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Afif Rafid Ikhsani
Abstrak :
Perubahan gaya hidup seiring perkembangan zaman membuat kronotipe manusia semakin bervariasi. Kronotipe malam diketahui banyak dijumpai pada kalangan remaja akhir. Pola irama sirkadian memiliki hubungan dengan sistem imun dan penyakit alergi. Rinitis alergi merupakan penyakit alergi yang paling banyak dijumpai pada kalangan remaja dan dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup penderitanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kronotipe dan rinitis alergi pada pelajar sekolah menengah atas.

Metode: Pada penelitian potong lintang ini, analisis dilakukan pada 196 pelajar sekolah menengah atas yang telah menjawab empat kuesioner: International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood Core QuestionnaireReduced Version Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire, Epworth Sleepiness Scale dan Kuesioner Studi Kohort Faktor Risiko PTM Tahun 2011 Bagian Penggunaan Tembakau dan Kebiasaan Merokok. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square dan analisis regresi logistik.

Hasil: Lebih banyak pelajar berkronotipe pagi (64,8%) dibandingkan tipe malam (35,2%). Sebanyak 28,1% pelajar mengalami rinitis alergi dalam 12 bulan terakhir. Kronotipe berhubungan signifikan dengan rinitis alergi (p<0,05; OR=2,273; CI 95% 1,198-4,311). Terdapat perbedaan proporsi rinitis alergi yang signifikan antara pelajar dengan kronotipe malam (39.1%) dan pelajar dengan kronotipe pagi (22%).

Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan proporsi rinitis alergi yang signifikan antara pelajar sekolah menengah atas dengan kronotipe malam dan pelajar dengan kronotipe pagi. ......Changes in lifestyle over the times make human chronotypes more varied. The evening type are known to be frequently found among late adolescents. Circadian rhythm has a relationship with the immune system and allergic disease. Allergic rhinitis is the most common allergic disease among adolescents and can reduce the patient's quality of life. This study aims to determine the relationship between chronotype and allergic rhinitis in high school students.

Method: In this cross-sectional study, 196 high school students answered four different questionnaires: the International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood Core Questionnaire, the Reduced Version Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire, Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Kuesioner Studi Kohort Faktor Risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular Tahun 2011 Bagian Penggunaan Tembakau dan Kebiasaan Merokok. The data was analyzed using chi-square test and logistic regression.

Result: More students were morning type (64,8%) compared to evening type (35,2%). As many as 28.1% of students experienced allergic rhinitis in the last 12 months. Chronotype was significantly associated with allergic rhinitis (p<0,05; OR=2,273; CI 95% 1,198-4,311). There was a significant difference in the proportion of allergic rhinitis between high school students with evening chronotype (39,1%) and high school students with morning chronotype (22%).

Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the proportion of allergic rhinitis between high school students with evening chronotype and students with morning chronotype.

Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Metalapa
Abstrak :
Prevalensi Rinitis Akibat Kerja (RAK) berkisar antara 5-48%. Penyebab RAK antara lain adalah partikulat debu yang beterbangan di lingkungan kerja. Hal ini akan meningkatkan beban pembiayaan baik terhadap pekerja itu sendiri maupun perusahaan tempat ia bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi RAK serta hubungan antara kadar partikulat debu dengan kejadian RAK dengan populasi pekerja parkir basement di sebuah Hotel dan RSUD di Jakarta dengan waktu pengumpulan sampel dilakukan selama bulan Desember 2014 hingga Maret 2015. Sampel penelitian adalah yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yakni area kerja di parkir basement, usia 20-40 tahun, masa kerja lebih dari 1 tahun dan bersedia mengikuti prosedur penelitian. Subyek penelitian di wawancara dan diperiksa kadar eosinofil kerokan mukosa hidung sebelum dan sesudah bekerja. RAK positif apabila terdapat gejala rinitis, memberat ketika bekerja dan ada peningkatan eosinofil kerokan mukosa hidung. Analisa penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan karakteristik usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok dan bagian kerja (terpapar langsung atau tidak dengan partikulat debu). Dari 57 subyek penelitian, 6 orang (10.5%) mengalami peningkatan eosinofil dengan karakterisktik sebagai berikut: 4 orang memiliki masa kerja > 4 tahun; 4 orang memiliki kebiasaan merokok; dan 3 orang bekerja di bagian kerja yang terpapar langsung dengan partikulat debu. Dari 6 orang tersebut terdapat 3 orang (5.2%) yang memenuhi kriteria RAK dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut: 2 orang berusia 30-40 tahun, 2 orang adalah laki-laki, 2 orang mempunyai masa kerja ≤ 4 tahun, dan 2 orang berasal dari bagian kerja yang terpapar tidak langsung dengan partikulat debu. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara riwayat atopi dengan peningkatan eosinofil (OR 23.33 dan 95%CI 2.40-224.62). Namun tidak ditemukan hubungan antara kadar partikulat debu dan masa kerja dengan RAK yang bermakna. ABSTRACT
The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Magdalena Wartono
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pekerja mebel di Kelurahan Pondok Bambu adalah pekerja informal yang dalam pekerjaannya terpajan dengan pelarut organik seperti toluen. Telah terbukti adanya pengaruh pajanan toluen terhadap kejadian gangguan penghidu. Belum ditemukan prevalensi gangguan penghidu akibat pajanan kimia di tempat kerja di Indonesia. Gangguan penghidu ini sering kali tidak dikeluhkan oleh penderita. Menurunnya fungsi penghidu dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja karena akan terus menginhalasi zat kimia berbahaya. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Subjek adalah pekerja mebel di RW 01, Kelurahan Pondok Bambu yang berjumlah 44 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan fungsi penghidu dengan Sniffin Sticks dan pemeriksaan kadar lingkungan toluen dengan personal sampling. Hasil: Dari 44 subjek, 37 (84,1%) dari mereka mengalami gangguan penghidu, yang termasuk kategori risiko pajanan tinggi adalah 14 (31,8%) orang dan yang berisiko pajanan rendah 30 (68,2%) orang. Sebanyak 13 (92,9%) subjek yang berisiko tinggi mengalami gangguan penghidu, sedangkan yang berisiko rendah 24 (80%). Tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kedua kelompok dengan terjadinya gangguan penghidu. Median Kadar toluen rata-rata adalah 0,48 ppm (0,002 – 7,72). Didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara kebiasaan merokok dengan gangguan penghidu, p = 0,02, OR = 26,4 ( IK 95% 1,59 - 453,77). Variabel lain seperti kebiasaan minum alkohol, gejala rinitis kronik dan riwayat atopi tidak ada yang secara signifikan berhubungan dengan gangguan penghidu. Kesimpulan: Kejadian gangguan penghidu pada subjek penelitian ini tidak berhubungan dengan besar risiko pajanan toluen di tempat kerjanya tetapi berhubungan dengan kebiasaan merokok. ...... Background: Workers at the furniture industry of Pondok Bambu village are informal workers who may be occupationally exposed to organic solvents such as toluene. The influence of toluene exposure on smell disorders has been proven. The prevalence of smell disorders due to chemical exposure in the workplace in Indonesia is not yet been found. Occupational- related smell disorder is rarely complained by the patient. Decreasing of smelling function can affect the health and safety of workers as he will continue to inhale harmful chemicals. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. 44 subjects recruited from the furniture industry in RW 01, Pondok Bambu village were studied. Data were collected through interviews, physical examination, quantitative smell function test with Sniffin Sticks and personal sampling airborne toluene levels measurement. Results: Among the fourty-four studied subjects, 37 (84.1%) subjects had smell disorder. Fourteen (31.8%) of them were categorized as high-risk exposure group and 30 (68.2%) as low-risk exposure group. Thirteen (92.9%) subjects from the high-risk exposure group had smell disorder, whereas from the low-risk group were 24 (80%) subjects. Exposure risk status was not statistically significant with smell disorder. The median score of airborne toluene levels is 0.48 ppm (range from 0.002 to 7.72). Smoking habit was the only variable that statistically significant with smell disorder, p = 0.02, OR = 26.4, (95% CI 1.59 to 453.77). Other variables such as alcohol consumption, chronic rhinitis symptoms and atopic history were not statistically significant. Conclusion: The smell disorders on the studied subjects is not associated with the exposure risk to toluene in the workplace but related to smoking habit.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Parmaditya Pamungkas
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: SARS-CoV2, virus yang menyebabkan COVID-19 merupakan masalah kesehatan terbesar yang dihadapi dunia dewasa ini. Gangguan penghidu dan pengecap saat ini telah diakui menjadi suatu entitas gejala pada COVID-19 namun studi terkait evaluasi objektif dan tata laksana gangguan ini masih sangat terbatas. Tujuan penelitian: Mengetahui gambaran klinis gangguan penghidu pada COVID-19 berdasarkan uji penghidu alkohol (UPA) dan uji penghidu intravena (UPI) serta efektifitas terapi hidung sebagai tambahan terapi standar pasien COVID-19 dengan gangguan penghidu. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak terkontrol paralel dengan penyamaran tunggal pada 2 kelompok menggunakan 24 pasien terkonfirmasi COVID-19 yang mengalami gangguan penghidu dan dirawat di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Juli-Oktober 2020. Penapisan gangguan penghidu menggunakan UPA dan dilanjutkan dengan UPI. Protokol terapi hidung yang digunakan terdiri dari steroid intranasal, cuci hidung Nacl 0,9%, dekongestan topikal dan balsam aromatik selama 2 minggu kemudian dilakukan analisis statistik perbedaan delta pada hasil pemeriksaan UPA dan UPI menggunakan Uji T independent atau Uji Mann Whitney. Hasil: Terdapat 4 subyek yang keluar dari penelitian dan analisis akhir dilakukan hanya pada 10 subyek per kelompok. Pada pengukuran awal didapatkan rerata nilai pengukuran UPA yang terganggu (kontrol 5,13 ± 3,79; terapi 2,6 ± 2,23). Pada pemeriksaan UPI didapatkan perlambatan onset UPI {kontrol 26 (8-300); terapi :131,5 (20-300)} penurunan nilai durasi {(kontrol:111 (0-182); terapi:44 (0-70)}. Uji perbedaan delta semua variabel pasca terapi didapatkan bahwa terdapat hasil perbedaan signifikan pada onset UPI kelompok terapi (p<0,001) dibandingkan kontrol. Terdapat peningkatan persentase perbaikan semua biomarka: UPA (170,13%), onset UPI (13,45%), dan durasi UPI (32,82%) pada kelompok terapi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol dengan keunggulan persentase >10%. Kesimpulan: Karakteristik gambaran gangguan penghidu pada subyek COVID-19 pada penelitian ini sesuai dengan jenis gangguan penghidu sensorineural. Subyek pada kedua kelompok mengalami perbaikan gangguan penghidu pasca follow up 2 minggu. Pemberian terapi hidung memberikan nilai tambah dengan bukti awal perbaikan pada nilai onset UPI dibanding pemberian terapi standar saja. ......Background: SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19, makes the disease biggest health problem the world facing today. Smell and taste disorders are currently recognized as a symptom entity in COVID-19, but studies related to objective evaluation and management of this disorder are still very limited. Aim : To evaluate the clinical presentation of olfactory disorders in COVID-19 based on the alcohol sniff test (AST) and the intravenous olfaction test (IOT) and the effectiveness of the nasal therapy protocol as an adjunct to standard therapy in COVID-19 patients with olfactory disorders. Methods: This study was a two-group single-blind randomized trial of 24 COVID-19 patients with olfactory disorders in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from July to October 2020. Assestment of olfactory function in this study was performed using AST and IOT. Screening for olfactory disorders performed using AST and followed by IOT. The nasal therapy used consisted of intranasal steroids, Nacl 0,9% nasal washing, topical decongestants and aromatic balms for 2 weeks. Statistical analysis of delta differences was carried based on the results of AST and IOT using independent T test or Mann Whitney test. Results: Four subject were lost to follow up. The final analysis was performed on each 10 subjects per group. The initial measurement showed all subjects included in this study have decreased AST value (control: 5.13 ± 3.79; therapy: 2.6 ± 2.23). Late onset IOT {control: 26 (8-300); therapy: 131.5 (20-300)}, decreased duration {(control: 111 (0-182); therapy: 44 (0-70)}. Statistical tests of delta differences of all post-therapy variabel found that there were significant results on delta IOT latency in the treatment group (p <0.001). There were difference of the percentage improvement of AST (170.13%), IOT onset (13.45%), and duration of IOT (32.82%) in the therapy group compared to the control group. with a percentage advantage >10% Conclusion: The characteristics of the olfactory disorder in COVID-19 subjects in this study were in accordance with the type of sensorineural olfactory disorders. Both subject of two groups have showed improvement in two weeks follow up. The administration of a nasal therapy provides early evidence of improvement in the IOT onset value compared to standard therapy alone.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Utama
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Rinitis Alergi adalah penyakit inflamasi yang disebabkan oleh reaksi alergi pada pasien atopi. Tungau debu rumah TDR merupakan aeroalergen tersering yang mensensitisasi reaksi alergi. Pada tahun 1988 reseptor vitamin D VDR , berhasil di klon. Reseptor vitamin D berlokasi di beberapa jaringan dan sel tubuh manusia, termasuk di peripheral blood mononuclear cells PBMCs dan limfosit T yang telah teraktivasi. Riset yang lebih jauh memperlihatkan bahwa vitamin D mempunyai beberapa efek dari pengaturan sitokin terhadap beberapa sel yang berbeda dari sistem imun. Vitamin D dapat menekan respon Th1 dan Th2. Sel Th1 dan Th2 menghambat perkembangan satu sama lain.Tujuan. Melihat pengaruh pemberian Vitamin D terhadap kadar IL-10, IFN-? dan histamin pada kultur PBMC pasien rinitis alergiMetode. Sampel merupakan darah segar whole blood penderita rinitis alergi yang telah dilekukan prick test, serta diiisolasi dengan metode Ficoll. Bahan biologis tersimpan yang berupa supernatan kultur. Kultur sel limfosit sebelum perlakuan, diberi pendedahan tanpa atau dengan 1,25 OH 2D3 100 nM, waktu inkubasi 7 hari, dengan penambahan PHA dan alergen tungau pada hari ke-4. Kultur sel-sel PBMC dari pasien RA setelah perlakuan, dilakukan harvest pada hari ke-7, kemudian supernatanannya dialikuot untuk diukur kadar sitokin IFN-? dan IL-10, dan diuji secara statistik untuk melihat pola dari tiap parameter.Hasil: Pemberian alergen tungau tanpa vitamin D menyebabkan meningkatnya kadar histamin serta menurunkan kadar IL-10 dan IFN-?. Pemberian vitamin D pada kultur sel PBMC yang telah diberi alergen tungau menyebabkan peningkatan kadar IL-10 dan penurunan kadar IFN-? dan histamin.Simpulan: Menurunnya kadar histamin dan IFN-? terhadap stimulasi alergen tungau pasien rinitis alergi yang diberi vitamin D cenderung berhubungan dengan meningkatnya kiadar IL-10.
Background. Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory disease caused by an allergic reaction in atopic patients. House dust mites TDR are the most common aeroalergens that sensitize allergic reactions. In 1988 vitamin D receptor VDR , successfully in clones. Vitamin D receptors are located in several tissues and human body cells, including peripheral blood mononuclear cells PBMCs and activated T lymphocytes. Further research has shown that vitamin D has some effects of cytokine regulation on several cells different from the immune system. Vitamin D can suppress Th1 and Th2 responses. Th1 and Th2 cells inhibit the development of each other. Aim.To identify the Effect of Vitamin D On IL 10 IFN and histamine levels on PBMC Cultur of Allergic Rhinitis PatientsMethod. The sample is fresh blood whole blood of allergic rhinitis patients who have been prick tested, and isolated by Ficoll method. Pre treated lymphocyte culture, treated with or without 1,25 OH 2D3 100 nM, and incubated for 7 days, with addition of PHA and allergen mites on day 4. Cultures of PBMC cells from RA patients after treatment were harvested on day 7, then the supernatant was dialyzed for measured levels of IFN and IL 10 cytokines using elisa kits and tested statistically to see patterns of each parameter.Result. Giving allergen mites without vitamin D causes increased levels of histamine and lowers levels of IL 10 and IFN . Provision of vitamin D in PBMC cell culture that has been given allergen mites causes increased levels of IL 10 and decreased levels of IFN and histamine.Conclusion. Reduced levels of histamine and IFN against allergen mite stimulation of allergic rhinitis patients given vitamin D tend to be associated with increased IL 10 levels.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yesi Mardhatillah
Abstrak :
Latar belakang : Gangguan penghidu saat ini lebih disadari oleh masyarakat akibat terjadinya pandemi COVID-19. Tatalaksana gangguan penghidu pasca-virus belum disepakati secara universal meskipun beberapa obat telah diuji coba. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran jenis dan derajat gangguan penghidu pasca-virus serta efektifitas kombinasi latihan penghidu ortonasal (LPO) dan protokol terapi penghidu terhadap perbaikan fungsi penghidu pasca-virus. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan bulan Februari – Mei 2022 di poliklinik THT-KL RSCM. Desain penelitian yang digunakan uji kuasi eksperimental 1 grup pre dan post test dengan 12 subjek gangguan penghidu yang terjadi mendadak pasca infeksi virus. Subjek penelitian dilakukan penilaian fungsi penghidu dengan uji penghidu alkohol (UPA), uji penghidu intravena (UPI) dan sniffin stick test (SST). Subjek penelitian diberikan kombinasi LPO dan protokol terapi hidung yang terdiri dari irigasi hidung, steroid intranasal, dekongestan topikal, omega-3 dan oles balsam aromatik selama 6 minggu kemudian dilakukan penilaian statistik. Hasil: Didapatkan hiposmia 8 subjek dan ansomia 4 subjek. Pada subjek hiposmia terdapat 2 subjek pantosmia dan 3 subjek parosmia, sedangkan pada subjek anosmia didapatkan 1 subjek pantosmia. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 9 subjek jenis sensorineural dan 3 subjek jenis konduksi. Setelah dilakukan terapi didapatkan hasil siginifikan berdasarkan pemeriksaan UPA, UPI, diskriminasi, identifikasi dan total ADI (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Karakteristik gangguan penghidu pada penelitian ini sesuai dengan jenis gangguan penghidu sensorineural dan konduksi serta derajat anosmia dan hiposmia. Kombinasi LPO dan protokol terapi hidung selama 6 minggu terbukti efektif pada gangguan penghidu pasca-virus. ......Background: Postviral olfactory dysfunction is becoming more aware of the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The management of chronic postviral olfactory dysfunction is still unknown, although several drugs have been tried, but the treatment is not universally agreed yet. Objective: This study was conducted to describe the types and degrees of postviral olfactory dysfunction and the effectiveness of the combination of orthonasal olfactory training and nasal protocols therapy on the improvement of postviral olfactory function. Methode: The research was conducted from February to May 2022 at ENT outpatient clinic Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. The research design used was a quasi-experimental test with 1 pre and post-test group with 12 subjects with olfactory dysfunction that occurred suddenly after viral infection. The research subjects will be assessed for olfactory function using the alcohol sniff test (AST), the intravenous olfactory test (IOT) and the sniffin stick test (SST). Subjects will be given a combination of orthonasal olfactory training and a nasal protocol therapy consisting of nasal irrigation, intranasal steroids, topical decongestants, omega-3 and aromatic balsam for 6 weeks then statistical analysis was performed. Results: There were 8 subjects with hyposmia and 4 subjects with ansomia. In hyposmic subjects there are 2 phantosmia subjects and 3 parosmia subjects, while in anosmia subjects there are 1 subject with phantosmia. The types of post-viral olfactory disorders in this study were 9 sensorineural subjects and 3 conductive subjects. The results of statistical calculations of olfactory function after therapy were found to be significant based on AST, IOT, discrimination, identification and TDI (p<0.05). Conclusion: The characteristics of the olfactory dysfunction in this study are sensorineural and conduction olfactory dysfunction. The combination of orthonasal olfactory training and nasal protocol therapy for 6 weeks has been shown to be effective in improving olfactory function in postviral olfactory dysfunction.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tissa Indriaty
Abstrak :
Diagnosis gangguan penghidu memerlukan pemeriksaan yang akurat. Saat ini Departemen THT-KL RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo menggunakan Sniffin? Sticks sebagai pemeriksaan rutin. Uji penghidu intravena (UPI) merupakan pemeriksaan penghidu sederhana yang dapat melengkapi pemeriksaan Sniffin? Sticks dalam menilai jalur retronasal dan prognosis. Tujuan: Mengetahui sebaran nilai normal ambang penghidu berdasarkan UPI pada subjek dewasa tanpa gangguan penghidu. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang deskriptif yang dilakukan di Unit Rawat Jalan Terpadu THT-KL RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Januari-Februari 2016 dengan melibatkan 55 subjek normosmia. Hasil: Rerata (± simpang baku) nilai normal ambang berdasarkan UPI adalah 16,29 ± 5,52 detik dengan persentil 5 pada 9,46 detik dan persentil 90 pada 22,99 detik. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara hasil pemeriksaan ambang penghidu berdasarkan UPI dengan ambang penghidu maupun skor total pemeriksaan Sniffin? Sticks. Kesimpulan: Uji penghidu intravena dapat diaplikasikan dalam evaluasi fungsi penghidu sebagai pelengkap Sniffin? Sticks.
Background: The diagnosis of olfactory loss needs accurate examinations. At this moment, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (ORL-HNS) has used Sniffin? Sticks as a routine examination. Intravenous olfaction test (IOT) is a simple examination to complement the Sniffin? Sticks examination( due to its ability to evaluate retronasal pathway and prognosis. Objective: To investigate the normative value of olfactory threshold using the IOT in adult subjects without olfactory loss. Method: This research is a cross sectional, descriptive study took place at ORL-HNS Outpatient Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital included 55 normosmia subjects in January-February 2016. Results: Normative value of olfactory threshold using IOT was 16,29 ± 5,52 seconds (mean ± standard deviation) with the 5th percentile on 9,46 seconds and 90th percentile on 22,99 seconds. There was no correlation between the olfactory threshold results based on IOT with the olfactory threshold or the overall score of Sniffin? Sticks. Conclusion: Intravenous olfactory test is applicable for the evaluation of olfactory function, complementing the Sniffin? Sticks examination.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library