"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari iklan tradisional dan komunikasi di media sosial (firm created & user generated content) terhadap consumer based brand equity; functional brand image, hedonic brand image, dan brand awareness. Penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh dari functional brand image, hedonic brand image dan brand awareness terhadap purchase intention melalui brand attitude.
Objek dari penelitian ini adalah tiga top brand di industri kosmetik FMCG di Indonesia yaitu Maybelline, Revlon, dan Wardah. 204 sampel di ambil untuk penelitian ini, sampel penelitian adalah wanita dengan usia diatas 18 tahun keatas, pernah melihat merek kosmetik di media sosial dan media tradisional, dan pernah membeli produk kosmetik dalam kurun waktu satu tahun terakhir.
Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa firm created social media communication berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap brand awareness, functional brand image dan hedonic brand image, sementara itu user generated social media communication hanya berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap functional brand image dan hedonic brand image. Temuan penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa media traditional tidak berpengaruh terhadap consumer based brand equity. Data dari penelitian ini di analisa mengunakan Structural Equation Modelling dengan menggunakan program Lisrel.
The purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of traditional advertising and social media communication (firm created & user generated content) on consumer based brand equity; functional brand image, hedonic brand image and brand awareness. Moreover, this study also examines the effect of functional brand image, hedonic brand image, brand awareness to purchase intention mediated by brand attitude.The research object are the top three players in FMCG cosmetics industry in Indonesia which are Maybelline, Revlon, or Wardah. 204 samples are taken for this research, the sample are women aged 18 years old and above that have seen the brand on social media and traditional media and have purchased cosmetics product within one-year period.The finding from this research shows that firm created social media has significant influence brand awareness, functional brand image, and hedonic brand image, while user generated social media communication only significantly influence functional brand image and hedonic brand image. Furthermore, it is also found that traditional advertising does not have significant influence on consumer based brand equity. This research is used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) operated by Lisrel program."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016