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Ditemukan 38 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dias Rifanza Salim
"Terjemahan beranotasi adalah penelitian yang berupa teks terjemahan yang
disertai anotasi sebagai pertanggungjawaban atas padanan yang dipilih.
Penerjemahan TSu dikerjakan dengan berpedoman pada ideologi pelokalan,
metode komunikatif, dan pendekatan dokumenter-filologis. Skoposnya adalah
menghasilkan buku ajar yang dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Masalah penerjemahan
yang diungkapkan dalam karya ini mencakup masalah penerjemahan istilah
budaya, istilah umum, metafora, dan pengalihan struktur kalimat. Dalam mencari
padanan beragam istilah dan nama diri, pendalaman pengetahuan ensiklopedis dan
penggunaan beragam alat kerja perlu digiatkan untuk menemukan padanan yang
mudah dimengerti dan diingat oleh pembaca.

An annotated translation is a type of research which consists of a translation that
is supported by annotations of the translator’s commentary on the chosen
equivalents. The translation of this ST was guided by the localization ideology,
the communicative method, and the documentary-philological approach. The
translation problems encountered in this work includes the problems of translating
cultural and common terms, metaphors, and syntax. In finding equivalents of
various terms and proper names, enrichment of encyclopedic knowledge and
utilization of different work tools are encouraged in order to discover equivalents
that are both easily understood and remembered by the readers.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mira Trissan Hapsari
Tesis ini membahas terjemahan beranotasi bagian 3 dan 4 dari novel anak berjudul Gulliver’s Travels oleh Martin Woodside. Novel anak ini merupakan hasil penceritaan kembali dari novel karya Jonathan Swift dengan judul yang sama. Teks sumber dalam tesis ini adalah teks ekspresif yang berjenis petualangan fantastik. Metode yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan teks ini adalah gabungan antara metode semantis dan komunikatif. Berbagai masalah yang ditemui selama proses penerjemahan digolongkan dalam tujuh kategori yaitu nama diri, istilah yang mengalami pergeseran makna, idiom, kata budaya, jarak, gelar kehormatan, dan ungkapan. Dalam usaha untuk memecahkan permasalahan ini digunakan berbagai prosedur penerjemahan di antaranya transferensi, calque, modulasi, dan padanan budaya. Dengan menganotasi penerjemah memberikan pertanggungjawabannya atas padanan yang dianggap sesuai.

The focus of this study is the annotated translation of part 3 and 4 of the children’s novel Gulliver’s Travels by Martin Woodside. This children’s novel is a retold version from a novel by Jonathan Swift with the same title. The source text in this study is an expressive text and the text’s genre is fantasy adventure. Translation methods applied in this study are semantic and communicative. Problems found during the translation process are categorized into seven groups: self-identification, mean shifting of terms, idioms, cultural words, units of length, titles of respect, and expressions. In order to solve these problems, the translator applied some procedures such as transference, calque, modulation, and cultural equivalence. By giving annotation the translator justifies the equivalence chosen in the translation."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Aisiyah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan keakuratan terjemahan istilah Inggris di bidang mekanika teknik ke Bahasa Indonesia serta memaparkan pembentukan istilah padanan di bidang itu ke bahasa Indonesia. Diteliti sebanyak 104 istilah yang berupa kata tunggal dan frasa. Semua istilah itu dianalisis tanpa mengaitkan konteksnya dalam kalimat. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian komparatif yang membandingkan buku teks dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan buku teks terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Sementara itu, ancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ancangan kualitatif deskriptif. Dari hasil analisis keakuratan terjemahan, diperoleh istilah bahasa Indonesia yang dinilai akurat, kurang akurat, dan tidak akurat. Selain itu, diperoleh pembentukan istilah padanan dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Temuan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar pengetahuan untuk pengembangan teori penerjemahan teks teknis, khususnya teori penerjemahan istilah di bidang teknik sipil, serta berkontribusi dalam penyusunan glosarium dan kamus istilah teknik sipil.

This study is aimed at describing the accuracy of translation English terms in Mechanical Engineering into Bahasa Indonesia and describing the formation of the equivalent terms in Bahasa Indonesia. The number of terms analyzed is 104 terms in the form of single words and phrases. All of the terms are analyzed without their context in sentences. In this research a comparative research model is used in which the source textbook in English is compared with its translation textbook in Bahasa Indonesia. Meanwhile, the approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. From the analysis, the accuracy of the translation between English and Indonesian terms in Mechanical Engineering and the formation of the equivalent terms in Bahasa Indonesia can be obtained. The terms are classified into accurate, less accurate, and inaccurate. The findings of this research are expected to become the basis of knowledge for the development of the translation theory of engineering texts, in particular the theory of civil engineering term translation, as well as to contribute to the preparation of a glossary and a dictionary of civil engineering terms."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hyunisa Rahmanadia
Terjemahan beranotasi adalah suatu karya terjemahan yang disertai pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas padanan yang dipilihnya Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi masalah yang muncul dalam penerjemahan dari bahasa Turki ke bahasa Indonesia Teks sumber yang digunakan adalah sebuah novel dalam bahasa Turki yang berjudul D zceli Mehmet Skopos penerjemahan ini adalah untuk menghadirkan sebuah bacaan yang inspiratif Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode semantis dan komunikatif Ruang lingkup penelitian ini dibatasi pada istilah budaya dan penerjemahan puisi Penelusuran Internet penggunaan kamus ekabahasa Turki dan kamus dwibahasa Osmani Turki dan wawancara langsung dengan penutur bahasa Turki telah dilakukan dalam penelitian ini Maka ditemukan bahwa penerjemahan istilah budaya memungkinkan berkat metode dan prosedur yang digunakan sementara puisi Turki berhasil diciptakan kembali dalam bahasa Indonesia Sebagai kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah penerjemahan teks kreatif bukan sekadar mengalihkan makna kebahasaan melainkan harus memenuhi ekspektasi pembacanya

An annotated translation is a research which consists of a translation and the translator rsquo s commentary on the chosen equivalents The goal of this research is to identify the problems appearing in translating Turkish to Indonesian The source text of this research is a novel in Turkish language D zceli Mehmet Scopos of this translation is to provide an inspiring book The translation was guided by the localization ideology and the semantic and communicative method The translation problems discussed in this research include the problems of translating cultural terms and poem Internet searching Turkish monolingual dictionary and Osmanli Turkish bilingual dictionary and direct interview to Turkish native speaker has been done for completing the research It is found that translating cultural items is possible by applying the translation method and procedures Turkish poem in the text can be successfully reproduced into Indonesian language In conclusion this research is a translation of a creative text that is not only about transferring the meaning but also filling the reader rsquo s expectation "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Utami Novitarukmi
Tesis ini menyuguhkan terjemahan beranotasi novel The Kaisho. Anotasi dilakukan untuk menjelaskan masalah penerjemahan istilah budaya dan penyelesaiannya. Keunikan novel dari segi budaya dan keinginan untuk memperkenalkan budaya latar TSu menjadi dasar penerjemahan yang menganut ideologi pengasingan, tanpa mengabaikan ideologi pelokalan. Ideologi pelokalan hanya digunakan pada bagian-bagian tertentu untuk mencapai pemahaman pembaca TSa. Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode semantis-komunikatif dengan penggunaan berbagai teknik yang mendukung kesepadanan makna dan kewajaran bentuk. Penerjemahan yang melibatkan teks sumber (TSu) yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat memerlukan upaya dari penerjemah agar tidak terjadi ?penjajahan budaya?. Keterlibatan teks sumber yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat di dalam penerjemahan ini memerlukan upaya penerjemah untuk menghindari ?penjajahan budaya?. Dalam situasi ini, penerjemah perlu mencondongkan pada lima aspek, (1) pemahaman karakteristik TSu; (2) pemahaman tentang calon pembaca TSa; (3) pemahaman budaya-budaya di dalam TSu dan budaya sasaran; (4) pemahaman makna dalam penyampaian pesan; dan (5) pemahaman bahwa ada perbedaan cara pengungkapan suatu ide pada dua budaya yang berlainan.

This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the ?culturally imperialistic?.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.;This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures., This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeski Putri Utami
Tesis berupa kritik terjemahan audiovisual ini membandingkan kesepadanan
makna kesantunan berbahasa dalam subtitle serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal in
Belgravia versi VCD dan Internet. Jenis kesantunan berbahasa yang dianalisis
terbatas pada politeness markers, play-downs dan committers. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan ancangan sosiopragmatik dan terjemahan fungsional. Temuan
dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah (1) situasi komunikasi TSu berbeda
dengan TSa sehingga kesenjangan tidak dapat dihindari. Sementara itu, motif
komunikasi antara kedua penyusun subtitle juga berbeda. Penyusun subtitle versi
VCD didasari motif komersial sedangkan versi Internet didasari motif hobi. (2)
penyusun subtitle menggunakan berbagai strategi dan prosedur penerjemahan
untuk menghasilkan terjemahan yang sesuai dengan skopos penerjemahan,strategi
skopos yang didominasi oleh strategi komunikatif merupakan strategi yang paling
tepat digunakan dalam penerjemahan audiovisual, (3) struktur tuturan TSu
berubah dalam TSa demi menyampaikan makna kesantunan yang antara TSu dan
TSa. (4) berdasarkan perhitungan keakuratan subtitle versi Internet adalah 99,02%
dan versi internet adalah 96,91% dan persentase tuturan dengan tingkat
keterbacaan tinggi versi Internet adalah 66,70% dan versi VCD adalah 39,70%.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kualitas subtitle serial TV Sherlock, episode A
Scandal in Belgravia versi internet lebih baik daripada versi VCD.

This Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance?s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version;This Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance?s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version, This Thesis is a translation criticism compared audiovisual translation equivalence
within the meaning of politeness in subtitles over Sherlock TV series, A Scandal
in Belgravia both VCD and the iinternet version. The type of politeness analyzed
was limited to politeness markers, play-downs and committers. This research was
conducted by sociopragmatics and functional translation approach. The findings
of this research was (1) the difference of commucation situation ST and TT
producing the gap that could not be avoided. Meanwhile, the motives of
communication between the two subtitlers were also different. Subtitler for VCD
version based commercial motives while Internet version based on hobby. (2) The
suntitler used a variety of strategies and procedures to produce translation, scopos
strategy dominated by communicative strategy is most appropriate strategy used
in audiovisual translation, (3) the utterance’s structure changed in the TT in order
to convey the meaning of politeness from ST. (4) based on the accuracy
calculation, Internet version was 99,02% dan VCD version was 96,91%. Based on
the readibility, Internet version was 66,70% dan VCD version was 39,70%. In
Summary, the quality of subtitle internet version in serial TV Sherlock, A Scandal
in Belgravia was better than VCD version]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desy Azwir
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kesepadanan konsep istilah keperawatan jiwa dan prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan istilah keperawatan jiwa dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia.
Penelitian ini menggunakan model komparatif dengan membandingkan 83 istilah keperawatan jiwa dalam Psychiatric-mental Health Nursing dan Buku Ajar Keperawatan Jiwa. Ancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ancangan kualitatif deskriptif.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh tiga kelompok kesepadanan konsep, yaitu kesepadanan konsep penuh, kesepadanan konsep beririsan dan kesepadanan konsep inklusi. Dalam kelompok kesepadanan penuh, panjang-pendeknya definisi istilah disebabkan oleh penambahan informasi, tetapi tidak mempengaruhi makna pokok istilah. Oleh karena itu, panjangpendeknya definisi tidak mempengaruhi kesepadanan konsep istilah. Sementara itu, kelompok kesepadanan konsep beririsan dan inklusi menunjukkan adanya penambahan atau perincian informasi pada definisi dalam BSu atau BSa yang mempengaruhi makna pokok istilah. Selain itu, ditemukan istilah dengan konsep tak sepadan. Prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah penerjemahan langsung, naturalisasi, transferensi, penerjemahan deskriptif, penerjemahan perekaan dan kuplet. Berdasarkan analisis, prosedur penerjemahan yang dominan dalam setiap kelompok kesepadanan maupun kelompok tak sepadan adalah prosedur penerjemahan langsung. Temuan penelitian ini dapat berkontribusi dalam penyusunan glosarium istilah keperawatan jiwa serta penyusunan definisi istilah keperawatan jiwa bahasa Indonesia.

This study is aimed at describing the conceptual equivalence of psychiatric nursing terms in English and Indonesian and the translation procedures used to translate the terms.
In this research a comparative research model is used to compare 83 psychiatric nursing terms found in Psychiatric-mental Health Nursing and Buku Ajar Keperawatan Jiwa. The approach is descriptive qualitative.
From the analysis, the conceptual equivalence of terms are classified into three groups of conceptual equivalence, which are complete conceptual equivalence, conceptual overlapping and conceptual inclusion. In the group of complete conceptual equivalence, the length of the term?s definition is caused by the additional information which is not affected the meaning. Therefore, it does not affect the concept. Meanwhile, the groups of overlapping and inclusion conceptual equivalence indicate the additional or the detail of information in the definition of SL or TL which affect the meaning. In the analysis, it is also found the terms belong to the group of no conceptual equivalence. The translation procedures are direct translation procedure, naturalization, transference, invention and couplet. Based on the analysis of translation procedure, the dominat translation procedure in the group of conceptual equivalence and no equivalence is direct translation procedure. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the preparation of the psychiatric nursing terms glossary and to define the psychiatric nursing terms in Indonesian.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggayomi Amanda
Tesis ini membahas kritik terjemahan terhadap cerita pendek The Black Cat dan The Tell-Tale Heart karya Edgar Allan Poe ke Bahasa Indonesia. Kritik disusun dengan menggunakan model analisis teks dan pencapaian skopos sebagai kriteria penilaian kualitas terjemahan. Langkah pertama pada penelitian ini adalah analisis faktor ekstratekstual dan intratekstual teks sumber (TSu) dan teks sasaran (TSa) untuk menentukan skopos dan masalah potensial pada penerjemahan. Langkah selanjutnya
adalah menganalisis metode, prosedur, dan style yang dipilih penerjemah dalam
menerjemahkan elemen gotik pada cerita. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa TSu
dan TSa memiliki sasaran pembaca yang berbeda. Perbedaan sasaran pembaca
membuat penerjemah berusaha agar TSu yang sulit dipahami, menjadi TSa yang
nyaman dibaca oleh kalangan luas. Usaha penerjemah untuk mencapai skopos itu,
menimbulkan perbedaan style antara TSu dan TSa yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan
perubahan mood dan tone pada cerita. Perubahan mood dan tone ini menyebabkan
hilangnya beberapa elemen gotik yang ada pada cerita sehingga intensitas
kemunculan suspense pada TSa berkurang. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa
perubahan mood dan tone pada TSa masih dapat diterima selama alur cerita masih
sama dengan TSu dan demi mencapai skopos.

This thesis is a translation criticism on the Indonesian version of The Black Cat and
The Tell-Tale Heart short story by Edgar Allan Poe. The criticism is built by using
text analysis model and the fulfillment of skopos as the criterion for translation
quality assessment. The first step taken in this research is analysis of extra textual and
intra textual factors of both the source text (ST) and the target text (TT) to determine
the skopos and potential problems in translation. The next step is an analysis of
method, procedure, and style chose by translator in translating gothic element in the
story. The finding of this research shows that ST and TT have a different target
reader. The difference made the translator do the effort to make the elusive ST
became comfortable and understandable TT to read by wider reader. The effort of
translator to fulfill the skopos made the change of mood and tone of the story. This
change finally causes the loss of gothic element and reduces the intensity of the
emergence of suspense in TT. This research concludes that the change of mood and
tone on TT could be accepted as long as the storyline still the same with ST and to
fulfill the skopos."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tika Febrianantya
Dampak Penggunaan Strategi Penerjemahan pada Kesepadanan Pragmatis dalam Subtitle Film Jumanji.Tesis ini membahas dampak penggunaan strategi penerjemahan pada subtitle dalam film Jumanji. Dampak itu dilihat melalui kesepadanan pragmatis antara subtitle dan situasi adegan film. Penelitian ini berancangan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah replik dialog, subtitle, dan gambar situasi adegan film Jumanji yang mengandung tindak tutur direktif perintah dan larangan. Langkah awal penelitian ini adalah penjabaran situasi adegan dari replik dialog dan subtitle yang mengandung tindak tutur direktif perintah dan larangan. Langkah berikutnya adalah menganalisis strategi penerjemahan yang digunakan penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan replik dialog pada subtitle. Kemudian, menganalisis fungsi tuturan penutur dan tanggapan mitra tutur dalam peristiwa tutur yang terjadi dalam situasi adegan untuk menjabarkan tindak tutur direktif perintah dan larangan. Langkah terakhir adalah menganalisis koherensi antara subtitle dan situasi adegan dari data terpilih. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa sepuluh data dinyatakan tidak berhasil, lima data dinyatakan kurang berhasil, dan tujuh data dinyatakan sudah berhasil mencapai kesepadanan pragmatis. Dengan begitu, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesepadanan pragmatis merupakan tujuan dari penerjemahan dalam film. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan strategi penerjemahan merupakan faktor penting dalam mencapai kesepadanan pragmatis dalam film.

The impact can be seen through pragmatic equivalence between subtitle and ongoing situation scene. This research is a qualitative research that uses descriptive analysis method. The source of this research is taken from replica dialog, subtitle, and ongoing situation picture that are containing directive speech acts of command and prohibition. First step to do in this research is describing ongoing situation when speaker and co speaker are doing conversation. Then researcher analyzes translation strategy that translator used to translate the directive speech acts into subtitle. Then researcher also analyzes speaker rsquo s speech and co speaker rsquo s reaction to the directive speech to describe the speech acts function in ongoing situation scene. For the last step, researcher analyzes coherency between subtitle and ongoing situation scene. By this research, researcher finds that ten data are declared unsuccessful, five data are expressed less successful, and seven data are successful to achieve pragmatic equivalence. So that, this research shows that the pragmatic equivalence can impact the quality of subtitle. Besides, researcher also finds that the aim of making subtitle in film translation is to be accurate and natural to the ongoing situation scene. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Miracellia Bo
Saat ini, para pemerhati isu-isu sosial dan budaya memilih untuk mengekspresikan kepedulian mereka melalui berbagai produk audiovisual, seperti video, film pendek, dan film dokumenter. Sayangnya, perbedaan bahasa sering kali membatasi kemampuan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan jumlah penonton yang lebih besar. Di sinilah peran penerjemah dan subtitle yang berkualitas diperlukan. Terjemahan beranotasi ini disusun untuk 1 memperlihatkan berbagai masalah yang muncul dalam proses menerjemahkan dialog video, dan 2 menjelaskan strategi pengalihan pesan yang tepat agar tercapai terjemahan yang berkualitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya dua masalah utama yang muncul dalam proses penerjemahan yang dilakukan. Masalah pertama terkait aspek kebahasaan, seperti ekspresi idiom, metaforis, istilah slang, kata umpatan, kata budaya, dan kata-kata berkonotasi seksual. Masalah kedua terkait aspek nonlinguistik, seperti keterbatasan waktu dan karakter, keselarasan subtitle dengan visual, serta ketepatan pemahaman pragmatis. Masalah-masalah tersebut diselesaikan dengan menerapkan metode dan prosedur penerjemahan yang relevan, serta dengan merujuk pada teori-teori penerjemahan audiovisual.

Nowadays, social cultural activists prefer to express their concerns through a variety of audiovisual products, such as video, short movie, and documentary. Unfortunately, the language barrier often hinders their ability to interact with audience in larger number. This is where a good translator places an important role, and a good subtitle is required. This article aims to 1 show various issues in subtitling, and 2 give plausible solutions to the issues. The finding revealed two main issues that arose in the subtitling process. The first issue is related to linguistic aspects, such as idiomatic and metaphorical expressions, slang terms, swearing terms, cultural terms, and terms that have sexual connotations. The second issue is related to nonlinguistic aspects, such as the limitation of time and space, the congruence between subtitle and visual image, and the accuracy of pragmatic understanding. Those problems were solved by applying relevant theories of English Indonesian language, translation, and subtitling."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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