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Fashila Desfianti
"Tesis ini membahas pengaruh penerapan membaca kritis dalam proses pembelajaran kemahiran membaca bahasa Jepang pada tingkat universitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian praeksperimental yang melibatkan dua kelompok pemelajar yang terbagi dalam kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan eksplanasi tentang penerapan kegiatan membaca kritis dan pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan pemelajar dalam proses pembelajaran kemahiran membaca TBJ. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pemelajar Indonesia jurusan bahasa Jepang sebagai bahasa asing (JFL) yang telah menerima pemelajaran bahasa Jepang selama dua tahun di universitas. Pemelajar di kelas eksperimen menerima pembelajaran kemahiran membaca dengan kegiatan membaca kritis, sedangkan pemelajar di kelas kontrol menerima pembelajaran kemahiran membaca dengan strategi membaca cepat dan latihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan membaca kritis tidak dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemelajar secara signifikan. Namun, hasil kuesioner dan wawancara menunjukkan bahwa respon pemelajar terhadap penerapan kegiatan membaca kritis cukup positif. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tes terbuka lebih tepat diberikan kepada kelompok pemelajar yang mendapatkan kegiatan membaca kritis dibandingkan dengan tes pilihan ganda. Kendala yang dialami oleh pemelajar ketika mengikuti pembelajaran kemahiran membaca dengan kegiatan membaca kritis yaitu kesulitan dalam pemahaman kosakata dan struktur kalimat yang digunakan dalam teks berbahasa Jepang.

This thesis discusses the implementation of critical reading in the learning process of Japanese language reading skills on undergraduate level. This study is a pre-experimental study involving two groups of learners, which are divided into control and experimental classes. It aims to explain the effect of critical reading implementation on learners ability to comprehend Japanese texts in Japanese reading class. The study population was Indonesian learners majoring in Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) who have been studying Japanese for two years in university. In the experimental class, students received reading skills learning with critical reading activities, while students in the control class received reading skills learning with speed reading strategies and exercises. The result showed that the implementation of critical reading could not significantly improve learners reading abilities. However, the result of the questionnaire and interviews indicate that the students response to the implementation of critical reading activities was quite positive. In addition, the result showed that the use of open-ended questions is more appropriate to assess critical reading rather than multiple choice test. The constraints which were experienced by students when they took part in this course is understanding vocabulary and sentence structures which are used in Japanese texts.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauziatul Husna, authoor
Penggunaan bahan ajar yang tepat akan memudahkan proses belajar
sehingga tujuan pemelajaran dapat dicapai. Penggunaan bahan ajar harus melalui
proses pemilihan dan penyesuaian bahan ajar. Tesis ini melaporkan hasil studi
kasus terhadap dua kelas pengajaran bahasa Inggris dan bertujuan untuk
menyelidiki proses pemilihan dan penyesuaian bahan ajar yang dilakukan oleh
pengajar serta persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan bahan ajar oleh pengajar,
khususnya dalam pengajaran kemahiran membaca. Selain itu, faktor pengalaman
mengajar pengajar juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu variabel dalam penelitian ini.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditemukan bahwa dalam pemilihan bahan ajar,
pengajar pemula dan pengajar berpengalaman menjadikan faktor kesesuaian
dengan materi pokok dan kemahiran bahasa pelajar sebagai kriteria utama dalam
memilih bahan ajar untuk pengajaran kemahiran membaca. Dalam penyesuaian
bahan ajar, kedua pengajar mengaku bahwa kemahiran bahasa pelajar juga
menjadi faktor yang paling sering menyebabkan diperlukannya penyesuaian
bahan ajar. Dalam penelitian itu terlihat bahwa pengalaman mengajar memberikan
kematangan emosional kepada pengajar sehingga mereka menjadi ahli dalam
mengelola kelas. Sementara itu, ditemukan juga bahwa secara umum pelajar di
kedua kelas yang menjadi objek penelitian memiliki persepsi positif terhadap
penggunaan bahan ajar oleh pengajar pemula dan pengajar berpengalaman.

Decent use of materials will lead to a successful learning process and vice
versa. Thus, teachers are required to first select the best material and then adapt it
based on the learners’ specific needs and learning context. This thesis reports on a
case study that investigates the process of selecting and adapting learning
materials by both novice and experienced teachers in the teaching of reading, as
well as learners’ perception toward teachers’ use of learning materials. The
findings show that in the materials selection process, novice and experienced
teacher concluded that the compatibality to the curriculum and learners’ language
proficiency are the most important criteria in selecting reading materials. In the
materials adaptation process, both teachers agreed that learners’ language
poficiency was the factor that most often make an adaptation process required.
The findings show that in this research, teaching experience affects teachers’
performance in the way that it give teachers emotional intelligence to manage and
control the class well. Furthermore, the data from learners show that generally all
learners in both classes have positive perception toward teachers’ use of reading
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pangkuh Ajisoko
Penelitian ini mengkaji strategi metakognitif ketika proses membaca teks berbahasa Inggris dilakukan oleh pemelajar Indonesia. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 15 orang pemelajar universitas. Mereka adalah mahasiswa semester 4 dari fakultas ekonomi, di sebuah universitas di Jakarta Pusat. Pemelajar tersebut tergolong dalam tingkat kemampuan berbahasa Inggris menengah madya . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1 mengidentifikasi ragam strategi metakognitif yang digunakan mahasiswa dalam membaca teks dalam bahasa Inggris, 2 memaparkan frekuensi penggunaan strategi metakognitif pemelajar ketika membaca teks dalam bahasa Inggris, dan 3 menelaah hubungan penggunaan strategi metakognitif dengan hasil belajar dalam membaca teks bahasa Inggris. Mahasiswa diminta membaca sebuah teks berbahasa Inggris dengan cara menyuarakan pikiran mereka ketika mencoba memahaminya. Hal ini dikenal dengan metode think-aloud protocol TAP . Verbalisasi mereka direkam dengan alat perekam. Kemudian, data rekaman tersebut ditranskripkan. Terakhir, data tersebut dihubungkan dengan hasil belajar mereka di kelas bahasa Inggris. Pemelajar menggunakan 15 strategi dari 18 yang terklasifikasi ke dalam tiga fase membaca yaitu merencanakan, memantau, dan evaluasi. Ragam strategi metakognitif terbukti memiliki hubungan positif terhadap hasil belajar membaca mahasiswa. Sementara, frekuensi penggunaan strategi terbukti memiiki korelasi yang cukup baik terhadap hasil membaca mahasiswa.

This research examines the use of metacognitive strategies when Indonesian university students are reading English passages. The subjects of this study were 15 university students. They are the 4th semester students from faculty of economics in University X in Central Jakarta. The purposes of this research were 1 to identify the variety of metacognitive strategies that learners used in reading English, 2 to expose the frequency of the use of metacognitive strategies, and 3 to see the relationship between the use of metacognitive strategies and the learning result. Learners were asked to read a text by vocalizing their thoughts while trying to comprehend it. This is known as the method of think aloud protocol TAP . Their verbalization was recorded with a tape recorder. Then, the recorded data were transcribed. Finally, the data were correlated with the results of learning test. Learners used 13 strategies that are classified into 3 stages of reading i.e. planning, monitoring, and evaluating. The variety of metacognitive strategies is shown to have a positive relationship to the learning result of the learners. However, the frequency of metacognitive strategies has a fair correlation with the learning result."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisaa Paradisa
"Siswa EFL sering mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami teks bahasa Inggris. Kasus ini dialami oleh siswa kelas enam di sebuah sekolah swasta di Bogor. Concept Mapping adalah alat yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami apakah Concept Mapping dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembelajaran untuk siswa kelas enam untuk meningkatkan pemahaman bacaan mereka. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menyelidiki persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan Concept Mapping. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas. Data untuk penelitian dikumpulkan dalam tiga siklus selama sembilan minggu yang melibatkan kelas 17 siswa EFL kelas enam SD. Pada setiap siklus, siswa menggunakan Concept Mapping dengan strategi scaffolding yang berbeda. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan catatan lapangan, lembar pengamatan, tes pemahaman membaca, kuesionner, dan wawancara. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan analisis interpretif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan penggunaan Concept Mapping dengan strategi scaffolding tertentu dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa. Semakin banyak dan konsisten scaffolding yang diberikan, semakin meningkat pemahaman membaca siswa. Siswa juga merespon secara positif terhadap penggunaan concept mapping.

AbstractEFL students often have difficulties in comprehending English texts. Such case is experienced by a class of sixth grade students in a private school in Bogor. Concept mapping is a tool that can be used to improve students rsquo reading comprehension. This study aims to understand whether Concept Mapping can be utilized as a learning tool for sixth graders to improve their reading comprehension. It also aims to investigate students rsquo perceptions toward the use of Concept Mapping. This is a quantitative and qualitative study that uses a classroom action research design. Data for the study was collected in three cycles for nine weeks involving a class of 17 sixth grade EFL students. Field notes, observation sheets, reading comprehension tests, questionnaires and interview questions are used as research instruments to collect data. The data are analyzed using descriptive statistics and interpretive analysis. Based on the results of the reading comprehension tests, the study finds that students made a slight improvement in comprehending texts. Moreover, the test scores mean shows that there is a progress after the implementation of Concept Mapping, which means these young students are able to utilize it. They also respond positively toward the use of Concept Mapping. However, they require a certain scaffolding strategy to use it.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisah Durrotul Fajri
Pemahaman membaca Bahasa Inggris merupakan keterampilan yang sangat penting untuk dikuasai oleh pemelajar di Indonesia. Namun demikian, pemahaman membaca Bahasa Inggris telah menjadi masalah tersendiri bagi pemelajar di Indonesia. Free Voluntary Reading FVR merupakan dalah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman membaca Bahasa Inggris pemelajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti penyelenggaraan dua tipe FVR, yaitu in-school free reading ISFR dan self-reported free reading SRFR , dengan menggunakan media laman ER-Central. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ISFR lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman membaca pemelajar. Selain itu, dari kuesioner yang disebarkan setelah program ISFR dan SRFR selesai, pemelajar dari kedua kelas memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap program yang mereka ikuti. Dengan demikian FVR merupakan metode pembelajaran membaca yang patut diterapkan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman membaca pemelajar.

English reading comprehension is a very important skill to be acquired by Indonesian students. Indonesian students of all levels would experience English exams including English reading comprehension tests either in national school exams or in university admission exams. However, English reading comprehension has long been a problem for many Indonesian students, especially for high school students. Implementing a Free Voluntary Reading FVR program is one way to enhance English reading comprehension for Indonesian students. This study aims to investigate two types of FVR, in school free reading ISFR and self reported free reading SRFR , which involves using the Extensive Reading Central website. The results show that ISFR is more effective in improving students rsquo English reading comprehension. Questionnaires were distributed to both classes to investigate the students rsquo perception towards the two types of FVR programs. The results show that students from both classes have positive perception towards the program they participated in. Thus, FVR can be a worthy teaching method to promote students rsquo reading comprehension.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fina Febriani
Motivasi membaca merupakan isu penting dalam jenjang pendidikan dasar (Saw,
2014). Siswa yang tidak tertarik atau tidak aktif dalam aktivitas membaca di usia
sekolah dasar umumnya tidak akan mengembangkan motivasi membaca di usia
sekolah menengah dan seterusnya (Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). Untuk dapat
meningkatkan motivasi membaca, banyak strategi yang dapat dilakukan,
diantaranya adalah melalui pengajaran strategi membaca dan pembuatan jurnal
membaca. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah program intervensi
berupa pengajaran strategi membaca RAP dan pembuatan jurnal membaca dapat
meningkatkan motivasi membaca pada siswa yang tergolong underachiever. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan pengajaran strategi membaca RAP dan pembuatan jurnal
membaca dapat meningkatkan motivasi membaca pada siswa yang tergolong
underachiever, namun peningkatan tersebut tidak signifikan.

Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If
students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is
unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later
(Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies
that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries.
This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and
reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The
result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries
can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is
not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If
students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is
unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later
(Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies
that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries.
This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and
reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The
result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries
can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is
not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If
students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is
unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later
(Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies
that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries.
This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and
reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The
result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries
can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is
not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If
students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is
unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later
(Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies
that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries.
This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and
reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The
result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries
can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is
not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If
students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is
unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later
(Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies
that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries.
This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and
reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The
result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries
can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is
not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If
students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is
unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later
(Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies
that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries.
This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and
reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The
result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries
can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is
not significant.;Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If
students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is
unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later
(Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies
that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries.
This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and
reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The
result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries
can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is
not significant., Reading motivation is an important issue in elementary school (Saw, 2014). If
students do not become active, engaged readers in elementary school, it is
unlikely that they will develop reading motivation in secondary school and later
(Pecjak & Kosir, 2004). To enhance reading motivation, there are many strategies
that can be apllied, such as teaching reading strategies dan making reading diaries.
This study is conducted to prove whether RAP reading strategy teaching and
reading diaries can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student. The
result of this study shows that RAP reading strategy teaching and reading diaries
can enhance reading motivation of underachiever student, but this enhancement is
not significant.]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2000
418.4 SOE s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmi Tri Sutanthi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan panduan pemilihan teks autentik yang
tepat guna untuk kemahiran membaca tingkat lanjut, khususnya lanjut menengah
dan lanjut tinggi dalam pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing
(BIPA). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian
diambil melalui penyebaran angket untuk pemelajar, wawancara untuk pengajar,
dan dokumentasi lembaga berupa kurikulum kemahiran membaca tingkat lanjut
(BIPA 3) serta teks-teks autentik yang digunakan di kelas. Panduan dirancang
dengan menggunakan kriteria pemilihan teks autentik yang dikemukakan oleh
Tomlinson dan Masuhara (2004) yang mempertimbangkan empat faktor penting
dalam memilih teks autentik, yaitu faktor pengajar, kebutuhan pemelajar,
kurikulum lembaga, dan teks autentik. Temuan penelitian berupa panduan
pemilihan teks autentik yang memiliki tiga kriteria utama, yaitu pengajar,
pemelajar, dan teks autentik yang digunakan di kelas. Selain itu, pengajar juga
perlu mempertimbangkan pemakaian teks autentik yang berjenjang sesuai tujuan
pembelajaran dalam kurikulum. Kemudian, untuk menunjang skemata pemelajar,
perlu dibuat pemetaan topik-topik teks yang sudah dipelajari pada tingkat-tingkat
sebelumnya. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah motivasi pemelajar dan tujuan
pembelajaran merupakan faktor yang sangat berperan dalam memilih teks autentik
sebagai bahan ajar di kelas membaca. Selain itu, faktor kenyamanan pengajar saat
menggunakan teks autentik sebagai bahan ajar juga tidak boleh terabaikan dengan
alasan penguasaan pengajar terhadap topik teks oetntik yang digunakan di kelas

This research aims to develop guidelines for authentic text selection for the
Indonesian as a Foreign Language Reading Class at Advanced Level, particularly
in advanced intermediate and advanced high. This research uses a descriptive
qualitative method. The data were taken through a questionnaire for learners,
interview for teachers, and documentations of the institution in the form of
advanced reading skills curriculum (BIPA 3) and authentic texts to be used. The
guidelines are designed by following the authentic text selection criteria proposed
by Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004) which considering four important factors in
selecting authentic texts, namely teachers, learners needs, curriculum institutes,
and the authentic text. The research findings are in the form of guidelines for
authentic text selection which has three main criteria, namely teachers, learners,
and the authentic text. The research also found that teachers need to consider the
use of authentic grading texts which appropriate to learning objectives in the
curriculum. Then, to support the learners‟ schemata, the mapping of text topics
which have learned in previous levels need to be made. There are some
conclusions of this research. First, learners‟ motivation and learning objectives are
important factors in choosing authentic texts as teaching materials for reading
classes. Furthermore, the teachers‟ convenience when use authentic texts in class
should be considered cause the reason of teacher mastery with the topic of
authentic texts used in class."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas pengajaran keterampilan membaca menggunakan metode peer-assisted learning strategies PALS dan metode tradisional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimental dengan ancangan pre-test post-test control group dan teknik sample purposive sampling. Data diperoleh dari pre-test, post-test, kuesioner motivasi membaca, kuesioner persepsi pemelajar terhadap metode PALS dan wawancara.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik metode PALS maupun metode tradisional sama-sama dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca teks recount secara signifikan namun kelompok eksperimen lebih unggul. Walaupun demikian metode PALS terbukti meningkatkan motivasi membaca pemelajar dan penerapan metode ini juga mendapat respon positif dari mereka. Oleh karena itu, peneliti merekomendasikan penggunaan metode PALS dalam pengajaran keterampilan.

This study examines the teaching of reading skills using peer assisted learning strategies PALS method and the teaching of reading skills using traditional method. This study is quasi experimental with pre test post test control group and uses purposive sampling. The data were obtained from the results of the pre test, post test, the questionnaire of reading motivation and the students perception toward PALS method and the interview.
The study shows both methods improve the students reading skills significantly but the students in the experimental group achieved a higher score compared with the students in the control group. In addition, PALS method has increased the students reading motivation and the students taught with PALS method had a positive perspective toward the implementation of this method. Thus, the researcher recommends the use of PALS method in improving the reading skills of students in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Megawati Asellia Putri
Dalam sebuah pameran, terdapat komposisi solid dan void yang keduanya saling berhubungan untuk mengakomodir struktur pameran secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu, void merupakan elemen yang penting dalam struktur pameran. Pameran terdiri dari struktur spasial dan narasi yang masing-masing memiliki komposisi void di dalamnya. Maka dari itu, void tidak hanya dibaca dalam wujud fisik struktur spasialnya, namun lebih jauh lagi, void dapat dibaca sebagai sebuah konsep yang memiliki perluasan makna dalam struktur narasinya. Skripsi ini mempelajari lebih dalam mengenai wujud, peran, dan mekanisme void dalam pameran Dunia Komik yang diselenggarakan di Galeri Nasional. Melalui pembacaan void dalam pameran tersebut, makna void menjadi lebih luas karena memiliki wujud dan peran yang bermacam-macam.

In an exhibition, there is a relationship between the composition of solid and void that accomodate the whole exhibition structure. Therefore, void is an important element in the exhibition structure. The exhibition consists of spatial and narrative structure that each have a void composition within. Void is not only read in the physical form of spatial structure, but also can be read as a concept that has an extension of meaning in its narrative structure. This thesis examines more about forms, roles, and void mechanisms of the Dunia Komik exhibition which held at the Galeri Nasional. Through the reading of void in the exhibition, the meaning of void becomes more extensive because it has a variety of forms and roles."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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