ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bermaksud lmtuk melihat perbandingan manajemen
redaksiona] antara sims sims berita Detilccom dan Kompas.com. Bcrdasarkan
pcnclitian., masing-masing news media online ini memiliki karakteristik sebagai
situs media online dan mempunyai konsep manajemen redaksional. Ada
perbedaan-perbedaan yang mendasar di antara kedua sims berita online ini yajtu
konsep kecepatan dan updating. target pembaca, proscs rekruitmen, jumiah
Sumber Daya Manusia.
I-Iasil temuan peneliiian, dapat dilihat bahwa Dezikcom mengutamakan
kecepatan dan bersifat ?Breaking News?, semeniara Kompascom mengutamakan
keakuratau dan kelengkapan dalam pcnyampaian beritanya.
Ada pcrbedaan target pcmbaca ke dua sims lersehut dimana target
pembaca Delilacom hampir seimbang antara laki-Iaki & perempuan, bommur 18
tahun kcatas, tingkat pendidikan SMA ke atas, dan dibaca semua golongan
pendapatan. Sementara Kompaacom dibaca olch dominan laki-laki, beiumur 20-
35 tahun, dengan tingkal pendidikan sazjana.
Proscs rekruitmen di kedua sims berita tersebut juga bcrbedzn Deiilccom
mem?-erikan pelatihan terlcbih dahulu sebelum reporternya turun ke Iapangan,
sementara Kompasxom langslmg menunmkan rcporternya ke lapangan sebagai
saiah sam bentuk ujian bagi meneka
Jumlah staf mdaksi di Kompas.com lebih sediicit dibandingkan dengan
Detiic com karena rnemiliki integrated newsroom dengan koran-koran lain dalam
satu grup di Keompok Kompas Gmmedia, sementara Delikcom mempunyai
jumlah stef rodaizsi yang lebih banyak karena berdiri sendiri.
Kata Kunci : keuapatan, target pembacm proses rekruitmen, Staf redaicsi,
integrated newsroom.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to End out the comparisons of pertaining
to editing management between news media online Detilccom and news media
online Kompascom. This research shows how the methods are and what a
mechanism of working is, and also shows the other variables that are related with
pertaining to editing management by Detikcam and Kornpaszcom. Basically the
differentiation are speed/updating, target audience, recruitment process, Human
Based on this research, the results shows Kompasncom has prioritized to be
accurate and complete news, on the other side, Detikcom has more prioritized to
bc fast through ?breaking news?_ The target audience of Dctik.com is Male (55%)
& Female (45%) by age I8 above, with education level is Senior High School and
read in all SES. While readers of Kompas.com are dominant Male (71%), by age
20-35 yrs old (60%), with education level is Bachelor (54%).
Recruitment process has also different. Detik.com give training betbre
candidate go to field, while Kompascom has to a new reporter go to iield first to
see the ability of those person as the one o"recruilment test.
Besides that, Kompaszcom owns a network system/group which is having
the total of human resources is less; it is because they have an integrated
newsroom with other newspapers in a group. In the other hand, Detikcom doesn?t
own a network system/ group so they are having a lot of human resources.
Keyword : speed/updating, target audience, recruitment process, Human
resources, integrated newsroom."