningkatkan aspek food safety dalam rangka pencegahan terjadinya foodborne disease.
The occurrence of foodborne disease will affect employeess works poductivity and hurt the company. To prevent this, a variety of things need to be done to ensure that each employee consume a safe food. This study aims to evaluate the rule of simple guidelines Five Keys to Safer Food to prevent foodborne disease associated with food safety audit conducted by the company. The study was conducted by giving questionnaires to 30 food handlers, observations of procedures compliance with actions and reassessment the lowest 10 indicators score from the previous audit. The result showed a significant association of the knowledge and behavior of the respondents (p = 0.001) on the importance of separation of raw foods and cooked foods to prevent cross contamination. Based on statistical calculations and field observations, it can be concluded that the company's operation procedures are good, but not yet entirely implemented. Companies are advised to do the training to enhance the knowledge of respondents and conduct a regular food safety audits to determine the actual conditions in order to maintain or enhance aspects of food safety to prevent the occurrence of foodborne disease.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheilla Miranda
Abstrak :
Demam berdarah dan malaria yang ditularkan melalui perantara gigitan nyamuk merupakan penyakit yang bisa menyebabkan kematian dan merupakan tingkat kasus rawat inap yang tinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu cara efektif untuk mengatasi demam berdarah adalah dengan mengontrol nyamuk itu sendiri. Penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah untuk merancang alat pembunuh nyamuk menggunakan laser yang efektif dan ramah lingkungan. Setelah perancangan selesai, maka tahapan selanjutnya adalah pembuatan alat dan uji coba. Pengujian dilakukan pada beberapa lokasi yang masing-masingnya dalam beberapa kondisi berbeda. Dari data hasil pengujian, dapat dianalisa bahwa alat yang dirancang sudah bekerja dengan baik pada miniatur ruang dengan latar belakang polos terang berukuran 78x66 cm pada jarak maksimum 1.5 meter. Perancangan perangkat lunak dengan menggunakan software CodeVision AVR pada mikrokontroler DT AVR Low Cost Micro System untuk menggerakkan motor servo Futaba S3003 tipe standard melalui SPC servo motor kontroler sudah dapat mengikuti gerak objek pada latar dengan kecepatan rata-rata maksimum pengambilan data sebesar 0.60 m/s. Selain itu laser SD 303 tipe kelas 2 dengan panjang gelombang 532 nm dan daya output 2000 mW yang digunakan sudah dapat menembak target dengan tingkat akurasi maksimum sebesar 76%.
Dengue fever and malaria is a disease that can cause death and also a case with a high rate of hospitalization in Indonesia. Both types of these disease knowns no age or gender type as transmitted through mosquito as a vector. One effective way to overcome the desease is by controlling the mosquito itself. Research to be done is to design a tool using a blue laser mosquito killer that effective and environmentally friendly. Once the design is complete, the next stage is to build and test the device. Tests were conducted at several locations, each of them done in several different conditions. From the test data results, it can be analyzed that the device has been designed to work well on a miniature space with light homogenous background with dimension 78x66 cm and maximum distance of 1.5 meter. Software design were using CodeVision AVR software to control servo motor Futaba S3003 standard tipe through SPC servo motor controller and laser beam through microcontroller. The servo motor is able to follow the motion of objects in the foreground with a maximum average speed of data retrieval of 0.6 m/s. Besides, laser SD 303 class 2 with wavelength 532 nm and output power of 2000 mW can also shoot targets with maximum accuracy rate of 76%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulfikar Husni Faruq
Abstrak :
Saat ini peralatan medis secara luas digunakan di Rumah Sakit, buruknya pengelolaan peralatan dapat mengakibatkan kerugian dan juga kecelakaan bahkan kematian. Manajemen Peralatan Medis yang baik dapat meningkatkan keselamatan dan juga mengurangi kerugian yang ditimbulkan karena salah pengelolaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian pelaksanaan manajemen peralatan medis di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah di Jakarta terhadap Standar Penilaian Manajemen Peralatan Medis. Pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk penelitian ini yaitu kuantitatif dengan desain Deskriptif, Jumlah sampel 130 yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa RSUD A mendapatkan katagori "Belum Sesuai", sedangkan untuk B dan C secara umum masuk dalam katagori ?Sesuai?. Namun pada beberapa elemen masih terdapat yang "Belum Sesuai". ...... Currently the medical equipment is widely used in hospitals. Poor management of the current equipment can lead to losses and also accident even death. Medical Equipment Management offers safety and also reduce the losses because mismanagement. This study aims to analyze the suitability of the implementation of medical equipment management in the Regional General Hospital in Jakarta on Medical Equipment Management Assessment Standards. The approach taken for this study is quantitative descriptive design, number of samples 130 were divided into 3 areas. The results reveal that Hospital A to get the category "Not Appropriate", whereas for the B and C generally get the category of "Appropriate". However, in some elements are still there are "Not Appropriate."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Bilal
Abstrak :
Pengambilan keputusan untuk pemilihan peralatan medis merupakan proses yang kompleks sehingga membutuhkan metode yang objektif. Metode Analitik hirarki Proses (AHP) merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan clinical engineer, yang sesuai dengan acuan untuk menjalankan Health Technology Assesssment (HTA) dan Kajian analisis kebutuhan bagi rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan metode AHP dalam pemilihan mesin extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) di Rumah Sakit X. Keberhasilan metode AHP ini dapat menjadi tolok ukur baru atau evidence base untuk metode pengambilan keputusan pemilihan peralatan medis di rumah sak;
The decision for selecting medical equipment is a complex proses that needs a certain objective method.. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is one of decision support system of clinical engineers which is appropriate in conducting Health Technology Assesssment ( HTA ) and needs analysis in hospital. This research is to apply the AHP method in selecting Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) in X hospital. The successful application of this method can become a new parameter or evidence base in using decision support system in the hospital, The decision for selecting medical equipment is a complex proses that needs a certain objective method.. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is one of decision support system of clinical engineers which is appropriate in conducting Health Technology Assesssment ( HTA ) and needs analysis in hospital. This research is to apply the AHP method in selecting Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) in X hospital. The successful application of this method can become a new parameter or evidence base in using decision support system in the hospital]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ernia Susana
Abstrak :
Magnetic resonance imaging selanjutnya disebut MRI merupakan peralatan radiologi diagnostik yang tidak mengandung radiasi pengion. Hal tersebut tidak berarti menjadikan alat ini bebas dari potensi bahaya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendapatkan deskripsi, menganalisa dan menilai penerapan keselamatan lingkungan pada fasilitas MRI 1.5T di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Penelitian didesain dengan metode campuran dengan tehnik purposive sampling. Dilaksanakan pada 4 fasilitas MRI 1.5T di wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 25 (dua puluh lima) orang radiografer yang bertugas di pelayanan MRI. Data kuantitatif diuji dengan menggunakan uji statistik nonparametrik yaitu Cochran’s Q dan Kruskalwalis. Nilai Cochran’s Q hitung>Chi square tabel (66.495>36.415) sehingga H0 ditolak atau terdapat perbedaan pemahaman radiografer. Uji statistik kruskalwalis menunjukkan nilai mean rank antar rumah sakit sumber data bervariasi. Data kualitatif terkait ketersediaan perangkat keselamatan menunjukkan standar American Collage of Radiology (ACR) lebih aplikatif dibandingkan standar Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan (KMK) RI No. 410/MENKES/SK/III/2010 tentang standar pelayanan radiologi diagnostik di sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Keempat rumah sakit sumber data telah memenuhi standar ACR sedangkan standar KMK 410/2010 hanya dapat dipenuhi oleh sebagian. Kepatuhan petugas dalam praktek aman penanganan pasien mandiri di empat rumah sakit sumber data telah memenuhi standar ACR dengan nilai bervariasi.
Magnetic resonance imaging is hereinafter referred to MRI as diagnostic radiology equipment that contains no ionizing radiation. That does not mean to make this tool is free of potential hazards. This study aimed to get a description, analyze and assess the implementation of environmental safety at 1.5T MRI facility in Jakarta. The research is designed with a mix method with purposive sampling technique. Held on 4 (four) 1.5T MRI facilities in Jakarta. The number of respondents as many as 25 (twenty five) radiographers who served in MRI services. The quantitative data were tested using nonparametric statistical test that Cochran's Q and Kruskalwalis . Cochran's Q value count > Chi square table (66 495> 36 415) so that H0 is rejected or there is a difference of understanding radiographer. Kruskalwalis statistical test shows the mean rank among hospitals varied data sources. The qualitative data related to the availability of safety devices demonstrate the American Collage Of Radiology (ACR) standards more applicable than Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan (KMK) RI No. 410/MENKES/SK/III/2010 standard. The fourth hospital data sources meet the standard ACR while KMK 410/2010 standard can only be met by the majority. Compliance officers in the safe practice of self-management of patients in four hospitals have a data source meets ACR standards with varying grades.;Magnetic resonance imaging is hereinafter referred to MRI as diagnostic radiology equipment that contains no ionizing radiation. That does not mean to make this tool is free of potential hazards. This study aimed to get a description, analyze and assess the implementation of environmental safety at 1.5T MRI facility in Jakarta. The research is designed with a mix method with purposive sampling technique. Held on 4 (four) 1.5T MRI facilities in Jakarta. The number of respondents as many as 25 (twenty five) radiographers who served in MRI services. The quantitative data were tested using nonparametric statistical test that Cochran's Q and Kruskalwalis . Cochran's Q value count > Chi square table (66 495> 36 415) so that H0 is rejected or there is a difference of understanding radiographer. Kruskalwalis statistical test shows the mean rank among hospitals varied data sources. The qualitative data related to the availability of safety devices demonstrate the American Collage Of Radiology (ACR) standards more applicable than Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan (KMK) RI No. 410/MENKES/SK/III/2010 standard. The fourth hospital data sources meet the standard ACR while KMK 410/2010 standard can only be met by the majority. Compliance officers in the safe practice of self-management of patients in four hospitals have a data source meets ACR standards with varying grades., Magnetic resonance imaging is hereinafter referred to MRI as diagnostic radiology equipment that contains no ionizing radiation. That does not mean to make this tool is free of potential hazards. This study aimed to get a description, analyze and assess the implementation of environmental safety at 1.5T MRI facility in Jakarta. The research is designed with a mix method with purposive sampling technique. Held on 4 (four) 1.5T MRI facilities in Jakarta. The number of respondents as many as 25 (twenty five) radiographers who served in MRI services. The quantitative data were tested using nonparametric statistical test that Cochran's Q and Kruskalwalis . Cochran's Q value count > Chi square table (66 495> 36 415) so that H0 is rejected or there is a difference of understanding radiographer. Kruskalwalis statistical test shows the mean rank among hospitals varied data sources. The qualitative data related to the availability of safety devices demonstrate the American Collage Of Radiology (ACR) standards more applicable than Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan (KMK) RI No. 410/MENKES/SK/III/2010 standard. The fourth hospital data sources meet the standard ACR while KMK 410/2010 standard can only be met by the majority. Compliance officers in the safe practice of self-management of patients in four hospitals have a data source meets ACR standards with varying grades.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Wiradarma
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: mengetahui hubungan antara asupan makronutrien dan gaya hidup terhadap status HbA1c penyandang diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2. Metode: penyandang DM tipe 2 dikategorikan ke dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu kontrol glikemik (KG) baik (HbA1c < 7,0) dan KG buruk (HbA1c > 7,0). Data karakteristik dasar seperti usia, jenis kelamin, status gizi, durasi menderita DM, jenis dan jumlah obat DM yang digunakan, serta ada/ tidaknya komplikasi DM yang diderita. Asupan makronutrien terdiri dari asupan energi total harian, asupan karbohidrat, protein, lemak dan serat. Faktor gaya hidup meliputi ketaatan mengikuti diet sesuai yang direkomendasikan, aktivitas fisik, ketaatan konsumsi obat, merokok dan minum alkohol. Data-data dari kedua kelompok kemudian dihubungkan dengan status HbA1c dengan uji Chi square. Hasil penelitian: usia penyandang DM yang lebih muda (< 55 tahun), asupan karbohidrat dan ketaatan mengikuti diet berhubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan status HbA1c (P < 0,05). Rasio asupan makronutrien (karbohidrat, protein, lemak) pada kelompok KG baik adalah 47: 18: 35 dan KG buruk 51: 16: 33. Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa status HbA1c berhubungan bermakna dengan faktor usia, asupan karbohidrat, dan ketaatan mengikuti diet. Edukasi sebaiknya diberikan kepada penyandang DM tipe 2 dengan KG buruk, terutama yang berusia < 55 tahun agar mengatur pola makannya sesuai dengan yang direkomendasikan dengan memperhatikan jenis, jumlah, dan jadwal.
Background: Determining the relationship between macronutrients intake and lifestyle factors and HbA1c status of diabetic type 2 patient in improving the effectiveness of patient?s nutrition therapy and preventing diabetes complications. Methods: Diabetic type 2 patients were categorized into 2 groups; patients with good glycemic control (GC) or HbA1c < 7.0 and patients with poor glycemic control (PC) or HbA1c > 7.0. Clinical characteristics were differentiated by age, gender, body mass index (BMI), duration of illness, type and amount of diabetic medication, and other diabetic complication. Macronutrient intake consisted of total daily calories and carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber intakes. Lifestyle factors consisted of the adherence to dietary advice and medication, physical activities, smoking habit, and alcohol intake. The data were be used to determine their relationship with HbA1c status using Chi Square test. Results: Younger diabetic type 2 patients (< 55 years old), carbohydrate intake, and adherence to dietary advice were identified as statistically significant variables related to HbA1c status (P <0.05). Macronutrient intake ratio (carbohydrate : protein : fat) for GC was 47 : 18 : 35 and PC was 51 : 16 : 33. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that HbA1c status in diabetic type 2 patient are related to age, carbohydrate intake and adherence to dietary advice. Education to be provided to younger diabetic type 2 patients (<55 years old) to maintain good dietary pattern according to medical nutrition therapy, Background: Determining the relationship between macronutrients intake and lifestyle factors and HbA1c status of diabetic type 2 patient in improving the effectiveness of patient’s nutrition therapy and preventing diabetes complications. Methods: Diabetic type 2 patients were categorized into 2 groups; patients with good glycemic control (GC) or HbA1c < 7.0 and patients with poor glycemic control (PC) or HbA1c > 7.0. Clinical characteristics were differentiated by age, gender, body mass index (BMI), duration of illness, type and amount of diabetic medication, and other diabetic complication. Macronutrient intake consisted of total daily calories and carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber intakes. Lifestyle factors consisted of the adherence to dietary advice and medication, physical activities, smoking habit, and alcohol intake. The data were be used to determine their relationship with HbA1c status using Chi Square test. Results: Younger diabetic type 2 patients (< 55 years old), carbohydrate intake, and adherence to dietary advice were identified as statistically significant variables related to HbA1c status (P <0.05). Macronutrient intake ratio (carbohydrate : protein : fat) for GC was 47 : 18 : 35 and PC was 51 : 16 : 33. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that HbA1c status in diabetic type 2 patient are related to age, carbohydrate intake and adherence to dietary advice. Education to be provided to younger diabetic type 2 patients (<55 years old) to maintain good dietary pattern according to medical nutrition therapy]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syntia Rahutami
Abstrak :
Leadership role leverage becomes a main issue in this study to determine the importance of the clinical engineers existence in the medical equipment management field. The purpose of this study is to prove that there are differences between leadership role, motivation and commitment against the conformity of MFK 8 accreditation quality and the existence of clinical engineers in two different hospitals, which in these cases are a public general hospital and private general hospital. The research method that has been used is by using a questionnaire containing statements to be filled in accordance with the level of respondent?s agreement, the correlation are calculated using Spearman bivariate correlation and Mann-Whitney method for difference test. The result was there was difference between the two hospitals. Leadership Leverage between Public and Private General Hospital turned out different in its impact against the existence of clinical engineers in hospital, in government hospital, leadership doesn?t have the role in quality enhancement and the existence of clinical engineer existence, however in private hospital shows good leverage between variables.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Julianti Isma Sari Usman
Abstrak :
Manajemen peralatan laboratorium merupakan bagian dari manajemen sumber daya puskesmas tetapi belum mengimplemetasikan sistem manajemen peralatan medis dengan baik dan masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan dalam elemen penilaian Permenkes No.46 tahun 2015. Riset ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian pelaksanaan manajemen peralatan laboratorium puskesmas di Kota Kendari dengan metode deskriptif eksplanatif, dimulai dengan merancang kuesioner, menyajikan data kemudian dianalisis dengan uji korelasi untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel. Hasil riset ini menyimpulkan : 1 terdapat 6 puskesmas sudah memenuhi standar Permenkes No.46 tahun 2015; 2 15 puskesmas belum memenuhi standar teori HTM, dan 3 terdapat korelasi antara kegiatan pemeliharaan r=0,898 , perencanaan r=0,896 , recall r=0,883 , uji coba alat r=0,875 , evaluasi r=0,849 dan SDM r=0,800 pada proses manajemen peralatan laboratorium. ...... Management of laboratory equipment is part of the resource management of public health center but it has not implemented the medical equipment management system properly and there are still some deficiencies in the assessment element of Health Department Law No.46 Year 2015. This research aims to evaluate the implementation of laboratory equipment of public health center management of in Kendari City with explanative descriptive method, starting with designing questionnaires, presenting data and being analyzed by correlation test to see the relation between variables. The results of this research conclude 1 there are 6 of public health center already met the standard of Health Department Law No.46 year 2015 2 there are 15 of public helath center have not met the standard of HTM theory, and 3 there is correlation between maintenance activity r 0,898 , program r 0,896 , recall r 0,883 , instrument test r 0,875 , evaluation r 0,849 and human resource r 0,800 on laboratory equipment management process.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Fitriyani
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan tujuan. Abortus spontan merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan reproduksi yang cukup sering dialami oleh pekerja wanita di PT.T Jakarta. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian abortus spontan, salah satunya postur kerja statis berdiri ataupun duduk. Dari survey awal ditemukan 5,5 kasus abortus pada 400 pekerja wanita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa postur kerja berdiri lama lebih berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya abortus daripada postur duduk pada pekerja di PT.T Jakarta.Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus control, pada 78 orang pekerja wanita di unit produksi sebuah pabrik garmen di Jakarta. Kasus adalah pekerja subyek yang pernah hamil dan mengalami abortus spontan selama kurun 2012-2017. Kontrol adalah subyek yang pernah hamil namun tidak pernah mengalami abortus spontan selama kurun waktu yang sama. Kelompok kasus dan kontrol diambil dari departemen sewing dan cutting, dengan perbandingan 1 kasus dipadankan dengan 2 kontrol.Hasil dan kesimpulan. Postur kerja berdiri lama berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya kejadian abortus spontang dibandingkan dengan postur kerja duduk. Dari hasil penelitian terbukti ada pengaruh bermakna antara postur kerja jenis pekerjaan OR 303,34; p.
Spontaneous abortion is one of reproductive health problem which oftenly happens among female workers at garment factory at PT.T Jakarta. Many factors could cause spontaneous abortion in female workers, one of them is the prolonged standing posture. The incidence is 5,5 from early survey in September 2016 among 400 female workers. The objective of this study is to get overview about the case and influence factors, especially prolonged standing posture.Methods. This research use case control study design at 78 female workers at sewing and cutting unit at garment factory in Jakarta. Case is subject which have pregnant and spontaneous abortion during 2012 2017. Control is subject which have pregnant but have never got spontaneous abortion at the same time. Group of case and control taken from cutting and sewing department, 1 case compared with 2 controls. Result and conclusion. There was a relationship between prolonged standing posture OR 303,34 p
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satria Guna Dharma
Abstrak :
Perilaku sedentari, ditandai dengan adanya kegiatan dalam jangka waktu yang lama yang melibatkan duduk atau berbaring, telah dilaporkan terkait dengan adanya peningkatan risiko jantung dan pembuluh darah. Duduk lebih dari 10 jam sehari dibandingkan dengan duduk kurang dari 5 jam sehari dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko terhadap penyakit kardiovaskular. Tingkat permasalahan yang ada di perusahaan ini, karena dari hasil pemeriksaan berkala pada 1 departemen didapatkan angka yang cukup signifikan terhadap faktor-faktor risiko PJK. Sedangkan pada departemen lainnya tidak ada sama sekali penilaian terhadap faktor-faktor risiko PJK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat stratifikasi risiko PJK pada pekerja main office dan pekerja site dengan menggunakan Skor Kardiovaskular Jakarta, untuk masukan bagi manajemen perusahaan sebagai rekomendasi menggunakan skor tersebut untuk menilai risiko PJK pekerja, khususnya pekerja yang berada di main office. Metode penelitian menggunakan disain potong lintang dengan analisis komparatif. Hasil yang paling berhubungan dengan stratifikasi risiko kardiovaskular Jakarta adalah faktor risiko riwayat penyakit keluarga p=0.021, OR=1334.3, dan 95 CI=147.1-12103.6. ...... The sedentary behaviour, characterized by long term activities involving sitting or lying down, has been reported to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Sitting more than 10 hours a day compared to sitting less than 5 hours a day is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.The underlying problems in this company, is that the periodic check results in one department obtained a significant number of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. While in other departments there is no assessment of cardiovascular disease risk factors. The purpose of this research was to determine the level of cardiovascular disease risk stratification using Jakarta cardiovascular score, as an input for company management to recommend using this score to assess workers cardiovascular disease risks, especially for workers in the main office. A cross sectional study was used as a design for this research, with comparative analysis. The most closely related result with cardiovascular risk stratification is a family history with cardiovascular disease p 0.021, OR 1334.3, dan 95 CI 147.1 12103.6.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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