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M. Shendy Adam Firdaus
The fast-paced development of internet technology and the infiltration of mobile communication devices have produced the ?always on? society phenomenon. At
the same time, the concept of ?smart city? considered to be relevant to overcoming plenty of challenges that 21st century urban areas face. The utilization of technology by means of ?mobile government? (?m-government?) is
believed to be competent to bridge public needs with public service that government provided. One form of the ?m-government? is the usage of mobile application (mobile app) as a medium of government communication.
This research is undertaken with a case study of Qlue mobile app organized by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. The qualitative methods used are interviews and observations to validate this research. The vital discovery of this research is that Qlue comes up as the tool for public-oriented government communication. Qlue has been operated not only for running the communication
function of government, which becomes the media for government socialization; but also to become the channel of public needs aspiration delivery. In the context
of good governance, the use of mobile apps has been contributing to implement the principles of participation, equality, and accountability."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Shendy Adam Firdaus
Pertumbuhan yang cepat dari teknologi internet dan penetrasi penggunaan
perangkat komunikasi mobile, khususnya di kawasan perkotaan telah menciptakan
fenomena masyarakat yang ?always on?. Penggunaan teknologi melalui mobile
government diyakini mampu menjembatani antara kebutuhan warga dengan
layanan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Salah satu bentuk dari m-government
adalah penggunaan aplikasi bergerak sebagai media komunikasi pemerintahan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil studi kasus penggunaan
aplikasi mobile Qlue oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Metode kualitatif
berupa wawancara dan observasi digunakan untuk menjawab penelitian ini.
Temuan penting penelitian ini adalah Qlue menjadi media komunikasi
pemerintahan yang berorientasi pada warga. Qlue tidak semata digunakan untuk
menjalankan fungsi inti komunikasi pemerintahan yaitu media sosialisasi
pemerintah, tetapi sebaliknya justru menjadi kanal penyampaian aspirasi kebutuhan
Perubahan yang terjadi dalam komunikasi pemerintahan yang difasilitasi
mobile apps juga membawa implikasi yaitu pada birokrasi Pemprov DKI Jakarta di
level kelurahan sebagai ujung tombak pelayanan. Terjadi adaptasi birokrasi di
kelurahan terhadap penggunaan teknologi mobile apps. Dari temuan di dua lokasi
penelitian ini, didapati variasi dalam adaptasi birokrasi khususnya dalam
manajemen proses, keterlibatan pegawai dan koordinasi. Dalam konteks tata kelola
pemerintahan yang baik, penggunaan mobile apps berkontribusi terhadap
penerapan prinsip partisipasi, kesetaraan dan akuntabilitas

The rapid growth of internet technology and the penetration of mobile
communication devices usage, especially in urban areas, have created the
phenomenon of 'always on' societies. The usage of mobile technology through
mobile government is believed to be able to bridge the gap between the needs of
residents and the services provided by the government. One of the examples of mgovernment
is the usage of mobile app as the media of government communication.
This research was conducted by taking a case study of the usage of mobile
applications Qlue by Jakarta Provincial Government. Qualitative methods with
interviews and observations are used to answer this research. An important inding
is Qlue becomes a medium for government communication that is oriented to the
people. Qlue is not only used to carry out the core function of government
communication such as government socialization media, but it also becomes a canal
aspiration of citizen needs.
Changes that occur in government communication that is facilitated by
mobile apps also implicate that the bureaucracy of DKI Jakarta government at the
sub-district level (kelurahan) becomes the main authority that serves people. The
adaption of bureaucracy occurred in the sub district toward the usage of mobile
technology apps. Based on the information discovered in two locations of this
study, it is found that there is a variation in the adaptation of bureaucracy, especially
in management process, employee involvement and coordination. In the context of
good governance, the usage of mobile apps contributes in the practice of the
participation principles, equality and accountability."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Fauzie
"Penelitian ini berdasarkan factual problem bahwa Super apps JAKI belum mencapai tingkat maksimal dalam aspek kepercayaan publik. Ketidakseimbangan pengunduh dan pengguna aktif Super apps JAKI menjadi problematika yang ditemukan yang dapat mempengaruhi kepercayaan. Selain itu, tantangan dan hambatan dalam mendapatkan kepercayaan publik terhadap e-Government sangat kompleks, terlebih di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang memiliki keragaman budaya, sosial, pendidikan, suku, dan agama. Penelitian ini menganalisis tingkat kepercayaan publik terhadap Super apps JAKI dan faktor faktor apa yang mempengaruhinya melalui opini publik dengan melakukan survei. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan positivist. Analisis eksplanatif digunakan untuk mengukur dan memberikan gambaran tingkat kepercayaan publik dengan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dan metode OECD. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) untuk membangun hubungan model kepercayaan publik. Hasil histogram penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepercayaan publik terhadap Super apps JAKI berada pada posisi menengah ke tinggi dengan skor OECD, yaitu sebesar 7.4 dari skala 10, yang menandakan tingkat kepercayaan publik pada level menengah. Tingkat kepercayaan tersebut berdasarkan persepsi publik atas kemampuan, integritas dan kebaikan Super apps JAKI dalam memberikan layanan kepada publik. Faktor demografi responden pengguna seperti pekerjaan dan jenis kelamin juga memiliki dampak langsung terhadap kepercayaan publik. Keputusan publik untuk menggunakan dan mempercayai Super apps JAKI membutuhkan tahapan yang melibatkan berbagai faktor. Pengujian model kepercayaan publik dengan SEM menghasilkan faktor-faktor yang signifikan berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepercayaan publik yaitu media sosial, pengaruh sosial, lembaga pemerintah, kebijakan dan teknologi. Dari kelima faktor tersebut, faktor media sosial memiliki pengaruh paling signifikan sebagai media fenomena baru dalam sosialisasi, promosi dan diseminasi kepada publik yang cenderung mencari informasi dengan cepat dan mudah tanpa peduli terhadap risiko, politik dan budaya. Pemerintah perlu memperhatikan faktor lain untuk meningkatkan rasa aman dan nyaman pengguna Super apps JAKI sebagai bentuk kewaspadaan terhadap penerimaan risiko data dan informasi pribadi. Penelitian ini menjadi starting point untuk penelitian selanjutnya dalam pengembangan model yang lebih spesifik untuk kota-kota yang berbasis pedesaan pada negara berkembang

This research is based on the factual problem that JAKI Super apps have not reached the maximum level in the aspect of public trust. The imbalance of downloaders and active users of JAKI Super apps is a problem found that can affect trust. In addition, the challenges and obstacles in gaining public trust in e Government are very complex, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia which has cultural, social, educational, ethnic and religious diversity. This research analyzes the level of public trust in JAKI Super apps and what factors influence it through public opinion by conducting a survey. The research method used in this research is quantitative with a positivist approach. Explanation analysis is used to measure and provide an overview of the level of public trust with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the OECD method. This research also uses a Structural Equation Model (SEM) to build a public trust model relationship. The results of the research histogram show that the level of public trust in JAKI Super apps is in a medium to high position with an OECD score of 7.4 on a scale of 10, which indicates a medium to high fully trusting level of public trust. The level of trust is based on the public's perception of ability as the highest dimension, integrity and benevolence of Super apps JAKI in providing services to the public. The demographics of users such as occupation and gender also have a direct impact on public trust. The public's decision to use and trust JAKI Super apps requires stages involving various factors. The SEM analysis of the public trust model results in significant factors that have a direct effect on public trust, namely social media, social influence, government, policies and technology. These five factors are very important to be involved and contribute to realizing a good governance system in DKI Jakarta with public trust. The social media factor has the most significant influence as a new media phenomenon in socialisation, promotion and dissemination to the public who tend to seek information quickly and easily without caring about risks, politics and culture. The government needs to pay attention to other factors to increase the sense of security and comfort of JAKI Super apps users as a form of awareness of the risk acceptance of personal data and information. This research is a starting point for further research in developing models that are more specific to rural-based cities in developing country"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Suryanegara
"This paper reports the local-innovation perspective for the Indonesian mobile cellular market. Under the local perspective, the innovation opportunity appears when it suit characteristics of the country and the behavior nature of its people such concept is built into realization by making an applications of mobile-herbal (m-herbal) services applications. The service is designed by following the proposed framework, starting from scanning the market demand, defining specific applications, defining the actors, exploration of tacit knowledge of the actors, engineering development, implantation innovation and concurrent innovative development. We used the results of previous market survey emphasizing a need of health-related service for Indonesian market. Herbal remedy was chosen as the focal point of health-related service development since it is well-known indigenous method of treatment by using Indonesian natural ingredients. The service is developed to run on the Android-based smartphone, connects to the database called Indonesian HerbalDB. It consists two main features, i.e. query of herbal remedies and self evaluation assessment. Users of the services may search the names of Indonesian traditional plantation, its local names, and the kind of disease which can be cured. Through the features of self evaluation assessment, users are encouraged to give their personal perception of the herbal remedies, and being the recommendation to other users afterward. Finally, our proposed framework signifies the importance of communications channel among the actors in the mobile cellular facilitating mutual interaction between the multiple actors involved in the mobile herbal development."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sasti Hapsari Nurdiana
Analisis Situasi: Jakarta selain sebagai pusat pemerintahan juga merupakanpusat hiburan yang memiliki berbagai daya tarik wisatasalah satunya pariwisata makanan atau gastronomi dengan menawarkan hampir 4.000 gerai makanan. Perkembanganteknologi dan informasi yang cepat juga berpengaruh pada bidang kuliner yang mendorong perilaku generasi mudalebih suka makan di luar rumah dengan mencari referensi gerai makan di internet. Namun, masyarakat membutuhkanlebih dari sekedar referensi. Hal yang terjadi dengan banyaknya referensi gerai makan atau makanan menimbulkan efek konsumtif bagi masyarakat, karena kebanyakan hanya menyajikan makanan tanpa disertai sisiedukasinya. Media baru jurnalisme makanan ini dengan lingkup Jakarta dapat menjadi upaya dalam memberikan informasi akurat dan komprehensif tentang makanan danmemberikan manfaat positif bagi masyarakat. Manfaat dan Tujuan: Pengembangan Prototipe: Memberikan informasi komprehensif dan aktual mengenaimakanan di Jakarta kepada masyarakat. Tujuannya adalahmenjadi pionir media jurnalisme makanan dengan formatmobile-app yang mudah diakses, dinamis, interaktif,menarik serta menawarkan informasi yang komprehensif. Prototipe yang Dikembangkan: Jakartagastro adalah media jurnalisme makanan berbasis mobile-application yang memiliki wilayah cakupan Jakarta. Media ini memiliki berbagai konten yang dibutuhkan khalayak diantaranya liputan terkini, informasi umum gerai makanan, ulasan, resep, nutrisi, dan latar belakang sejarah suatu makanan. Evaluasi: Pre-tes dilakukan sebelum situs diluncurkan denganmenyebarkan kuesioner langsung kepada khalayak. Evaluasi khalayak hampir sama dengan pre-test dilakukan untuk melihat kepuasan khalayak terhadap situs. Evaluasi input, output, dan outcome akan dilakukan dengan analisislaporan divisi serta survei khalayak setiap empat bulan. Anggaran: Anggaran Pembuatan Prototipe Rp 745.000. Investasi Awal Rp 79.067.000Total Pengeluaran Bulanan Rp 139.000.000Total Pengeluaran 1 Tahun Rp 1.602.000.000Perkiraan Pendapatan Tahun Pertama Rp 325.596.000. Perkiraan Pendapatan Tahun Kedua Rp 1.883.400.000.

Situation Analysis: Jakarta as the central government, also holds a role as thecenter of entertaiment with various tourism attractions. Oneof tourism attractions is its gastronomy tourism, providingalmost 4000 outlets. Rapid development of technology andinformation also give massive effect to gastronomy industry. It drives people to go eating out more often andusually using the internet as their reference. But, peopleneed more than reference. Sadly, people become moreconsumptive, because the references only cover about theproducts and overlook its educative role. New food journalism can be a platform for giving accurate and comprehensive information about food and positive impactto society. Benefits and Goals of Developing Prototype: To give comprehensive and actual information related tofood in Jakarta. The objective is to be pioneer as a dynamicand interactive food journalism media.Developing Prototype: Jakarta gastro is mobile app basis food journalism mediawith coverage in entire Jakarta. This media provides actualinformation, recipe, nutrition, related to food. Evaluation: The pre test will be conducted before the site is launched bydistributing questionnaires directly to the audience.Evaluation of the audience is almost the same as the pre test. It will be conducted to see the satisfaction of the audiencefor the site. Evaluation of inputs, outputs, and outcomes willbe conducted by analyzing reports of division and surveysevery four months. Budgeting: Protoype development budget Rp 745.000Initial Investments Rp 79.067.000. Total monthly expenses Rp 139.000.000. Expenses in a year Rp 1.602.000.000Predicted income first year Rp 325.596.000. Predicted income second year Rp 1.883.400.000 "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brian Christian
"Kehadiran antrian panjang di toko dan pusat layanan seringkali menimbulkan rasa frustrasi dan ketidakpuasan di antara pelanggan, mengakibatkan pengalaman yang buruk dan mengurangi loyalitas terhadap bisnis. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dikembangkan aplikasi Point of Sale (PoS) interaktif yang tidak hanya memberikan sistem penomoran antrian, tetapi juga memungkinkan pelanggan untuk memesan melalui ponsel mereka sambil menunggu. Pengembangan aplikasi PoS dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Scrum yang memungkinkan adaptasi perubahan yang diajukan oleh product owner. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi teoritis dengan memperkaya literatur tentang sistem PoS interaktif yang mencakup sistem penomoran antrian dan pemesanan melalui ponsel dalam konteks pengembangan menggunakan metode Scrum. Secara praktis, aplikasi yang dihasilkan memberikan manfaat dalam memberikan pendekatan antrian yang lebih efektif dan efisien, yang menguntungkan pelanggan dan bisnis. Pada evaluasi fungsionalitas aplikasi, semua skenario dalam usability testing dan user acceptance testing berhasil dilalui dengan sukses.

The presence of long queues at stores and service centers often creates frustration and dissatisfaction among customers, resulting in a bad experience and reducing business loyalty. To solve this problem, an interactive Point of Sale (PoS) application was developed which not only provides a queue numbering system, but also allows customers to order via their mobile phones while waiting. PoS application development is carried out using the Scrum method which allows adaptation of changes proposed by the product owner. The results of this study provide a theoretical contribution by enriching the literature on interactive PoS systems which include queue numbering systems and mobile ordering in the context of developing using the Scrum method. Practically, the resulting application provides benefits in providing a more effective and efficient queuing approach, which benefits customers and businesses. In evaluating application functionality, all scenarios in usability testing and user acceptance testing were successfully passed."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Sani
"Kehadiran antrian panjang di toko dan pusat layanan seringkali menimbulkan rasa frustrasi dan ketidakpuasan di antara pelanggan, mengakibatkan pengalaman yang buruk dan mengurangi loyalitas terhadap bisnis. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dikembangkan aplikasi Point of Sale (PoS) interaktif yang tidak hanya memberikan sistem penomoran antrian, tetapi juga memungkinkan pelanggan untuk memesan melalui ponsel mereka sambil menunggu. Pengembangan aplikasi PoS dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Scrum yang memungkinkan adaptasi perubahan yang diajukan oleh product owner. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi teoritis dengan memperkaya literatur tentang sistem PoS interaktif yang mencakup sistem penomoran antrian dan pemesanan melalui ponsel dalam konteks pengembangan menggunakan metode Scrum. Secara praktis, aplikasi yang dihasilkan memberikan manfaat dalam memberikan pendekatan antrian yang lebih efektif dan efisien, yang menguntungkan pelanggan dan bisnis. Pada evaluasi fungsionalitas aplikasi, semua skenario dalam usability testing dan user acceptance testing berhasil dilalui dengan sukses.

The presence of long queues at stores and service centers often creates frustration and dissatisfaction among customers, resulting in a bad experience and reducing business loyalty. To solve this problem, an interactive Point of Sale (PoS) application was developed which not only provides a queue numbering system, but also allows customers to order via their mobile phones while waiting. PoS application development is carried out using the Scrum method which allows adaptation of changes proposed by the product owner. The results of this study provide a theoretical contribution by enriching the literature on interactive PoS systems which include queue numbering systems and mobile ordering in the context of developing using the Scrum method. Practically, the resulting application provides benefits in providing a more effective and efficient queuing approach, which benefits customers and businesses. In evaluating application functionality, all scenarios in usability testing and user acceptance testing were successfully passed."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harwin Prahara
"Teknologi terus berkembang, teknologi-teknologi baru yang lebih canggih dari teknologi sebelumnya banyak bermunculan. Namun, banyak kasus di mana pengguna tidak mau beralih dari teknologi lama ke teknologi baru tersebut. Permasalahan mengenai keengganan pengguna untuk beralih ini dialami oleh PT Cookpad Digital Indonesia. Pengguna situs web mobile tidak banyak yang mau beralih ke aplikasi mobile.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pendorong dan penghambat yang memengaruhi pengguna untuk beralih dari situs web mobile ke aplikasi mobile Cookpad. Pendekatan teoretis yang dipakai adalah two factor theory, di mana dihipotesiskan ada faktor-faktor pendorong dan faktor-faktor penghambat yang berpengaruh dan bekerja secara independen.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil data kuantitatif melalui survei kuesioner yang disebarkan secara daring kepada pengguna situs web Cookpad di Indonesia. Sebanyak 406 data responden terkumpul, dengan 331 data responden yang valid. Hasil survei dianalisis menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modiling dengan bantuan IBM SPSS AMOS.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa functional deprivation, interactivity, dan social identification berpengaruh sebagai faktor pendorong dan inertia terbukti sebagai faktor penghambat bagi keputusan pengguna situs web mobile untuk beralih memakai aplikasi mobile.

With the advancement in technology world, a lot of newer and better technology are introduced. However, there are many cases where users don 39 t want to adopt the new and better technology, instead they keep using the old technology. This problem of users 39 inertia, not wanting to switch to new technology, is now being faced by PT Cookpad Digital Indonesia Cookpad Indonesia . Only few Cookpad mobile web users that want to switch to use Cookpad mobile application.
The purpose of this research is to identify the factors, enablers and inhibitors, that influence Cookpad mobile website users to switch to use Cookpad mobile application. Two factor theory, which states that there are enablers and inhibitors that work independently to influence behavior, is used as theoretical framework for this research.
Quantitative data using Likert scale was collected through questionnaire survey targeting Cookpad Indonesia users. 406 questionnaires were collected, with 331 of them are valid. IBM SPSS AMOS was used to analyze survey result using Structural Equation Modeling method.
Functional deprivation, interactivity, and social identification were identified as enablers, while inertia was identified as inhibitors for users 39 intention to switch from mobile website to mobile application.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Wibisono
"The BER performance of trellis coded (TC) 8PSK with 2-branch selection (SC) and maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversities on mobile satellite communication system, which channel characterized by Nakagami fading channel is investigated. The special case of 2 branch SC and MRC diversities on independent and spatially correlated Nakagami fading are analyzed in detail, It is shown that the BER performance of TC 8PSK with diversity is better than that system without diversity, and the BER performance of system with diversity increases with increasing the Nakagami fading parameter m. Although the correlation between branches causes signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss relative to uncorrelated fading case for 2 branches SC and MRC diversities, the SC and MRC diversities can lead the diversity gain, that is, the improvement of BER performance of TC 8PSK with diversity is obtained over the TC 8PSK without diversity. In addition, the effect of antenna separation which causes cross correlation between the fading signals envelops on the performance of TC 8PSK with 2 branch SC and MRC diversities is also considered."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
LP 2000 37
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinta Damayanti
Perkembangan penggunaan telepon selular atau perangkat mobile telah membuat
banyak inovasi yang memanfaatkan fenomena tersebut. PT. KAI pada 4
September 2014 memperkenalkan inovasi mereka di bidang teknologi yaitu
pembelian tiket melalui aplikasi mobile yaitu KAI Access. KAI Access telah
secara aktif digunakan oleh 250.000 orang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk
mengetahui hubungan karakteristik inovasi terhadap tahap konfirmasi dalam
proses adopsi inovasi sehingga pengguna aplikasi KAI Access tersebut
memutuskan untuk melanjutkan penggunaan ataupun menghentikan adopsinya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei untuk
mengetahui persepsi yang dirasakan pengguna dalam mengadopsi inovasi KAI
Access tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian, karakteristik inovasi masih memiliki
hubungan yang kuat dan signifikan terhadap pengguna KAI Access dalam
memutuskan untuk melanjutkan atau menghentikan penggunaan walaupun tidak
seluruh karakteristik tersebut memiliki hubungan yang kuat. Dimensi keuntungan
relatif dan kompleksitas adalah karakteristik yang memiliki hubungan kuat dan
signifikan terhadap keputusan melanjutkan atau menghentikan adopsi.

The development of the mobile phone or mobile device usage has made many
innovations that take advantages from this phenomenon. On 4 September 2014,
PT. KAI introduced a new innovation on online ticket purchasing through a
mobile application called KAI Access. Since its introduction, the application has
been actively used by around 250,000 users. This study was carried out to
examine the relationship of innovation characteristics up to the confirmation
stage within the innovation adoption process, and the decision made by users to
continue or discontinue using the application. A quantitative study was employed,
by using web-based survey to the population of users provided by PT. KAI. The
study finds that characteristics of innovation still become strong and significant
factors which determine users' decision to continue/discontinue using the
application, though not all characteristics have similar influence. Among the
significant factors, relative advantage and complexity dimensions are the
strongest and most significant factors determining users' decision to continue the
adoption., The development of the mobile phone or mobile device usage has made many
innovations that take advantages from this phenomenon. On 4 September 2014,
PT. KAI introduced a new innovation on online ticket purchasing through a
mobile application called KAI Access. Since its introduction, the application has
been actively used by around 250,000 users. This study was carried out to
examine the relationship of innovation characteristics up to the confirmation
stage within the innovation adoption process, and the decision made by users to
continue or discontinue using the application. A quantitative study was employed,
by using web-based survey to the population of users provided by PT. KAI. The
study finds that characteristics of innovation still become strong and significant
factors which determine users' decision to continue/discontinue using the
application, though not all characteristics have similar influence. Among the
significant factors, relative advantage and complexity dimensions are the
strongest and most significant factors determining users' decision to continue the
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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