Muh Tang Abdullah
Quo vadis of the organizational restructuring of local government / Muh Tang Abdullah
 Artikel Jurnal
Rabin Yunus
Importance of cultural legitimacy to the local government in indonesian democracy / Rabin Yunus, Sukri Tamma
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Proposing an efficient and democratic policy of general election budget for promoting local fiscal autonomy
by Hendri Koeswara, Roza Liesmana, Rozidateno P. Hanida, Saeful Muluk
 Artikel Jurnal
Amelia Martira
Hubungan pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam penyelenggaraan jaminan kesehatan nasional = Central and local government relation in national health security administration
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Government at risk
World Bank, 2002
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