ABSTRAKIbu yang memiliki bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) memiliki rasa percaya diri yang kurang dalam merawat bayi, dikarenakan usia ibu yang muda sehingga kurangnya pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan keterampilan merawat bayi. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pengaruh edukasi perawatan metode kanguru (PMK) terhadap kepercayaan diri dan kemampuan pelaksanaan PMK pada ibu muda. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan eksperimen acak terkontrol dengan teknik pre test post test equivalent group melibatkan 13 ibu dan BBLR pada kelompok intervensi dan 13 ibu dan BBLR pada kelompok kontrol. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen kepercayaan diri ibu muda yang telah dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas nilai r=0,941, dan lembar observasi pelaksanaan PMK. Edukasi dilakukan menggunakan booklet dan bimbingan simulasi PMK. Setelah dilakukan edukasi, skor kepercayaan diri ibu muda dan kemampuan pelaksanaan PMK meningkat secara bermakna. Skor kepercayaan diri ibu muda (p=0,001, CI 95% 60,36 -75,56 ); kemampuan pelaksanaan PMK (p=0,001, CI 95% 1,50-1,88). Edukasi PMK perlu dilakukan secara bertahap dengan melibatkan keluarga terutama suami agar kemampuan pelaksanaan PMK berkelanjutan di rumah, dan dapat dilakukan kunjungan rumah pada BBLR untuk melakukan evaluasi kemampuan pelaksanaan PMK.
ABSTRACTMothers having low birth weight baby (LBWB) have low confidence in caring their baby because they are still in the young age that commonly have lack of knowledge, experiences, and the ability of caring the baby. This research aims to determine the effect of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) education on the confidence and the ability of KMC implementation on young mothers. The research methodology used was controlled-random experimental research with pre and post-test equivalent group involving 13 mothers and LBWB on intervention group and 13 mothers and LBWB on control group. The data collection employed the instrument of young mother confidence which its validity and reliability had been tested with the r value = 0.941, and the observation sheet of KMC implementation. After conducting the education, the score of confidence of young mothers and their ability in applying KMC increased meaningfully. The score of confidence of young mothers was (p=0,001, CI 95% 60,36-75,56); and the ability of KMC implementation was (p=0,001, CI 95% 1,50-1,88). The education of KMC should be conducted gradually that is necessary to involve family specifically husband in order that the KMC implementation can be continued at home, and the family visit can be done on the LBWB to evaluate the ability of KMC implementation."