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Almukantar Fikriansyah
"Kegiatan pemasaran seperti periklanan yang dilakukan pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 masih menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan. Seperti apakah konsumen lebih memilih iklan dengan kesesuaian yang tinggi atau orisinalitas yang tinggi dalam menilai kreativitas iklan, serta apakah emosi positif berperan dalam memediasi kesesuaian dan orisinalitas iklan terhadap niat pembelian? Responden penelitian berjumlah 220 orang yang berdomisili di wilayah Jabodetabek dan sudah menggunakan Gojek. Pengumpulan jawaban responden menggunakan penyebaran kuesioner daring serta menggunakan skala 7 poin semantik diferensial terhadap tiga iklan Gojek yang diunggah selama masa pandemi. Penelitian menggunakan analisis mediasi sederhana dengan menggunakan metode Process Macro model 4. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa orisinalitas iklan memiliki efek positif yang signifikan terhadap niat pembelian Gojek. Kesesuaian iklan memiliki efek positif yang tidak signifikan terhadap niat pembelian Gojek, serta emosi positif memiliki efek mediasi orisinalitas dan kesesuaian iklan yang signifikan terhadap meningkatkan niat pembelian Gojek.

Marketing activities such as advertising during the Covid-19 pandemic still raises many questions. Such as whether consumers prefer ads with high appropriateness or high originality in assessing advertising creativity, and whether positive emotions play a role in mediating ad appropriateness and originality towards purchase intention? The research respondents amounted to 220 people who live in the Greater Jakarta area and already uses Gojek. The collection of respondents' answers uses online questionnaire and uses a 7-point differential semantic scale for the three Gojek advertisements uploaded during the pandemic. The research uses a simple mediation analysis using the Process Macro model 4 method. The results show that advertising originality has a significant positive effect on Gojek's purchase intention. Ad appropriateness has an insignificant positive effect on Gojek's purchase intention, and positive emotions have a significant mediating effect on originality and ad appropriateness on increasing Gojek's purchase intention."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carissa Lorens Marchia Raharja
"Meningkatnya penggunaan internet telah mempengaruhi perkembangan travel agent. Pertumbuhan internet juga menjadi pemicu para milenial melakukan wisata. Namun, pandemi Covid-19 membuat para milenial harus mempertimbangkan risiko dalam niat pembelian di travel agent. Penelitian ini ingin mempelajari bagaimana persepsi risiko mempengaruhi niat pembelian travel agent secara online pada masa pandemi Covid-19.
Terdapat enam persepsi risiko yang diukur yaitu, risiko keuangan, risiko produk, risiko, keamanan, risiko waktu, risiko sosial, dan risiko psikologis. Survei akan dilakukan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 310 responden yang akan difokuskan kepada generasi milenial sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada masa pandemi, keenam persepsi risiko yang diukur memiliki pengaruh yang negatif terhdap niat pembelian pada online travel agent. Risiko produk, risiko waktu, dan risiko psikologis menjadi ketiga risiko yang memiliki pengaruh negatif tertinggi terhadap niat pembelian online pada masa pandemi Covid-19.Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa pandemi mengubah perilaku konsumen dalam melihat risiko yang akan dihadapinya. Dengan memahami persepsi risiko, perusahaan travel agent dapat mengurangi persepsi risiko yang akan berdampak negatif kepada niat pembelian dari konsumen.

The increasing use of the internet has influenced the development of travel agents with the existence of online travel agents. The growth of the internet is also one of the triggers for millennials to travel. However, the Covid-19 pandemic makes millennials have to consider the risks in their purchase intentions at travel agents. This research wants to study how perceived risks affect online purchase intention of travel agencies during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are six perceptions of risk that are measured, namely, financial risk, product risk, risk, security, time risk, social risk, and psychological risk.
The survey will be carried out by distributing questionnaires to 310 respondents who will focus on the millennial generation as respondents. The results showed that during a pandemic, the observed risk of perception had a negative effect on purchase intentions of online travel agents. Product risk, time risk and psychological risk are the three risks that have the highest negative influence on online purchase intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic.The results also show that the pandemic changes consumer behavior in seeing the risks they will face. By understanding the differences in risk perceptions, companies can reduce perceived risks that will have a negative impact on consumer purchase intentions.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadli Rezasyah Alam
"Tesis ini menganalisis pengaruh tingkat kreativitas iklan, need for uniqueness dan need for cognition, terhadap sikap terhadap iklan (attitude toward the ad), sikap terhadap merek (attitude toward the brand), serta minat membeli (purchase intention) konsumen. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dan merupakan riset konklusif yang bersifat kausal dimana bertujuan untuk menguji hipotesis dan khususnya untuk memeriksa hubungan antara variabel - variabel dependen dan independen yang diuji.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dan hubungan yang positif antara kreativitas iklan dan need for uniqueness terhadap sikap dan minat membeli konsumen. Disisi lain penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh dan hubungan yang signifikan antara kreativitas iklan dan need for cognition terhadap sikap dan minat membeli konsumen. Sehingga dalam kaitannya dengan tingkat kreativitas iklan dapat dikatakan bahwa faktor need for uniqueness lebih mempengaruhi sikap dan minat membeli konsumen dibandingkan dengan faktor need for cognition.

This paper analyze the effect level of advertisement creativity, need for uniqueness and need for cognition, towards attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand andpurchase intention. This study used quantitative methods and was a conclusive research with causal type, which its objective was to test the hypothesis and specially to verify the relationship between its independent and dependent variables.
This study showed that there is positive effect and relationship between the levels of advertisement creativity and need for uniqueness towards consumerspurchase intention and attitudes. On the other hand, this study also showed that there is no effect and significant relationship between advertisement creativity and need for cognition towards consumerspurchase intention and attitudes. So in relation with the level of advertisement creativity, the need for uniqueness factor gives more effect on consumer?s purchase intention and attitudes than the need for cognition factor.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pipit Agustiyanti Mulyadi
"Pandemi Covid-19 yang menimbulkan kehawatiran secara global tidak hanya di Indonesia namun juga diseluruh dunia. Hal ini akibat virus corona yang mudah menyebar secara cepat terutama di akhir tahun 2019 yang menimbulkan kontaminasi cukup tinggi dan berdampak terhadap fenomena perubahan perilaku konsumen. Untuk mengatasi dampak dari Covid-19 itu sendiri, pelaku bisnis berupaya membuat terobosan dengan menu online yang menawarkan produk usaha mereka namun berpegang pada protocol kesehatan dengan meminimalisir risiko Covid-19, efek kontaminasi dan hygiene terhadap sentuhan produk yang ditawarkan untuk menarik minat beli konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh dari stimulus yang terdapat pada menu online terhadap keinginan membeli konsumen dan kaitannya dengan kontaminasi dimasa pandemi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada industry makanan dan minuman di Indonesia dengan menggunakan model Stimulus Organism Response melalui metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan confirmatory. Teknik pengumpulan melaui purposive sampling sebanyak 357 responden. Subjek penelitian adalah konsumen yang mengunjungi restoran dan melihat layanan menu online pada restoran selama pandemi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perception of covid-19 risk, hygiene, ease of app use, menu visual appeal, dan menu informativeness sebagai stimulus serta perceived uncontamination, perceived convenience dan desire for food sebagai organism yang menjadi pertimbangan konsumen akan purchase intention sebagai response. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat mengungkapkan bahwa yang mempengaruhi orang sekarang itu bukan hanya kecanggihan, tapi lebih memperhatikan hygiene dan kontaminasi.

The Covid-19 pandemic is causing global concern, not only in Indonesia but also throughout the world. This is due to the corona virus which spreads quickly, especially at the end of 2019 which causes quite high contamination. The perceived impact also highlights the phenomenon of changes in consumer behaviour. To overcome the impact of Covid-19 itself, marketer is trying to make breakthroughs with online menus that offer their business products but adhere to the health protocol by minimizing the risk of Covid- 19, the effects of contamination and hygiene on the touch of the products offered to attract consumer buying interest. The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect of online menu which used in businesses circumstances in restaurants by analysing the influence of the stimulus covid-19 risk, hygiene through perceived contamination, ease of app use through on perceived convenience and menu visual appeal and informativeness that effect desire for food to the consumer's purchase intention. This research was conducted in the food and beverage industry in Indonesia using the Stimulus Organism Response model through quantitative research methods with confirmatory research. Data collection techniques by electronic survey with convenience sampling technique as many as 357 respondents which consumers who shop for food using online menu at restaurants, especially during the pandemic. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that perception of covid-19 risk, hygiene, perceived contamination, perceived convenience, and desire for food are considered by consumers in their buying interest in food (purchase intention)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajrin Rimadhyani Firdaus
"Pandemi Covid-19 mendorong perubahan perilaku konsumen semakin cepat. Banyak konsumen melakukan belanja secara online dibandingkan belanja offline. Salahsatu kategori belanja online yang mengalami peningkatan selama pandemi Covid-19 adalah belanja bahan makanan. Salah satu bahan makanan yang menjadi pilihan konsumen adalah produk segar (buah, sayur, daging, frozen food). Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan peran pengalaman online pasca pembelian yang dimiliki konsumen (post-purchase online customer experience) dengan menganalisis persepsi yang dimiliki konsumen untuk mengintensifikasi pembelian kembali yang dimiliki konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui niat pembelian ulang yang dipengaruhi oleh post-purchase online customer experience, customer satisfaction dan trust yang dimiliki pelanggan terhadap e-commerce. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menyebar kuesioner secara online untuk menjangkau konsumen produk segar di Indonesia. SEM-PLS digunakan untuk menguji dan menganalisis model penelitian dengan sepuluh hipotesis dan 605 responden. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lima dimensi post-purchase online customer experience yaitu “delivery”, “product in hand”, “packaging”, “customer support”, dan “return and exchange” berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction sedangkan “benefits” tidak berpengaruh. Customer satisfaction berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap trust, begitu juga trust terhadap repurchase intention. Trust juga memiliki peran memediasi secara parsial customer satisfaction dengan repurchase intention. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa e-commerce perlu memperhatikan aspek post-purchase online customer experience untuk dapat mempertahankan pelanggan yang dimiliki.

Covid-19 has shifted Indonesia consumer’s shopping behavior, it shifted from offline shopping to online shopping. One of the online shopping categories that has increased during Covid-19 pandemi is grocery shopping. This study integrates the role of post purchase online customer experience by analyzing consumer perception to intensify their repurchase. This study aims to investigate how repurchase intention influenced by post purchase online customer experience, customer satisfaction and trust on e-commerce. An online survey was conducted in Indonesia to capture fresh food online shopper as participants. SEM PLS was utilized to test research model with ten hypothesis and analyzed data collected from 605 respondents. This study shows that five post-purchase OCE dimensions “delivery”, “product in hand”, “packaging”, “return and exchange”, and customer support significantly drive customers’ satisfaction. “Benefits” is not influential. Customer satisfaction found as significant contributor to trust. Trust revealed has significant impact to repurchase intention. Additionally, customer satisfaction partially mediated by trust to repurchase intention. The result of this study suggest that seller in e-commerce need to consider delivery, product in hand, packaging, ease of return and exchange, and responsive customer support to retain their customer."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nursyamsi Abdul Hamid
"Penyebaran wabah Covid-19 yang sangat masif mengharuskan pemerintah memberikan kebijakan untuk melakukan pembatasan aktivitas masyarakat demi menekan penyebaran Covid-19. Namun terdapat efek samping yang ditimbulkanyaiu, sejumlah industr, khususnya sektor informal, menjadi terhambat sehingga menurunkan kemampuan finansial masyarakat. Dengan begitu banyak masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah yang membutuhkan bantuan logistik maupun finansial untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Selain bantuan sosial dari pemerintah, masyarakat, khususnya yang lebih mampu dapat berkontribusi dalam pemberian donasi untuk membantu masyarakat menengah ke bawah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasarnya di tengah pandemi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat perilaku donasi masyarakat pada masa pandemi Covid-19 beserta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan faktor demografis dan sosial-ekonomi dalam memengaruhi keputusan untuk meningkatkan donasi, serta pendekatan theory of planned behavior dalam memengaruhi niat berdonasi pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuisioner dengan 444 responden yang pernah berdonasi pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa masyarakat menjadi lebih dermawan pada masa pandemi dengan meningkatkan jumlah maupun proporsi donasi mereka yang dipengaruhi secara positif oleh jumlah pendapatan dan status pernikahan, sedangkan jumlah tanggungan memengaruhi secara negatif. Dalam pendekatan theory of planned behavior, ditemukan bahwa sikap, persepsi kontrol perilaku, norma moral, dan perliaku masa lalu memengaruhi niat berdonasi pada masa pandemi.

The massive spread of the Covid-19 outbreak required the government to provide policies for restricting community activity to suppress Covid-19 deployments. However, there are side effects that some industries, especially the informal sector, are hindered, thereby lowering the financial ability of the community. With so many lower middle class people who need logistics and financial assistance to meet their daily needs. In addition to the social assistance of Governments, communities, especially those who are better able to contribute to the donation to help the middle-down community in fulfilling their basic needs in the middle of the pandemic. This study was conducted to see the behavior of public donations during the Covid-19 pandemic and the factors that affect it. The study used quantitative research methods with a demographic and socio-economic factors approach in influencing the decision to raise donations, as well as a theory of planned behavior approach in influencing the intent to donate during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data used was the primary data obtained through the dissemination of the questionnaire with 444 respondents who had donated during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study found that society became more philanthropic in the period of pandemic by increasing the amount and proportion of their donations positively influenced by the amount of income and marital status, while the number of dependents negatively affected. In the theory of planned behavior approach, it was discovered that attitudes, perceptions of behavioral control, moral norms, and past growth have influenced the intention of donating during a pandemic.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Gamaria Fatimah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perceived supervisory support terhadap tiga komponen employee well-being yakni life well-being, workplace well-being, dan psychological well-being dengan mediasi work-life balance pada generasi Milenial yang bekerja di industri IT khususnya di Pulau Jawa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode cross sectional dan menyebarkan kuesioner untuk pengumpulan data primer. Penelitian ini melibatkan 275 responden yang merupakan tenaga kerja yang tergabung dalam generasi milenial (lahir antara 1980-2000). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah structural equation modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived supervisory support memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap tiga komponen employee well-being yakni life well-being, workplace well-being, dan psychological well-being. Work-life balance juga ditemukan memediasi hubungan antara perceived supervisory support terhadap tiga komponen employee well-being yakni life well-being, workplace well-being, dan psychological well-being.

This study aims to determine the effect of perceived supervisor support on three components of employee well-being, namely life well-being, workplace well-being, and psychological well-being, by mediating work-life balance in Millennials. They work in the IT industry, especially in Java. This research is quantitative research using a cross-sectional method and distributing questionnaires for primary data collection. This research involved 275 respondents who are members of the millennial generation (born between 1980-2000). The data analysis technique used is structural equation modeling (SEM). The study results show that perceived supervisor support positively influences the three components of employee well-being, namely life well-being, workplace well-being, and psychological well-being. Work-life balance was also found to mediate the relationship between perceived supervisor support and the three components of employee well-being: life well-being, workplace well-being, and psychological well-being."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Uzmarina
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Information and communication technologies (ICTs) terhadap kepuasan kerja yang dimediasi oleh work family balance dan burnout para karyawan Industri Perbankan di Jabodetabek. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Model (SEM) yang diolah menggunakan software SPSS 22 dan smartPLS 3.3.9. Terdapat 240 yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karyawan menganggap ICT memiliki dampak yang kuat terhadap tuntutan (demands), dibuktikan dengan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap burnout. Lalu, ICT demands dan ICT resources memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan juga terhadap work-family balance. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa hanya burnout yang memediasi secara signifikan pengaruh antara ICT khususnya ICT demands terhadap kepuasan kerja.

The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the use of Information and communication technologies (ICTs) on job satisfaction mediated by work family balance and burnout on employees of the banking industry in Jabodetabek. This research is a quantitative study using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method which was processed using SPSS 22 software and smartPLS 3.3.9. In addition, there were 240 who participated in this study. The result of this study shows that employees perceive ICT to have a strong impact on demands which is proved by a significant effect on burnout. Moreover, ICT demands and ICT resources have a significant effect on work-family balance. In addition, it is found that only burnout significantly mediated the effect of ICT; especially, ICT demands on job satisfaction."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Adisurya Nugraha
"Pemesanan tiket hotel melalui Online Travel Agent (OTA) mengalami penurunan secara signifikan di masa pandemi COVID-19. Melihat permasalahan tersebut, perlu adanya strategi yang diterapkan oleh suatu hotel untuk dapat kembali meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Penerapan informasi mengenai protokol keamanan dan pemberian diskon kepada pengguna diharapkan dapat kembali meningkatkan pembelian tiket hotel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang dapat meningkatkan intensi pembelian tiket hotel dengan menganalisis pengaruh dari faktor safety information transparency dan economic benefits dengan pengaruh moderasi booking motivation terhadap intensi pembelian tiket hotel melalui OTA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental between subject 2 (safety information transparency: ada, tidak ada) x 2 (economic benefits: high, low) x 2 (booking motivation: business, leisure). Data responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 248 responden. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan menggunakan metode ANOVA dan analisis mediasi. Penelitian ini berhasil membuktikan bahwa pemberian safety information dan economic benefits meningkatkan perceived value dan attitude pengguna terhadap hotel. Namun terdapat perbedaan antara pengguna dengan booking motivation leisure dan business. Pada leisure traveler, safety information dan economic benefits memiliki pengaruh terhadap perceived value dan attitude, sedangkan untuk business traveler, safety information tidak berpengaruh terhadap perceived value dan attitude, sedangkan economic benefits hanya memiliki pengaruh terhadap attitude. Lebih lanjut, attitude dan perceived value juga terbukti dalam meningkatkan intensi pemesanan dan memediasi pengaruh safety information transparency dan economic benefits terhadap intensi pemesanan hotel. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan mengenai strategi pemasaran kepada pelaku bisnis OTA dan menjadi acuan dalam pengembangan fitur pada halaman pemesanan hotel.

Hotel tickets booking through Online Travel Agents (OTA) significantly decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seeing these problems, it is necessary to have a strategy implemented by a hotel to be able to increase their income. The application of information regarding security protocols and giving discounts to users is expected to increase the purchase of hotel tickets again. This study aims to analyze the factors that can increase the intention to purchase hotel tickets by analyzing the influence of safety information transparency and economic benefits factors with the moderating effect of booking motivation on the intention to purchase hotel tickets through OTA. This study uses an experimental method between subject 2 (safety information transparency: yes, no) x 2 (economic benefits: high, low) x 2 (booking motivation: business, leisure). Data respondents in this study amounted to 248 respondents. Hypothesis testing was done using ANOVA method and mediation analysis. This study succeeded in proving that the provision of safety information and economic benefits increases the perceived value and attitude of users towards the hotel. However, there are differences between users with motivational leisure and business bookings. For leisure travelers, safety information and economic benefits have an influence on perceived value and attitude, while for business travelers, safety information has no effect on perceived value and attitude, while economic benefits only has an effect on attitude. Furthermore, attitude and perceived value have also been shown to increase booking intentions and mediate the effect of safety information transparency and economic benefits on hotel booking intentions. This research is expected to provide insight into marketing strategies for OTA business people and become a reference in developing features on hotel booking pages."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakhrana Nadia Ramadhani
Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh sikap pada kreativitas iklan pada minat pembelian, studi kasus yang diambil adalah iklan digital dari merek es krim lokal yaitu Indo Eskrim. Kreativitas iklan diukur melalui tiga dimensi yaitu dimensi kebaruan (subskalaoriginalitas), dimensi resolusi (subskala logis), dimensi elaborasi dan sintesis (subskala dibuat dengan baik). Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara sikap kreativitas iklan terhadap minat pembelian, dimana subskala originalitas dan dibuat dengan baik mendominasi keseluruhan jawaban sikap terhadap iklan. Diketahui pula kreativitas iklan lebih berpengaruh terhadap perempuan dibanding laki-laki. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa usaha kreativitas iklan menghasilkan minat pembelian dalam tingkat sedang sebesar 32.9%.

This study is discussing about influence of attitude toward advertising creativity on purchase intention, that examined one of the local ice cream brand Indo Eskrim as a current study case. Creativity is measured through three dimensions which are novelty dimensions (originality subscale), resolution dimensions (logical subscale), and elaboration and synthesis dimensions (well-crafted subscale). This research is quantitative research. The results suggest that there is an influences between attitude toward advertising with purchase intention, where originality and well crafted subscales dominate the overall answer of attitude toward the advertising. However, advertising creativity have more influence on women than men. This study found that advertising creativity efforts generate purchase intention at 32.9% or moderate level.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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