ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaturan hukum persaingan usaha mengenai penetapan tarif angkutan kontainer dan posisi asosiasi usaha dalam hukum persaingan usaha. Hasil dari penelitian menemukan bahwa Organda dinyatakan sebagai pelaku usaha, sementara Organda tidak melakukan kegiatan ekonomi sehingga tidak memenuhi pasal 1 ayat (5) UU No.5 Tahun 1999. Selain itu, penelitian menemukan bahwa tarif angkutan kontainer di Pelabuhan,Belawan ditetapkan berdasarkan negosiasi antara perusahaan pengguna jasa dan penyedia jasa. Perjanjian penetapan harga dijadikan sebagai batas atas saat negosiasi. Hal ini melanggar pasal 5 UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this thesis is about establishment tariff container and position trade association, in the point of view in Indonesia’s antitrust regulation. The result from this analysis found that Organda is defined as business man, although Organda doesn’t do economic activity, so it doesn’t violate Article 1 point 5 Law No.5 Year 1999. Another result found that tariff transportation of container in Belawan Port is established based by negotiation between service user and service provider. Price fixing agreement is used as tariff maximum in negotiation. The price fixing agreement must be violating Article 5, Law No.5 Year 1999 about Anti-monopoly and Prohibition of Unfair Competition.;The purpose of this thesis is about establishment tariff container and position trade association, in the point of view in Indonesia’s antitrust regulation. The result from this analysis found that Organda is defined as business man, although Organda doesn’t do economic activity, so it doesn’t violate Article 1 point 5 Law No.5 Year 1999. Another result found that tariff transportation of container in Belawan Port is established based by negotiation between service user and service provider. Price fixing agreement is used as tariff maximum in negotiation. The price fixing agreement must be violating Article 5, Law No.5 Year 1999 about Anti-monopoly and Prohibition of Unfair Competition., The purpose of this thesis is about establishment tariff container and position trade association, in the point of view in Indonesia’s antitrust regulation. The result from this analysis found that Organda is defined as business man, although Organda doesn’t do economic activity, so it doesn’t violate Article 1 point 5 Law No.5 Year 1999. Another result found that tariff transportation of container in Belawan Port is established based by negotiation between service user and service provider. Price fixing agreement is used as tariff maximum in negotiation. The price fixing agreement must be violating Article 5, Law No.5 Year 1999 about Anti-monopoly and Prohibition of Unfair Competition.]"