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Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Kemenkumham) mempunyai tugas dan fungsi di bidang hak asasi manusia, peraturan perundang-undangan, administrasi hukum umum, hak kekayaan intelektual, pemasyarakatan, dan keimigrasian. Laporan kinerja instansi pemerintah (LAKIP) Kemenkumham tahun 2017 menyebutkan bahwa 2 (dua) indikator kinerja utama (IKU) Kemenkumham, yaitu indeks integritas memiliki target nilai 3.3 dan indeks reformasi birokrasi memiliki target nilai 85. Hasil evaluasi pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi Kemenkumham tahun 2017 menyebutkan bahwa nilai indeks integritas adalah 3.14 dan nilai indeks reformasi birokrasi adalah 76.33, sehingga target IKU yang sudah ditetapkan tidak tercapai. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat kesiapan Kemenkumham dalam mengimplementasikan manajemen pengetahuan dan rekomendasi apa yang perlu diberikan terhadap hasil analisis untuk meningkatkannilaipenyelenggaraanreformasibirokrasidiKemenkumham. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kombinasi yang menggabungkan metode kualitatif dan metode kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif digunakan pada saat penyusunan kerangka teoretis dan penyusunan rekomendasi. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengumpulkan pendapat pegawai Kemenkumham dan melakukan pembobotan faktor dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumennya. Pembobotan dilakukan dengan menggunakan analitycal hierarchy process (AHP). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, tingkat kesiapan Kemenkumham berada pada nilai 3.995 yang berarti Kemenkumham siap mengimplementasikan manajemen pengetahuan dengan sedikit peningkatan. Rekomendasi perbaikan diberikan kepada indikator dengan nilai kesiapan di bawah 4.2 atau indikator di bawah tingkat siap untuk mengimplementasikan manajeme n pengetahuan.

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) has duties and functions in the fields of human rights, legislation, general law administration, intellectual property rights, correctional and immigration. The 2017 Kemenkumham government agency performance report (LAKIP) states that 2 (two) key performance indicators (IKU) of Kemenkumham, namely the integrity index has a target value of 3.3 and the bureaucratic reform index has a target value of 85. The results of 2017 Kemenkumham bureaucratic reform implementation mention that the integrity index value is 3.14 and the bureaucratic reform index value is 76.33, so the target IKU that has been set is not achieved. The study was conducted to determine the extent of Kemenkumham readiness in implementing knowledge management and what recommendations need to be given to the results of the analysis to increase the value of implementing bureaucratic reform at Kemenkumham. This study uses a combination research method that combines qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are used when compiling theoretical frameworks and formulating recommendations. The quantitative method is used to collect the opinions of Kemenkumham employees and do factor weighting using a questionnaire as an instrument. Weighting is done using the analitycal hierarchy process (AHP). Based on the results of the analysis, the level of readiness of Kemenkumham is at the value of 3,995 which means that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is ready to implement knowledge management with a slight increase. Improvement recommendations are given to indicators with readiness values below 4.2 or indicators below the level ready to implement knowledge management."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Setiawan Tri Wahyudi
"Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan (BSKAP) merupakan salah satu unit utama dalam struktur organisasi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek), yang mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan penyusunan standar, kurikulum, dan asesmen pendidikan serta pengelolaan sistem perbukuan. Dalam mendukung tugas dan fungsinya, BSKAP memiliki program pada rencana strategis organisasi untuk menerapkan manajemen pengetahuan (KM). Meskipun demikian, hingga saat ini penerapan KM belum terealisasi karena tidak yakin sepenuhnya mengenai kesiapan organisasi. Sehingga untuk mencapai keberhasilan perlu dilakukan pengukuran tingkat kesiapan penerapan KM di BSKAP. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain exploratory. Model penelitian ini dikembangkan berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya dan hasil validasi pakar. Terdapat 22 faktor yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kesiapan penerapan KM di BSKAP, yaitu motivasi (individu dan pimpinan), sumber daya manusia (SDM), komitmen (individu dan pimpinan), inovasi dan kreativitas, goodwill (pimpinan), integritas, performance expectancy, effort expectance, social expectancy, penghargaan, kebijakan, kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi, kerja sama, lingkungan, monitoring dan evaluasi, network, kesempatan, anggaran, change management, IT, dan sarana prasarana. Data dikumpulkan dari 382 pegawai BSKAP dan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang dilakukan, didapatkan nilai kesiapan penerapan KM di BSKAP adalah sebesar 80,6% atau masuk dalam level receptive menurut skala Rao. Level ini memiliki arti bahwa BSKAP telah siap dalam menerapkan KM, namun masih dapat melakukan peningkatan kesiapan menuju pada level optimal. Salah satu bentuk peningkatan kesiapan tersebut adalah melakukan pembenahan pada faktor sumber daya manusia.

The Educational Standards, Curriculum and Assessment Agency (BSKAP) is one of the main units in the organizational structure of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, which has the task of organizing the preparation of standards, curriculum, and educational assessments as well as the management of the bookkeeping system. In supporting its duties and functions, BSKAP has a program in the organization's Strategic Plan to implement knowledge management (KM). However, until now BSKAP has not realized it because it is not fully sure about the readiness of the organization. So that to achieve success, measurement of the level of readiness for the application of KM in BSKAP is carried out. This study uses an exploratory design. This research model was developed based on previous research and the results of expert validation. There are 22 factors used to measure the level of readiness to implement KM in BSKAP, namely motivation (individual and leadership), human resources (HR), commitment (individual and leadership), innovation and creativity, goodwill (leadership), integrity, performance expectancy, effort expectance, social expectancy, awards, policies, leadership, organizational culture, cooperation, environment, monitoring and evaluation, network, opportunity, budget, change management, IT, and infrastructure. Data were collected from 382 BSKAP employees and based on the results of calculations carried out, it was found that the value of readiness for implementing KM in BSKAP was 80.6% or included in the receptive level according to the Rao scale. This level means that BSKAP is ready to implement KM, but can still make improvements to the optimal level. One form of increasing readiness is to make improvements to the HR."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Restia Dwi Oktavianing Tyas
Lembaga XYZ merupakan lembaga pemerintahan non-struktural yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepada presiden yang berfungsi untuk mengendalikan program-program prioritas, komunikasi politik, dan pengelolaan isu strategis. Perubahan komponen sumber daya manusia yang terjadi dalam periode yang singkat menyebabkan banyaknya pengetahuan individu yang belum terdokumentasi untuk dapat digunakan kembali dalam mendukung pengambilan keputusan dan penyelesaian permasalahan di Lembaga XYZ. Selain itu, pengetahuan individu tersebut akan hilang seiring dengan berakhirnya masa bakti sumber daya manusianya. Maka dibutuhkan prosedur manajemen pengetahuan untuk mengelola pengetahuan tersebut. Implementasi manajemen pengetahuan harus memperhitungkan risiko kegagalan yang dapat dikurangi dengan mengetahui kesiapan organisasi dalam menerapkan manajemen pengetahuan tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengukuran kesiapan implementasi manajemen pengetahuan dengan menggunakan aspek abstrak, budaya organisasi, struktur organisasi, lingkungan fisik, infrastruktur teknologi informasi, penerimaan individu, dan kemauan terlibat manajemen pengetahuan. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa level kesiapan organisasi berada pada level receptive yang berarti bahwa Lembaga XYZ siap dalam mengimplementasikan manajemen pengetahuan namun dengan memperbaiki aspek lingkungan fisik dan dimensi penghargaan pada aspek budaya organisasi.
The XYZ institution is a non-structural government institution that is directly responsible to the president which functions to control priority programs, political communication, and management of strategic issues. Changes in the components of human resources that occur in a short period of time cause a lot of individual knowledge that has not been documented to be reused in supporting decision making and problem solving at the XYZ Institution. In addition, the individual's knowledge will be lost along with the end of the service period of his human resources. Then knowledge management procedures are needed to manage this knowledge. The implementation of knowledge management must take into account the risk of failure that can be reduced by knowing the readiness of the organization in implementing the knowledge management. This study discusses the measurement of knowledge management implementation readiness using abstract, organizational culture, organizational structure, physical environment, information technology infrastructure, individual acceptance, and willingness to engage knowledge management. The results of this study state that the level of organizational readiness is at the receptive level, which means that the XYZ Institution is ready to implement knowledge management by improving the physical environment and reward aspects.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafid Mukhlasin
"Kementerian Keuangan Kemenkeu memiliki unit eselon satu yang bertugas melaksanakan pendidikan dan pelatihan diklat di bidang keuangan negara yaitu Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan BPPK . Terkait dengan reformasi birokrasi Kemenkeu, terdapat peluang untuk memperkuat peran BPPK sebagai badan diklat agar dapat memainkan peran yang lebih besar yaitu dengan menjadi corporate university atau unit teknis yang memiliki peran strategis dalam pengembangan SDM di Kemenkeu. Berdasarkan teori, salah satu elemen penting yang harus ada pada sebuah organisasi untuk menjadi corporate university adalah manajemen pengetahuan KM . Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah BPPK belum memiliki mekanisme untuk mengelola pengetahuan tersebut. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, BPPK perlu membangun sistem manajemen pengetahuan sehingga memudahkan setiap individu untuk berbagi pengetahuan yang bermanfaat bagi organisasi. Sebagai langkah awal, diperlukan persiapan yang matang untuk mengurangi kegagalan dalam penerapannya yaitu dengan mengukur tingkat kesiapan penerapan KM. Oleh karenanya penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur tingkat kesiapan penerapan KM di BPPK sehingga dapat memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan kesiapannya. Tingkat kesiapan ini diukur berdasarkan pemetaan variabel KM Infrastructure, KM Enabler, dan KM Critical Success Factor yang kemudian dipetakan ke dalam aspek hard, soft dan abstract. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan metode survei tehadap sampel pegawai BPPK. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensial uji T untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang tingkat kesiapan BPPK. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diketahui bahwa BPPK berada pada tingkat receptive yang mengindikasikan bahwa semua indikator pada variabel: infrastruktur; lingkungan fisik; budaya organisasi; struktur organisasi; kepemimpinan; pembelajaran; kemampuan keahlian motivasi; pengetahuan umum; dan strategi KM, sudah sangat mendukung untuk diterapkannya KM di BPPK.

Financial Education and Training Agency FETA is an Echelon I in Ministry of Finance MoF which has a major task to held trainings in the field of state finance. Regarding to the bureucracy reformation in MoF, there are some opportunities to strengthen the major function of FETA as stated above, so that FETA could play more important roles in terms of education and training. One of that opportunities is reforming FETA into corporate university or the technical unit which has a strategic role in improving the quality of the human resources in MoF. Furthermore, base on theory that one of the important elements that should exist in an organization to become a corporate university is knowledge management. The problem which occurs in FETA is that the organization does not have specific mechanisms to manage the knowledge. Moreover, to overcome that problem, the organization need to build a knowledge management system that allows each individual to share useful knowledge for the organization. As the first step, it needs a good preparation to lessen the failure in implementing it which is by measuring the readiness level of knowledge management implementation. Therefore, this study aims to measure the readiness level of knowledge management implementation in FETA in order to provide recommendations for improving the readiness of it. The readiness level is measured based on the variables mapping including Knowledge Management Infrastructure, Knowlege Management Enabler, and Knowledge Management Critical Success Factor and then mapped into the aspect of hard, soft and abstract. The data were collected by using a sample survey method which were gathered from the employees of FETA. The data are then analyzed descriptively and inferentially T test to get the description about the readiness level of FETA in implementing knowledge management. Based on this research, it can be concluded that FETA is at the receptive level of readiness in implementing knowledge management. It indicates that all the indicators in variabel infrastructure physical environment organizational culture, organizational structure leadership learning ability and motivation skills general knowledge and strategies KM, have been very supportive to the implementation of knowledge management in FETA"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdullah Jamil
"Industri dirgantara saat ini sangat berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan sangat berguna bagi industri lainnya. Pengetahuan dalam industri dirgantara dapat ditemukan pada kelompok penelitian dan komunitas yang menjalankan fungsi penelitian maupun pengembangan. Organisasi dirgantara bercirikan teknologi yang kompleks, rumit, terampil dan mahal. Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan harus dikelola dengan baik. LAPAN merupakan lembaga yang melaksanakan tugas di bidang penelitian dan pengembangan dirgantara. Penerapan manajemen pengetahuan (MP) merupakan salah satu target organisasi. Berdasarkan laporan evaluasi capaian rencana induk TI, salah satu permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah implementasi manajemen pengetahuan tidak berhasil (not achieved). Organisasi yang bermaksud mengimplementasikan MP, perlu mengetahui terlebih dahulu apakah organisasi tersebut telah siap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kesiapan MP di LAPAN dan memberikan rekomendasi. Kerangka kesiapan dibangun dari analisis faktor penentu keberhasilan, fondasi MP, dan pendukung MP. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Likert dan penentuan bobot faktor menggunakan analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LAPAN sudah siap untuk implementasi MP namun perlu perbaikan dengan nilai 79,2%. Rekomendasi bagi organisasi diantaranya adalah membangun struktur organisasi MP, menyusun strategi MP, mengoptimalkan sarana berbagi pengetahuan dan menyusun kebijakan dan standar.

Aerospace industry plays an important role in economic growth and useful for the other industries. Knowledge in the aerospace industry can be found in research groups and communities which carry out functions both in design and development programs. Aerospace instituion characterized by complex, complicated, skilled and expensive technologies. Therefore, knowledge should be managed properly. LAPAN is an institution that carries out tasks in the field of aerospace research and development. The implementation of KM is one of the organizational targets. The IT master plan evaluation report stated that one of the problems it had founded, that the implementation of knowledge management was not achieved and before an organization implements KM, it is necessary to know whether the organization is ready. This study aims to measure the KM readiness at LAPAN and provide recommendations. The readiness framework is built from the analysis of critical success factors, KM foundations, and KM enablers. Data collection using a questionnaire with a Likert scale and determining the weight of the factor using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The results of this study indicate that LAPAN is ready for KM implementation but need improvements with a value of 79.2%. The recommendations for the organizatation is to build KM organizational structure, develop an KM strategy, optimize the medium of knowledge sharing and arrange a policies and standards"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulianto Budi Prabowo
"Politeknik Statistika STIS (Polstat STIS) merupakan perguruan tinggi kedinasan di lingkungan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Polstat STIS memegang peranan penting untuk menghasilkan sumber daya aparatur yang profesional, berintegritas, dan amanah dalam bidang statistik bagi BPS. Sesuai dengan fungsinya, Polstat STIS berkewajiban mengembangkan sivitas akademika melalui pelaksanaan tridharma perguruan tinggi. Namun, laporan kinerja menunjukkan masih terhambatnya pelaksanaan tridharma perguruan tinggi di Polstat STIS. Permasalahan terkait kurangnya berbagi pengetahuan, akses sumber daya ilmiah, dan kolaborasi mengindikasikan perlunya manajemen pengetahuan (MP). Hal ini sejalan dengan program reformasi birokrasi BPS yaitu penerapan MP. Agar MP berhasil diterapkan, langkah awal yang perlu dilakukan adalah mengukur tingkat kesiapannya terlebih dahulu.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesiapan Polstat STIS dalam menerapkan MP serta memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan kesiapannya. Untuk itu, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penyusunan model kesiapan MP, pengukuran tingkat kesiapan, analisis hasil pengukuran, dan penyusunan rekomendasi. Model kesiapan disusun berdasarkan faktor penentu keberhasilan MP yang dikelompokkan ke dalam aspek individu, organisasi, budaya, teknologi, dan lingkungan fisik. Pembobotan melalui Analytic Hierachy Process (AHP) dilakukan pada aspek dan faktor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada dosen dan tenaga kependidikan. Selanjutnya, tingkat kesiapan diukur dengan mengacu pada skala Rao.
Dari hasil analisis, aspek individu dan teknologi berada pada tingkat siap, sedangkan aspek organisasi, budaya, dan lingkungan fisik berada pada tingkat permulaan. Secara keseluruhan nilai kesiapan MP Polstat STIS adalah 71% atau berada pada tingkat permulaan. Ini berarti Polstat STIS sudah mulai memiliki kesiapan dalam menerapkan MP. Faktor yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk ditingkatkan adalah tempat berbagi pengetahuan, kepemimpinan, komunikasi, strategi, dan kolaborasi. Rekomendasi yang diberikan di antaranya menyediakan tempat khusus dan memaksimalkan area untuk bertemu dan berbagi pengetahuan, membentuk unit atau tim untuk mengelola pengetahuan, mengalokasikan anggaran untuk penerapan MP, serta menyusun strategi dan peraturan terkait MP.

Polytechnic of Statistics (Polstat STIS) is an official college of Statistics Indonesia (BPS). Polstat STIS plays an important role in producing professional, integrity, and trustworthy apparatus resources in the statistical field for BPS. In accordance with its function, Polstat STIS is obliged to develop academicians through the implementation of the three pillars of higher education. However, the performance report shows that the implementation of the three pillars of higher education is still hampered in the Polstat STIS. Problems related to lack of knowledge sharing, access to scientific resources, and collaboration indicate the need for knowledge management (KM). This is in line with the BPS bureaucracy reform program, namely the application of KM. In order for KM to be successfully implemented, the first step that needs to be done is to measure the level of readiness first.
The purpose of this study is to determine the level of readiness of Polstat STIS in implementing KM as well as providing recommendations to improve its readiness. For this reason, in this study, formation of the KM readiness model, measurement of readiness level, analysis of measurement results, and establishment of recommendations are prepared. The readiness model is compiled based on the KM critical success factors grouped into individual, organization, culture, technology, and physical environment aspects. Weighting through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is carried out on aspects and factors. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to lecturers and staffs. Furthermore, the level of readiness is measured by referring to the Rao scale.
From the results of the analysis, individual and technology aspects are at the ready level, while organization, culture, and physical environment aspects are at the preliminary level. Overall the score of Polstat STIS KM readiness is 71% or at the preliminary level. This means that Polstat STIS has begun to have readiness in implementing KM. The main priority factors to be improved are places for sharing knowledge, leadership, communication, strategy, and collaboration. Recommendations given include providing a special place and maximizing the area to meet and share knowledge, form a unit or team to manage knowledge, allocate a budget for implementing KM, and develop strategies and regulations related to KM.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Sudibyo
"Sistem Perbendaharaan dan Anggaran Negara SPAN adalah sebuah sistem yang dirancang dengan mengintegrasikan proses penganggaran, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan keuangan negara. Kepuasan pengguna layanan SPAN masih di bawah target yang ditetapkan 3,54 dari 4,06 . Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kecepatan respon service desk yang masih rendah. Kinerja service desk dipengaruhi kondisi proses manajemen pengetahuan yang belum berjalan optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kesiapan penerapan manajemen pengetahuan di Direktorat Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Perbendaharaan SITP dan memberikan rekomendasi berupa strategi perbaikan jika terdapat faktor yang belum siap. Kerangka kerja pengukuran kesiapan manajemen pengetahuan Direktorat SITP menggunakan Knowledge Management Critical Success Factor KMCSF yaitu budaya organisasi, struktur organisasi, sumber daya manusia, teknologi informasi, kepemimpinan dan strategi, dan lingkungan fisik. Penelitian dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner berskala likert survey research yang ditujukan kepada pegawai Direktorat SITP sebagai objek penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan metode statistik deskriptif, Direktorat SITP mempunyai nilai rata-rata sebesar 4.05368 ready but needs a few improvement . itu berarti Direktorat SITP telah siap untuk mengimplementasikan manajemen pengetahuan, namun masih perlu melakukan beberapa perbaikan.

The Treasury System and State Budget SPAN is a system designed to integrate the process of budgeting, implementation and reporting of state finances. User satisfaction SPAN is still below the target set 3.54 from 4.06 . One reason is the speed of response service desk is still low. Performance of service desk is affected by conditions of knowledge management process that has not run optimally. This study aims to measure the level of readiness of implementation of knowledge management in the Directorate of Technology Treasury and Information System SITP and provide recommendations in the form of improvement strategies if there are factors that are not ready. The level of readiness is measured using a knowledge management Knowledge Management Critical Success Factor KMCSF ie organizational culture, organizational structure, human resources, information technology, leadership and strategy, and the physical environment. Research carried out quantitatively using a Likert scale questionnaire survey research , addressed to the employees of the Directorate SITP as research objects. According to analysis by descriptive statistical methods, Directorate SITP has an average value of 4.05368 ready but needs a few improvement . These values indicate that the Directorate of SITP ready to implement knowledge management, but still need to do some improvement
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alissa Baby Safiera
"Salah satu cara pengembangan karier pegawai adalah melalui promosi pegawai. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan untuk pengangkatan pegawai tidak murni berdasarkan penilaian atas bobot tugas, tanggung jawab dan wewenang tetapi kadang lebih ditentukan karena faktor diluar hal tersebut, antara lain kedekatan pegawai dengan pimpinan. Di lingkungan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM saat ini sedang dilaksanakan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang transparan dan obyektif di lingkungan Kementerian dengan menggunakan sistem open bidding dan fit and proper test untuk mendapatkan calon pejabat eselon I dan II yang sesuai kompetensi di bidangnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pelaksanaan pengangkatan pegawai dalam Jabatan Struktural di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI, dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan pengangkatan pegawai dalam Jabatan Struktural di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pelaksanaan pengangkatan pegawai di Kemenkumham terdapat factor penghambat, yaitu subyektivitas pimpinan, ketidakjelasan peraturan pengangkatan, dan hasil ujian yang bersifat rahasia. Selain itu, penambahan materi yang diujikan bagi beberapa pegawai justru menimbulkan demotivasi.

In order to get qualified personnel is through promotion. However, the conditions set for the hiring was not purely based on an assessment of the weight of the duties, and responsibilities but sometimes more determined because of factors beyond that, among other civil proximity with the leaders. In the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is currently being implemented to improve the quality of human resources in a transparent and objective to use open bidding system and the fit and proper test for candidates according to its competence in the field.
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Title Structural appointments in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and determine the factors that affect the implementation of the Title Structural appointments in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This study uses a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques such as interviews and literature study. The results prove that the implementation of employment in Kemenkumham are inhibiting factors, subjectivity leadership, unclear rules, and the test results are confidential.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Addy Wahyu Fitriadi
"Pada tahun 2011, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) melakukan pembaharuan dan perubahan yang mendasar terhadap sistem penyelenggaraan kegiatan statistik dengan melakukan Reformasi Birokrasi (RB). Salah satu program yang ingin dicapai dalam RB adalah mengembangkan manajemen pengetahuan (knowledge management/KM). Tidak semua organisasi yang mengimplementasikan KM akan berhasil. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan pengukuran tingkat kesiapan organisasi (KM readiness) sebelum melakukan implementasi KM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kesiapan BPS RI sebelum mengimplementasikan KM dan memberikan rekomendasi berupa strategi perbaikan jika terdapat faktor yang belum siap. Kerangka kerja kesiapan KM BPS RI dibangun berdasarkan KM enabler, infrastruktur KM, serta KMCSF yang dikelompokkan ke dalam aspek abstract, soft, dan hard. Penelitian ini merupakan survey research di mana objek penelitiannya adalah pegawai BPS RI. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Stratified single stage cluster sampling digunakan sebagai metode penarikan sampelnya dengan jumlah responden sebesar 268 responden. Data hasil pengolahan diolah menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Dari hasil analisis, BPS RI mempunyai nilai kesiapan sebesar 70,91% (tingkat 3/ready). Nilai tersebut menunjukan bahwa BPS telah siap untuk mengimplementasikan manajemen pengetahuan.

In 2011, BPS - Statistics Indonesia perform a fundamental changes to the implementation system of statistical activities by doing bureaucratic reform (RB). One of the RB program is to develop a knowledge management (KM). Not all organizations that implement KM will succeed. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the degree of organization’s KM readiness prior to the implementation of KM. This study aims to find out BPS RI readiness before implementing KM and provide recommendations in the form of improvement strategy if there are factors that are not ready. BPS RI’s KM readiness framework is built based on KM enablers, KM infrastructure, as well as KMCSF then grouped into KM aspects (abstract, soft, and hard). This study is a survey research in which the object of research is the BPS RI employees. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Stratified single stage cluster sampling is used as a sampling method with the number of respondents is 268 respondents. Data processing results processed using descriptive analysis. From the analysis, BPS RI KM readiness value is 70.91% (level three/ready). These values indicate that BPS RI is ready to implement knowledge management.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Adi Prayogo
"Pengembangan sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu bagian dari manajemen sumber daya manusia yang harus dilaksanakan oleh organisasi. dalam organisasi publik, Pengembangan SDM dilakukan untuk meningkatkan knowledge, skill dan abilities PNS di maksud. Di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 11 Tahun 2017 tentang Manajemen PNS yang menyatakan bahwa setiap PNS memiliki hak untuk memperoleh pengembangan kompetensi selama dua puluh jam pelajaran dalam satu tahun. Pengembangan kompetensi dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi setiap PNS melalui berbagai kegiatan, salah satunya dengan melaksanakan pendidikan dan pelatihan (Diklat). Diklat dapat dilaksanakan dengan berbagai metode baik secara klasikal maupun non-klasikal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian terapan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi terhadap strategi pengembangan SDM yang di lakukan oleh Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia melalui Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Hukum dan HAM dan Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Hukum dan HAM. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap informan internal dan eksternal yang berjumlah sebanyak sepuluh informan. Informan internal di antaranya Sekretaris Badan, Kepala Bidang Program di Pusat Pengembangan Diklat Teknis dan Kepemimpinan dan Pusat Pengembangan Diklat Fungsional dan HAM serta Kepala Pusat Penilaian Kompetensi. Sedangkan, informan eksternal BPSDM Hukum dan HAM di antaranya, Kepala Kantor Wilayah, Kepala Divisi Administrasi dan Kepala Bagian Pengembangan Karir di Biro Kepegawaian. BPSDM Hukum dan HAM dan Balai Diklat Hukum dan HAM memiliki tugas dan fungsi untuk melaksanakan pengembangan SDM terhadap seluruh PNS di lingkungan Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. BPSDM Hukum dan HAM dan Balai Diklat Hukum dan HAM saat ini menyelenggarakan pengembangan SDM dengan melaksanakan pendidikan dan pelatihan (Diklat) melalui daring dengan metode Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) dan e-learning. Diklat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan sasaran strategis BPSDM Hukum dan HAM yang berpedoman pada rencana strategis Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Dalam pengembangan SDM yang dilakukan oleh BPSDM dan Balai Diklat Hukum dan HAM terdapat faktor penghambat, sehingga perlu adanya strategi pengembangan SDM yang sesuai dan dapat dilaksanakan oleh BPSDM Hukum dan HAM dan Balai Diklat Hukum dan HAM. BPSDM Hukum dan HAM telah mencanangkan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Corporate University, yang diharapkan mampu menjawab permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan SDM

Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development
Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development.Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development.Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development.Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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