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Hilda Meriyandah
Abstrak :

Depresi Pascamelahirkan merupakan masalah yang berhubungan dengan proses kelahiran. Perasaan sedih, tertekan, dan timbulnya keinginan untuk menyakiti diri sendiri merupakan tanda dari adanya masalah ini. Penelitian di berbagai negara menunjukkan bahwa angka kejadian depresi pascamelahirkan menyentuh angka 10-34% dan sebanyak 55,7% disebabkan minimnya dukungan pasangan. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional menggunakan sampel ibu postpartum di wilayah Depok sebesar 92 responden yang dipilih dengan teknik random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Partner Support Questionnaire dan Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.

Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan bahwa usia, status pekerjaan, status kehamilan, komplikasi persalinan, dan status tinggal bersama memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian depresi pascamelahirkan. Sedangkan tingkat pendidikan, paritas, dan dukungan pasangan tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian depresi pascamelahirkan. Dari hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa dukungan pasangan tidak menjadi penyebab utama kejadian depresi pascamelahirkan di Kota Depok, karena dukungan sosial dari sumber lain juga banyak didapatkan oleh responden. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pendampingan kepada ibu hingga masa pascamelahirkan.

Postpartum depression is a problem associated with the birth process. Feeling sad, depressed, and a desire to harm herself are some signs of this problem. Researches in various countries indicate that the incidence of postpartum depression touched 10-34% and as much as 55.7% due to the lack of spousal support. Design of this study is a descriptive analytic, cross-sectional, and the sample are postpartum mothers in Depok, about 92 respondents who selected by the random sampling technique. The instrument was a Partner Support Questionnaire and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.

The results of the study were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of this study found that age, employment status, pregnancy status, delivery complications, and status of living together have a significant relationship with the incidence of postpartum depression. While the level of education, parity, and partner support has no significant relationship with the incidence of postpartum depression. From these results indicate that spousal support is not the main cause of the incidence of postpartum depression in Depok, because social support from other sources may also be obtained by most of respondents. The results of this study are expected to increase public awareness to increase assistance to the mother until the postpartum period.

Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masturoh Widuri Sinta
Abstrak :
[Upaya peningkatan pemberian ASI Eksklusif masih terus dilakukan. Kondisi ini yang mendasari dilakukannya penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengalaman menyusui ibu multipara. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain deskriptif melalui pendekatan cross-sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 107 responden menggunakan Breastfeeding Study Questionnaire yang sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil uji coba pada uji validitas didapatkan 35 pertanyaan bernilai valid sedangkan uji reliabilitas didapatkan 13 pertanyaan bernilai reliabel. Hasil penelitian pengalaman menyusui menunjukkan bahwa 88,8% ibu multipara memiliki pengalaman menyusui yang baik. Ibu multipara dengan riwayat menyusui sebelumnya memiliki pengalaman menyusui yang baik. Instrumen penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk survei tentang pengalaman menyusui dan memberikan data yang lebih detil, hanya perlu ditambahkan pertanyaan mengenai menyusui eksklusif. ......Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed;Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed;Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed;Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed;Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed, Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faiqa Himma Emalia
Abstrak :
Ibu hamil merupakan kelompok berisiko mengalami gangguan tidur karena ketidaknyamanan fisik dan emosional, terutama ibu hamil trimester ketiga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran kualitas tidur ibu hamil yang mengikuti dan tidak mengikuti latihan yoga kehamilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskripitif dengan jumlah sampel 86 responden, terdiri dari 43 ibu hamil yang mengikuti dan tidak mengikuti latihan yoga kehamilan. Instrumen yang digunakan tidur adalah The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah responden yang memiliki kualitas tidur baik lebih banyak terdapat pada kelompok responden yang mengikuti latihan yoga kehamilan dengan perbandingan 4:1. Bedasarkan penelitian ini, diharapkan pelayanan keperawatan dapat memperluas akses pelayanan terapi komplementer, khususnya yoga kehamilan di pelayanan kesehatan maupun komunitas. ......Pregnant women, especially those in the third trimester of pregnancy, are in a risk group that experience sleep disturbances as a result of physical and emotional discomfort. This study was descriptive study aimed to depict the quality of sleep in pregnant women who did and did not partake in prenatal yoga. There were 86 respondents and they were divided into two equal groups of 43. The instrument used for this study was 'The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index'. The result of this study showed the number of respondents who had good quality of sleep was greater on the group that participated in prenatal yoga, with a resultant comparison rate of 4:1. Based on this study, nursing institution could be expected to broaden complementary therapy service, especially prenatal yoga in both healthcare and community.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masturoh Widuri Sinta
Abstrak :
Upaya peningkatan pemberian ASI Eksklusif masih terus dilakukan. Kondisi ini yang mendasari dilakukannya penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengalaman menyusui ibu multipara. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain deskriptif melalui pendekatan cross-sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 107 responden menggunakan Breastfeeding Study Questionnaire yang sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil uji coba pada uji validitas didapatkan 35 pertanyaan bernilai valid sedangkan uji reliabilitas didapatkan 13 pertanyaan bernilai reliabel. Hasil penelitian pengalaman menyusui menunjukkan bahwa 88,8% ibu multipara memiliki pengalaman menyusui yang baik. Ibu multipara dengan riwayat menyusui sebelumnya memiliki pengalaman menyusui yang baik. Instrumen penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk survei tentang pengalaman menyusui dan memberikan data yang lebih detil, hanya perlu ditambahkan pertanyaan mengenai menyusui eksklusif. ......Effort increase exclusive breastfeeding are still underway. This condition underlying this study to describe breastfeeding experiences in multiparas mother. This study using descriptive design trough cross-sectional. Data were collected on 107 respondents using breastfeeding study questionnaire that has been translated into Bahasa. The result on validity test shows that 35 questions are valid while reliability test shows that 13 questions are reliable. Result from breastfeeding experiences study shows that 88,8% multiparas mother has good experience. Mother with breastfeeding history has good breastfeeding experience. The instrument in this study can be use for survey study about breastfeeding experience and give more detailed information, additional questions about exclusive breastfeeding are needed.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmatul Hidayah
Abstrak :
Ibu dengan riwayat komplikasi persalinan dapat mengalami depresi postpartum yang ditandai dengan cemas, anhedonia, insomnia, merasa lelah, bersalah, dan muncul keinginan untuk menyakiti diri-sendiri atau bayinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan utamanya untuk mengidentifikasi kejadian depresi postpartum pada ibu dengan riwayat komplikasi persalinan. Desain pada penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah responden 107 ibu beriwayat komplikasi persalinan yang dipilih secara consecutive sampling, kemudian dianalisis secara univariat. Instrumen pada penelitian ini ialah Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale. Persentase terbanyak kejadian depresi postpartum dialami oleh ibu dengan riwayat komplikasi perdarahan saat persalinan (75%). Kemudian sebanyak 71,4% ibu dengan riwayat komplikasi persalinan muntah mengalami depresi postpartum, dan sebanyak 66,7% untuk masing-masing komplikasi durasi persalinan lama dan anemia. Sedangkan kejadian depresi postpartum pada ibu dengan riwayat komplikasi persalinan sesarea sebanyak 53,3%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, diharapkan tenaga kesehatan dapat mengenali tanda dan gejala depresi postpartum sejak dini, sehingga dapat dilakukan penanganan segera agar tidak menjadi masalah yang lebih kompleks.
Mothers with a history of birth complications may experience postpartum depression, is characterized by anxiety, anhedonia, insomnia, feeling tired, guilty, and the willingness to harm themselves or their babies. The main aim of this study is to identify the incidence of postpartum depression in women with a history of childbirth complications. The design used was cross sectional with the number of respondents 107 women with history of birth complications were selected by consecutive sampling, then analyzed by univariate. The instrument is Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale. Highest percentage incidence of postpartum depression experienced by the mother with history of bleeding complications during childbirth (75%). Then as much as 71,4% of women with a history of vomiting during labor experienced postpartum depression, and as much as 66,7% for each of the complications of prolonged labor and anemia. While the incidence of postpartum depression in women with a history of cesarean delivery complications 53,3%. Accordingly, the expected health providers can recognize the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression early, so that immediate action can be done so as not to become a more complex problem.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanun Isna Mutia
Abstrak :
Air susu ibu merupakan makanan terbaik bagi bayi. Namun, cakupan air susu ibu eksklusif di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah. Tingkat keyakinan ibu dalam menyusui atau Breastfeeding Self Efficacy dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi keberlanjutan proses menyusui. Dukungan suami diduga berpengaruh terhadap skor Breastfeeding Self Efficacy. Penelitin ini dilakukan untuk melihat adanya hubungan dukungan suami terhadap skor Breastfeeding Self Efficacy. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan metode deskriptif korelatif. Penelitian dilakukan pada 103 responden ibu menyusui di Depok. Penelitian menunjukkan gambaran karakteristik ibu menyusui dan suami serta skor Breastfeeding Self Efficacy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan suami dengan skor BSE ibu menyusui di Depok dengan p = 0,275 (p>0,05). Gambaran skor BSE dapat dijadikan acuan untuk program peningkatan cakupan ASI eksklusif.
Breast milk is the best the best nutrition for babies. However, exclusive berastfeeding rate in Indonesia is still low. Breastfeeding self efficacy can be used to predict breastfeeding sustainibility. Husband support can be expected to increase breastfeeding self efficacy score. The goal of this research is to identify whether there is correlation between husband?s support and breastfeeding self-efficacy score of breastfeeding mother. Design of this research is cross sectional with correlative descriptive method. 103 respondents was involved in this research. This research describe characteristics of breasfeeding mothers and their husband, and Breastfeeding Self Efficacy scores. Result of this research show that there is no significant correlation between husband?s support and Breastfeeding Self Efficacy scores. Overview of Breastfeeding Self Efficacy scores can be used for increasing exclusive breastfeeding rate programme.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Fauziah Priani
Abstrak :
Antenatal care merupakan salah satu upaya mencegah kematian ibu dengan mendeteksi lebih dini terjadinya risiko tinggi kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keteraturan ibu hamil melakukan antenatal care di Puskesmas Cimanggis Kota Depok. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan sampel ibu hamil trimester ketiga yang sedang melakukan antenatal care di Puskesmas Cimanggis Kota Depok berjumlah 82 orang. Hasil penelitian menemukan terdapat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keteraturan ibu hamil melakukan antenatal care, antara lain faktor predisposisi meliputi usia ibu hamil rata-rata 21-35 tahun (74,4%), tingkat pendidikan SMA (54,9%), tidak bekerja (82,9%), paritas sedikit (78%), pengetahuan tinggi (76,8%), dan sikap negatif (61%). Faktor pemungkin meliputi penghasilan rendah (63,4%), jarak tempat tinggal dekat (63,4%), media informasi baik (52,4%), sedangkan faktor penguat yaitu adanya dukungan suami (90,2%). Perlunya peningkatan penyuluhan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok mengenai antenatal care sebagai upaya meningkatkan pemanfaatan pelayanan antenatal oleh ibu hamil.
Antenatal care is one of an intervention to prevent maternal mortality by early detecting of high risk pregnancy. The aim of this study was to describe factors affecting regularity of pregnant women doing antenatal care at Puskesmas Cimanggis Depok. This study used descriptive design with 82 third-trimester pregnant women who did Antenatal Care at Puskesmas Cimanggis Depok. The result found there were factors affecting regularity of pregnant women doing antenatal care such as predisposing factors include maternal age of average 21-35 years (74.4%), high school education level (54.9%), most women were housewives (82.9%), low parity (78%), high knowledge level (76.8%), and negative attitudes (61%). Enabling factors include low income (63.4%), closer residence distance (63.4%), good media information (52.4%), and reinforcing factor was husband support (90.2%). It?s suggested to Depok Health Department to increase socialization about antenatal care as an effort to increase utilization of antenatal care by pregnant women.
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asty Nofika Utami
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Peran suami sangat penting untuk membantu istri dalam mengurangi nyeri persalinan. Cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh suami antara lain massase, relaksasi napas dalam, imajinasi, posisi dan kompres. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan pengalaman cara suami membantu mengurangi nyeri persalinan istri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif sederhana. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari suami yang mendampingi dan memberikan dukungan serta cara untuk mengurangi nyeri selama persalinan sebanyak 43 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dimana sampel diambil berdasarkan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 70% lebih responden menggunakan teknik relaksasi napas dalam, massase atau sentuhan, perubahan posisi serta teknik distraksi. Sedangkan kurang dari 50% responden menggunakan teknik kompres untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan untuk meningkatkan peran suami dalam mengurangi nyeri persalinan.
ABSTRACT Husband role is very important to help his wife to reduce labour pain. Several ways can be done by husband, such as massage, deep breathing relaxation, guided imagery, positioning and compress. The purpose of this research was to describe husband's experience to help reducing wife's labour pain. This research used quantitative method with simple descriptive design. Samples consist of 43 husbands who were accompanying, providing, and helping his wife to reduce pain during labour experiences. This study used purposive sampling where sample taken based on intended purpose. This research used questionnaire as instrument. The result showed that more than 70% of respondents used deep breathing relaxation, massage, position changes as well as guided imagery, whereas less than 50% of respondents used the compresses technique to reduce labour pain. Researcher suggests husbands to increase their role in reducing labour pain.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desyanti Eka Ernawati
Abstrak :
Perawatan diri pada masa postpartum penting dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi nifas yang menyebabkan kematian ibu di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perawatan diri yang dilakukan ibu postpartum primipara normal di rumah dengan desain deskriptif sederhana. Hasil riset menunjukkan perawatan diri yang banyak dilakukan antara lain; personal hygiene, perawatan perineum, perawatan payudara, mobilisasi dini, BAK teratur, dan cukup cairan setiap hari. Perawatan diri yang sedikit dilakukan adalah senam nifas, istirahat dan tidur, asupan energi dan protein, dan memiliki pantangan makan. Dukungan sosial pada ibu postpartum terbanyak diperoleh dari ibu kandung. Pelayanan keperawatan hendaknya meningkatkan edukasi tentang perawatan diri selama nifas di rumah.
Postpartum self-care is necessarily performed to prevent complications during postpartum that causes maternal mortality in Indonesia. This study aims to describe self-care performance of normal primiparous postpartum mothers at home with simple descriptive design. The result indicated that the mostly done self-care were personal hygiene, perineal care, breast care, early mobilization, regular urination, and plenty of fluids intake every day. Meanwhile, the less performed self care were puerperal gymnastic, rest and sleep, adequate intake of energy and protein, and having abstinence. Most social support obtained from mother. Nursing care providers should increase education about self-care during childbirth.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Masalah yang dialami oleh ibu post partum salah satunya inkontinensia urin. Inkontinensia urin merupakan suatu keadaan keluarnya urin tanpa mampu di kontrol yang akhirnya menimbulkan berbagai masalah pada individu yang mengalaminya. Penelitian deskriptif ini dilakukan pada 136 wanita (17 - 45 tahun). Tujuan untuk mengetahui angka kejadian, dampak dan penanganan inkontinensia pada ibu postpartum dengan menggunakan instrumem The Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID) dan Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (UUQ) untuk mengevaluasi dampak inkontinensia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa angka kejadian inkontinensia pada ibu adalah 37,5% dengan usia antara 30 s/d 34, dimana multipara 80,4%, dimana 56,9% mengalami stress inkontinensia, 7,8% urge inkontinensia, dan 35,3% inkontinenisa campuran. sebagian besar (76,4%) tidak merasakan dampak dari masalah inkontinensia, dan sebagian besar (86,3%) masih kurang baik dalam penanganan inkontinensia. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa perlu peningkatan kesadaran pada ibu post partum terhadap masalah inkontinensia. ......Problems experienced by post partum one of them is urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a condition of urinary discharge without being able to control. eventually cause a variety of problems in individuals who experience. This descriptive study was conducted on 136 women (17 - 45 years). The objectives of this study were to know incidence rate, impact and managing incontinence in postpartum. To evaluate urinary incontinence used The Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ) were used to evaluate the impact of incontinence. The incontinence incidence rate was 37.5% with age between 30 s / d 34, where multipara was 80.4%, of which 56.9% had incontinence stress, 7.8% urge incontinence, and 35.3% mixed incontinence. Most mothers (76.4%) did not feel the impact of the incontinence problem, and most (86.3%) were still poor in managing incontinence. From the result of the research, it is concluded that need to increase awareness on post partum mother to incontinence problem.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia , 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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