ABSTRAKDengan E-Commerce terus tumbuh sepanjang tahun dan didukung oleh pertumbuhan yang pesat dari tingkat penetrasi Internet, membangun E-Loyalty merupakan sebuah hal yang paling penting bagi perusahaan. Dengan memahami hal ini, perusahaan dapat mengetahui faktor-faktor anteseden apa saja yang mempengaruhi E-Loyalty, dengan tujuan untuk mencapai keuntungan yang berkelanjutan dan memenangkan kompetisi. Dari data statistik pada tahun 2014, ditunjukkan bahwa pengguna Internet yang paling aktif berusia antara 16-34 tahun dan termasuk dalam kategori Generation Y. Untuk membuka target pasar potensial ini, perlu penyelidikan lebih lanjut dan fokus pada bagaimana mereka mengadopsi E-Commerce. Bagi perusahaan E-Commerce yang sedang berkembang, globalisasi dan memperluas ke negara lain merupakan salah satu tujuan yang dapat diraih. Bagaimana perusahaan bisa beradaptasi pada budaya yang berbeda dan menerapkannya pada platform E-Commerce akan menghasilkan kesempatan yang lebih baik untuk sukses. Penemuan dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor anteseden yang mempengaruhi pada E-Loyalty dan bagaimana budaya dimensi berperan pada faktor-faktor anteseden.
ABSTRACTAs E-Commerce keeps growing through year and supported with sustainable growth of Internet penetration rate, building E-Loyalty is considered as the most important thing for company. It is important for companies to understand what the factors antecedents are affecting on E-Loyalty, to achieve sustainable advantage and win competitions. Data collections for previous year, 2014, showed that the most avid Internet users were between 16-34 years old and fall into category Generation Y. To unlock this potential target market, it needs a further investigation and focus on how they adopt E-Commerce. As the company grows, they will go global and expanding to another country. How company could adapt on different culture and implement it on E-Commerce platform will result a better chance to success. Findings in this study discovered factors antecedents affecting on E-Loyalty and how cultural dimensions play role on factors antecedent relationship.
, As E-Commerce keeps growing through year and supported with sustainable growth of Internet penetration rate, building E-Loyalty is considered as the most important thing for company. It is important for companies to understand what the factors antecedents are affecting on E-Loyalty, to achieve sustainable advantage and win competitions. Data collections for previous year, 2014, showed that the most avid Internet users were between 16-34 years old and fall into category Generation Y. To unlock this potential target market, it needs a further investigation and focus on how they adopt E-Commerce. As the company grows, they will go global and expanding to another country. How company could adapt on different culture and implement it on E-Commerce platform will result a better chance to success. Findings in this study discovered factors antecedents affecting on E-Loyalty and how cultural dimensions play role on factors antecedent relationship.