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Sony Agung Santoso
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan hasil pengukuran tekanan intraokular sebelum dan sesudah lindakan laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Subyek dan metode : Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis analitik dengan desain pre post .study. Penderita yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan menjalani bedah LASIK dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok dengan nilai spherical equivalent (SE) < 6 dioptri (D) dan kelompok SE 6 D. Parameter yang dinilai adalah tekanan intraokular (T1O) yang diperiksa dengan alat Tonopen dan ketebalan komea sebelum dan minimal 4 minggu sesudah bedah LASIK. Hasil : Hasil pengukuran tekanan intraokular sebelum LASIK pada kelompok SE < 6 D adalah 13.10 ± 2.05 mmHg, dan pada kelompok SE ? 6 D adalah 13,05 } 2,69 rrunHg. Hasil pengukuran tekanan intraokular sesudah LASIK pada kelompok SE < 6 D adalah 11.70 f 1,49 mmHg. dan pada kelompok SE 6 D adalah 10,50 ± 1,00 mmHg. Hasil pengukuran TIO sesudah LASIK lebih rendah dibandingkan sebelum LASIK dan secara statistik bermakna. Selisih basil pengukuran tekanan intraokular sebelum - sesudah LASIK kelompok SE 6 D (2,55 ± 2,32 mmHg) lebih besar dibandingkan kelompok SE < 6 D (1,40 = 1,30 mmHg) dengan p=0,06. Kesimpulan : Tindakan bedah refraktif LASIK akan mengurangi ketebalan kornea dan merubah rigiditas kornea sehingga mempengaruhi hasil pengukuran tekanan intraokular. ......Purpose : To evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement with Tonopen before and after laser-assisted in situ keratommileusis (LASIK). Patients and Methods : In a prospective study of clinic-based population undergoing elective LASIK surgery for myopia correction, lOP measurements were obtained preoperatively and postoperatively with Tonopen. Central corneal thickness was also obtained before and after surgery. Subject were assigned into two groups, spherical equivalent (SE) less than 6 dioptri (D) and 6 D above. -Results Four weeks after LASIK, mean IOP in two groups were lower than before surgery (P=0,00), as measured by Tonopen were 11,70 * 1,49 mmHg (SE < D) and 10,50 ± 1,00 mmHg (SE > 6 D). The mean 1OP reduction in SE a 6 D was higher than in SE < 6 D (2,55 ± 2,32 mmHg, 1,40 ± 1,30 mmHg, respectively, p=0.06). Conclusion : After LASIK, corneal thickness and corneal rigidity were reduced, causing it to undervalue IOP.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siholita, Magda
Abstrak :
Tujuan: membandingkan penurunan TIO setelah pemberian obat tetes mata travoprost 0,004% dengan penurunan TIO setelah pemberian timomol 0,5% pada glaukoma primer sudut tertutup kronis (GPSTp kronis). Metode: penelitian ini merupakan penelitian prospektif, randomisasi, dengan cross over design pada 32 mata dari 16 subjek GPSTp kronis. Subyek dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: kelompok travoprost dan kelompok timolol. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 8 subyek. Dua minggu setelah pemberian obat, dilakukan penyilangan kelompok. Tekanan intraocular diukur sebelum terapi, dan pada hari ke-1, hari ke-7, hari ke-14 setelah terapi. Periode wash out dilakukan pada saat sebelum diberikan perlakukan dan setelah cross over. Setiap wash out berlangsung selama 3 minggu. Hasil: Kelompok travoprost mempunyai TIO awal rerata 25,38±2,55 mmHg, penurunan TIO mencapai 11,44±2,55 mmHg, penurunan TIO mencapai 6,63±2,25 mmHg. Dengan uji statistic, travoprost menurunkan TIO lebih besar dibandingkan timolol secara bermakna (p<0,05) Kesimpulan: Obat tetes mata travoprost 0,004% menunrunkan TIO lebih besar dibandingkan obat tetes mata timolol 0,5%.
Objective: To compare the reduction of intraocular after taking travoprost VS timolol in chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma. Method: We performed a prospective, randomized, crossover study of 32 eyes of 16 patients with chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma. Patients were randomized to 2 group: those taking travoprost once daily or those taking timolol twice daily. Each group comprise of 8 patients. Two weeks after treatment with the first drug, the second drug was substituted. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was recorded before the start of therapy, at day 1, at day 7, and at day 14. Wash out period conducted prior to initial treatment and after the cross over. The duration of wash out period was three weeks. Results: The mean baseline IOP was 25.38±3.01 mmHg, which decreased by 11.44±1.90 mmHg with travoprost. The mean baseline IP was 25.88±2.55 mmHg, which decreased by 6.63±2.25 mmHg with timolol. By statistic test, travoprost reduced the IOP greater than timolol significantly (p<0.05). Conclusion: 0.004% travoprost eyedrops reduce the IOP greater than 0.5timolol eyedrops.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damara Andalia
Abstrak :
Latar belakang Glaukoma masih merupakan salah satu penyebab kebutaan terbesar di dunia. Belakangan ini, ketebalan RFNL dan GCIPL diketahui memiliki hubungan terhadap perubahan struktural yang disebabkan oleh glaukoma. Tujuan untuk mengkaji kemampuan diagnostik dari pengukuran ketebalan RFNL dan GCIPL dalam mendeteksi glaukoma pada tahap awal. Metode Enam puluh empat mata dengan sudut bilik mata sempit (32 glaukoma, 32 non-glaukoma) dari 48 pasien menjalani pengukuran menggunakan Cirrus OCT dengan protokol 3,4 mm pemindaian cepat RFNL peripapilar. Pengukuran dilakukan pada sisi superior, inferior, nasal, temporal dari GCIPL dan RFNL, begitu juga dengan GCIPL superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, dan minimal. Hasil Semua parameter yang diuji pada studi ini menunjukkan angka yang lebih rendah pada kelompok PACG dibandingkan kelompok PAC. Rerata ketebalan RFNL dan ketebalan GCIPL inferotemporal masing-masing memiliki nilai spesifitias dan sensitifitas yang paling baik. Parameter dengan determinan terbaik adalah ketebalan GCIPL inferotemporal dengan sensitifitas dan spesifitas masingmasing 75% dan 75%. Kesimpulan Ketebalan GCIPL dan RFNL peripapil memiliki potensi besar sebagai parameter diagnostik seperti skrining dan evaluasi respon terapi. ABSTRACT
Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated with early structural changes caused by glaucoma. Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness measurement in detecting early glaucoma Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous) of 48 patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL. Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma. Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively. Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in glaucoma patients. ;Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated with early structural changes caused by glaucoma. Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness measurement in detecting early glaucoma Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous) of 48 patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL. Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma. Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively. Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in glaucoma patients. ;Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated with early structural changes caused by glaucoma. Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness measurement in detecting early glaucoma Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous) of 48 patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL. Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma. Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively. Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in glaucoma patients.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasudungan, Victor Crist
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Mengevaluasi ada tidaknya perbedaan kualitas air mata pada penderita glaukoma yang mengalami mata kering antara yang diberi tetes mata sodium hialuronat 0,1% mengandung bahan pengawet benzalkonium klorida dan tetes mata sodium hialuronat 0,1% tanpa bahan pengawet. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian prospektif terandomisasi. 30 pasien glaukoma yang mengalami mata kering dirandomisasi ke dalam kedua kelompok. Kelompok pertama,mendapatkan obat tetes mata artificial tear mengandung sodium hialuronat 0,1% dengan pengawet benzalkonium klorida, sedangkan kelompok II, mendapatkan obat tetes mata artificial tear mengandung sodium hialuronat 0,1% tanpa pengawet selama 1 bulan. Pemeriksaan Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, dan sitologi impresi dilakukan pada kedua kelompok baik sebelum dan sesudah 1 bulan penetesan obat tetes mata artificial tear. Results: Nilai median sitologi impresi sel goblet pasca penetesan artificial tear meningkat pada kelompok I (118,15-485) dan kelompok II (67.0-200), namun secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan bermakna. Nilai rata ? rata TFBUT pasca penetesan pada kelompok I (14,45±7,85) dan kelompok II (13,91±7,46) meningkat dibandingkan sebelum penetesan, serta secara statitstik memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna. Nilai Schirmer test dan OPI pasca penetesan pada kedua kelompok mengalami peningkatan secara klinis dibandingkan sebelum penetesan, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik. Conclusions : Pemberian artificial tear mengandung sodium hialuronat 0,1% baik dengan pengawet maupun tanpa pengawet selama 1 bulan memberikan peningkatan Schirmer test, TFBUT,OPI dan sitologi impresi sel goblet.
Objectives: To evaluate the difference of quality of tears between glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops with preservative benzalconiumchloride and those treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops without preservative. Methods: This is a randomized prospective study. Subjects were 30 glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes, whom later randomized into two groups. Group I was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat and benzalconium chloride preservative, whereas Group II was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat without preservative for one-month duration. Before and after the treatment with artificial tears eyedrops, subjects of both groups were tested with Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and impression cytology. Results: The median of goblet cells in impression cytology after treatment with artificial tears eye drops increased in group I (118, 15 ? 485) and group II (67, 0 ? 200), even though not statistically significant. Mean TFBUT after treatment was also higher in Group I (14.45±7.85) and Group II (13.91±7.46), yet not statistically significant. Schirmer test and OPI results after treatment showed a clinical improvement in both groups, however no statistic result was found to be significant. Conclusions: Treatment with artifical tears eye drops containing 0.1% sodium hyaluronat with or without preservative for one month will improve Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and goblet cells impressions cytology result on glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes.;Objectives: To evaluate the difference of quality of tears between glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops with preservative benzalconiumchloride and those treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops without preservative. Methods: This is a randomized prospective study. Subjects were 30 glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes, whom later randomized into two groups. Group I was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat and benzalconium chloride preservative, whereas Group II was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat without preservative for one-month duration. Before and after the treatment with artificial tears eyedrops, subjects of both groups were tested with Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and impression cytology. Results: The median of goblet cells in impression cytology after treatment with artificial tears eye drops increased in group I (118, 15 – 485) and group II (67, 0 – 200), even though not statistically significant. Mean TFBUT after treatment was also higher in Group I (14.45±7.85) and Group II (13.91±7.46), yet not statistically significant. Schirmer test and OPI results after treatment showed a clinical improvement in both groups, however no statistic result was found to be significant. Conclusions: Treatment with artifical tears eye drops containing 0.1% sodium hyaluronat with or without preservative for one month will improve Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and goblet cells impressions cytology result on glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes., Objectives: To evaluate the difference of quality of tears between glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops with preservative benzalconiumchloride and those treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops without preservative. Methods: This is a randomized prospective study. Subjects were 30 glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes, whom later randomized into two groups. Group I was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat and benzalconium chloride preservative, whereas Group II was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat without preservative for one-month duration. Before and after the treatment with artificial tears eyedrops, subjects of both groups were tested with Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and impression cytology. Results: The median of goblet cells in impression cytology after treatment with artificial tears eye drops increased in group I (118, 15 – 485) and group II (67, 0 – 200), even though not statistically significant. Mean TFBUT after treatment was also higher in Group I (14.45±7.85) and Group II (13.91±7.46), yet not statistically significant. Schirmer test and OPI results after treatment showed a clinical improvement in both groups, however no statistic result was found to be significant. Conclusions: Treatment with artifical tears eye drops containing 0.1% sodium hyaluronat with or without preservative for one month will improve Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and goblet cells impressions cytology result on glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astriviani Widyakusuma
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian suplementasi Mirtogenol terhadap perubahan ketebalan lapisan serabut saraf retina dan lapang pandang pada pasien dengan glaukoma primer sudut terbuka (GPSTa) dengan tekanan intraokular (TIO) terkontrol. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian prospektif, acak, tersamar ganda. Empat puluh satu pasien dengan GPSTa dengan TIO ≤ 18 mmHg diacak untuk mendapatkan Mirtogenol atau plasebo. Perubahan ketebalan RNFL dan MD lapang pandang diperiksa sebelum penelitian, 4 minggu serta 8 minggu setelah pemberian obat. Efek samping pengobatan ditanyakan kepada pasien selama penelitian. Hasil: Rerata ketebalan RNFL kelompok Mirtogenol mengalami penurunan sebesar -0.70±1.63 μm dari 87.29±19.39 μm di awal penelitian menjadi 86.58±19.43 μm setelah 8 minggu, namun perubahan yang terjadi tidak bermakna secara statistik (p=0.121). Rerata ketebalan RNFL kelompok plasebo mengalami penurunan sebesar -1.74±1.79 μm dari 97.14±17.19 μm di awal penelitian menjadi 95.40±18.56 μm setelah 8 minggu, perubahan yang terjadi bermakna secara statistik (p< 0.001). Rerata MD lapang pandang kelompok Mirtogenol mengalami peningkatan 0.542±1.93 dB setelah 8 minggu sedangkan rerata MD lapang pandang kelompok plasebo mengalami penurunan sebesar -0.083±1.36 dB setelah 8 minggu. Namun perubahan rerata MD lapang pandang kedua kelompok tidak bermakna secara statistik (p>0.05). Selama penelitian tidak didapatkan adanya efek samping. Kesimpulan: Mirtogenol dapat mempertahankan ketebalan lapisan serabut saraf retina, dan MD lapang pandang pada pemberian Mirtogenol cenderung meningkat.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of Mirtogenol towards the changes in retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and visual field in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) with controlled IOP. Methods: This is a prospective, double blind, randomized study. Forty one POAG patients with IOP ≤ 18 mmHg were randomly assigned to receive either Mirtogenol or placebo. Changes in RNFL thickness and mean deviation of visual fields were evaluated before the treatment, as well as 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the treatment. Patients were asked for any side effects during the treatment period. Results: The average RNFL thickness in the Mirtogenol group decreased 0.70±1.63 μm from 87.29±19.39 μm before the treatment to 86.58±19.43 μm after 8 weeks of treatment, however the change was not significant (p=0.121). The average RNFL thickness in the placebo group decreased -1.74±1.79 μm from 97.14±17.19 μm before the treatment to 95.40±18.56 μm after 8 weeks of treatment, the change was statistically significant (p< 0.001). The average MD of visual field in the Mirtogenol group increased 0.542±1.93 dB after 8 weeks of treatment while the MD of visual field in the placebo group decreased 0.083 ± 1.36 dB after 8 weeks of treatment. Hoewever the changes in MD of visual field was not significant (p>0.05). No side effect was found throughout the study. Conclusions: Mirtogenol seemed to maintain retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and increased mean deviation of visual fields.;Objective: To evaluate the effect of Mirtogenol towards the changes in retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and visual field in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) with controlled IOP. Methods: This is a prospective, double blind, randomized study. Forty one POAG patients with IOP ≤ 18 mmHg were randomly assigned to receive either Mirtogenol or placebo. Changes in RNFL thickness and mean deviation of visual fields were evaluated before the treatment, as well as 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the treatment. Patients were asked for any side effects during the treatment period. Results: The average RNFL thickness in the Mirtogenol group decreased 0.70±1.63 μm from 87.29±19.39 μm before the treatment to 86.58±19.43 μm after 8 weeks of treatment, however the change was not significant (p=0.121). The average RNFL thickness in the placebo group decreased -1.74±1.79 μm from 97.14±17.19 μm before the treatment to 95.40±18.56 μm after 8 weeks of treatment, the change was statistically significant (p< 0.001). The average MD of visual field in the Mirtogenol group increased 0.542±1.93 dB after 8 weeks of treatment while the MD of visual field in the placebo group decreased 0.083±1.36 dB after 8 weeks of treatment. Hoewever the changes in MD of visual field was not significant (p>0.05). No side effect was found throughout the study. Conclusions: Mirtogenol seemed to maintain retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and increased mean deviation of visual fields., Objective: To evaluate the effect of Mirtogenol towards the changes in retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and visual field in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) with controlled IOP. Methods: This is a prospective, double blind, randomized study. Forty one POAG patients with IOP ≤ 18 mmHg were randomly assigned to receive either Mirtogenol or placebo. Changes in RNFL thickness and mean deviation of visual fields were evaluated before the treatment, as well as 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the treatment. Patients were asked for any side effects during the treatment period. Results: The average RNFL thickness in the Mirtogenol group decreased 0.70±1.63 μm from 87.29±19.39 μm before the treatment to 86.58±19.43 μm after 8 weeks of treatment, however the change was not significant (p=0.121). The average RNFL thickness in the placebo group decreased -1.74±1.79 μm from 97.14±17.19 μm before the treatment to 95.40±18.56 μm after 8 weeks of treatment, the change was statistically significant (p< 0.001). The average MD of visual field in the Mirtogenol group increased 0.542±1.93 dB after 8 weeks of treatment while the MD of visual field in the placebo group decreased 0.083±1.36 dB after 8 weeks of treatment. Hoewever the changes in MD of visual field was not significant (p>0.05). No side effect was found throughout the study. Conclusions: Mirtogenol seemed to maintain retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and increased mean deviation of visual fields.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardiella Yunard
Abstrak :
Tujuan Membandingkan perubahan segmen anterior dan tekanan intraokular (TIO) antara tetes mata pilokarpin 2% dan laser iridotomi perifer (LIP) pada sudut tertutup primer Desain Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis tunggal (one group pretest post-test design) Metode Sebanyak 34 mata dari 29 subyek penelitian dengan sudut tertutup primer mendapatkan perlakuan tetes mata pilokarpin 2% selama 3-5 hari dan kemudian LIP. Seluruh subyek mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama. Dilakukan pemeriksaan TIO dan anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) sebanyak tiga kali, yaitu pada kondisi awal, 3-5 hari setelah pemberian tetes mata pilokarpin 2%, dan 1 minggu setelah laser iridotomi perifer. Parameter sudut yang dinilai adalah angle opening distance (AOD) dan trabecular-iris space area (TISA) yang diukur pada jarak 500 dan 750 μm dari scleral spur pada kuadran nasal dan temporal. Perubahan dihitung berdasarkan selisih antara nilai pasca pilokarpin 2% dan LIP dengan nilai awal. Hasil Terdapat peningkatan nilai parameter sudut dan penurunan TIO baik pasca LIP maupun pasca tetes mata pilokarpin 2%. Terdapat penurunan nilai kedalaman bilik mata depan setelah tetes mata pilokarpin 2%. Kesimpulan LIP membuka sudut lebih besar dibandingkan tetes mata pilokarpin 2%, namun tetes mata pilokarpin 2% menurunkan TIO lebih besar. Tetes mata pilokarpin 2% lebih mendangkalkan bilik mata depan dibandingkan LIP.
Purpose : To compare anterior segment and intraocular pressure changes between pilocarpine eye drops 2% and Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) in primary angle closure. Methods : This was a clinical trial one group pretest post-test design. A total of 34 eyes of 29 subjects got treatment pilocarpine eye drops 2% for 3-5 days and then LPI. All subjects got the same treatment. Intraocular presssure and anterior segment optical coherence tomography examination was done three times, on the initial conditions, 3-5 days after administration of pilocarpine eye drops 2%, and 1 week after LPI. Angle parameters were the angle opening measured at a distance of 500 and 750 μm from the scleral spur on the nasal and temporal quadrants. The changes are calculated based on the difference between the post-pilocarpine 2% and LPI with initial values. Result : There is an increase in the value of the angle parameters and reduction of IOP after the LPI and pilocarpine eye drops 2%. There is a decline in anterior chamber depth after pilocarpine eye drops 2%. Conclusion : LPI widening the angle greater than pilocarpine eye drops 2%, but pilocarpine eye drops 2% lowering the IOP greater than LPI. Pilocarpine eye drops 2% shallowing the anterior chamber depth.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajeng Gracia Patricia
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tujuan Mengetahui efek jangka pendek pemberian anti-VEGF intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) sebagai terapi ajuvan pada perubahan regresi neovaskularisasi iris dan perubahan tekanan intra okular (TIO) serta menilai hubungan antara kadar VEGF cairan akuos dengan perubahan TIO pada glaukoma neovaskular (NVG). Desain Peneitian ini merupakan uji klinis tunggal Metode Sebanyak 20 mata pada 18 subyek NVG dengan TIO tidak terkontrol dan neovaskularisasi iris dilakukan injeksi intravitreal bevacizumab 0.05mL(1.25mg) setelah dilakukan parasentesis sebelumnya Hasil Injeksi intravitreal bevacizumab secara klinis menyebabkan regresi neovaskularisasi iris pada seluruh pasien dengan NVG dan terjadi penurunan tekanan intra okular yang bermakna pada 1 minggu pasca injeksi (P=0.003). Kadar VEGF pre-injeksi yang tinggi berbanding lurus dengan TIO namun tidak bermakna secara statistik (r = 0.191, p=0.420) Kesimpulan Injeksi intravitreal bevacizumab terbukti efektif dalam regresi neovaskularisasi iris dan menurunkan TIO pada pasien glaukoma neovaskular
ABSTRACT Purpose To determine short term efficacy of intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) against neovascularization regression and intraocular pressure (IOP) changes and its correlation with vascular endothelial growth factor. Design Single arm study clinical trial Method Twenty eyes from 18 subjects of NVG patients with iris neovascularization and uncontrolled IOP received 0.05mL/1.25mg of IVB. Aqueous humor samples were obtained through paracentesis just before IVB Results Intravitreal bevacizumab injection can remarkably reduce iris neovascularization in NVG patients. There is significant IOP reduction a week after injection (p=0,003). High VEGF level before injection related linearly with IOP, but no statistically significance is found (r=0,191, p=0,420) Conclusion Intravitreal bevacizumab injection is proven effective to regress iris neovascularization and reduce IOP in NVG patients
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai perubahan parameter bilik mata depan BMD dan penurunan tekanan intraokular TIO pasca fakoemulsifikasi lensa intraokular LIO pada pasien katarak senilis imatur dan katarak senilis imatur dengan glaukoma primer sudut terbuka GPSTa . Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis intervensi non-random. Sebanyak 15 mata dengan katarak senilis imatur tanpa glaukoma dan 14 mata katarak dengan GPSTa dilakukan fakoemulsifikasi. Pemeriksaan TIO dan anterior segment optical coherence tomography AS-OCT dilakukan sebelum dan 1 bulan setelah fakoemulsifikasi. Parameter yang dinilai adalah central corneal thickness CCT , lens vault LV , angle opening distance AOD dan trabecular-iris space area TISA pada jarak 500 dan 750 ?m dari scleral spur kuadran nasal dan temporal. Pasca fakoemulsifikasi terjadi penurunan TIO sebesar 2.70 mmHg pada kelompok katarak tanpa glaukoma, dan sebesar 8.05 mmHg pada kelompok katarak dengan GPSTa. Penambahan nilai parameter sudut BMD signifikan terjadi pada kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah fakoemulsifikasi dapat menurunkan TIO pada kedua kelompok, namun penurunan TIO lebih besar pada kelompok katarak dengan GPSTa dibandingkan dengan kelompok katarak tanpa glaukoma. Tidak terdapat korelasi penurunan TIO dengan penambahan parameter BMD. Kata Kunci: katarak senilis imatur, glaukoma sudut terbuka, tekanan intraokular, sudut bilik mata depan, fakoemulsifikasi.
This study evaluated the changes in the anterior chamber AC parameters and decrease in intraocular pressure IOP after phacoemulsification intraocular lens IOL in patients with senile immature cataract and senile immature cataract with primary open angle glaucoma POAG . A total of 15 eyes with senile cataract immature without glaucoma and 14 eyes with GPSTa performed phacoemulsification. Examination of IOP and anterior segment optical coherence tomography AS OCT performed before and 1 month after phacoemulsification. The parameters assessed were central corneal thickness CCT , lens vault LV , angle opening distance AOD and trabecular iris space area TISA at distances of 500 and 750 m from the scleral spur nasal and temporal quadrants. Post phacoemulsification occurs IOP reduction of 2.70 mmHg in the group cataract without glaucoma, and by 8.05 mmHg in the group with POAG. Increasing the value of the AC angle parameter significant in both groups. As conclusion phacoemulsification can lower IOP in both groups, the decrease in IOP greater in the group cataract with GPSTa than the group without glaucoma, however, there is no correlation IOP reduction with increased AC parameters.Keywords Senile immatur cataract, Primary open angle glaucoma, intraocular pressure, anterior chamber angle, phacoemulsification.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Pajanan pestisida organofosfat terhadap mata dapat melalui pernafasan, pencernaan, absorbsi melalui kulit dan pajanan langsung pada mata. Efek toksik organofosfat akut yang utama pada mata adalah konstriksi pupil (miosis) melalui mekanisme menghambat aktivitas enzim kolinesterase di neuromuscular junction. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penurunan diameter pupil dengan persentase penurunan aktivitas asetilkolinesterase plasma sesudah pajanan organofosfat pada petani penyemprot padi laki-laki. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain cross sectional dengan dua kali pengukuran sebelum dan sesudah penyemprotan pestisida di Desa X, Jawa Barat. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode cluster random sampling pada tingkat RT. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisis, pemriksaan darah dan pengamatan cara kerja. Pemeriksaan diameter pupil dan AChE plasma dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah penyemprotan. Dari 72 responden penelitian sebesar 64 responden (88,89%) mengalami penurunan diameter pupil baik secara unilateral maupun bilateral sesudah melakukan penyemprotan pestisida organofosfat. Nilai median perubahan aktivitas AChE plasma adalah 2,2 % dengan nilai minimum -4,26% dan maksimum 9,75%. Penurunan diameter pupil dan penurunan aktivitas asetilkolinesterase plasma secara statistik bermakna (paired t-test; p<0,001). Tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara penurunan diameter pupil dengan persentase perubahan aktivitas asetilkolinesterase plasma (p=0,052). Pada penelitian ini tidak ditemukan hubungan antara penurunan diameter pupil dengan persentase perubahan asetilkolinesterase plasma dan faktor resiko lainnya seperti usia, IMT, masa kerja dan lama waktu penyemprotan pestisida.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisa Maulida
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan prediktabilitas refraksi kelompok sudut tertutup primer dengan katarak yang menjalani fakoemulsifikasi berdasarkan perhitungan kekuatan lensa tanam menggunakan formula Hoffer-Q dan SRK/T. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak terkontrol tersamar ganda. Dilakukan analisis pada 46 mata dari 42 orang, dua puluh tiga mata pada masing-masing kelompok. Sebelum operasi, dilakukan pemeriksaan biometri pertama dengan IOL Master untuk tiap kelompok dan pada 2/3 minggu pasca operasi dilakukan pengukuran BCVA. Proporsi dalam 0,5 D 56,52% pada kelompok Hoffer-q dan 52,18% pada SRK/T, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) 0,58 ± 0,39 D pada kelompok Hoffer-q dan 0,59 ± 0,34 D pada SRK/T, Mean Refractive Error (MRE) -0,39 ± 0,59 D pada kelompok Hoffer-q dan -0,41 ± 0,54 D pada SRK/T. Formula Hoffer-q dan SRK/T memiliki prediktabilitas refraksi yang sebanding pada kelompok sudut tertutup primer dengan katarak.
ABSTRACT This study is aimed to compare refractive predictability of 2 formula; Hoffer-q and SRK/T in primary angle closure disease with cataract. This is a Randomized Clinical Trial. Analysis was done in 46 eyes from 42 subjects, which divided into 23 eyes in each group. The first biometry with IOL Master was done before the surgery and BCVA was done at 2 or 3 weeks after the surgery. Proportion within 0,5 D is 56,52% for Hoffer-q and 51,18 for SRK/T, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) was 0,58 ± 0,39 D for Hoffer-q dan 0,59 ± 0,34 D for SRK/T, Mean Refractive Error (MRE) was -0,39 ± 0,59 D for Hoffer-q and -0,41 ± 0,54 D for SRK/T. Hoffer-q and SRK/T have comparable refractive predictability in primary angle closure disease with cataract.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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