Intan Maryani, author
Perlindungan hukum terhadap tanggung jawab notaris berdasarkan pasal 66 terkait dengan putusan mahkamah konstitusi nomor 49/PUU- X/ 2012 dan undang-undang nomor 2 tahun 2014 tentang jabatan notaris = Legal protection of notary liability associated based on article 66 clause with the verdict of constitutional court number 49/ PUU- X/ 2012 and notary law number 2 of 2014 concerning of notary occupation
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Iffah Almitra, author
Perlindungan hukum terhadap para pihak dalam akta notaris berdasarkan undang-undang Nomor 30 tahun 2004 dan perubahannya undang-undang Nomor 2 tahun 2014 tentang jabatan notaris dan kode etik notaris = Legal protection against the parties in notarized under law no 30 of 2004 concerning the notary office and act no 2 of 2014 on amendments to the law notary and notary code
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Norista Veronika, author
Bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap pejabat pembuat akta tanah (PPAT) pasca pasal 66 Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No.2 tahun 2014 tentang jabatan notaris (Studi putusan MPD No.57/UM/MPD/Kab. Bogor/V/2018) = Form of legal protection for land deed making officials (PPAT) subsequent to the law of the Republic of Indonesia regarding notary profession (Study of MPD decision No.57/UM/MPD/Kab. Bogor/V/2018).
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Afnaan, author
Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Penerima Fidusia Berdasarkan Undang - Undang Nomor 42 Tahun 1999 Tentang Jaminan Fidusia (Studi Kasus Terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI No. 2654 K/PDT/2011) = The Legal Protection For Fiduciary Receiver Pursuant To The Act Number 42 Year 1999 Concerning Fiducia (Case Study On Indonesia Supreme Court Decision Number 2654 K/PDT/2011)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis Membership
Audi Dian Fitria, author
Tanggung jawab dan perlindungan hukum bagi notaris dalam kapasitasnya sebagai pejabat pembuat akta tanah (PPAT) dalam pembuatan akta jual beli yang ternyata belum dibayar lunas (studi putusan majelis pengawas pusat notaris Nomor 05/B/MJ.PPN/V/2013) = The responsibility and legal protection for notary in the capacity as land titles registrar ppat in an establishment of purchase deed which has not been fully paid (case study the verdict of the notary council supervisory center Number 05/B/MJ.PPN/V/2)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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