ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai perlunya perjanjian keagenan yang biasanya dibuat
dengan menggunakan akta dibawah tangan untuk dibuat dengan menggunakan
akta otentik dihadapan notaris. Walaupun untuk mendaftarkan usaha keagenan
pada Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia yang diatur dalam Peraturan
Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia Nomor: 11/M-DAG/PER/3/2006
Tentang Ketentuan Dan Tata Cara Penerbitan Surat Tanda Pendaftaran Agen atau
Distributor Barang Dan/Atau Jasa, hanya menuntut dilampirkannya suatu
perjanjian keagenan antara prinsipal dan agen yang dilegalisir saja oleh notaris.
Tujuan dari pokok permasalahan dalam thesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui
sejauhmana manfaat pembuatan perjanjian keagenan dengan akta otentik
dibandingkan dengan akta di bawah tangan, dan juga untuk mengetahui apakah
perjanjian baku dari prinsipal dalam perjanjian keagenan tidak bertentangan
dengan asas kebebasan berkontrak. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan
menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the need for an agency agreement are typically made using a
certificate under the hand to be made by using authentic deed before a notary.
Despite efforts to register the agency of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of
Indonesia which is stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the
Republic of Indonesia Number: 11 / M-DAG / PER / 3/2006 About Conditions
and Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Registration Agents or Distributors
of Goods and / or Services, only demanded an agency agreement between the
principal and the agent are certified only by a notary. The purpose of the issue in
this thesis is to determine the extent of the benefits of making the agency
agreement with an authentic deed than by deed under the hand, and also to
determine whether the standard contract of the principal in the agency agreement
is not contrary to the principle of freedom of contract. The research is the research
by using the juridical normative approach.;This thesis discusses the need for an agency agreement are typically made using a
certificate under the hand to be made by using authentic deed before a notary.
Despite efforts to register the agency of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of
Indonesia which is stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the
Republic of Indonesia Number: 11 / M-DAG / PER / 3/2006 About Conditions
and Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Registration Agents or Distributors
of Goods and / or Services, only demanded an agency agreement between the
principal and the agent are certified only by a notary. The purpose of the issue in
this thesis is to determine the extent of the benefits of making the agency
agreement with an authentic deed than by deed under the hand, and also to
determine whether the standard contract of the principal in the agency agreement
is not contrary to the principle of freedom of contract. The research is the research
by using the juridical normative approach., This thesis discusses the need for an agency agreement are typically made using a
certificate under the hand to be made by using authentic deed before a notary.
Despite efforts to register the agency of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of
Indonesia which is stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the
Republic of Indonesia Number: 11 / M-DAG / PER / 3/2006 About Conditions
and Procedures for Issuance of Certificate of Registration Agents or Distributors
of Goods and / or Services, only demanded an agency agreement between the
principal and the agent are certified only by a notary. The purpose of the issue in
this thesis is to determine the extent of the benefits of making the agency
agreement with an authentic deed than by deed under the hand, and also to
determine whether the standard contract of the principal in the agency agreement
is not contrary to the principle of freedom of contract. The research is the research
by using the juridical normative approach.]"