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Dhiya Farah Khalisha
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Prevalensi PRGE makin meningkat di Indonesia. Diagnosisnya sendiri masih sulit karena biasa dilakukan hanya berdasarkan gejala klinis yang sifatnya terlalu umum. Selain itu data mengenai gejala klinis PRGE anak di Indonesia masih minim, padahal akibat dari PRGE pada anak cukup mengganggu proses tumbuh kembangnya. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gejala klinis apa saja yang sering dan memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan usia dan status gizi pada anak dengan PRGE yang dilakukan endoskopi saluran cerna atas di Departemen IKA RSCM-FKUI. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang (cross-sectional) untuk membandingkan prevalensi gejala klinis PRGE pada anak dan kaitannya dengan usia dan status gizi. Penelitian ini menganalisa 76 anak dengan diagnosis klinis PRGE yang dilakukan esofagogastroduodenoskopi, berusia 2-18 tahun, dan sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Data dianalisa dari rekam medis tahun 2011-2015. Hasil: Anak dengan PRGE paling banyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki (53.9%), berusia sekolah (69.8%), dan berstatus gizi buruk/kurang (40.8%). Secara umum gejala klinis yang paling sering muncul pada anak dengan PRGE adalah muntah (76.3%), nyeri perut (72.4%), mual (63.2%), dan nyeri dada atau heartburn (51.3%). Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kelompok usia dan gejala klinis berupa nyeri dada atau heartburn (p=0.04) yang lebih sering pada usia sekolah. Kelompok balita secara bermakna mengalami menolak makan (p=<0.0001), nafsu makan berkurang (p=0.002), dan gejala pernapasan (p=0.001). Gejala klinis PRGE berupa nyeri dada atau heartburn (p=0.011) secara bermakna lebih sering terjadi pada gizi lebih/obesitas; dan berat badan menurun lebih sering terjadi pada gizi kurang/buruk (p=0.044). Kesimpulan: Anak dengan PRGE lebih sering terjadi pada usia sekolah dan memiliki gizi buruk/kurang. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara gejala klinis PRGE pada anak dengan kelompok usia maupun status nutrisi. ......Background: The prevalence of GERD tends to increase in Indonesia. Establishing the diagnosis itself is sometimes not easy since it is usually based only on clinical manifestations which are not specified to GERD only. Information about clinical manifestations of GERD in Indonesia children is still limited. Objectives: To evaluate which clinical manifestations are frequent and have significant relation with age and nutritional status in Indonesian children with GERD who underwent upper-gastrointestinal endoscopy procedure in the Child Health Department of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital - Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Indonesia (RSCM-FKUI). Methods: Cross-sectional design was used to compare the prevalence of clinical manifestations in children and their relationship with age and nutritional status. This study analyzed 76 children with GERD who underwent esophagogastroduodenos-copy procedure, aged from 2-to-18-years old, and fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data analysed from medical record during the year of 2011-2015. Results: Children with GERD were mostly male (53%), at school aged (69.8%), and had mild/moderate/severe undernutrition (40.8%). This study revealed that the most frequent clinical manifestations in children with GERD are vomiting (76.3%), stomachache (72.4%), nausea (63.2%), and chestpain or heartburn (51.3%). There was significant different between age groups and clinical manifestations of GERD symptoms such as chestpain or heartburn (p=0.04) which was more frequent in school-aged group. The under-five aged group was significantly had more feeding refusal (p=<0.0001), decreased appetite (p=0.002), and respiratory symptoms (p=0.001) compare to that of school-aged group. The GERD symptoms of chestpain or heartburn was statistically significant more frequent (p=0.011) in over-nutrition/obesity group; whereas losing weight was significantly more frequent (p=0.044) in mild/moderate/severe undernourished group. Conclusion: Children with GERD are mostly in school-age group and had mild/moderate/severe undernutrition. There was statistically significant different of GERD symptoms between age groups and nutritional status groups.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Andari Muliati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Prevalensi penyakit refluks gastroesofageal (PRGE) cenderung mengalami peningkatan di Indonesia. Kondisi PRGE dapat menimbulkan gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak. Namun, untuk menentukan diagnosis PRGE masih sulit dilakukan karena gejala yang ditimbulkan tidak spesifik, alat diagnostik yang hanya tersedia di rumah sakit besar dan data epidemiologi di Indonesia masih kurang. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran patologi anatomi anak dengan PRGE yang dilakukan pemeriksaan endoskopi saluran cerna atas di Departemen IKA RSCM-FKUI, serta hubungannya dengan kelompok usia dan status gizi. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang (cross-sectional) dengan subjek 76 pasien anak usia 2-18 tahun dengan PRGE yang dilakukan pemeriksaan esofagogastroduodenoskopi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Pengambilan data status rekam medis pasien di Departemen IKA RSCM-FKUI pada Januari 2011 hingga Oktober 2015. Hasil: Pada 76 pasien anak dengan PRGE yang dilakukan endoskopi didapatkan hasil anak lelaki dibandingkan perempuan adalah 4,1:3,5 dengan mayoritas kelompok usia sekolah (70%) dan status gizi malnutrisi (60%). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada hasil endoskopi berdasarkan kelompok usia yaitu ditemukannya infeksi H.Pylori pada 24% anak usia sekolah (p=0,013). Hasil endoskopi terkait status gizi secara bermakna (p=0,049) menunjukkan bahwa hiperemis pada lambung lebih banyak ditemukan pada pasien dengan status gizi malnutrisi (45/72 anak) dibandingkan dengan gizi baik (24/72 anak). Kelainan patologi anatomi anak dengan PRGE tidak berbeda antara kelompok usia maupun status gizi. Kesimpulan: Anak yang mengalami PRGE lebih banyak terjadi pada usia sekolah dengan status gizi malnutrisi. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada hasil endoskopi anak dengan PRGE berdasarkan kelompok usia dan status gizi. Kelainan patologi anak dengan PRGE tidak berbeda menurut kelompok usia maupun status gizi. ......Background: The prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has increased recently in Indonesia. The condition of GERD can impaired growth and development in children. However, to determine diagnosis of GERD is difficult because the symptoms are non-spesific, diagnostic tools are only available in large hospitals, and epidemiological data Indonesia still less. Aim: To evaluate the anatomical pathology of GERD in children and the correlation according to age group and nutritional status. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study comparing GERD anatomic pathology findings and its relation to age group and nutritional status. The data were evaluated from 76 subjects aged 2-to-18-years old who underwent esophagogastroduodenos-copy (EGD) that fullfiled inclusion criteria. The data based on the medical record of endoscopic procedure at Child Health Department of Cipto Mangun-kusumo Hospital – Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Indonesia (RSCM-FKUI) from January 2011 to October 2015. Results: Among 76 children with GERD whom underwent EGD, the boy compare to girl was 4.1:3.5 and most of them (70%) were school-aged chidren with malnutrition (60%). The prevalence of H. pylori infection was 24% and it was significantly higher in school-aged group than under-five group (p=0,013). The macroscopic appearance of endoscopy in relation to nutritional status was significantly (p=0.049) more hyperemic stomach wall in malnutrition group (45/72 children) compare to that of good nutritional status group (24/72 children). The abnormality of upper gastrointestinal pathology was not statistically different (p>0.05) in both aged groups and nutritional status groups. Conclusion: Children suffered from GERD were more often at school age and had malnutrition condition. There were significant different of endoscopic findings of children with GERD in regards to age groups and nutritional status groups. The abnormality of pathologic findings of GERD in children were not significantly different between age-groups and nutritional status groups.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Fatmah Azzuhra
Abstrak :
Diabetes Mellitus tipe 1 di anak merupakan salah satu penyakit metabolik endokrin tersering di dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, angka insidensi anak yang mengalami diabetes mellitus tipe 1 terus bertambah. Dengan fasilitas dan pengobatan yang kurang memadai di Indonesia, hal ini dapat memperburuk efek kadar gula darah yang tinggi dan menimbulkan beberapa komplikasi termasuk penurunan kecerdasan. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah anak dengan diabetes mellitus tipe 1 yang tidak terkontrol diindikasikan dengan tingkat HbA1c memiliki hubungan dengan penurunan kecerdasan. Dengan menggunakan metode cross sectional, data dalam riset ini diambil dari questionnaire dan juga medical record pasien yang mengikut sertakan anak diabetes mellitus tipe 1 berumur 5-18 tahun di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo dan Brawijaya Clinic pada periode Juni-Juli 2016. Sebelum melakukan pengukuran kecerdasan mengunakan metode CCIDD, semua subjek harus melakukan pemeriksaan tingkat HbA1c maximal 3 bulan sebelumnya. Seluruh data subjek akan di deskripsikan ke dalam tabel. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui hubungan anatara HbA1c dan tingkat kecerdasan anak, peneliti menggunakan simple correlation test dan juga uni-variable non parametric for independent samples of Mann-Whitney. Kemudian dari pada itu linear regression, juga digunakan untuk mementukan risk factor yang berhubungan dengan fungsi kecerdasaan anak diabetes mellitus tipe 1. Terdapat 50 subjek yang berhasil di analisa pada penilitian ini. Sebagain besar anak DM berumur >12-18 tahun dengan ratio perempuan lebih besar. Nilai tengah dari umur saat terdiagnosa 8.4(1.1-14.3) tahun dan menderita diabetes selama 2.8(0.1-13.9) tahun. Rerata HbA1c 9.3(1.94)% dengan sebagian besar pernah mengalami 1 kali DKA. Untuk hubungan antara tingkat HbA1c dan tingkat kecerdasan, ditemukan korelasi lemah (r = -.182) dengan p-value >0.05 yang dapat diartikan tidak adanya hubungan yang signifikan anatara dua variable tersebut. Namun didalam variable risk factors, ditemukan hubungan antara status sosial ekonomi anak DM-1 dengan fungsi kecerdasannya (p<0.05). Tingkat HbA1c yang tinggi tidak memiliki hubungan dengan penurunan kecerdasan pada anak dengan diabetes mellitus tipe 1. Namun, tingkat status sosial ekonomi anak DM-1 dapat menjadi faktor resiko terhadap fungsi kecerdasan anak tersebut. Penilitian lebih lanjut dapat dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah anak dengan kasus yang lebih berat dikarenakan tingginya kadar gula darah yang tidak terkontrol memiliki hubungan dengan tingkat kecerdasan anak dengan diabetes melitus tipe 1. ......Type 1 diabetes mellitus in children is one of the most prevalent metabolic endocrine disease including in Indonesia. It is known that the number of incidences is increasing for a past couple of years. With inadequate management and facilities in Indonesia, it makes high blood glucose in children with T1D can lead to serious complication such as cognitive dysfunction. This research aim is to know whether the uncontrolled T1D in which indicated by HbA1c is associated with decreased cognitive function. This research is a cross-sectional study where the data is gathered by questionnaire alongside with medical record which involves type 1 diabetic children aged 5-18 years old from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Brawijaya Clinic in June-July 2016 period. Prior to the cognitive test using CCIDD method, all the subject must have a record of HbA1c measurement 3 months before. Following that, all subject characteristics are described in baseline data. In addition, a simple correlation test and non-parametric for uni-variable independent samples of Mann-Whitney were used to compare the HbA1c and cognitive function. Moreover, linear regression was also used to know the risk factor for cognitive function in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. There were 50 subjects which were analyzed in this research. The majority is children whose age from >12-18 with a larger ratio of female subjects. The median value for the age of onset 8.4(1.1-14.3) years and duration of disease of 2.8(0.1-13.9) years. The mean HbA1c was 9.3(1.94)% with the majority of subject experienced one episode of DKA. Furthermore, HbA1c and cognitive function showed a very weak negative correlation (r=.182) with p-value >0.05 indicates that there is no significant association between these two variables. However, within the risk factor variable, it showed that socioeconomic of the subject was associated with cognitive function (p<0.05). High level of HbA1c was not associated with a declined performance of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. However, socioeconomic status of the T1D children was the risk factors to their cognitive performance. Further investigation of this cross-sectional study can be done to analyze the further association between an uncontrolled glycemic state of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus and cognitive function.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eghar Anugrapaksi
Abstrak :
Diare kronik pada anak membutuhkan perhatian serius karena memiliki morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Diare kronik merupakan proses diare akut yang melanjut akibat berbagai faktor risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi, karakteristik pasien, gambaran klinis, dan faktor risiko diare kronik pada anak non-HIV. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang pada pasien anak dengan diagnosis diare kronik non-HIV di RSCM pada Januari 2014-Juli 2018. Data pasien diperoleh dari sumber data sekunder berupa rekam medis. Dari 120 rekam medis dengan diagnosis diare, 44 pasien anak mengalami diare kronik non-HIV. Prevalensi diare kronik non-HIV di RSCM adalah 36%. Karakteristik pasien adalah mayoritas laki-laki dengan rentang usia 1-5 tahun dengan kondisi gizi buruk serta riwayat penggunaan antibiotik. Mayoritas pasien tidak memiliki riwayat menggunakan oralit. Meskipun demikian, kebanyakan pasien tidak mengalami dehidrasi. Pasien ditemukan mayoritas memiliki penyakit penyertadan kultur tinja positif. Mikroorganisme terbanyak yang ditemukan dalam kultur adalah Klebseilla pneumoniae, E. coli non-patogen, dan Proteus mirabilis. Sedangkan, penyakit terbanyak yang menyertai kondisi diare kronik adalah infeksi, seperti sepsis, infeksi CMV, dan infeksiTB. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin dengan temuan kultur feses positif pada pasien diare kronik non-HIV (p = 0,029; 95% CI = 0,024-0,82). Faktor lainnya ditemukan tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis kelamin laki-laki merupakan salah satu faktor risiko kultur feses positif pada pasien diare kronik non-HIV. Maka dari itu, perhatian lebih perlu difokuskan kepada populasi laki-laki karena kelompok tersebut lebih rentan terkena diare kronik dibandingkan dengan populasi perempuan. Dengan demikian, penanganan yang cepat dan tepat dapat diberikan pada populasi laki-laki untuk menurunkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas diare kronik.
Chronic diarrhea, especially in children, demand a higher concern due to its high morbidity and mortality. Chronic diarrhea resulted from a prolonged and unsolved acute diarrhea due to many factors. This paper aim to identify prevalence, patient characteristics, clinical profiles, and risk factors of chronic diarrhea in non-HIV children. This paper uses cross sectional study design from children patients from January 2014 to July 2018with the diagnosis of chronic diarrhea in non-HIV children. This paper obtained its data from the patients medical records. From120 medical records with the diagnosis of diarrhea, 44 patients are diagnosed with chronic diarrhea without the infection of HIV. The prevalence of chronic diarrhea in non-HIV patients in RSCM is 36%. The patient characteristics is dominated by 1-5 years old boys with severe malnutrition and history of taking antibiotics medication. Most of the patients also never took oral rehydration therapy in their medication. Regardless of that, most of the patients also didnt experience any dehydration. This paper also found that chronic diarrhea mostly accompanied with another disease and positive fecal culture test. The big three of microorganism that found in the positive fecal culture is Klebseilla pneumoniae, Non-Pathogen E. Coli, and Proteus mirabilis. In the other hand, most of the accompanying disease is infectious disease, suchas CMV infection or TB infection. Multivariate analysis in this study shows that sex is the only risk factor that significantly associated with the event of positive fecal culture test. Other factors found to be insignificant. This paper findings highlight that boys have higher risk of positive fecal culture test due to infection compared to girls. Hence, it is important to give more attention to boys because they are prone to chronic diarrhea than girls. With doing so, we can prompt an early and appropriate treatment to these specific group in order to decrease the morbidity and mortality of chronic diarrhea.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Wirahmadi
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Anak dengan penyakit jantung rematik memiliki risiko untuk terjadinya morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Hal tersebut merupakan masalah besar dan menimbulkan beban ekonomi pada negara berkembang. Berbagai faktor prediktor telah diketahui memengaruhi prognosis anak dengan penyakit jantung rematik, namun belum ada penelitian yang spesifik menilai faktor-faktor prediktor tersebut pada anak di Indonesia. Tujuan: (1)Mengetahui angka morbiditas berat pada anak dengan penyakit jantung rematik. (2)Mengetahui prediktor terjadinya morbiditas berat pada anak dengan penyakit jantung rematik. Metode: Penelitian kohort retrospektif dilakukan pada 100 anak dengan penyakit jantung rematik usia 4-15 tahun yang terdiagnosis pertama kali pada Juli 2010Juni 2015. Manifestasi klinis berupa kelas gagal jantung, jumlah katup jantung yang terkena, kepatuhan menjalani profilaksis sekunder, jenis serangan demam rematik dan pemanjangan interval PR dievaluasi untuk menilai hubungan dengan terjadinya morbiditas berat dan luaran fatal. Faktor prediktor dianalisis secara multivariat dengan uji Cox regression. Hasil: Angka morbiditas berat pada anak dengan penyakit jantung rematik sebesar 54/100 (54%). Pada analisis multivariat didapatkan faktor prediktor terjadinya morbiditas berat berupa kelas gagal jantung NYHA II (p=0,009; HR 15,3; IK95% 2-119,3), kelas gagal jantung NYHA III-IV (p=0,004; HR 21,2; IK95% 2,7-167), keterlibatan 3 katup jantung (p=0,005; HR 7; IK95% 1,8-27,6) dan keterlibatan 4 katup jantung (p=0,008; HR 5,7; IK95% 1,6-20,9). Simpulan: Angka morbiditas berat pada anak dengan penyakit jantung rematik sebesar 54%. Faktor prediktor terjadinya morbiditas berat pada anak dengan penyakit jantung rematik adalah kelas gagal jantung ≥ NYHA II dan jumlah kelainan katup jantung ≥ 3. ;ABSTRACT Background: Children with rheumatic heart disease are at risk of severe morbidity and mortality. These problems become a major concern and economic burden in developing countries. Multiple predictors may affect the prognosis of children with rheumatic heart disease, however there is no specific study regarding these predictors in Indonesian children. Aim: (1)To determine the incidence of severe morbidity in children with rheumatic heart disease (2)To determine the predictor of severe morbidity in children with rheumatic heart disease. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed in 100 children who have been diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease from July 2010 to June 2015. Clinical symptoms in regards to the severity of NYHA, number(s) of cardiac valve(s) involvement, compliance of prophylactic treatment, type of rheumatic attack and prolonged P-R interval were evaluated in relation to severity of rheumatic heart disease and fatal outcome. Predictors were analyzed using Cox regression model. Result: Severe morbidity rate was 54/100 (54%). In multivariate analysis, predictors of severe morbidity were heart failure NYHA class II (p=0,009; HR 15,3; 95%CI 2-119,3), heart failure NYHA class III-IV (p=0,004; HR 21,2; 95%CI 2,7-167), involvement of 3 heart valve (p=0,005; HR 7; 95%CI 1,8-27,6) and involvement of 4 heart valve (p=0,008; HR 5,7; 95%CI 1,6-20,9). Conclusion: The severe morbidity rate in children with rheumatic heart disease was 54%. Predictors of severe morbidity related to rheumatic heart disease were functional class of heart failure ≥ NYHA II and number of valve involvement ≥ 3.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Rahmi
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Diare masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di negara berkembang karena morbiditas dan mortalitasnya yang masih tinggi. Diare dapat disebabkan oleh virus, bakteri dan parasit yang penting diketahui untuk memberikan tatalaksana yang tepat, namun saat ini belum ada data mengenai bakteri penyebab diare di Indonesia. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran klinis anak dengan diare akut dan mengetahui jenis bakteri enteropatogen penyebab diare akut dengan menggunakan real-time PCR di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang pada anak dengan diare akut berusia 1-15 tahun di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Hasil: Subyek penelitian ini terdiri dari 60 subyek dengan diare akut. Sebagian besar berusia 1-3 tahun, status gizi baik, berasal dari ibu dengan pendidikan sedang dengan status ekonomi keluarga menengah rendah, sebagian besar belum mendapat antibiotik sebelum ke rumah sakit tetapi sudah mendapat cairan rehidrasi oral. Gambaran klinis diare akut akibat infeksi bakteri yaitu frekuensi diare ≤5X/hari (p=0,018), tanpa leukositosis feses (p=0,015) dan malabsorpsi lemak (p=0,031). Sebaran infeksi bakteri patogen penyebab diare akut berdasarkan real-time PCR sebagai berikut: Campylobacter jejuni 7 subyek, Escherichia coli patogen 17 subyek yang terdiri dari EPEC 9 subyek, EIEC 5 subyek dan ETEC 3 subyek. Infeksi bakteri campuran pada subyek sebagai berikut: EPEC+EIEC 2 subyek , C.jejuni+EPEC 1 subyek, C.jejuni+EPEC+EIEC 1 subyek dan C.jejuni+EPEC+ETEC 1 subyek. Simpulan: Sebagian besar diare terjadi pada usia 1-3 tahun dengan status pasien gizi baik dengan status keluarga menengah rendah. Sekitar 48% anak dengan diare akut didapatkan bakteri dari hasil real-time PCR feses dengan proporsi terbanyak yaitu EPEC, diikuti Campylobacter jejuni, EIEC dan ETEC. ABSTRACT
Background: Diarrhea is still a public health problem in developing countries due to it?s morbidity and mortality. Diarrhea can be caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites. It is important to know the etiology to provide proper management, but there is currently no data on the bacteria that causes diarrhea in Indonesia. Objective: To characterize the clinical manifestations of children with acute diarrhea and determine the type of enteropathogens bacteria causing acute diarrhea using real-time PCR in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, done in June-November 2015. Stool specimens were collected from patients aged 1-15 years with acute diarrhea and tested for bacterial enteropathogens using real-time PCR. Results: Of the 60 children enrolled, mostly aged 1-3 years, good nutritional status, from low income families and secondary education mothers, most have not received antibiotics prior to hospital admission but had received oral rehydration fluids. The clinical features of acute diarrhea caused by bacterial infection is diarrhea frequency ≤5X / day without fecal leukocytosis and fat malabsorption. From 60 subjects, 29 (48,3%) children excreted bacteria in their feces prooved by real-time PCR. Distribution of pathogenic bacterial infection causes acute diarrhea by real-time PCR as follows: Campylobacter jejuni 7 subjects, pathogenic Escherichia coli 17 subjects which consists of EPEC 9 subjects, EIEC 5 subjects and ETEC 3 subjects. Multiple infections in subjects as follows: EPEC+EIEC 2 subjects, EPEC+C.jejuni 1 subject, C.jejuni+EPEC+EIEC 1 subject and C.jejuni+EPEC+ETEC 1 subject. Conclusions: Most diarrhea occurs at the age of 1-3 years with good nutritional status of patients with low-medium family status. Approximately 48% of children with acute diarrhea excreted bacteria in their feces prooved by real-time PCR stool with the highest proportion is EPEC, followed by Campylobacter jejuni, EIEC and ETEC. ;Background: Diarrhea is still a public health problem in developing countries due to it?s morbidity and mortality. Diarrhea can be caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites. It is important to know the etiology to provide proper management, but there is currently no data on the bacteria that causes diarrhea in Indonesia. Objective: To characterize the clinical manifestations of children with acute diarrhea and determine the type of enteropathogens bacteria causing acute diarrhea using real-time PCR in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, done in June-November 2015. Stool specimens were collected from patients aged 1-15 years with acute diarrhea and tested for bacterial enteropathogens using real-time PCR. Results: Of the 60 children enrolled, mostly aged 1-3 years, good nutritional status, from low income families and secondary education mothers, most have not received antibiotics prior to hospital admission but had received oral rehydration fluids. The clinical features of acute diarrhea caused by bacterial infection is diarrhea frequency ≤5X / day without fecal leukocytosis and fat malabsorption. From 60 subjects, 29 (48,3%) children excreted bacteria in their feces prooved by real-time PCR. Distribution of pathogenic bacterial infection causes acute diarrhea by real-time PCR as follows: Campylobacter jejuni 7 subjects, pathogenic Escherichia coli 17 subjects which consists of EPEC 9 subjects, EIEC 5 subjects and ETEC 3 subjects. Multiple infections in subjects as follows: EPEC+EIEC 2 subjects, EPEC+C.jejuni 1 subject, C.jejuni+EPEC+EIEC 1 subject and C.jejuni+EPEC+ETEC 1 subject. Conclusions: Most diarrhea occurs at the age of 1-3 years with good nutritional status of patients with low-medium family status. Approximately 48% of children with acute diarrhea excreted bacteria in their feces prooved by real-time PCR stool with the highest proportion is EPEC, followed by Campylobacter jejuni, EIEC and ETEC. ;Background: Diarrhea is still a public health problem in developing countries due to it?s morbidity and mortality. Diarrhea can be caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites. It is important to know the etiology to provide proper management, but there is currently no data on the bacteria that causes diarrhea in Indonesia. Objective: To characterize the clinical manifestations of children with acute diarrhea and determine the type of enteropathogens bacteria causing acute diarrhea using real-time PCR in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, done in June-November 2015. Stool specimens were collected from patients aged 1-15 years with acute diarrhea and tested for bacterial enteropathogens using real-time PCR. Results: Of the 60 children enrolled, mostly aged 1-3 years, good nutritional status, from low income families and secondary education mothers, most have not received antibiotics prior to hospital admission but had received oral rehydration fluids. The clinical features of acute diarrhea caused by bacterial infection is diarrhea frequency ≤5X / day without fecal leukocytosis and fat malabsorption. From 60 subjects, 29 (48,3%) children excreted bacteria in their feces prooved by real-time PCR. Distribution of pathogenic bacterial infection causes acute diarrhea by real-time PCR as follows: Campylobacter jejuni 7 subjects, pathogenic Escherichia coli 17 subjects which consists of EPEC 9 subjects, EIEC 5 subjects and ETEC 3 subjects. Multiple infections in subjects as follows: EPEC+EIEC 2 subjects, EPEC+C.jejuni 1 subject, C.jejuni+EPEC+EIEC 1 subject and C.jejuni+EPEC+ETEC 1 subject. Conclusions: Most diarrhea occurs at the age of 1-3 years with good nutritional status of patients with low-medium family status. Approximately 48% of children with acute diarrhea excreted bacteria in their feces prooved by real-time PCR stool with the highest proportion is EPEC, followed by Campylobacter jejuni, EIEC and ETEC.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Jenny Br.
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Epilepsi di negara berkembang dua kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan negara maju. Sekitar 60-70% pasien bebas kejang dengan obat antiepilepsi (OAE) generasi satu, jika tidak respons dan kejang menetap maka dipertimbangkan OAE generasi dua. Keberhasilan pengobatan epilepsi dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai faktor serta bergantung terhadap plastisitas dan maturitas otak hingga usia tiga tahun. Belum ada penelitian yang menilai faktor-faktor keberhasilan terapi OAE generasi dua. Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor risiko keberhasilan keberhasilan terapi OAE generasi 2 pada pasien epilepsi anak usia di bawah tiga tahun. Metode: Studi kasus kontrol dengan data sekunder berupa rekam medis. Sampel penelitian adalah anak epilepsi berusia di bawah tiga tahun yang mendapatkan minimal salah satu OAE generasi 2 berupa topiramat/levetiracetam/lamotrigin. Subyek terbagi kelompok kontrol (dilakukan matching usia) yang kejangnya tidak terkontrol dan kelompok kasus yang kejangnya terkontrol minimal enam bulan. Faktor risiko yang diteliti adalah tipe kejang, status perkembangan, status neurologis awal, gambaran elektroensefalografi (EEG) awal, evolusi klinis dan evolusi EEG. Hasil: Didapatkan 60 subyek pada masing-masing kelompok; pada kelompok kasus paling banyak dijumpai 66,7% laki-laki, 31,7% rentang usia 6-12 bulan, 83,3% usia awitan kejang <12 bulan, dan 93,3% tipe kejang umum. Dari 6 faktor risiko yang diteliti, hanya evolusi EEG berperan independen dalam memengaruhi keberhasilan terapi, nilai p<0,001; aOR 9,53; IK95% 3,39-26,77. Kesimpulan: Pasien dengan evolusi EEG baik memiliki kemungkinan sebesar 9,53 kali lipat lebih besar untuk kerjangnya terkontrol dengan OAE generasi 2, dibandingkan pasien dengan evolusi EEG buruk.
Background: Epilepsy in developing countries is twice compared developed countries. About 60-70% epilepsy patients had seizure-free with first generation antiepileptic drugs (AED), if there is no response and persistent seizures, second generation AED is considered. The success of epilepsy treatment is influenced by various factors and depends on the plasticity and maturity of the brain until the first 3 years. There are no studies that assess the success factors of second generation OAE therapy. Purpose: To assess the risk factors that affecting the success of second generation therapy in children under 3 years old with epilepsy. Methods: A case control study with secondary data from medical records. The study sample was children under 3 years old with epilepsy who received at least one of second generation AED (topiramate/levetiracetam/lamotrigine). Subjects were divide into 2 groups, control groups (age matching) whose seizure were not controlled and case groups whose seizure were controlled for at least six months. The risk factors studied were seizure type, developmental status, initial neurological status, initial electroencephalography (EEG), clinical evolution and EEG evolution, Results: There were 60 subjects in each group; the most proportion in case group were 66,7% males, 31,7% of the age range of 6-12 months, 83,3% onset of seizures <12 months, and 93,3% general seizures. Of the 6 risk factors studied, only the EEG evolution significantly and independently affecting the success of therapy, with p value <0,001; aOR 9.53; 95%CI 3.39-26.77. Conclusion: Patients with good EEG evolution were 9.53 times more likely to have controlled seizure with second generation AED, compared to patients with poor EEG evolution.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pasien anak dengan keganasan dapat mengalami episode demam neutropenia. Etiologi bakterimia pada demam neutropenia berbeda-beda pada tiap pusat pelayan kesehatan dan berubah secara periodik. Antibiotik empiris diberikan pada pasien demam neutropenia berdasarkan klasifikasinya. Skor Rondinelli mengklasifikasikan pasien demam neutropenia menjadi risiko rendah dan risiko tinggi. Luaran dengan menggunakan skor Rondinelli belum pernah dilaporkan.

Tujuan : Mengetahui karakteristik etiologi dan perjalanan klinis demam neutropenia pada anak dengan keganasan yang dirawat inap di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSCM.

Metode : Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif retrospektif. Sampel diambil dari data sekunder berupa rekam medis pasien anak dengan keganasan yang mengalami demam neutropenia yang menjalani rawat inap di bangsal Departemen IKA FKUI/RSCM mulai bulan Januari 2010 hingga bulan September 2013.

Hasil : Penelitian dilakukan pada 86 pasien anak yang mengalami 96 episode demam neutropenia yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Prevalensi bakterimia pada episode demam neutropenia pada anak dengan keganasan adalah 17%. Proporsi kuman penyebab terbanyak bakterimia pada demam neutropenia adalah Staphylococcus sp (25%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25%), Klebsiella pneumonia (19%) dan Escherichia coli (13%). Penelitian ini mendapatkan luaran episode demam neutropenia pada anak dengan keganasan adalah 40% memiliki luaran sembuh, 49% memiliki luaran tidak sembuh dan 6% meninggal dunia. Berdasarkan skor Rondinelli didapatkan 30 (61%) episode demam neutropenia risiko rendah memiliki luaran sembuh dan hanya 13 (28%) episode demam neutropenia risiko tinggi yang memiliki luaran sembuh.

Simpulan : Sebagian besar hasil kultur darah pada demam neutropenia adalah steril. Kuman gram negatif penyebab terbanyak bakterimia pada demam neutropenia. Demam neutropenia memiliki morbiditas yang tinggi. Skor Rondinelli dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan demam neutropenia pada anak dengan keganasan.
Cancer children could have febrile neutropenia (FN) episodes. The bacteremia etiology of FN from each health center was different and periodically changed. Empirical antibiotic was given to the patient according to the classification. Rondinelli’s score classify FN patient to low risk and high risk. Outcome of Rondinelli’s score is not yet reported.

Purpose: To know the clinical pathway and characteristic of etiology FN in cancer children in Department of Child Health RSCM ward.

Methods: The retrospective descriptive study. Samples were taken from secondary data in medical report of a cancer child with FN in ward in Department of Child Health FKUI/RSCM from January 2010 to September 2013.

Results: There were 86 children with 96 FN episodes that fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Bacteremia prevalence in cancer child with FN episodes was 17%. The most frequent proportion bacteria as FN etiology were Staphylococcus sp (25%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (19%), and Escherichia coli (13%). The outcome of cancer children with FN were 40% recover, 49% not recover, and 6% pass away. Rondinelli’s score outcome showed 30 (61%) episodes of low risk FN recover and only 13 (28%) episodes of high risk FN recover.

Conclusions: Most of blood culture result of FN was sterile. Gram negative bacteria were the most frequent etiology for FN. FN has high morbidity.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Kartika Putriasih
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Pemakaian kotrimoksazol sedini mungkin sejak diberikan ARV bermanfaat mencegah infeksi oportunistik terkait HIV (PCP dan toksoplasmosis) dan mengurangi mortalitas terkait pasien HIV dengan jumlah CD4 rendah. Faktor risiko yang memengaruhi mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV yang telah mendapat ARV perlu dicari sehingga dapat membantu klinisi dalam memberikan tata laksana pada anak terinfeksi HIV di Indonesia. Tujuan. Evaluasi pemakaian kotrimoksazol dan hubungannya terhadap mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV yang telah mendapat ARV di RSCM pada tahun 2005-2018. Metode. Uji deskriptif-analitik menggunakan analisis kesintasan yang dilakukan secara kohort retrospektif di RS. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) menggunakan data rekam medis periode Januari 2005 - Desember 2018. Subyek adalah anak berusia 1 bulan-18 tahun yang mendapat ARV pertama kali di RSCM. Hubungan pemakaian kotrimoksazol dengan mortalitas dianalisis dengan uji log rank. Faktor-faktor risiko selanjutnya dianalisis secara multivariat. Hasil. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 403. Proporsi pemakaian kotrimoksazol saat inisiasi ARV pada anak terinfeksi HIV adalah 88%. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara pemakaian kotrimoksazol saat inisiasi ARV dengan mortalitas (HR 1,498; IK 95% 0,620-3,618, p=0,369), namun pemakaian kotrimoksazol saat inisiasi ARV menurunkan mortalitas pada kondisi imunodefisiensi berat (HR 2,702; IK 95% (1,036-7,049); p=0,042). Faktor risiko yang memengaruhi mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV yang mendapat terapi ARV adalah stadium HIV (stadium 3-4). Kesimpulan. Pemakaian kotrimoksazol saat inisiasi ARV menurunkan mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV dengan imunodefisiensi berat. Faktor risiko yang memengaruhi mortalitas pada anak terinfeksi HIV yang telah mendapat ARV adalah stadium HIV 3-4. ......Background. The use of cotrimoxazole as early as possible since being administered antiretroviral drugs is beneficial in preventing HIV-related opportunistic infections (PCP and toxoplasmosis) and reducing mortality associated with HIV patients with low CD4 counts. Risk factors that affect mortality in HIV-infected children who have received antiretroviral drugs need to be sought so that they can help clinicians in providing HIV-infected children in Indonesia. Objective. Evaluation of the use of cotrimoxazole and its association with mortality in HIV-infected children who had received ARV at RSCM in 2005-2018. Methods. Descriptive analytic test using survival analysis were carried out in a retrospective cohort in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital using medical record data for the period January 2005 - December 2018. Subjects were children aged 1 month - 18 years who have received ARV for the first time at RSCM. The association of cotrimoxazole use with mortality was analyzed by log rank test. Risk factors are then analyzed multivariately. Results. This study involved 403 subjects. The proportion of cotrimoxazole use at ARV initiation in HIV-infected children was 88%. There was no association between the use of cotrimoxazole at ARV initiation and mortality (HR 1.498; 95% CI 0.620-3.618; p=0,369), but the use of cotrimoxazole at ARV initiation reduced mortality in severe immunodeficiency conditions (HR 2.702; 95% CI 1,036-7,049; p=0.042). Risk factors that affect mortality in HIV-infected children who received ARV therapy are stages of HIV (stage 3-4). Conclusion. The use of cotrimoxazole at ARV initiation reduces mortality in HIV-infected with severe immunodeficiency. Risk factors that affect mortality in HIV-infected children who have received ARV are stage 3-4.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Beatrix
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kejadian penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) pada anak berkembang dengan cepat menuju penyakit ginjal tahap akhir (PGTA), yang sering disertai gejala saluran cerna termasuk infeksi Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Faktor risiko infeksi H. pylori pada anak PGTA yang menjalani dialisis termasuk status nutrisi, status sosioekonomi, kepadatan lingkungan, tipe dan durasi dialisis. Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi faktor risiko infeksi H. pylori pada anak dengan PGTA yang menjalani dialisis. Metode: Penelitian cross-sectional ini menganalisis data primer pasien anak dengan PGTA yang menjalani dialisis di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Kiara pada tahun 2023. Hasil: Jumlah subyek penelitian ini adalah 47 anak yang terdiri dari 30 (63,8%) lelaki dan 17 (36,2%) perempuan. Nilai rerata usia adalah 13,15 ± 2,72 tahun. Mayoritas pasien tinggal pada pedesaan (57,4%), menjalani hemodialisis (70,2%) dengan durasi dialisis ≥1 tahun (55,3%), mengalami malnutrisi (51,1%) dengan status sosioekonomi rendah (61,7%), crowding index (CRI) >2 (66%), terinfeksi H. pylori (80,9%), memiliki skor frequency scale for the symptoms of GERD (FSSG) ≥8 (61,7%) dan skor pediatric quality of life inventory (PedsQL) <70 (97,9%). Berdasarkan analisis multivariat, faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan infeksi H. pylori pada pasien anak dengan PGTA adalah kepadatan lingkungan (p=0,012) dan status sosioekonomi (p=0,048). Kesimpulan: Prevalens infeksi H. pylori pada anak dengan PGTA yang menjalani dialisis adalah sebesar 80,9% dengan reratan usia pasien 13.15 ± 2,72 tahun. Dari hasil analisis multivariat, faktor risiko infeksi H.pylori adalah kepadatan lingkungan (p=0,012) dan status sosioekonomi (p=0,048). Mayoritas pasien memiliki kualitas hidup yang terganggu. ......Background: The incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children increases rapidly towards end stage renal disease (ESRD) which is often accompanied with gastrointestinal symptoms include Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. Risk factors for H. pylori infection in ESRD children undergoing dyalisis include poor nutritional and low socioeconomic status, crowded environments, type and duration of dialysis. Objective: To identify risk factors of H. pylori infection in pediatric ESRD patients undergoing dialysis. Methods: This cross-sectional study analyzed primary data on pediatric ESRD patients undergoing dialysis at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Public Hospital in 2023. Results: The number of subjects in this study were 47 children, 30 (63.8%) boys and 17 (36.2%) girls. The mean value for age was 13.15 ± 2,72 years. Most patients lived in rural areas (57.4%), had hemodialysis (70.2%) with duration of ≥1 year (55.3%), had malnutrition (51.1%), with low socioeconomic status (61.7%), crowding index (CRI) >2 (66%), infected by H. pylori (80.9%), had frequency scale for the symptoms of GERD (FSSG) score of ≥8 (61.7%) and pediatric quality of life inventory (PedsQL) score <70 (97.9%). Based on multivariate analysis, the risk factors associated with H. pylori infection in pediatric ESRD patients were environmental density (p=0,012) and socioeconomic status (p=0,048). Conclusion: Prevalence of pediatric ESRD patients who had dialysis that were infected by H. pylori was 80.9% and the age’s average value was 13.15 ± 2,72 years. Based on multivariate analysis, the risk factors for H. pylori infection were environmental density (p=0,012) and socioeconomic status (p=0,048). Most of the patients had low quality of life.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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