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Nur Adnan Sarofattullah
"Tormala dkk. (2012) menemukan bahwa manusia memiliki preferensi terhadap potensi, artinya manusia cenderung menilai individu yang berpotensi lebih tinggi daripada individu yang berprestasi. Berbagai studi menunjukan bahwa preferensi manusia dapat berubah hanya karena keberadaan alternatif tambahan (pengecoh). Dalam penelitian ini, Asymmetric Dominance Effect (ADE) digunakan untuk menguji apakah pengecoh mempengaruhi preferensi terhadap potensi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam konteks investasi. Partisipan (n = 132) berperan sebagai investor yang dihadapkan pada beberapa pengusaha. Preferensi partisipan dilihat dari perbandingan penilaiannya terhadap pengusaha-pengusaha tersebut.
Desain penelitian ini adalah 2 (karakteristik pengusaha: berpotensi vs beprestasi) x 3 (kondisi: tanpa pengecoh vs dengan pengecoh potensi vs dengan pengecoh prestasi) mixed factorial design. Hasilnya, terdapat effect yang signifikan dengan size yang besar pada variabel karakteristik pengusaha, F(1,126) = 84,93, p < 0,05, r = 0,63. Pengusaha yang berpotensi (M = 18,7, SD = 1,34) dinilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan pengusaha yang berprestasi (M = 17,31, SD = 1,44). Selain itu, terdapat interaksi yang signifikan dengan effect size yang moderat pada karakteristik pengusaha dan kondisi ADE, F(2,126) = 6,130, p < 0,05, r = 0,3.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa perbedaan kondisi ADE dapat mempengaruhi penilaian yang didasarkan pada potensi dan prestasi individu, namun tidak sampai mengubah preferensi.

Tormala et al. (2012) found that people have preference for potential, means that people value individual with high potential more than individual with high achievement. Considerable amount of studies suggest that preference changes across different condition. In present research, Asymmetric Dominance Effect was used to test how condition affects preference for potential. We ran this experiment in investment context. Participants (n = 132) received a page of paper containing profile of some entrepreneurs. As investor, participants were asked to rate each of them.
Design of this experiment is 2 (entrepreneur characteristic: high potential vs high achievement) x 3 (condition: without decoy vs with potential decoy vs with achievement decoy) mixed factorial design. We found significat effect on entrepreneur characteristic with large size effect, F(1,126) = 84.93, p < .05, r = .63. High potential entrepreneur (M = 18.7, SD = 1.34) were valued more than high achievement entrepreneur (M = 17.31, SD = 1.44). We also found significant interaction between entrepreneur characteristic and Asymmetric Dominance Effect condition, F(2,126) = 6.130, p < .05, r = .3.
This result suggest that Asymmetric Dominated Alternative (decoy) affect how people value individual based on his or her potential and achievement, but does not change the preference for potential.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fauzi
Penelitian ini tentang pengaruh ketidakpastian dalam informasi kandidat
terhadap preferensi politik. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga ingin melihat pengaruh
sikap terhadap risiko sebagai moderator dari pengaruh ketidakpastian terhadap
preferensi politik. Penelitian ini melibatkan 83 Mahasiswa Diploma dan Strata-
1 yang ada di berbagai fakultas di Universitas Indonesia. Ketidakpastian dilihat
dari informasi kandidat, dengan kandidat petahana yang memiliki
ketidakpastian rendah, dan kandidat penantang dengan ketidakpastian tinggi.
Untuk mengukur sikap terhadap risiko digunakan alat ukur Domain Specific
Risk Attitude Scale (DOSPERT). Preferensi politik diukur melalui penilaian
positif terhadap masing-masing kandidat. Melalui teknik statistik Mixed-Anova,
hasil dari penelitian ini tidak menunjukkan adanya pengaruh ketidakpastian
dalam informasi kandidat terhadap preferensi politik seseorang untuk memilih
kandidat, dan tidak adanya pengaruh moderasi dari sikap terhadap risiko pada
pengaruh ketidakpastian terhadap preferensi politik
ABSTRACTThis research is about the effect of uncertainty in the candidates information on political preferences In addition this study also wants to see the effect of risk attitude as the moderator of the effect of uncertainty political preferences The study involved 83 students Diploma and Strata 1 in various faculties at the University of Indonesia Uncertainty seen from the information the candidates the incumbent candidates who have low uncertainties and challenger candidates with high uncertainties Domain Specific Risk Attitude Scale DOSPERT used to measure risk attitude Political preferences measured by a positive assessment of each candidate Through Mixed ANOVA statistical techniques the results of this study did not show any effect of This research is about the effect of uncertainty in the candidates information on political preferences. In addition, this study also wants to see the effect of risk attitude as the moderator of the effect of uncertainty political preferences. The study involved 83 students Diploma and Strata-1 in various faculties at the University of Indonesia. Uncertainty seen from the information the candidates, the incumbent candidates who have low uncertainties, and challenger candidates with high uncertainties. Domain Specific Risk Attitude Scale (DOSPERT) used to measure risk attitude. Political preferences measured by a positive assessment of each candidate. Through Mixed-ANOVA statistical techniques, the results of this study did not show any effect of uncertainty in the information candidates against one's political preference for choosing a candidate, and there is no moderating effect of risk attitude of the effect of uncertainty to political preferences.;This research is about the effect of uncertainty in the candidates information on political preferences In addition this study also wants to see the effect of risk attitude as the moderator of the effect of uncertainty political preferences The study involved 83 students Diploma and Strata 1 in various faculties at the University of Indonesia Uncertainty seen from the information the candidates the incumbent candidates who have low uncertainties and challenger candidates with high uncertainties Domain Specific Risk Attitude Scale DOSPERT used to measure risk attitude Political preferences measured by a positive assessment of each candidate Through Mixed ANOVA statistical techniques the results of this study did not show any effect of This research is about the effect of uncertainty in the candidates information on political preferences. In addition, this study also wants to see the effect of risk attitude as the moderator of the effect of uncertainty political preferences. The study involved 83 students Diploma and Strata-1 in various faculties at the University of Indonesia. Uncertainty seen from the information the candidates, the incumbent candidates who have low uncertainties, and challenger candidates with high uncertainties. Domain Specific Risk Attitude Scale (DOSPERT) used to measure risk attitude. Political preferences measured by a positive assessment of each candidate. Through Mixed-ANOVA statistical techniques, the results of this study did not show any effect of uncertainty in the information candidates against one's political preference for choosing a candidate, and there is no moderating effect of risk attitude of the effect of uncertainty to political preferences.;This research is about the effect of uncertainty in the candidates information on political preferences In addition this study also wants to see the effect of risk attitude as the moderator of the effect of uncertainty political preferences The study involved 83 students Diploma and Strata 1 in various faculties at the University of Indonesia Uncertainty seen from the information the candidates the incumbent candidates who have low uncertainties and challenger candidates with high uncertainties Domain Specific Risk Attitude Scale DOSPERT used to measure risk attitude Political preferences measured by a positive assessment of each candidate Through Mixed ANOVA statistical techniques the results of this study did not show any effect of This research is about the effect of uncertainty in the candidates information on political preferences. In addition, this study also wants to see the effect of risk attitude as the moderator of the effect of uncertainty political preferences. The study involved 83 students Diploma and Strata-1 in various faculties at the University of Indonesia. Uncertainty seen from the information the candidates, the incumbent candidates who have low uncertainties, and challenger candidates with high uncertainties. Domain Specific Risk Attitude Scale (DOSPERT) used to measure risk attitude. Political preferences measured by a positive assessment of each candidate. Through Mixed-ANOVA statistical techniques, the results of this study did not show any effect of uncertainty in the information candidates against one's political preference for choosing a candidate, and there is no moderating effect of risk attitude of the effect of uncertainty to political preferences., This research is about the effect of uncertainty in the candidates information on political preferences In addition this study also wants to see the effect of risk attitude as the moderator of the effect of uncertainty political preferences The study involved 83 students Diploma and Strata 1 in various faculties at the University of Indonesia Uncertainty seen from the information the candidates the incumbent candidates who have low uncertainties and challenger candidates with high uncertainties Domain Specific Risk Attitude Scale DOSPERT used to measure risk attitude Political preferences measured by a positive assessment of each candidate Through Mixed ANOVA statistical techniques the results of this study did not show any effect of This research is about the effect of uncertainty in the candidates information on political preferences. In addition, this study also wants to see the effect of risk attitude as the moderator of the effect of uncertainty political preferences. The study involved 83 students Diploma and Strata-1 in various faculties at the University of Indonesia. Uncertainty seen from the information the candidates, the incumbent candidates who have low uncertainties, and challenger candidates with high uncertainties. Domain Specific Risk Attitude Scale (DOSPERT) used to measure risk attitude. Political preferences measured by a positive assessment of each candidate. Through Mixed-ANOVA statistical techniques, the results of this study did not show any effect of uncertainty in the information candidates against one's political preference for choosing a candidate, and there is no moderating effect of risk attitude of the effect of uncertainty to political preferences.]"
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Zubaidillah
"Pesatnya peningkatan jumlah anak jalanan di Indonesia diikuti oleh munculnya rumah singgah yang didirikan oleh swadaya masyarakat. Tanpa bantuan dana dari pemerintah, kebanyakan rumah singgah mengalami keterbatasan finansial, sehingga orang yang berkecimpung di sana hanya bersifat sukarela, tanpa menerima upah. Adanya fenomena suami yang menjadi pengajar di rumah singgah merupakan contoh unik dari perilaku altruisme, karena hal ini berpotensi menimbulkan masalah yang terkait dengan tanggung jawabnya di keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja yang mendorong mereka melakukan hal tersebut, beserta nilai-nilai yang mendasarinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi terhadap tiga orang subjek. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dua dari tiga orang subjek yang diteliti memenuhi jenis motivasi empathy-altruism hypothesis, sedangkan satu orang lainnya memenuhi motivasi negative-state relief model dan empathic joy hypothesis. Meskipun menurut Schwartz (1994) bertentangan, kedua kelompok nilai openness to change dan conservation dalam penelitian ini ditemukan dapat mendorong perilaku yang sama sekaligus, yaitu perilaku subjek mengajar di rumah singgah. Satu orang subjek memiliki keseluruhan nilai dalam dimensi tersebut, sedangkan dua lainnya memiliki nilainilai self-direction, stimulation, tradition, dan security yang mendorongnya melakukan pekerjaan tersebut.

The increasing number of children on the Street in Indonesia followed by many shelters which establish. Without any finance support from the govemment, most of them just funding theirselves with limited condition. Therefore the social workers contributing their efforts voluntary, not with Standard wage. The husbands working in shelters are unique phenomenon of the altruism behavior. It is possible to make a trouble in their family because of their responsibility. The research purpose is to know about the reason and values driving their altruism behavior. This research has qualitative approach. Researcher interviewed and observed three respondents. The result showed two of three respondents suitable for empathy-altruism hypothesis, and the one suitable for negative-state relief model and empathic joy hypothesis. About the values, Schwartz (1994) argued that openness to change and conservation values are contradicted each others. In fact, researcher have got the values compatible for emerging their altruism behavior. Only one subject has all of these values and others have self-direction, stimulation, tradition, and security values."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dorongan untuk mendapatkan jawaban dan ketidakpastian terhadap preferensi pemilih dalam pemilihan kandidat gubernur. Dorongan untuk mendapatkan jawaban diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner Need for Closure Scale, sedangkan ketidakpastian dioperasionalisasikan dengan keberadaan informasi mengenai potensi kandidat penantang dan prestasi kandidat petahana. Preferensi partisipan terhadap kedua kandidat diukur dengan skala yang digunakan oleh Tormala, Jia, dan Norton (2012), yaitu terdiri dari item penilaian positif dan negatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara ketidakpastian terhadap preferensi pemilih F(1, 36) = 4.46, p < .05. Akan tetapi, tidak ditemukan pengaruh dorongan untuk mendapatkan jawaban terhadap preferensi pemilih (β = .0773, t(36) = .45, ns). Meskipun begitu, skor rata-rata preferensi individu dengan dorongan untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang rendah menunjukan bahwa mereka menilai penantang lebih positif daripada petahana.
Pada akhirnya disimpulkan bahwa dalam penelitian ini partisipan mempertimbangkan kandidat dengan prestasi sebagai kandidat yang lebih mengesankan dibandingkan kandidat yang digambarkan memiliki potensi. Partisipan juga menunjukan adanya preferensi umum untuk memilih kandidat petahana sebagai kandidat gubernur.

This study examined the impact of need for closure and uncertainty towards candidate preference. Need for closure (NFC) was measured using Need for Closure Scale, while uncertain information was operasionalized by the presence of information about challenger’s potential and incumbent's achievement. Participant's preference towards incumbent and challenger was measured by preference scale which was used before in Tormala, Jia, and Norton (2012). In that scale, preference was divided into two kind of evaluation: possitive assessment and negative outcome.
Result show that uncertainty is a significant influence on candidate preference F(1, 36) = 4.46, p < .05, yet there is no significant effect between NFC level towards candidate preference (β = .0773, t(36) = .45, ns). In spite, the mean of preference score from participant with low NFC shows that they value challenger better than incumbent.
In the end, it can concluded that participants recognized that candidate with achievement was more objectively impressive and showed a general preference for achievement rather than potential in their voting decision.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boma Baswara
"Pandemi COVID-19 diikuti dengan fenomena prasangka terhadap tenaga kesehatan dan banjir informasi di media terkait penyakit tersebut. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat efek perbedaan jenis pesan (IV) pada prasangka
terhadap tenaga kesehatan (DV) dengan mediasi persepsi ancaman realistis dan simbolis (M). Pesan dalam penelitian ini dimanipulasi pada aspek format pesan (naratif, statistik) dan ancaman yang ditekankan dalam pesan (realistis, simbolis).
Penelitian dilakukan secara survei-eksperimental daring between-subject. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 550 orang warga daerah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi (Jabodetabek). Partisipan secara acak dikelompokkan ke dalam salah satu kondisi, yaitu pesan statistikal, naratif ancaman realistis, naratif ancaman simbolis, dan satu kelompok kontrol. Setelah membaca teks stimulus penelitian, dilakukan pengukuran pada tingkat persepsi ancaman COVID-19 dan juga prasangka terhadap tenaga kesehatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok dalam kondisi naratif ancaman simbolis memiliki prasangka terhadap tenaga kesehatan yang lebih rendah secara signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok lainnya. Selain itu, tidak ditemukan efek perbedaan format pesan dan peran mediasi persepsi ancaman COVID-19 dalam pembentukkan prasangka terhadap tenaga kesehatan. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa pesan tentang penyakit tidak selalu mengaktivasi mekanisme behavioral immune system (BIS), namun juga memiliki potensi untuk mendeaktivasi mekanisme BIS, bergantung pada penekanan gambaran dampak penyakit di dalam pesan.

The COVID-19 pandemic is followed by cases of prejudice against healthcare workers and informations flooding in the media about the disease. This research was conducted to examine the effects of message type (IV) on prejudice against healthcare workers (DV) mediated by realistic dan symbolic threat perceptions (M). Message type was manipulated in two aspects, which were message format (narrative, statistical) and the threats emphasized in the message (realistic,
symbolic). Online between-subject survey-experimental design was employed to 550 participants resided in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas. Participants were randomly assigned into one of four conditions which were statistical message, realistic threat-narrative message, symbolic threat-narrative message and control gorup. After reading the stimulus, their COVID-19 threat perception and prejudice level on healthcare workers were measured. Result showed that the group exposed to symbolic threat-narrative message had significantly lower prejudice compared to the other conditions. Moreover, there was no significant difference between message format. The mediating role COVID-19 threat perception in forming prejudice against healthcare workers did not showed as well. This result indicates that information about diseases can both activate behavioral immune system mechanism (BIS) and deactivate the mechanism, depending on the emphasis put on the disease impacts pictured in the message.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhli Ramadhan
Penelitian ini didasarkan pada konsep baru hasil temuan penelitian Tormala et al. (2012) mengenai preferensi pada potensi yang menunjukkan bahwa individu cenderung menilai potensi calon karyawan lebih tinggi dibandingkan prestasi. Namun, studi Tormala et al. (2012) yang disebut The Preference for Potential tersebut menguji informasi yang bersifat positif, belum diuji untuk informasi bersifat negatif. Penelitian ini melanjutkan studi The Preference for Potential dengan konten informasi negatif, yaitu potensi dan prestasi negatif. Peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh potensi dan prestasi negatif terhadap preferensi pada potensi dalam menilai calon karyawan melalui daftar riwayat hidup atau curriculum vitae. Penelitian dilakukan pada 200 partisipan yang merupakan mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang terbagi ke dalam 4 kelompok, yaitu kelompok potensi positif, potensi negatif, prestasi positif dan prestasi negatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan melalui pengujian One-way ANOVA (p < .05) antara informasi terhadap preferensi dalam menilai calon karyawan.

This study is based on recent finding from Tormala et al. (2012) about preference for potential which shows that one can rate employee candidate potential more than achievement. However, their study called The Preference for Potential tested on positive information, it hasn?t been tested on the negative one. This study continues the study of The Preference for Potential with negative information contents, which are negative potential and negative achievement. Researcher wants to figure out about the effect of negative potential and negative achievement towards preference for potential in rating employee candidate through his curriculum vitae. The study is conducted on 200 participants whose are students of Universitas Indonesia, divided into 4 groups: positive potential, negative potential, positive achievement, and negative achievement. The study resulted that there is a significance effect through One-way ANOV test (p < .05) between information towards preference in rating the employee candidate.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Oktari Harvens
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti efek dari pengaruh sosial informasional dan identitas terkait perkotaan sebagai moderator terhadap partisipasi politik secara online. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 271 partisipan yang memperoleh manipulasi berupa perbedaan jumlah penanda tangan petisi dan nama kota yang dicantumkan dalam petisi. Penulis juga mengukur tingkat identifikasi partisipan terhadap kota Depok dengan menggunakan Urban Identity Scale. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain 3 x 2 randomized factorial design. Penulis berhipotesis bahwa individu yang memiliki identitas terkait perkotaan yang tinggi memiliki peluang yang lebih besar untuk berpartisipasi politik dengan cara menandatangani petisi online. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan binary logistic regression, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa identitas terkait perkotaan tidak secara signifikan memoderasi hubungan antara pengaruh sosial informasional dan partisipasi politik secara online dengan R2N= ,13, p > 0,05. Lebih lanjut, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa efek pengaruh sosial informasional terhadap partisipasi politik secara online tidak dipengaruhi oleh identitas terkait perkotaan.
;The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social informational influence and urban-related identity as well as the interaction of both to behavior of signing online petition. 271 participants were given a manipulation in the form of different numbers of the petitioners and the city?s namelisted in the petition.Writer also measured participant?s level of identification to Depok city by using Urban Identity Scale. This study was an experimental study with a 3 x 2 randomized factorial design. Writer hypothesized individuals who have a high urban-related identity has greater opportunities for political participation by means of signing an online petition. Based on hypothesis testing using binary logistic regression, the study found urban-related identity was not significantly moderating relationship between informational social influence and online political participation with R2N = ,13, p > 0,05. Furthermore, the authors concluded that the effect of informational social influence on political participation online was not affected by the urban-related identity.
;The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social informational influence and urban-related identity as well as the interaction of both to behavior of signing online petition. 271 participants were given a manipulation in the form of different numbers of the petitioners and the city?s namelisted in the petition.Writer also measured participant?s level of identification to Depok city by using Urban Identity Scale. This study was an experimental study with a 3 x 2 randomized factorial design. Writer hypothesized individuals who have a high urban-related identity has greater opportunities for political participation by means of signing an online petition. Based on hypothesis testing using binary logistic regression, the study found urban-related identity was not significantly moderating relationship between informational social influence and online political participation with R2N = ,13, p > 0,05. Furthermore, the authors concluded that the effect of informational social influence on political participation online was not affected by the urban-related identity.
, The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of social informational influence and urban-related identity as well as the interaction of both to behavior of signing online petition. 271 participants were given a manipulation in the form of different numbers of the petitioners and the city’s namelisted in the petition.Writer also measured participant’s level of identification to Depok city by using Urban Identity Scale. This study was an experimental study with a 3 x 2 randomized factorial design. Writer hypothesized individuals who have a high urban-related identity has greater opportunities for political participation by means of signing an online petition. Based on hypothesis testing using binary logistic regression, the study found urban-related identity was not significantly moderating relationship between informational social influence and online political participation with R2N = ,13, p > 0,05. Furthermore, the authors concluded that the effect of informational social influence on political participation online was not affected by the urban-related identity.
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gumilang Reza Andika
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan perspektif diri (actoragent) terhadap prososialitas yang dimoderasi oleh aktivasi konsep Tuhan lewat pemberian prime. Actor bersikap prososial, sedangkan agent egois. Diprediksi bahwa adanya pemberian prime Tuhan mengaburkan perbedaan prososialitas antara actor dan agent dengan meningkatkan prososialitas keduanya.
Hasil penelitian eksperimen berbasis web ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan prososialitas antarkelompok Perbedaan tersebut hanya dipengaruhi oleh jenis prime yang diberikan secara langsung, bukannya interaksi antara variasi perlakuan yang diberikan. Temuan pada penelitian ini mengindikasikan adanya pengaruh yang divergen dari prime Tuhan terhadap prososialitas dan merupakan terobosan dalam mengintegrasikan konsep diri yang berlapis dengan prime Tuhan.

The objective of this research is to examine the effect of type-of-self (actor-agent) on prosociality, which moderated by the activation of God concept through priming. Actor acts prosocially, while agent is selfish. It's predicted that the priming of God concept can diminish prosociality difference between them by increasing both's prosociality.
The results of this web-based experiment indicate that there are differences between group's prosociality. Those differences only affected mainly by the type of prime given, but not because of the interaction between the type-of-self and the given prime. The findings indicate the existence of divergent effect of God prime on prosociality and is a breakthrough in integrating multilayered-self concept and God prime."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johanes David
Perilaku tidak etis umum terjadi di berbagai situasi dan bisa menimbulkan
kerugian secara material dan hilangnya kepercayaan masyarakat. Untuk
mengontrol perilaku tidak etis biasanya digunakan risiko tertangkap secara
eksplisit. Penelitian ini dilakukan selain untuk melihat efek kehadiran risiko
eksplisit tertangkap terhadap perilaku tidak etis (Gamliel & Peers, 2013)
tetapi juga memasukkan variabel kategorisasi pada pemeliharaan diri positif
sebagai moderator (Mazar, Amir, Ariely, 2008a; 2008b). Partisipan adalah
anak SMA di Jakarta sejumlah 130 orang. Desain penelitian ini adalah 2x2
ANOVA between group post test only. Hasilnya risiko eksplisit tertangkap
tidak memberi efek pada perilaku tidak etis (p = 0.104). Kategorisasi pada
pemeliharaan konsep diri positif memberikan efek secara signifikan pada
perilaku tidak etis (p = 0.001). Kemudian, tidak ada efek interaksi antara
risiko eksplisit tertangkap dengan kategorisasi terhadap perilaku tidak etis
(p = 0.063).

Unethical behavior happens in every situation on our daily life and might
creates monetary loss and lost of goodwill. Explicit risk of getting caught is
usually applied to control unethical behavior. This research was conducted not
only to understand the effect of risk of getting caught toward unethical behavior
(Gamliel & Peers, 2013) but also to understand categorization on maintenance
of positive self-concept effect (Mazar, Amir, Ariely, 2008a; 2008b) as a
moderator between this interaction. There was 130 highschool students in
Jakarta as our participants. The results shows that risk of getting caught doesn?t
affect unethical behavior (p = 0.104). Categorization on maintenance of positive
self-concept is affecting unethical behavior significantly (p = 0.001). Yet there
are no interaction effect of risk of getting caught and categorization toward
unethical behavior (p = 0.063).
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raditya Brahmantyo Zoelkarnain
Tingkah laku tidak jujur merupakan tingkah laku yang kerap ditemui dalam
kegiatan sehari-hari dan juga dalam situasi yang berbeda-beda. Tingkah laku
tidak jujur dapat menimbulkan berbagai kerugian yang cukup berarti, baik
kerugian yang berupa finansial ataupun kerugian yang bukan merupakan
kerugian finansial. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menyelidiki dampak
risiko eksplisit tertangkap terhadap tingkah laku tidak jujur dengan anticipated
shame, atau ekspektasi seseorang akan emosi shame yang akan ia rasakan
apabila melakukan tingkah laku tidak jujur, sebagai variabel moderator.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain 2 x 2 beetween-subjects
factorial design kepada 90 orang partisipan. Temuan yang diperoleh melalui
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, risiko eksplisit tertangkap tidak secara
signifikan mempengaruhi tingkat tingkah laku tidak jujur F (1, 89) = 0,396, p =
0,531, anticipated shame tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi tingkat tingkah
laku tidak jujur F (1, 89) = 0,396, p = 0,507, dan bahwa anticipated shame
tidak berperan sebagai moderating variable dalam hubungan antara risiko
eksplisit tertangkap dengan tingkah laku tidak jujur F (1, 89) = 0,02, p = 0,965.

Dishonest behaviors could be found in various situations in our daily lives and
could give rise to negative consequences, whether financially or not financially.
This study is conducted to explore the effect of explicit risk of getting caught
towards dishonest behaviors, with anticipated shame, someone?s expectation
about the shame they will experience should they decided to commit dishonest
behaviors, as moderating variable. This study uses 2 x 2 beetween-subjects
factorial research design, and is conducted with 90 participants. The results
shows that, explicit risk of getting caught does not significantly affect dishonest
behavior F (1, 89) = 0,396, p = 0,531, anticipated shame does not significantly
affect dishonest behavior F (1, 89) = 0,396, p = 0,507, and there are no
interaction effect of risk of getting caught and anticipated shame toward
dishonest behavior F (1, 89) = 0,02, p = 0,965."
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