ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari gaya berpikir dan system justification terhadap kepercayaan pada Tuhan dengan populasi mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Kepercayaan pada Tuhan didefinisikan sebagai sebuah pengetahuan dan perasaan individu yang subjektif dan didasari oleh sebuah pengalaman mengenai hal terkait Tuhan, dan seringkali implisit. Gaya berpikir didefinisikan sebagai sebuah konfigurasi dari sebuah kemampuan umum untuk mengarahkan atensi, penilaian, dan motivasi yang menghasilkan sebuah tingkah laku yang terlihat dan penting dalam penyelesaian tugas-tugas seorang individu.. System justification didefinisikan sebagai proses psikologis dimana kondisi yang sudah ada, baik itu berupa sosial, politik, ekonomi, seksual, atau hukum, diterima, dijelaskan, dan dijustifikasi hanya karena mereka tercipta. Pengukuran kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur Belief in God Scale (BiGS) yang disusun oleh Norenzayan dan Willard (2012). Pengukuran gaya berpikir dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) yang disusun oleh Frederick (2005). Pengukuran system justification dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua alat, yaitu General System Justification Scale (GSJS) yang diciptakan oleh Kay dan Jost (2003) dan Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) yang merupakan adaptasi dari GSJS yang diberikan konteks keagamaan. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 277 mahasiswa di Universitas Indonesia. Melalui teknik Multiple Regression, diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh system justification terhadap kepercayaan pada Tuhan yang signifikan, namun tidak terdapat pengaruh gaya berpikir terhadap kepercayaan pada Tuhan yang signifikan.
ABSTRACTThis research is conducted to see the influence of cognitive styles and system justification towards belief in God with college students of Universitas Indonesia as the population. Belief in God is defined as the subjective, experience-based, often implicit knowledge and emotions on the matter of God. Cognitive style is defined as a configuration of domain-general abilities of directing attention, valuation, and motivation that produces a particular salience landscape within which one undertakes one?s tasks. System Justification is defined as the psychological process whereby prevailing conditions, be they social, political, economic, sexual, or legal, are accepted, explained, and justified simply because they exist. Belief in God is measured with Belief in God Scale which was created by Norenzayan and Willard (2012). Cognitive style is measured with Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT) which was created by Frederick (2005). System justification is measured with to measurement, General System Justification Scale (GSJS) which was created by Kay and Jost (2003) and Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) as an adaptation version of GSJS which was imbued with religiousity context. Participants of this study consist of 277 college students of Universitas Indonesia. Using Multiple Regression as statistical analysis, there result point out that system justification influences belief in God significantly, while there are no influence given by cognitive style towards belief in God.;This research is conducted to see the influence of cognitive styles and system
justification towards belief in God with college students of Universitas Indonesia as
the population. Belief in God is defined as the subjective, experience-based, often
implicit knowledge and emotions on the matter of God. Cognitive style is defined as
a configuration of domain-general abilities of directing attention, valuation, and
motivation that produces a particular salience landscape within which one undertakes
one?s tasks. System Justification is defined as the psychological process whereby
prevailing conditions, be they social, political, economic, sexual, or legal, are
accepted, explained, and justified simply because they exist. Belief in God is
measured with Belief in God Scale which was created by Norenzayan and Willard
(2012). Cognitive style is measured with Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT) which was
created by Frederick (2005). System justification is measured with to measurement,
General System Justification Scale (GSJS) which was created by Kay and Jost (2003)
and Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) as an adaptation version of GSJS
which was imbued with religiousity context. Participants of this study consist of 277
college students of Universitas Indonesia. Using Multiple Regression as statistical
analysis, there result point out that system justification influences belief in God
significantly, while there are no influence given by cognitive style towards belief in
God.;This research is conducted to see the influence of cognitive styles and system
justification towards belief in God with college students of Universitas Indonesia as
the population. Belief in God is defined as the subjective, experience-based, often
implicit knowledge and emotions on the matter of God. Cognitive style is defined as
a configuration of domain-general abilities of directing attention, valuation, and
motivation that produces a particular salience landscape within which one undertakes
one?s tasks. System Justification is defined as the psychological process whereby
prevailing conditions, be they social, political, economic, sexual, or legal, are
accepted, explained, and justified simply because they exist. Belief in God is
measured with Belief in God Scale which was created by Norenzayan and Willard
(2012). Cognitive style is measured with Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT) which was
created by Frederick (2005). System justification is measured with to measurement,
General System Justification Scale (GSJS) which was created by Kay and Jost (2003)
and Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) as an adaptation version of GSJS
which was imbued with religiousity context. Participants of this study consist of 277
college students of Universitas Indonesia. Using Multiple Regression as statistical
analysis, there result point out that system justification influences belief in God
significantly, while there are no influence given by cognitive style towards belief in
God., This research is conducted to see the influence of cognitive styles and system
justification towards belief in God with college students of Universitas Indonesia as
the population. Belief in God is defined as the subjective, experience-based, often
implicit knowledge and emotions on the matter of God. Cognitive style is defined as
a configuration of domain-general abilities of directing attention, valuation, and
motivation that produces a particular salience landscape within which one undertakes
one’s tasks. System Justification is defined as the psychological process whereby
prevailing conditions, be they social, political, economic, sexual, or legal, are
accepted, explained, and justified simply because they exist. Belief in God is
measured with Belief in God Scale which was created by Norenzayan and Willard
(2012). Cognitive style is measured with Cognitive Reflective Test (CRT) which was
created by Frederick (2005). System justification is measured with to measurement,
General System Justification Scale (GSJS) which was created by Kay and Jost (2003)
and Religious System Justification Scale (RSJS) as an adaptation version of GSJS
which was imbued with religiousity context. Participants of this study consist of 277
college students of Universitas Indonesia. Using Multiple Regression as statistical
analysis, there result point out that system justification influences belief in God
significantly, while there are no influence given by cognitive style towards belief in