Kata kunci:
Berbagi informasi, jaringan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi, whatsapp group, nilai budaya, budaya virtual
Information sharing, academic library network, whatsapp group, cultural values, virtual culture
"Perpustakaan perguruan tinggi menjadi target para penyumbang dengan beragam kepentingan. Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap bagaimana kekuatan pihak yang berkepentingan dalam pengelolaan SNI Corner dengan kaca mata ekonomi politik media Vincent Mosco meliputi tiga aspek, yaitu komodifikasi, spasialisasi dan strukturasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif konstruktivis dengan 8 (delapan) informan, yaitu 2 (dua) orang pimpinan dari BSN, Kepala Perpustakaan Daun, Direktur Perpustakaan Bunga dan 4 (empat) petugas SNI Corner. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa BSN SNI Corner membidik perpustakaan perguruan tinggi yang mempunyai banyak pengguna untuk memenuhi capaian jumlah pemanfaat informasi dan membangun kesadaran berbudaya standar. Dalam pengelolaan SNI Corner, kaitan ekonomi politik media yang paling menonjol terlihat pada spasialisasi dan komodifikasi. SNI Corner menjadi media spasialisasi BSN untuk menemui khalayak perguruan tinggi dan mendiseminasikan produknya. Spasialisasi berhasil mengatasi kebijakan akses SNI, mengatasi jarak sosial dan efisiensi waktu berhasil menyebarkan informasi standardisasi tersedia di 31 (tiga puluh) lokasi di Indonesia. BSN melakukan komodifikasi konten dalam bentuk koleksi dan fasilitas perpustakaan yang dikemas dalam SNI Corner. Rektor universitas Bunga maupun Universitas Daun secara tidak langsung telah melaksanakan praktik komodifikasi khalayak, yaitu mengubah pengguna perpustakaan kepada BSN untuk memperkuat kerjasama yang telah dijalin. Kerjasama yang terjadi disini saling menguntungkan. BSN memperoleh target khalayak, sementara perpustakaan memperoleh SNI Corner yang berisi koleksi informasi standardisasi beserta fasilitasnya dan sertifikat MoU yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kepentingan. Dalam komodifikasi pekerja, petugas SNI Corner meskipun hanya tugas tambahan (rangkap) atau petugas piket tidak mendapat imbalan apapun ternyata tetap berjalan.
So far, university libraries have been targeted by donors with various interests. This phenomenon has inspired this study which is to uncover the strength of the parties who are involved in managing SNI corner, based on a media political economys perspective of Vincent Moscow. This research used a constructivist method with 8 (eight) informants, who are 2 (two) managers of BSN, manager of Daun Library, manager Bunga Library and 4 (four) SNI Corner librarians. Data is collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation and document analysis. The results of this research indicates that SNI Corner has targeted universities libraries due to their large numbers of users. This number of users were intended to meet the achievements number for spreading information and building awareness of standardization. In SNI Corner management, the most prominent relation to the political economy is seen in the spatialization and the the commodification. SNI Corner is BSNs spatial media to meet the achievements numbers of user and to disseminated the product. Spatialization also succeeded in overcoming policies, distance and time constraints of BSN to disseminate its products. The spatialization has been a fully disseminating of standardization information which is available in 31 (thirty) locations in Indonesia. SNI Corner has carried out the commodification of content, starts from collections and facilities of the library which were packaged in SNI Corner. The chancellor of Bunga University and Daun University have indirectly carried out the practice of commodification of the audiences by changing their librarys users into BSNs. This action has strengthened the mutually benefited cooperation, between the universities and BSN. The benefit for BSN is that it gained targeted audiences, while the universities libraries enriched with SNI Corner which contains a collection of standardization information along with its facilities. Besides, the universities libraries have MoU certificates that can be used for various purposes. Although the SNI corner has benefited the two parties above, it has no effect on the commodification of workers (SNI Corner Librarians) because they have another additional task or a dual task or picket system without any reward.