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Ditemukan 199082 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Erti Ikhtiarini Dewi
"Masalah psikososial ansietas muncul sebagai reaksi dari stres akibat meningkatnya beban dalam merawat anak tunagrahita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh terapi kelompok suportif terhadap perubahan beban dan tingkat ansietas keluarga dalam merawat anak tunagrahita di SLB Kabupaten Banyumas. Desain penelitian quasi experimental, pre-post test with control group. Tempat penelitian di SLB C Yakut dan SLB Kuncup Mas Banyumas. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh keluarga anak tunagrahita yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan beban dan tingkat ansietas keluarga sebelum dan setelah mendapatkan terapi kelompok suportif. Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah perlunya dibentuk parent support group di SLB, beranggotakan keluarga yang memiliki anak tunagrahita.

Anxiety as a psychosocial problems was emerged as stimulated by burden of taking care of mentally retardated children. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of supportive group therapy toward the burden and family anxiety level in the care of children at SLB Kabupaten Banyumas. The research used quasi-experimental pre-post test with control group design. The research site took place at SLB C Yakut and SLB Kuncup Mas Banyumas. The sample research was the entire family of mentally retardated children who met the inclusion criteria. Results showed that there was a significant difference in family burden and anxiety levels before and after getting a supportive group therapy on the group. Recommendations of this study is the need to establish a parent support group in special schools, family members who have mental retardated children."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Nawawi N.
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh terapi kelompok suportif terhadap kemampuan keluarga merawat anak tunagrahita di SLB-C Kabupaten Cianjur. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre post tes dengan grup kontrol. Responden penelitian adalah keluarga dengan anak tunagrahita, 60 keluarga anak tunagrahita, terdiri atas 30 keluarga kelompok intervensi dan 30 keluarga kelompok kontrol. Kemampuan keluarga merawat anak tunagrahita yang mendapatkan terapi kelompok suportif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang tidak mendapat terapi kelompok suportif. Kemampuan keluarga setelah di kontrol dengan faktor confounding didapatkan peningkatan mean namun tidak signifikan. Artinya peningkatan kemampuan keluarga disebabkan karena intervensi yang dilakukan bukan dari faktor confounding. Disarankan terapi kelompok suportif digunakan sebagai terapi kelompok dalam meningkatkan kemampuan keluarga dalam merawat anak tunagrahita.

Thepurpode of their research use to identify the effects of group supportive therapy to wording the family ability to take the family in caring for children Tunagrahita in SLB-C Cianjur Regency. This research utilized quasi experimental design using pre and post test with control group.The respondents consist of family in caring for children tunagrahita,sixty families were divided inti 2 groups; 30 families as experimental group and 30 families as control group. The research result demonstrated that the the families who recewed supportive group therapy showed that higer ability as composed to families without supportive group therapy.The family ability after being controlled by counfounding factors showed the improvement of mean but not significant. This weart that the family ability was only effected by the intervention not by the counfounding factors. It was recommended the supportive group therapy would be utilited of group therapy in inproving family ability to case for the family with caring for children."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurlaila Fitriani
"Tunagrahita adalah keadaan kegagalan perkembangan intelektual secara menyeluruh yang mencangkup area area kognitif, bahasa, motorik dan sosial yang menyebabkan sesorang tidak mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan. Akibatnya keluarga yang merawat anak tunagrahita mengalami beban, stres dan mekanisme koping yang tidak adaptif dalam merawat anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tindakan keperawatan terapi kelompok psikoedukasi keluarga terhadap beban, stres dan mekanisme koping keluarga yang merawat anak tunagrahita di sekolah luar biasa.
Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen pre-post test with control group dengan jumlah sampel 60 orang tua yang memiliki anak tunagrahita, yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling untuk mengikuti tindakan keperawatan ners dan terapi psikoedukasi keluarga. Uji analisis menggunakan dependen t-test.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pemberian tindakan keperawatan ners dapat meningkatkan kemampuan koping ibu. Tindakan keperawatan ners ditambah terapi kelompok psikoedukasi keluarga dapat menurunkan tingkat beban dari tingkat sangat berat menjadi berat. Stres orang tua menurun secara signifikan P value < 0,05 . Kemampuan koping ibu dalam merawat anak tunagrahita p value < 0,05 meningkat menjadi koping adaptif. Tindakan keperawatan ners dan terapi kelompok psikoedukasi keluarga direkomendasikan bagi keluarga anak tunagrahita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menurunkan beban dan stres serta kemampuan koping dalam merawat anak.

Tunagrahita is a condition that characterized by failure of intellectual function and development include cognitive, language, motoric and social adaptation that affects the distruptions and behaviour disorder. As a result, families who cares of children with intellctual disability become burden, stress and lack of family coping mechanism. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of family group psychoeducation therapy on family burden, stress and also family coping mechanism.
Design of this study is quasi experimental pre post design with control group, include 60 sample of mothers who have a children with intellectual disability that attending special school and selected by using purposive sampling technique to follow nursing intervention. Analysis of the data using dependen t test.
The result show that nursing action can improve the ability of mother rsquo s coping mechanism. Nursing care plus family group psychoeducation therapy can reduce level of burden and stres and also improve more capability of mother to make adaptif coping mechanism. Nursing care and family group psychoeducation therapy are recomended for family of children with tunagrahita to improve their ability to reduce burden and stres and to improve the abilty of mother rsquo s adaptive coping menchanism.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haryatiningsih Purwandari
"Hospitalization can produce anxiety and interrupt school age children’s wellness. Although many methods have been applied to handle child anxiety, however the most new effective one has not found yet. The art therapy is one of alternatives to minimize child anxiety. This research goal is to describe art therapy effect toward minimizing anxiety in school age children undergoing hospitalization. Quasi experimental research was set on pre-post test non-equivalent control group design. Research population was 6-12 years old children undergoing hospital care at RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo and RSUD Banyumas, and purposive sampling was applied to them. Sample research was 60 children between age 6 and 12 years old, divided into 2 groups. Those were 30 children as research group and 30 children as control group. Child drawing: Hospital (CD: H) instrument was used in this research to measure anxiety. The effects of art therapy were tested with Chi Square.
This statistic analyses showed that there was different anxiety level between two groups before applying art therapy (p=0,011). However there was no difference anxiety level between two groups after applying art therapy (p=0,760). An additional analyses showed that art therapy effectively reduce arterial pulse level (p=0,008). There was no evidence that age, length of care, and experiencing care correlate to anxiety level after applying art therapy, except sex in experimental group with anxiety level. Results showed that art therapy did not reduce anxiety level however this was effective in reducing arterial pulses, one of anxieties physiological responses. Developing the research in art therapy need randomize sampling to increase homogeneity between two groups then will strengthen the result. Pediatric nurses should applying art therapy with variation method to reduce anxieties physiological responses."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kellyana Irawati
"Sikap negatif dan penolakan keluarga terhadap anggota keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa meningkatkan kejadian kekambuhan pada pasien gangguan jiwa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap sikap dan penolakan keluarga dengan anggota keluarga gangguan jiwa skizofrenia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy experiment pre post with control group dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Cluster Sampling. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 51 keluarga yang mendapat terapi suportif dan 45 keluarga yang tidak mendapat terapi suportif. Penelitian menggunakan instrument family attitude scale dan acceptance and rejection scale. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelomppok yang mendapat terapi suportif terdapat perubahan bermakna pada sikap negatif dan penolakan setelah diberikan terapi kelompok suportif (p-value<α=0,05). Pada kelompok yang mendapat terapi suportif sikap negatif dan penolakan menurun lebih besar secara bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang tidak mendapat terapi suportif (p-value<α=0,05). Saran dari penelitian ini adalah mengaplikasikan terapi kelompok suportif diranah komunitas dan keluarga.

Family negative attitudes and family rejection against family members with mental illness increased the incidence of recurrence in patients with mental disorder. The study aimed to determine the effect of supportive therapy on family attitudes and family rejection of family members with mental disorder schizophrenia. This study used a pre-post design quasi experiment with control group with sampling using cluster sampling The numbers of sample in this study were 51 family with mental illness family member for the intervention group and 45 family with mental illness family member to the control group. This research used the instrument family attitude scale and family rejection scale. The result of this study showed that the group who received supportive therapy has significantly changes in the negative attitude and family rejection after supportive group therapy (p-value <α=0,05). The group who received supportive therapy had a greater significantly decreased of a family attitude and family rejection compared with those who were not received supportive therapy (p-value <α= 0.05). The suggestion of this research is to apply supportive group therapy and family communities.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Efri Widianti
"Remaja yang harus menjalani masa masa hukuman akibat tindak kriminal yang pernah dilakukannya sangat rentan mengalami ansietas. Ansietas sebagai salah satu masalah psikososial dapat di atasi dengan beberapa psikoterapi diantaranya terapi logo dan terapi suportif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Terapi Logo dan Terapi Suportif terhadap ansietas remaja di rumah tahanan dan lembaga pemasyarakatan wilayah Jawa Barat.
Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment pre-post test with control group dengan 78 responden yang merupakan hasil screening berdasarkan kriteria inklusi, terdiri dari 39 responden untuk kelompok intervensi dan 39 responden untuk kelompok kontrol. Terapi ini diberikan dalam 8 sesi yang terdiri dari terapi logo 4 sessi dan terapi suportif 4 sessi. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 5 minggu. Karakteristik dan tingkat ansietas remaja dianalisis menggunakan uji independent t test, chi-square dan marginal homogenity.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh terapi logo dan terapi suportif terhadap penurunan tingkat ansietas remaja secara bermakna pada kelompok intervensi. Rekomendasi penelitian ini ditujukan kepada Kanwil Hukum dan HAM Provinsi Jawa Barat selaku pemegang kebijakan, perawat spesialis dalam aplikasi terapi spesialis, keilmuan dan pendidikan serta penelitian selanjutnya.

Adolescence who should spend their punishment time for a criminal action, highly susceptible to anxiety. Anxiety as a psychosocial problem which often happen in youth can be solved by psychotherapies, including logo and supportive therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of logo and supportive therapy of anxiety level in adolescence at detention centers and correctional institutions in West Java.
This study used quasi experimental, pre-post test with control group design with 78 respondents which is the result of screening based on the inclusion criteria, consist of 39 respondents of intervention group and 39 respondents of control group. These therapies administered at eight sessions, consist of four sessions of logo therapy and four sessions of supportive therapy. The research conducted for 5 weeks. Characteristics and adolescent anxiety levels were analyzed using independent t-test, chi square and marginal homogenity.
The results showed an influence of logo and supportive therapy for adolescent anxiety levels at the intervention group. Research recommendation is addressed to Justice and Human Rights Regional Office of West Java as the holder of the policy, the nurse specialist within a specialist therapeutic applications, scientific and education and further research.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasmila Sari
Pasung merupakan suatu tindakan memasang sebuah balok kayu pada tangan dan/atau kaki
seseorang, diikat atau dirantai, diasingkan pada suatu tempat tersendiri di dalam rumah
ataupun di hutan. Bireuen menempati urutan pertama untuk kasus pasung terbanyak di
Aceh. Keluarga dengan klien gangguan jiwa yang dipasung seringkali merasakan beban
yang berkaitan dengan perawatan klien. Alasan keluarga melakukan pemasungan adalah
mencegah prilaku kekerasan, mencegah risiko bunuh diri, mencegah klien meninggalkan
rumah dan ketidakmampuan keluarga merawat klien gangguan jiwa. Tujuan penelitian ini
untuk mengetahui pengaruh FPE terhadap beban dan kemampuan keluarga dalam merawat
klien pasung dan mengetahui tingkat kemandirian klien pasung dalam perawatan diri
setelah mendapatkan asuhan keperawatan defisit perawatan diri. Desain penelitian quasi
eksperiment dengan pendekatan pre post test without control group. Penelitian dilakukan
di 8 Puskesmas di Kabupaten Bireuen menggunakan total sampling yaitu 20 keluarga yang
terdiri dari 11 keluarga dengan klien pasung dan 9 keluarga dengan klien lepas pasung.
Family Psychoeducation (FPE) merupakan sebuah metode terapi keluarga yang
dikembangkan oleh NAMI (National Alliance for Mentally Ill) untuk memberikan
dukungan kepada keluarga. FPE dilakukan melalui 5 sesi dan asuhan keperawatan defisit
perawatan diri sebanyak 4 sesi. Hasil uji statistik dependen t-Test menunjukkan penurunan
beban keluarga dan peningkatan kemampuan keluarga secara bermakna setelah mendapat
FPE. Aspek kemandirian klien (aktivitas harian, aktivitas sosial, cara mengatasi masalah
dan pengobatan) dalam perawatan diri meningkat secara bermakna setelah mendapat
intervensi defisit perawatan diri. Diharapkan penerapan FPE pada keluarga dengan pasung
dapat dilakukan di pelayanan kesehatan jiwa Puskesmas sehingga pada akhirnya dapat
tercapai ‘Aceh Bebas Pasung’.

Pasung represent an action which installing a log wood at hand or feet, bound or enchained
is then detached at one particular separate place within doors and or in the forest. Bireuen
has the most pasung cases number in Aceh. Usually a lot of problems, subjective or
objective burden related to client treatment got by family. The reasons given for pasung
were often multiple, including violence, concern about the person wandering off or running
away and coming to harm, concern about possibility of suicide, and the unavailability of a
caregiver. Family Psychoeducation is a therapy method developed by NAMI (National
Alliance for Mentally Ill) to give fully support to the family. The aim of this research is to
find out the FPE influence towards burden and family ability in taking care of pasung
client. Also expand the research about client independence after getting deficit self care
treatment. This quasi experiment did with pre post test without control group. The samples
was taken to 20 families (11 families of client pasung and 9 families of ex client pasung)
spread in 8 Puskesmas of Bireuen District with total sampling method. FPE conduct in 5
sesion and 4 sesion for deficit self care treatment. The statistic result of dependent t-Test
showed that there was a significant effect in decreasing the family burden and increasing
the family ability. The aspect of client independence (daily activity, social activity, solved
the problems and medication) in self care also increased significantly after getting
intervention of self care deficit. After all the research result, it’s strongly recommended
especially for Puskesmas should be a facilitating unit in implementing Family
Psychoeducation to families which has pasung client to achieve better life “ Free Aceh
From Pasung”."
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titin Sutini
Keluarga dengan anak retardasi mental di Kabupaten Sumedang sekitar 10.898 orang
dari 1.089.889 penduduk di Kabupaten Sumedang, dan yang tercatat di SLB-C
sekabupaten sumedang hanya 218 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Memperoleh
gambaran tentang pengaruh pelaksanaan terapi Self-Help Groups terhadap koping
keluarga dengan anak Retardasi mental di SLB-C Kabupaten Sumedang tahun 2009
sehingga dapat mengurangi faktor resiko terjadinya gangguan. Metode penelitian
adalah adalah ”Quasi experimental pre-post test with control group” dengan
intervensi self help group. Cara pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling
dengan sampel sebanyak 22 keluarga . Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan
kuesioner karakteristik keluarga dan kuesioner koping keluarga. Self help group
dilakukan pada dua kelompok; kelompok I diberikan self help group dengan enam
kali pertemuan (empat kali bimbingan dan dua kali mandiri), kelompok II
tidak diberikan self help group. Analisa data menggunakan univariat dengan
menganalisa secara deskriptif dengan menghitung distribusi frekuensi dan sentral
tendensi. Analisa Bivariat menggunakan Independent sample t-test, Chi-Square dan
Dependent sample t-test. Multivariat menggunakan pearson product moment dan
Rank spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan koping
setelah self-help group pada keluarga dengan anak retardasi mental secara bermakna
dan terjadi perubahan dari koping maladaptif menjadi adaptif (p value = 0,000). Pada
kelompok yang hanya diberikan terapi generalis terjadi juga peningkatan kemampuan
koping keluarga dengan anak retardasi mental tetapi peningkatan tersebut masih
berada di koping maladaptif. Direkomendasikan untuk membentuk kelompok selfhelp
group lainnya di lingkungan SLB-C.

Family and children with mental retardation at Sumedang district are almost 10.898
people of 1.089.889 population at Sumedang district, and they are only 218 people
which recorded at SLB-C of Sumedang district. This study purpose to find describing
the effect of implementing Self Help Groups therapy toward coping family and
children with mental retardation at SLB-C of Sumedang District in 2009 so it can
decrease risk factors of disturbance occur. This study used design of quasi
experimental pre-post test with control group by self help group intervention. This
study used a purposive sampling on getting samples by 22 families as samples. The
equipment on collecting data using questionares of family characteristic and family
coping. Self help group has been done for two groups where the first group was given
self help group for six times of meeting (four times for guiding and two times for
standing alone), while the second group was given self help group. Analized data
used univariate by analizing as descriptive by calculating frequency distribution and
central tendency. Bivariate analysis used Independent sample t-test, Chi-Square and
Dependent sample t-test. Multivariate analysis used pearson product moment and
rank spearman. Study result indicated improvement the abilities of coping family and
children with mental retardation as means (p value = 0,000). It was recommended to
build and implementing self help group for family who had children with mental
Family and children with mental retardation at Sumedang district are almost 10.898 people of 1.089.889 population at Sumedang district, and they are only 218 people which recorded at SLB-C of Sumedang district. This study purpose to find describing the effect of implementing Self Help Groups therapy toward coping family and children with mental retardation at SLB-C of Sumedang District in 2009 so it can decrease risk factors of disturbance occur. This study used design of quasi experimental pre-post test with control group by self help group intervention. This study used a purposive sampling on getting samples by 22 families as samples. The equipment on collecting data using questionares of family characteristic and family coping. Self help group has been done for two groups where the first group was given self help group for six times of meeting (four times for guiding and two times for standing alone), while the second group was given self help group. Analized data used univariate by analizing as descriptive by calculating frequency distribution and central tendency. Bivariate analysis used Independent sample t-test, Chi-Square and Dependent sample t-test. Multivariate analysis used pearson product moment and rank spearman. Study result indicated improvement the abilities of coping family and children with mental retardation as means (p value = 0,000). It was recommended to build and implementing self help group for family who had children with mental retardation."
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arena Lestari
"Penyakit Tuberkulosis di Indonesia merupakan masalah utama kesehatan masyarakat dan menjadi penyebab kematian nomor 3. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh terapi psikoedukasi keluarga terhadap pengetahuan dan tingkat ansietas keluarga dalam merawat anggota keluarga yang mengalami tuberkulosis paru di Kota Bandar Lampung. Desain penelitian quasi exsperimental,pre ? post test with control group. Sampel penelitian 30 kelompok intervensi dan 35 kelompok kontrol Tempat penelitian di 8 Puskesmas Bandar Lampung.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah terapi Psikoedukasi keluarga dan ada perbedaan signifikan tingkat ansietas keluarga sebelum dan sesudah terapi psikoedukasi keluarga Rekomendasi penelitian yaitu perlunya dilakukan terapi psikoedukasi yang dilakukan Puskesmas bekerjasama dengan spesialis keperawatan jiwa.

Tuberculosis disease in Indonesia is a major public health problem and become the 3rd cause of mortality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of family psychoeducation therapy to knowledge and family anxiety level in caring family members with tuberculosis in Bandar Lampung. The study used quasi exsperimental, pre - post test with control group design. The sample was 30 intervention and 35 control group. This study took place at 8 Puskesmas at Bandar Lampung.
The results showed no significant differences in knowledge ,before and after family psychoeducation therapy and there were significant differences at anxiety levels, before and after family psychoeducation therapy. Recommendation of this study is collaboration of family psychoeducation therapy between Puskesmas and psychiatric nursing specialist.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Hunun Widiastuti
Reaksi dan persepsi orangtua terhadap ketunaan anaknya mempengaruhi cara mereka merawat dan berdampak pada tingkat perkembangan dan kemandirian self care anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Terapi Kelompok Suportif terhadap kemampuan orangtua dalam melatih self care anak tunanetra ganda di SLB G Rawinala Jakarta Timur. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment pre-post test with control group dengan 51 responden, terdiri dari 26 responden untuk kelompok intervensi dan 25 responden untuk kelompok kontrol. Terapi ini adalah terapi mutual support, diberikan dalam 4 sessi dan dilakukan selama 6 minggu. Kemampuan kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor orangtua dianalisis menggunakan uji T test, Chi ? Square dan Regresi Linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan orangtua secara bermakna setelah diberikan terapi pada kelompok intervensi.

Perception and reaction of parents towards their children?s disability including MDVI, affects how to care and had effect to the child independent self care and development level. The purpose of this research is influence of Group Supportive Therapy to family ability train of MDVI child self care of SLB G Rawinala, east Jakarta. Design of this research was using ?Quasi experiment by using pre-post test with control group? on 51 samples. The consist of samples to 26 peoples for intervension group and 25 peoples for control group.This therapy is the mutual support group , the treatment has been done almost 6 weeks for 4 session. The parents?s cognitive, affective, and psychomotor ability are valued by using quistioner and then the results of quesioners are analyzed by using T-test. Chi-Square, and Simple Linear Reggresion method. The parents ability of the group that treated by group supportive therapy were increase highly and significantly.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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