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Adam Thoriq
"Persaingan dalam industri penyiaran televisi di Indonesia memiliki sistem oligopolisitk yang menggambarkan dominasi beberapa pelaku pasar. Dalam hal ini, Grup MNC menjadi korporasi yang memiliki tingkat pangsa pemirsa dan pangsa iklan tertinggi dalam industri penyiaran televisi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menganalisiss bagaimana Grup MNC berhasil mencapai tingkat pangsa pemirsa tertinggi di Indonesia. Penulis menganalisis dengan menggunakan model rantai nilai yang mencakup tahapan-tahapan yang terdiri dari content creation atau acquisition, packaging atau aggregating, scheduling, distribution platform atau conduit, dan user interface untuk menunjukkan efektivitas perumusan manajemen stratejik yang menghasilkan tingginya tingkat pangsa pemirsa. Tingginya tingkat pangsa pemirsa memberikan dampak pada pendapatan Grup MNC melalui pangsa iklan.

The competition of Television Broadcasting Industry in Indonesia has an oligopoly system that illustrates the dominancy of several market participants. In this regard, the MNC Group has become the corporation that has the highest audience share and advertising share in the television broadcasting industry in Indonesia. This study analyzes how the MNC Group managed to reach the highest level of audience share in Indonesia. The author analyzes by using value chain model, consisted of content creation or acquisition, packaging or aggregating, scheduling, distribution platform or conduit, and user interface to show the effectiveness of strategic management formulation that results in a high level of audience share. The high level of audience share has an impact on MNC Group revenues through advertising share."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Saufa Yardha
"Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus terhadap program televisi anak bermuatan edukasi, yaitu program “Jalan Sesama”. Penelitian berfokus pada analisis dinamika yang dihadapi “Jalan Sesama” dalam proses produksi dengan sistem co-production dan distribusi program melalui industri penyiaran televisi. Proses penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan pengumpulan data berupa wawancara serta dokumentasi rekaman arsip. Hasil penelitian menemukan gambaran proses dinamika yang di dalamnya terdapat sejumlah permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh program “Jalan Sesama”. Permasalahan itu ditemukan dalam tahap praproduksi, produksi, pascaproduksi, dan distribusi program. Permasalahan dalam tahap praproduksi adalah kesulitan merumuskan konsep tentang nilai-nilai yang merepresentasikan Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam tahap produksi adalah tantangan untuk dapat merumuskan ide cerita bermuatan edukasi dengan tetap menjaga aspek yang menghibur dan menyenangkan bagi anak. Permasalahan dalam tahap pascaproduksi adalah memastikan bahwa program yang diproduksi memiliki dampak positif bagi anak serta memenuhi kriteria karya audiovisual yang berkualitas. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menemukan permasalahan
utama yang cukup signifikan dalam tahap distribusi program. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah kondisi media penyiaran televisi di Indonesia yang masih sangat berorientasi komersial. Sementara “Jalan Sesama” adalah program edukasi yang bersifat non-profit oriented dan tidak menyetujui adanya penayangan iklan. Permasalahan lainnya timbul karena peran lembaga penyiaran publik yang tidak dapat diharapkan oleh adanya kebijakan tertentu
yang tidak wajar dalam biaya tayang program. Permasalahan yang ada semakin rumit ketika peran pihak regulator dan regulasi yang mengatur bidang penyiaran televisi di Indonesia saat ini, belum memadai untuk mendukung keberlanjutan program televisi anak bermuatan edukasi seperti “Jalan Sesama”.

This research is a case study about children educational content television program which is “Jalan Sesama” program. This research focused on the analysis of the dynamic in the production process by co-production system and the program distribution through the television broadcasting industry. This research conduct by qualitative approach and collecting data method by the depth interview and archives documentation recording. This research find a picture of dynamic process in “Jalan Sesama” production which contain several problems. The problems are include the pra-production, production, postproduction, and distribution process. The problem in preproduction program is the difficulties to formulate the concept about any values that representing Indonesia. The problem in production process is how to formulating the educational story idea with constantly keep the fun and pleasure aspect for children. The problem in postproduction process is to ensure that the program which has been produced give positive impact for children and fill the criteria of qualified audiovisual creation. The another problem that more significant find in the process of program distribution. The problem is the condition of television broadcasting industry landscape that commercial oriented. While “Jalan Sesama” is the educational program that has non-profit oriented and do not agree with the commercial advertising. The role of public television station also cannot be hoped, because there is a certain policy that not proper for the airing program cost. The challenge become more complex when the role of regulator and regulation who is regulate the television broadcasting sector do not have serious action to support the continuity of children educational television program as “Jalan Sesama"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Hin Ari Pratama
"Di Indonesia implementasi secondary market pada lembaga penyiaran swasta televisi secara tidak langsung telah terjadi dalam bentuk pengalihan saham perusahaan sehingga Ijin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran IPP yang didalamnya terdapat alokasi spektrum frekuensi radio ikut berpindahtangan. Dampaknya terjadi monopoli dan broker spektrum frekuensi radio, tidak ada manfaat untuk pemerintah dan membatasi pemilik modal yang potensial. Ini terjadi karena belum ada regulasi yang mengatur secondary market pada lembaga penyiaran swasta televisi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini diharapkan menghasilkan usulan model implementasi secondary market pada lembaga penyiaran swasta.Dalam penelitian ini usulan model secondary market diperoleh dengan benchmarking implementasi secondary market di Amerika Serikat, Australia, Guatemala dan Selandia Baru. Untuk menentukan parameter penilaian dilakukan Indepth Interview dengan stakeholder dalam industri penyiaran. Selanjutnya untuk memberikan penilaian yang rinci dan sistematis terhadap potensi dampak dari usulan model dan mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan dari aspek manfaat, biaya dan efeknya maka dianalisa menggunakan metode Regulatory Impact Analysis RIA .
Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh 3 usulan model secondary market yaitu model status quo tidak ada secondary market , model secondary market dengan mekanisme langsung dan model secondary market dengan mekanisme melalui badan pengawasan independen. Setelah dinilai dari aspek biaya dan manfaat dengan metode Plus-Minus Implication PMI didapatkan hasil model 1 mendapatkan nilai -10, model 2 mendapatkan nilai -2 dan model 3 mendapatkan nilai = 8, sedangkan dengan metode Multi Criteria Analysis MCA didapatkan hasil model 1 mendapatkan nilai 129, model 2 mendapatkan nilai 239 dan model 3 mendapatkan nilai = 180.Hasil analisis RIA terhadap 3 usulan model secondary market, usulan 3 dipilih sebagai opsi terbaik berdasarkan keunggulan penilaian dari parameter penataan spektrum frekuensi, pengendalian spektrum, kompetisi dan transparansi yang dapat mencegah monopoli spektrum frekuensi radio serta dari sisi konten yang isinya lebih beragam dengan adanya pengawasan dari badan independen dalam proses secondary market.

Secondary market has been implemented in Indonesia television private broadcasting institutions indirectly by stock acquisition including Ijin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran IPP and allocation of radio frequency spectrum. The impacts is spectrum monopoly and no benefit for government. This happens because there are no regulations governing the secondary market in Indonesia television private broadcasting institutions. Therefore, this research is expected to produce proposal of secondary market implementation model at private broadcasting institution .The proposed secondary market model obtained by benchmarking the implementation of secondary markets in the United States, Australia, Guatemala and New Zealand. To determine the assessment parameters conducted Indepth Interview with stakeholders in the broadcasting industry. To provide a detailed and systematic assessment of the potential impact of the proposed model and to achieve the desired objectives from the aspects of benefits, costs and effects it is analyzed using the method of Regulatory Impact Analysis RIA.
This research proposed 3 secondary market model that is status quo model no secondary market , direct secondary market model and secondary market model through independent agency. After assessed from cost and benefit aspect with Plus Minus Implication PMI method, the result of model 1 get value 10, model 2 get value 2 and model 3 get value 8, whereas with Multi Criteria Analysis MCA method model 1 get value 129, model 2 get value 239 and model 3 get value 180.After analyzed by RIA method, the secondary market model through independent agency choosed as the best option based on the superiority of the assessment of frequency spectrum arrangement parameters, spectrum control, competition and transparency that can prevent the radio frequency spectrum monopoly as well as from a more diverse content side with the supervision of independent bodies in the secondary market process
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faisol Riza
"Pemenuhan garam industri nasional bersinggungan dengan garam konsumsi karena pengadaannya melibatkan pasokan dari garam impor dan lokal sekaligus. Dalam rantai nilai garam industri ini para aktor dalam berbagai kepentingan saling terkait dalam pola interaksi dan hubungan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktor-aktor yang terlibat dan keterhubungan mereka dalam fungsi dan aliran rantai nilai garam industri, menganalisis tata kelola yang membentuk pola hubungan antar aktor tersebut, dan memformulasikan strategi perbaikannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivisme dengan pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder, melalui wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan observasi lapang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa aktor utama yang terlibat dalam rantai nilai utama garam industri adalah petambak garam lokal (produksi), pengumpul/pedagang (penyimpanan dan pengangkutan), perusahaan pengolah garam (pengolahan), dan perusahaan pengguna garam (konsumsi industrial). Tipe tata kelola yang terjadi antara perusahaan pengguna dan pengolah garam adalah modular, antara perusahaan pengolah dan pedagang/pengumpul relasional, antara pedagang/pengumpul dan petambak captive. Selain itu, terjadi pula tipe tata kelola hierarki pada bentuk usaha garam integratif yang dijalankan oleh PT Garam (dan sebagian perusahaan swasta sejenis), dan tipe pasar pada hubungan antara pengguna atau pengolah garam dengan pemasok garam asal impor. Dalam pola rantai nilai tersebut, petambak berada pada posisi yang semakin lemah akibat ekses sentimen dari pasokan garam impor. Perbaikan tata kelola rantai nilai garam industri diarahkan dengan pengarusutamaan hubungan langsung antara petambak garam dan perusahaan pengolah dalam tipe modular melalui penguatan institusi petambak dan reorientasi bisnis PT Garam untuk pasar garam industri.

The fulfillment of national industrial salt intersects with consumption salt because it involves supplies of both imported and local salt. In the industrial salt value chain, actors in various interests are interrelated in certain patterns of interaction and relationships. This study aims to analyze the actors involved and their interrelationships in the functions and flows of the industrial salt value chain, analyze the governance that shapes the pattern of relations between these actors, and formulate improvement strategies. This study uses a post-positivistic approach through primary and secondary data collection, with interviews, documentation studies, and field observations. Based on the research results, it was found that the main actors involved in the main value chain of industrial salt are local salt farmers (production), collectors/traders (storage and transportation), salt processing companies (processing), and salt user companies (industrial consumption). The type of governance that occurs between user companies and salt processors is modular, between processing companies and traders/collectors is relational, between traders/collectors and farmers is captive. In addition, there is also a type of hierarchical governance in the form of an integrative salt business run by PT Garam (and several similar private companies), and a market type in the relationship between salt users or processors and suppliers of imported salt. In this value chain pattern, salt farmers are in an increasingly weak position due to excess sentiment from imported salt supplies. Improving the governance of the value chain governance was formulated by mainstreaming a direct relationship between salt farmers and processing companies in a modular type through strengthening farmer institutions and reorienting PT Garam's business to the certain industrial salt market."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dudi Hendrakusuma Syahlani
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran konteks internal terhadap proses inovasi manajemen dan pengaruhnya pada kinerja perusahaan. Konteks internal organisasi diteliti dari beberapa variabel yang terdiri dari enacted environment, kepemimpinan inovasi, strategi bisnis, disain organisasi, dan kapabilitas organisasi. Penelitian ini berargumen bahwa proses inovasi manajemen dapat memberikan pengaruh kepada kinerja perusahaan dengan dukungan peran konteks internal organisasi dengan menggunakan konsep dan kerangka kerja inovasi manajemen yang dikembangkan oleh Birkinshaw, Hamel dan Mol (2008) dan inovasi manajemen dipercaya akan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dan menciptakan keunggulan sumber daya saing.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian level organisasional dan menguji hipotesisnya pada salah satu perusahaan media penyiaran televisi nasional di Indonesia dengan menggunakan teknik sequential equitation methodology (SEM). Selain itu penelitian ini juga menggunakan analisis kualitatif melalui forum group discussion (FGD) dan wawancara kepada pihak eksternal.
Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan fenomena proses inovasi manajemen yang terjadi di perusahaan yang memiliki two sided market serta peningkatan salah satu kinerjanya yang belum beriringan di Indonesia. Melalui penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa proses inovasi manajemen berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan dan konteks internal organisasi enacted environment, kepemimpinan dan kapabilitas organisasi berperan dan memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap proses inovasi manajemen, namun konteks internal strategi bisnis dan disain organisasi terbukti belum memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap proses inovasi manajemen di unit analisis penelitian ini.
Berdasarkan telaah lebih lanjut melalui FGD, interview dengan pihak eksternal serta tinjauan pustaka lebih lanjut, ditemukan bahwa faktor korporat memiliki peran atas pengaruh konteks internal organisasi terhadap proses inovasi manajemen. Pada penelitian ini diduga bahwa faktor korporat menjadi penghambat peran konteks internal organisasi strategi bisnis dan disain organisasi terhadap keberlangsungan proses inovasi manajemen di dalam unit analisis penelitian, sehingga belum memberikan dampak optimal pada peningkatan dua kinerja perusahaan two sided market secara beriringan.

The Research was meant to study the role of internal context on the management innovation process and its influence on the company performance. The Organisation?s internal context was analysed through several variables namely: enacted environment, innovation leadership, business strategy, organisational design, and organisational capabilities. The Research argued that the management innovation process can influence the company performance through the support of the role of organisation?s internal context based on the concept and framework developed by Birkinshaw, Hamel, and Mol (2008). Management innovation is believed will increase company performance and create competitive advantage.
The Research is an organisational level research and tests its hypotheses on one of national broadcasting television media company in Indonesia utilising sequential equitation methodology (SEM), qualitative analysis through forum group discussion (FGD) and interviews with external parties.
The Research?s contributions are to give explanation on the phenomenon of management innovation process in a two-sided market company in Indonesia with and the rise of performance in only one of its market. The finding of the Research is the management innovation process positively influences the company?s performance while the internal context of the organisation namely the enacted environment, organisational leadership and capabilities positively influence the management innovation process. However the business strategy and organisational design internal contexts are proven to not give a positive influence on the management innovation process in this Research?s analysis unit.
A further research through FGD, interviews with external parties, and library studies shows the corporate factor plays a role in determining how the organisational internal contexts give effects to the management innovation process. In this Research, it is assumed that the corporate factor is the limiting factor which hinder the role of business strategy and organisational design internal contexts in the continuation of management innovation process in the Research?s analysis unit, therefore yielding a less optimal effect on the side-by-side performance increase of a two-sided market company."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramon Bangun
"Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur daya saing dan pola tata kelola rantai nilai industri aparel Indonesia dalam rantai nilai global serta mengembangkan strategi industri aparel Indonesia masa depan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan industri aparel Indonesia mampu bertahan ditengah persaingan global meskipun diterpa berbagai permasalahan. Namun demikian, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir pertumbuhan industri aparel Indonesia melambat. Untuk memahami lebih jauh mengapa industri aparel Indonesia mengalami stagnasi, dilakukan analisis rantai nilai dan melihat faktor pembatas dengan model sistem dinamis.Struktur daya saing unik telah terbentuk pada industri aparel Indonesia, dimana temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang menyebabkan industri aparel Indonesia mampu bertahan ditengah persaingan global adalah keberhasilan memproduksi barang medium-up, yang utamanya ditentukan oleh 2 faktor dari Cho, yaitu: 1 wirausaha dan 2 peluang serta satu faktor baru, yaitu 3 hubungan historis berdasarkan trust. Akibat dari keberhasilan memproduksi barang medium-up, dua faktor yaitu: 4 tenaga kerja serta 5 manajer dan insinyur professional, yang tadinya merupakan penghambat merubah menjadi pendorong peningkatan daya saing industri aparel Indonesia.Penyebab adanya stagnasi pada ekspor produk aparel adalah karena industri aparel Indonesia hanya melakukan aktivitas yang bernilai tambah rendah, dimana tingkatan keterlibatan pada rantai nilai adalah original equipment manufacturing OEM . Meskipun sudah memproduksi produk yang medium-up, pada umumnya industri aparel Indonesia belum siap untuk memasuki ODM dan OBM karena keterbatasan sumber daya. Pola tata kelola adalah relational. Disamping itu, penyebab lain adalah kurangnya kapasitas produksi. Jadi, strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan share ekspor adalah dengan membuat kebijakan yang membuat entrepreneurs berminat untuk melakukan investasi dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas SDM serta kapasitas mesin dan peralatan.

This paper aims to identify the competitiveness structure and the value chain governance pattern of Indonesia apparel industries in global value chain and also develop future strategy of Indonesia apparel industry. The research is a case study to determine the factors that enable Indonesian apparel industry to survive in global competition even hit by several problems using Cho rsquo s Nine Factor model. Although Indonesia apparel industry can survive in global competition, the growth gets slower. In order to analyze why Indonesia apparel industry is stagnant, an analysis on Gereffi rsquo s value chain model is conducted, and restricting factors are analyzed by using a system dynamics model.Unique competitiveness structure has been developing in Indonesia apparel industry, where the research shows that Indonesia apparel industry rsquo s competitiveness is caused by the movement to medium up products. The drivers are only two out of nine Cho rsquo s factors, namely 1 entrepreneurs and 2 opportunities. There is one new factor that makes the movement become successful, which is 3 historical relationship based on trust. As the result of the product upgrading to medium up goods successfully, there are two other factors that support the enhancement of the Indonesia apparel industry competitiveness, namely 4 workers and 5 professional. While, three factors hindering competitiveness, which are 6 business environment, 7 supporting and related industry, and 8 politicians and bureaucrats, could be solved even by increasing cost. And 9 domestic demand, even though it does not hinder, it does not support the competitiveness.The reason that the export is stagnant is that Indonesia apparel industry only involves in lower value added activity, where the stage of involvement in value chain is original equipment manufacturing OEM . In grneral, Indonesia apparel industry is not ready to perform functional upgrading to original design manufacturing ODM and or original brand name manufacturing OBM , due to the limitation of resources. The workers and professionals are enough for OEM, but have to increase to perform funcrional upgrading to ODM and or OBM. The value chain governance pattern is relational.The strategies that can be done in order to promote Indonesia apparel industry are to encourage entrepreneurs to invest in order 1 to increase the capacity of workers and professionals, both quality and quantity 2 to increase the production capacity."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Janah
"Tata kelola informasi (information governance) di Lembaga Penyiaran Publik Televisi Republik Indonesia (LPP TVRI) dilakukan oleh lintas fungsional untuk menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawab LPP TVRI sesuai dengan UU nomor 32 tahun 2002 tentang penyiaran serta visi LPP TVRI. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana lintas fungsional melakukan koordinasi bersama sehingga diketahui model tata kelola informasi di LPP TVRI dalam menciptakan informasi (materi siaran) menggunakan enterprise content management system. Lebih jauh penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat matrik model kematangan tata kelola informasi menggunakan Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (GARP) yang sudah diterapkan di LPP TVRI. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus eksploratoris guna melihat lebih jauh bagaimana praktik tata kelola informasi yang sudah dilakukan di LPP TVRI. Menggunakan Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diketahui model tata kelola informasi dilakukan oleh lintas fungsional untuk berkoordinasi dalam menciptakan materi siaran dalam tahapan daur hidup informasi. Masing-masing tahapan dianalisis menggunakan elemen bisnis, elemen hukum dan elemen pribadi dan keamanan, elemen teknologi informasi, serta elemen manajemen informasi dan rekod. Elemen-elemen tersebut dilakukan oleh masing-masing fungsional sesuai dengan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Daur hidup informasi yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing elemen saling terintegrasi dalam Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) pada aplikasi etere. Model tata kelola informasi yang telah diterapkan di lingkungan LPP TVRI berada pada tingkat 2 matrik model kematangan tata kelola informasi yang berarti model tata kelola informasi telah memberikan dampak di LPP TVRI namun belum memiliki kekuatan hukum atau standar baku dari organisasi.

Information governance in the Indonesian Television Public Broadcasting Institute (LPP TVRI) is carried out cross-functional to carry out the duties and responsibilities of LPP TVRI in accordance on Law number 32 of 2002 about broadcasting and LPP TVRI vision. This research was conducted to find out how crossfunctional coordination together so that the information management model in LPP TVRI is known in creating information (broadcast material) using an Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS). Furthermore, this study also aims to determine the matrix level model for information governance maturity using Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (GARP) which have been implemented in LPP TVRI. Thisresearch approach is qualitative with an exploratory case study method in order to see further how information governance practices have been carried out at LPP TVRI. Using the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM), it is known that the information governance model is carried out by cross-functional to coordinate in creating broadcast material in the stages of the information life cycle. Each stage is analyzed using business elements, legal elements and personal and security elements,
information technology elements, records and information management elements. These elements are carried out by each function in accordance with their duties and responsibilities. The information lifecycle carried out by each element is integrated with each other in the Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) in etere application. The information governance model that has been implemented in the LPP TVRI environment is at level 2 of the information management maturity model matrix, which means that the information governance model has had an impact on LPP TVRI but does not yet have legal force or standard from the organization.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sirait, Ramli
"The requirements of the community for information presently have become the major requirements in the daily living.
The existing information media, both newspapers and radio broadcast like the television broadcast must be able to meet the requirements on information in accordance with the era. With the sophisticated technology, satellites for broadcast relays, both radio and television broadcast have been developed. Furthermore, telecommunication technology and computer (digital technology) have set up an internet information media.
The competition has occurred between the television broadcasting industries, since the establishment of the television station RCTI in 1989, and later followed by SCTV, Indosiar and so forth. Until 2004, there are already 15 national private television stations.
The development of business industries on television broadcasting conducted competitively among these television broadcasts, had brought forth the issuance of Constitution No. 32 year 2002 on Broadcasting.
With the validity of the constitution, there has occurred a number of responses both pro and contra, due to the impact on the private television industries.
From the results of research, this had motivated the writer to further know the impact of Constitution No. 32 year 2002 on Broadcasting towards the business industries on television broadcast. The writer had carried out a Field Research through the distribution of questionnaires on 30 respondents in the program and technical divisions, and HRD of PT, RCTI.
In order to know the impact on the Constitution on Broadcasting No. 32 year 2002, some articles were considered very crucial, and the questionnaire data showed an independent variable, i.e. the crucial articles that influence the dependent variables (Broadcasting Program) having 15 articles. These articles will influence the development of the broadcasting stations and working outlines (DPK) of RCTI as the National Television.
With the issuance of the Constitution on Broadcasting No. 32 year 2002, this will influence the performance of RCTI, particularly in obtaining the competition of the market segments on advertisements already available. Conversely, Constitution on Broadcasting No. 32 year 2002, will protect the local programs and become a information and entertainment media adjusting with the Indonesian culture in supporting the Regional Autonomy Constitution.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhesi Dwinar Rumsari
"The existence of 11 television station in indonesia, make competition more strict Television station who in second position from three other station television was exist, make RCTI show they ability to produced their interesting programs and also for advertisement user For that PT Rajawali Citra Televisi indonesia as a one of the big private television which one has exist in 1989, force to expanding power of compete, if PT Rajawali Citra Televisl indonesia doesn?t want to left behind from other private television.
The target of this thesis is to know sketch of PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia competition profile among national television in Indonesia, how to indicate power of compete from television industry in Indonesia, and what PT Rajawali Citra Televisi indonesia strategy to face competition of television industry in indonesia. The approaching method used is descriptive analysis method. Meaning that this method describing and interpret the pass and present condition with qualitative approach. The analysis technique used is extemal environment analysis (macro and Eve forcess Ported and intemal environment analyis value chain, and also analysis with BCG Matrix.
The result from BCG analysis indicate that PT Rajawali Citra Televisi indonesia be in Cash Cow position, that is company who has market segment pretty high with low market growth, then altemative strategy recommended is product development and concentric diversification. The analysis five forces in industry considering output from external environment analysis has result that generic strategy which can be implemented is strategy cost leadership.
In the end of this thesis, writer conclude that the power and weakness in internal of PT Rajawali Citra Televisi indonesia, and opportunity from environment and also alternative and generic strategy which can be implemented. Writer suggest to PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia for more selective to chose trade fields for diversification trade, need to prepare human resources, technology, investment and how important to make a good relationship with regulation television business maker."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Hendy Suharyanto
"Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang strategi stasiun televisi dalam merespons pasar, Metodologi yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan structure, conduct. performance. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan pemetaan struktur pasar industry penyiaran televisi yang berbentuk oligopoly dan adanya keterkaitan antara struktur, prilaku dan performa dari yang dilakukan objek penelitian. Peneliti menyarankan agar pelaku industry lebih responsif terhadap pasar. Pengenalan struktur pasar sangat menentukan strategi yang akan diambil dalam merespon pasar. Peneliti juga menyarankan adanya penelitian lanjutan mengenai pola persaingan antar pemain dalam pasar ataupun persaingan dalam relung yang sama.

This research explained about television station strategy in response the market. The method of this research use qualitative with approached of structure, conduct and performance. Data obtained through deep interview, observation and documentation study. In this research found cartography of market structure industry broadcast television with oligopoly form and also a connection between structure, conduct and performance from the object research. Researcher suggests that industry performer can be more responsive to the market. Introduction of market structure very determine the strategy that taken in response the market. Researcher also suggest that there should have an advanced research about competitive system between player on market or competitive on the same path."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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