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Ditemukan 87 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Halimah Afiffah
"Melihat maraknya berita di media massa terkait tindak kekerasan majikan terhadap TKW-PRT, studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui relasi kekuasaan yang terjadi antara majikan dan TKW-PRT di Malaysia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Informan pada penelitian ini adalah majikan berwarganegara Malaysia dan TKWPRT Indonesia yang bekerja di Malaysia. Relasi kekuasaan yang terjadi antara majikan dan TKW-PRT bersifat eksploitatif. Faktor budaya, karakter individu, stereotipe, dan pengalaman mempengaruhi terjadinya relasi kekuasaan Pekerjaan sebagai TKW-PRT mengalienasi individu dari produk kerjanya dan masyarakat luas. Adanya kecenderungan terjadinya kesadaran palsu pada TKW-PRT sehingga mengorbankan pemenuhan kebutuhan dirinya. Konflik terjadi terkait hak-hak TKWPRT yang tidak dipenuhi majikan. Hubungan emosional berfungsi meredam konflik majikan dan TKW-PRT. Kesadaran kelas (class struggle) antara TKW-PRT belum terealisasi disebabkan oleh ketergantungan akan upah dari majikan.
......As the news rampant in mass media related to the act of violence towards the Indonesian domestic workers (TKW-PRT), this study is intended to know the power relations that occur between employees and Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia. This research is currently using the qualitative method. The informers in this study is the employee of Malaysian citizens and Indonesian domestic workers (TKW-PRT) from Indonesia works in Malaysia in order to view the power relations. Power relations that occur between employee and Indonesian domestic workers (TKW-PRT) is nature exploitative. The factor of culture, individual character, stereotype and experiences influence the occurrence of power relations of employment as the Indonesian domestic workers (TKW-PRT). Therefore, it will alienated the individual from her work product and societies. The occurrence of false consciousness towards the Indonesian domestic workers (TKW-PRT) until she sacrifice her self-fulfillment. Conflicts occur related to the rights of Indonesian domestic workers (TKW-PRT) that is not filled by the employee. Emotional relationship is functionate on muffling the conflict of the employee and the Indonesian domestic workers (TKW-PRT). Class consciousness (class struggle) between the domestic workers is still not being realised due to the demands of salary from employee."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muarif Ambari
"Artikel ini mencoba menjelaskan orientasi kerja PNS di Biro Perencanaan Kementerian ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia dengan tipe orientasi kerja instrumental, karier/birokrasi, hubungan sosial dan penilaian kerja. Sedangkan penelitian sebelumnya berangkat dari pendekatan instrumental tanpa melihat lebih jauh hubungan sosial dan penilaian kerja (bersifat umum). Pada tahap awal, seorang pekerja memiliki orientasi kerja instrumental dikarenakan faktor kebutuhan akan kebutuhan hidup mereka. Selanjutnya seorang pekerja akan mengalami perubahan orientasi kerjanya selama dia merasakan adanya kepuasaan dan hasil yang didapat selama mereka bekerja . Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap 9 orang pegawai di biro perencanaan Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan.
......This article tries to explain the work orientation of civil servants in the Ministry of Manpower Planning Bureau of the Republic of Indonesia with the type of work orientation instrumental, career / bureaucracy, social relations and assessment work. While previous research departed from the instrumental approach without looking further social relations and job assessment (general). In the early stages, a worker has an instrumental work orientation because of the need factor for their life needs. Furthermore, a worker will experience a change in work orientation as long as he feels the satisfaction and results obtained during their work. The data collection technique of this research is qualitative with in-depth interviews of 9 employees in the planning bureau of the Ministry of Manpower."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akmal Permatasari
Tesis ini membahas tentang resosialisasi pentolan tawuran pelajar menjadi
agen perdamaian yang dilakukan oleh organisasi CERIC FISIP UI sebagai salah
satu upaya untuk menangani konflik tawuran pelajar di Jakarta. Konflik tawuran
pelajar di Jakarta merupakan salah satu bentuk permasalahan sosial di Jakarta.
Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk menangani konflik tersebut namun belum
ada yang melakukan dengan cara resosialisasi. Berdasarkan kajian terdahulu
diketahui bahwa konsep resosialisasi digunakan untuk menangani permasalahan
terhadap pecandu narkotika ataupun terhadap Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK).
Oleh karena itu pada penelitian kali akan dilihat bagaimana resosialisasi
digunakan oleh organisasi CERIC FISIP UI untuk menangani permasalahan
tawuran pelajar di Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitaif
dengan jenis studi kasus agar dapat mendapatkan gambaran cara organisasi
CERIC FISIP UI dalam melakukan resosialisasi terhadap pentolan tawuran
pelajar. Sumbangan yang dapat diberikan dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa upaya
untuk menangani permasalahan tawuran pelajar bukan hanya dapat dilakukan oleh
pemerintah atau aparat hukumnya namun dapat dilakukan oleh organisasi non
pemerintah seperti CERIC FISIP UI yang memang berfokus pada upaya resolusi
konflik. Selain itu, konsep sosiologis resosialisasi dapat digunakan untuk menjadi
salah satu alternatif cara untuk menangani permasalahan tawuran pelajar di

The thesis discusses the resocialization frontman student brawls become
agents of peace conducted by the CERIC FISIP UI organizations as one way to
handle conflict student brawls in Jakarta. Conflict student brawls in Jakarta is one
form of social problems in Jakarta. Various attempts have been made to solve the
conflict, but no one has done by way of resocialization. Based on previous studies
it is known that the concept of resocialization used to deal with the problems of
the drug addicts or against commercial sex workers (CSWs). But no one has used
this sociological concept to handle student brawls. Therefore, the study will look
at how resocialization used by CERIC FISIP UI Organization to handle the
problem of student brawls in Jakarta. This research was conducted with
Qualitative approach to the type of case studies in order to get an idea of how the
CERIC FISIP UI organization in doing resocialization against frontman student
brawls. Contributions can be given of this study is that efforts to choice the
problems brawl students not only can be done by the government or legal
authorities, but can be done by non-governmental organizations such as CERIC
FISIP UI that is focused on conflict resolution. In addition, the concept of
sociological resocialization can be used to be an alternative way to deal with
problems in Jakarta student brawls.;The thesis discusses the resocialization frontman student brawls become
agents of peace conducted by the CERIC FISIP UI organizations as one way to
handle conflict student brawls in Jakarta. Conflict student brawls in Jakarta is one
form of social problems in Jakarta. Various attempts have been made to solve the
conflict, but no one has done by way of resocialization. Based on previous studies
it is known that the concept of resocialization used to deal with the problems of
the drug addicts or against commercial sex workers (CSWs). But no one has used
this sociological concept to handle student brawls. Therefore, the study will look
at how resocialization used by CERIC FISIP UI Organization to handle the
problem of student brawls in Jakarta. This research was conducted with
Qualitative approach to the type of case studies in order to get an idea of how the
CERIC FISIP UI organization in doing resocialization against frontman student
brawls. Contributions can be given of this study is that efforts to choice the
problems brawl students not only can be done by the government or legal
authorities, but can be done by non-governmental organizations such as CERIC
FISIP UI that is focused on conflict resolution. In addition, the concept of
sociological resocialization can be used to be an alternative way to deal with
problems in Jakarta student brawls., The thesis discusses the resocialization frontman student brawls become
agents of peace conducted by the CERIC FISIP UI organizations as one way to
handle conflict student brawls in Jakarta. Conflict student brawls in Jakarta is one
form of social problems in Jakarta. Various attempts have been made to solve the
conflict, but no one has done by way of resocialization. Based on previous studies
it is known that the concept of resocialization used to deal with the problems of
the drug addicts or against commercial sex workers (CSWs). But no one has used
this sociological concept to handle student brawls. Therefore, the study will look
at how resocialization used by CERIC FISIP UI Organization to handle the
problem of student brawls in Jakarta. This research was conducted with
Qualitative approach to the type of case studies in order to get an idea of how the
CERIC FISIP UI organization in doing resocialization against frontman student
brawls. Contributions can be given of this study is that efforts to choice the
problems brawl students not only can be done by the government or legal
authorities, but can be done by non-governmental organizations such as CERIC
FISIP UI that is focused on conflict resolution. In addition, the concept of
sociological resocialization can be used to be an alternative way to deal with
problems in Jakarta student brawls.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nike Maya Manro
"Kajian ini menganalisis implementasi Program Bebas Rabies di Indonesia yang belum dapat dikatakan efektif meskipun angka kasus positif rabies pada manusia dan hewan mengalami penurunan cukup signifikan di tahun 2016, namun tidak sepenuhnya berbanding lurus dengan masih tingginya persentase laporan kasus gigitan hewan penular rabies GHPR . Manajemen pengendalian rabies di area endemik yang sejauh ini hanya terkonsentrasi pada aspek kesehatan publik banyak dibahas di kajian-kajian terdahulu, sementara studi ini mengangkat problem institusi pada isu kesehatan hewan di tiga tingkat kerangka kelembagaan. Minimnya program pemberdayaan masyarakat dan organisasi sosial informal pada kebijakan pengentasan rabies di Bali sebagai model pembelajaran di tatanan mikro, mengindikasikan aspek kesehatan hewan belum diterapkan dengan optimal. Hal ini bermuara dari lemahnya regulasi pemerintah mengedepankan isu tersebut di tatanan makro, yang turut memengaruhi kurangnya kolaborasi multi pemangku kepentingan dan koordinasi lintas sektor di tatanan meso. Adanya ketidak sepakatan atas proses negosiasi decouple antara elemen formal di tingkat meso dan elemen informal kebiasaan dan kepercayaan di tingkat mikro Nee, 2003 , memperkuat keinginan berpolitik political will yang ternyata memengaruhi tindakan kolektif collective action dari para aktor di tatanan meso pada tingkat makro. Riset kualitatif ini menggunakan metode studi kasus yang melibatkan Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan di tingkat Provinsi Bali dan Bidang Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Kota Denpasar serta relasinya dengan institusi akademik Universitas Udayana , organisasi profesi independen Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia dan organisasi non profit NGO peduli satwa Bali Animal Welfare Association di Bali.

This study analyzes the implementation of rabies free program in Indonesia which is yet considered ineffective, although the number of rabies positive cases in humans and domestic animals has decreased significantly in 2016, but it is not completely commensurate with the high percentage of reported animal bites. Management of rabies control in endemic areas which has been so far concentrated only on public health aspect, has been widely discussed in earlier studies, while this research raises the institution problem of animal health issue at three levels of institutional framework. The lack of empowerment programs involving community and informal social organization on rabies eradication policy in Bali as a learning model at micro level, indicates that the animal health aspect has not been optimally applied. This problem has its roots in a macro level context of how weak the state regulations are to put forward the issue, which also leads to the lack of multistakeholder collaboration and cross sectoral coordination at meso level. The contradiction over the process of negotiation decouple between formal elements at the meso level and informal elements custom and belief at the micro level Nee, 2003 , reinforces the political will that influences the collective actions of meso level actors at macro level. This qualitative research using case study method involved Bali Provincial Livestock and Animal Health Department and Division of Livestock and Animal Health of Denpasar Municipality as well as their relations with academic institutions Udayana University , professional organizations Indonesian Veterinary Medicine Association , and animal care NGOs Bali Animal Welfare Association in Bali."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kukuh Dwi Setiawan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keragaman habitus dan implikasinya terhadap efektivitas organisasi. Berdasarkan studi kasus terhadap BKKBN melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan perangkat konseptual arena, modal, dan habitus; penelitian ini berargumen bahwa pertarungan simbolik sebagai hasil dari perbedaan habitus menciptakan infektivitas dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Pertarungan ini terjadi dalam bentuk negosiasi dan reinterpretasi terhadap nilai-nilai pembatasan anak dalam keluarga berencana (KB) yang berimplikasi pada capaian pekerjaan. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar BKKBN melakukan pembentukan habitus kolektif dan penataan penempatan berdasarkan habitus yang dimiliki anggotanya.

This research aims to analyze how habitus diversity implicates the effectivity of organization. Based on case study of BKKBN analyzed qualitatively with the field, capital, and habitus conceptual framework; this research argue that symbolic conflict created by habitus diversity makes the organization ineffective in regard to attain organization purposes. The conflict is happened by the process of negotiation and reinterpretation of birth limitation value in family planning (KB) programme. This research recommends that BKKBN creating a collective habitus making programme and worker placement system based on the habitus that workers are having."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Sucitra
Tulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai Sekretariat Jenderal DPD RI memegang peranan sangat penting dalam menjalankan fungsinya sebagai supporting system kepada DPD RI. Dalam tesis ini menggambarkan bagaimana teknologi organisasi dari Sekretariat Jenderal sebagai supporting system dalam mendukung fungsi pengawasan DPD RI terhadap pelaksanaan undang-undang tertentu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar teknologi organisasi Sekretariat Jenderal DPD dapat diupayakan secara maksimal untuk mendukung optimalisasi fungsi pengawasan DPD RI.

This paper explains the Secretariat General of House of Regional Representatives of The Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) plays a very important role as a supporting system to DPD RI. In this thesis describes how the technology or organization of Secretariat General in support of the DPD RI supervisory function against the implementation of of the Bills. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive design. The results suggest that the organizational technology Secretariat General DPD can be strived to the maximum to support the optimization of DPD supervision function."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Widawardhani Agustini
Kabupaten Boyolali merupakan daerah penghasil susu terbesar di wilayah Jawa Tengah yang menstimuli berkembangnya industri olahan susu salah satunya adalah yogurt. Studi ini bertujuan menggambarkan peran jaringan sosial dalam memasarkan produk UKM yang mana harus bersaing dengan produk "branded". Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah kualitatif dengan studi kasus dua UKM yogurt lokal.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa jaringan sosial berperan dalam pemasaran yogurt khususnya jaringan pertemanan.Jaringan sosial yang dimiliki UKM berdampak pada munculnya kerjasama dalam memasarkan produknya. Hal ini terlihat pada kelangsungan pemasaran dimana pemilik usaha juga mendapatkan pelanggan dari saudara, teman dekat, dan teman baru.

Boyolali is the largest milk producing region on Central Java which stimulate develop of the dairy industry one of them is yoghurt. This study aim to describe the role of social network in marketing the SMEs product, that have to compete with "well-known" product. The research approach used in this study is qualitative with case study of two local yogurt-producing SMEs.
These result showed that social network play a role on yoghurt marketing in particular a network of friends. Social network owned SMEs have an impact on emergence of cooperation in marketing their product. This is seen on survival of marketing where business owners also get customer from relatives, close friends, and new friends.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardilla Dinaresty
Gelombang budaya Korea Hallyu dewasa ini merupakan fenomena yang telah menyebar di dunia, khususnya di kawasan Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia. Hal ini membawa dampak yang cukup signifikan dalam berbagai bidang, salah satunya bahasa. Skripsi ini memberikan gambaran mengenai konteks sosial yang berperan terhadap individu yang belajar bahasa Korea. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif berupa wawancara mendalam dan observasi, penelitian ini dilakukan kepada individu pembelajar bahasa Korea di Lembaga Korean Cultural Center KCC Indonesia dan Konsa Korea-Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konteks sosial perkembangan kebudayaan Korea di Indonesia berperan pada keputusan individu untuk belajar bahasa Korea. Keputusan individu ini juga termasuk dalam proses komodifikasi, konsumerisme dan komoditas fetishisme.

The Korean Culture Wave Hallyu nowadays is a spreading phenomenom around the world, especially in Southeast Asia Indonesia included. This phenomenom brought significant influence in many fields, including language. This research describes the social contexts that affect individual taking Korean language course. Using qualitative methods which are in depth interview and observation, this study uses sample from students from Korean Cultural Center KCC Indonesia and Konsa Language Course Institute as participant. Result from this study shows that social contexts, such as Korean culture development in Indonesia, influences the participant rsquo s decision also get affected by other factors such as commodification process, consumerism, and commodity fetishism."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Arum Puspitasari
"Kondisi karyawan dengan kinerja yang relatif rendah dapat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat perilaku organisasi yang minimal (OCB). Studi sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa OCB untuk karyawan dapat dibentuk melalui dukungan internal dan organisasi individu. Berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian ini melihat kekuatan dalam organisasi terutama yang dimiliki oleh para pemimpin sebagai cara untuk membentuk OCB bagi karyawan. Power diyakini dapat mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang sehingga OCB juga bisa dinaikkan di antara karyawan. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini membahas hubungan antara tingkat kekuatan pemimpin dan tingkat OCB.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, dengan sejumlah kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada responden termasuk dalam kerangka sampel di setiap divisi di Perusahaan "X". Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif antara tingkat kekuatan pemimpin dan tingkat karyawan OCB. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa tingkat OCB untuk karyawan memiliki tingkat yang rendah dan tingkat kekuatan pemimpin memiliki tingkat yang lemah.
The condition of employees with relatively low performance can be influenced by the minimum level of organizational behavior (OCB). Previous studies state that OCB for employees can be formed through internal support and individual organizations. In contrast to previous research, this study looks at strengths in organizations especially those possessed by leaders as a way to form OCB for employees. Power is believed to influence a person's behavior so that OCB can also be raised among employees. Thus, this study discusses the relationship between the level of leader strength and the level of OCB.
The research method used is quantitative, with a number of questionnaires distributed to respondents included in the sample framework in each division in the "X" Company. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between the level of leader strength and the level of OCB employees. The results of this study also show that OCB levels for employees have low levels and leader strength levels have weak levels."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Uprian Triatsa
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap proses akselerasi digital dalam mendorong perilaku pembelian impulsif pada aset cryptocurrency. Pandemi Covid-19 membuat perubahan sosial dan budaya masyarakat yang ditandai dengan adopsi teknologi digital secara masif. Tingkat adopsi teknologi ini juga ditandai dengan jumlah pembelian aset crypto yang terjadi pada masyarakat Indonesia meningkat secara signifikan selama masa pandemi. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya, pembelian atas cryptocurrency ini kerap kali didasari oleh stimulus masyarakat atas kecemasan kondisi sosial-ekonomi yang tidak pasti selama masa pandemi terjadi, namun temuan tersebut belum menjelaskan bagaimana masyarakat kemudian tertarik memutuskan untuk memilih membeli aset cryptocurrency. Peneliti berargumen bahwa fenomena perilaku pembelian impulsif cryptocurrency memiliki relevansi dengan terjadinya proses akselerasi digital dan aspek terkait di dalamnya yang meliputi peran platform pertukaran crypto, information overload, dan peran Key Opinion Leader crypto. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses akselerasi digital secara keseluruhan mampu mendorong terjadinya perilaku pembelian impulsif pada aset cryptocurrency. Proses akselerasi digital yang terjadi membuat kehidupan bermasyarakat semakin erat dengan teknologi yang membuat aset crypto lebih mudah diadopsi oleh masyarakat. Terlebih dorongan-dorongan seperti promosi dan aksesibilitas dalam bertransaksi, informasi crypto yang melimpah dalam lingkungan digital, serta konten dan unggahan para KOL crypto membuat masyarakat cenderung melakukan pembelian impulsif pada cryptocurrency.
......This research aims to uncover the process of digital acceleration in driving impulsive buying behaviour for cryptocurrency assets. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about social and cultural changes in society, characterized by the massive adoption of digital technology. This level of technology adoption is also marked by a significant increase in cryptocurrency purchases among the Indonesian population during the pandemic. Previous research has shown that purchases of cryptocurrency are often driven by societal stimuli arising from uncertainties in socio-economic conditions during the pandemic, but these findings have not explained how individuals become interested and decide to buy cryptocurrency assets. The researchers argue that the phenomenon of impulsive buying behaviour in cryptocurrency is relevant to the occurrence of digital acceleration and its associated aspects, including the role of crypto exchange platforms, information overload, and the role of crypto Key Opinion Leaders (KOL). The research findings indicate that the overall process of digital acceleration can drive impulsive buying behaviour in cryptocurrency assets. The digital acceleration process that occurs is making social life more closely intertwined with technology, making cryptocurrency assets easier to adopt by the people. Moreover, influences such as promotions and transaction accessibility, abundant crypto information in the digital environment, also content and posts by crypto KOLs make people more prone to impulsive purchases of cryptocurrency."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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