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Almaas Saliani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesadaran kinerja lingkungan di PT Y Cabang X. Analisis dilakukan melalui kinerja lingkungan perusahaan dan kesadaran karyawan yang tercermin dalam perilaku karyawan di lingkungan perusahaan. PT Y Cabang X bergerak di bidang logistik, secara spesifik pada pengelolaan dan pengembangan pelabuhan yang aktivitas operasionalnya sebagian besar berhubungan langsung dengan lingkungan, khususnya laut sehingga peran perusahaan di lingkungan sekitarnya sangat besar. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data-data yang digunakan diperoleh melalui Laporan Keberlanjutan, wawancara dengan pihak terkait aktivitas lingkungan perusahaan, dan survei menggunakan kuesioner kepada 58 karyawan perusahaan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa manajemen dan karyawan PT Y Cabang X memiliki kesadaran kinerja lingkungan yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil analisis Laporan Keberlanjutan, hasil wawancara dan hasil survei kuesioner (4,2 dari skala 5). Adanya kesadaran lingkungan ini juga terlihat dari target kinerja lingkungan PT Y Cabang X di tahun 2022 yaitu meningkatkan PROPER dan mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 14001:2015.

This research aims to evaluate the environmental performance awareness at PT Y Branch X. The analysis is carried out through the company's environmental performance and employee awareness which is reflected in employee behavior in the company environment. PT Y Branch X is engaged in logistics, specifically in the management and development of ports whose operational activities are mostly directly related to the environment, especially the sea, so the company plays a significant role in the surrounding environment. The method in this research uses descriptive qualitative with a single case study approach. The data used were obtained through the Sustainability Report, interviews with parties related to the company's environmental activities, and a survey using a questionnaire to 58 employees. This research found that the management and employees of PT Y Branch X have an awareness of environmental performance as indicated by the results of the analysis of the Sustainability Report, the results of interviews and the results of the questionnaire survey (4.2 out of a scale of 5). The existence of environmental awareness at PT Y Branch X can also be seen from its target in 2022, namely increasing PROPER and obtaining certification of ISO 14001: 2015."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Pramudyanto
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josi Khama Dewi
"Keterbukaan akses informasi merupakan salah satu mekanisme untuk mengkontrol kinerja alat lingkungan. Alat lingkungan berkontribusi bagi pembangunan berkelanjutan. Salah satu alat lingkungan yang dicanangkan dan telah kontinu dilaksanakan pemerintah adalah PROPER. PROPER dibuat oleh pemerintah untuk mengawasi kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan perusahaan. Keterbukaan akses informasi mendukung kinerja PROPER. Salah satu bentuk keterbukaan informasi adalah melalui pengumuman hasil PROPER menggunakan pencitraan simbol warna. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini ingin mengetahui proses implementasi akses informasi PROPER. Dari hasil identifikasi didapatkan mekanisme pelaksanaan dalam mengakses informasi yaitu secara langsung (datang ke KLH) dan tidak langsung (menggunakan media perantara). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses implementasi PROPER adalah adanya penguatan kapasitas, peningkatan transparansi, peningkatan koordinasi dan perbaikan sistem sosialisasi. Dari hasil analisis SWOT (Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats) di kuadran I yang memiliki kekuatan serta peluang, dirumuskan strategi yang pertama yaitu meningkatkan transparansi penilaian, kedua dengan mempertahankan penilaian dengan pencitraan simbol warna dan berskala nasional karena merupakan cara yang mudah untuk menginformasikannya kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat dan strategi yang ketiga dengan memanfaatkan tokoh masyarakat untuk berperan dalam mengedukasi warga agar memahami PROPER.

Public Access to Information or information disclosure is one of mechanisms to control the performance of environmental equipment, which contributes to sustainable development. One of the environment tools that has been proclaimed and has been continuously implemented by the government is PROPER. PROPER is developed by the Ministry of Environment to oversee the company's environmental management performance. Public Access to Information supports PROPER performance. In the case of PROPER, one of the information disclosure forms is through the announcement of the PROPER by using color imaging symbol. The purpose of this study is to better understand the implementation process of information disclosure in PROPER. From the research, it is understood that public access to information mechanisms in PROPER can be divided into direct access to information (by coming in person to Ministry of Environment Office) and indirectly (by using an intermediary medium). The study also reveals factors that could improve effectiveness of PROPER that include capacity building, increased transparency, as well as improved coordination and socialization systems. From SWOT (Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats) analysis in quadrant I that has strengthen and oppurtunity for the available strategies, the strongest strategy to improved PROPER performance would be increasing transparency on the PROPER valuation process, second is keeping the use of color imaging symbol, and the third is giving role to community leaders in educating the public to understand PROPER."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Domician
"Di tengah tingginya pem\intaan sektor riil atas Iokasi industri yang strategis, kawasan BP3L Sunter hadir_ sebagai solusi dalam kelangkaan penyediaan kawasan industli. Kawasan BP3L Sunter berfungsi sebagai kawasan industri, pemukiman dan penyangga tatakota Jakarta Utara. Pada awalnya kawasan BP3L Sunter hanya seluas 1 020 Ha, sekarang telah berkembang menjadi 1 379,99 Ha sebagai konsekuensi atas meningkatnya pennintaan sektor riil.
Kawasan lndustrilpemukiman BPSL Sunter menyediaan sarana dan prasarana yang dibebankan kepada developer sebagai alternatif dalam pembiayaan penyediaan barang publik. Devefoper yang memilih Iokasi di BP3L Sunter dibebankan kewajiban untuk membiayai pengadaan sarana dan prasarana sebesar kewajiban proporsional sesuai dengan luas Iahan yang dimilikinya. Kerjasama pembiayaan barang publik ini diharapkan akan memberikan manfaat Iangsung ataupun tidak langsung kepada pemerintah, developer dan masyarakat luas.
Oleh karena pentingnya eksistensi kawasan industri/pemukjman BPSL Sunter membuat penulis mempunyai ide untuk melakukan penelitian dengan pokok pemasalahanz ? apakah manfaat, kendala/hambatan implementasi, persepsi developer dan prospek kawasan industri/pemukiman BP3L Sunter'?". Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan studi kasus di Kawasan BP3L Sunter dengan melakukan analisis kualitatif dan kuantittatif. Analisis kualitatif ditujukan untuk menjawab pokok pennasalahan mengenai manfaat, kendala, implementasi dan persepsi developer atas kawasan industri/pemukiman BP3L Sunter. Anatisis kuantitatif ditujukan untuk menjawab pokok permasalahan prospek BP3L Sunter dengan melakukan analisis SWOT.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan kawasan industrilpemukiman BP3L Sunter memberikan manfaat bagi pemerintah berupa penghematan anggaran, perencaan pembangunan perkotaan dan peningkatan kualitas sarana dan prasarana. Bagi masyarakat, terciptanya kesempatan kerja, kemudahan atas penggunaan sarana dan prasarana sosial, serta manfaat tidak langsung berupa peningkatan nilai asset masyarakat. lmplementasi terlihat bahwa pembangunan kawasan BP3L Sunter ini sudah sesuai dengan target. Para developer memberikan penilaian yang cukup baik terhadap kinerja pengelolaan kawasan BP3L Sunter.
Dari uji SWOT diperoleh hasil, bahwa yang termasuk faktor kekuatan adalah Ietak Iokasi yang dekat pusat bisnis, pelabuhan dan fasi1itas di kawasan ini _lebih baik dari yang Iain. Sedangkan yang termasuk faktor kesempatan meliputi tingginya permintaan sarana fisik usaha di kawasan ini, keoenderungan dunia usaha mencari Iokasi dekat dengan pelabuhan dan adanya bantuan pemecahan masalah dari pengelola jika devefoper mengalami kesulitan dalam melunasi pembayaran kewajiban proporsional.
Faktor lokasi kurang aman, adanya perbedaan perlakukan pembayaran kewajiban proporsional serta kurang kuatnya status hukum dan terbatasnya luas wilayah kerja merupakan faktor kelemahan. Yang termasu_k faktor ancaman adalah konsumen semakin sensitif atas harga loaksi, adanya overlapping atas kepemilikan Iahan dan adanya pesaing lain.
Saran yang diusulkan penulis untuk mengatasi masalah yang ada dan kernungkinan untuk lebih meningkatkan perfomwa BP3L Sunter adalah perlunya perhatian khusus atas tumpang-tindihnya ke-pemilikan Iahan dan faktor keamanan. Selain itu, peningkatan status hukum kawasan BPBL Sunter harus mutlak dilakukan diiringi dengan penambahan nluas areal."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Dewi Novita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tidak langsung dari kinerja lingkungan terhadap kinerja ekonomi perusahaan industry adjusted return melalui tingkat pengungkapan lingkungan sebagai variabel intervening. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga meneliti pengaruh langsung dari kinerja lingkungan terhadap pengungkapan lingkungan, kinerja lingkungan terhadap kinerja ekonomi, dan pengungkapan lingkungan terhadap kinerja ekonomi perusahaan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 110 perusahaan yang mengikuti PROPER KLH. Metodologi penelitian adalah regresi linear dan indirect least square dengan menggunakan analisis unbalanced panel data.
Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, ditemukan bahwa PROPER sebagai proksi kinerja lingkungan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap tingkat pengungkapan lingkungan perusahaan, tetapi PROPER tidak terbukti berpengaruh secara langsung pada kinerja ekonomi perusahaan. Selain itu, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan lingkungan perusahaan berpengaruh negatif pada industry adjusted return perusahaan. Namun, hasil penelitian membuktikan pengaruh negatif tidak langsung kinerja lingkungan terhadap kinerja ekonomi melalui pengungkapan lingkungan perusahaan.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the direct and indirect effect of environmental performance on economic performance industry adjusted return with the level of environmental performance as the intervening variables. In addition, this research also investigates the effect of environmental performance on environmental disclosure, environmental performance on economic performance, environmental disclosure on economic performance. The study population consists of 110 firms year. The methodology used in this research is the linear regression for direct effect models in hypothesis 1, 2, 3 and indirect least square for the indirect effect models in hypothesis 4 using unbalanced panel data analysis.
The result of this research shows that PROPER as the proxy for environmental performance has a positive effect on the level of firms environmental disclosure but environmental doesn't indicate any direct effect on the economic performance. In addition, Environmental disclosure indicates a negative effect on the industry adjusted return of the company. However, this research shows that environmental performance has indirect negative effect on the economic performance with the level of disclosure as the intervening variables.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jaenal Arif
"Fokus penelitian ini adalah kontibusi pemetaan lingkungan untuk kinerja organisasi dengan mengambil studi kasus Pengurus Besar Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (PB HMI) Periode 2013-2015. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakngi terhadap eksistensi sebuah organisasi kepemudaan yang kurang bisa menjawab tuntutan masyarakat sebagai jembatan antara rakyat dan pemerintah. Factor-faktor eksternal dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini untuk bisa melihat apakah organisasi mampu menjawab permasalah eksternal yang serba tidak menentu. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Hough dan White (2004) untuk melihat pemetaan lingkungan dengan tahap identifikasi, pengumpulan, mengolah dan menerjemahkan, sedangkan untuk melihat peluang dan ancaman peneliti menggunakan teori SWOT yang ditulis oleh Albert Humphrey (1960-1970) dengan melihat kecenderungan-kecenderungan penting sebagai salah satu sumber peluang atau ancaman untuk keberlangsungan organisasi dan pada akhirnya peneliti ingin melihat kapabilitas organisai dengan menggunakan teori Baker dan Sinkula (2005) untuk melihat keterampilan khusus, prosedur, dan proses yang dapat mempengaruhi anggota kedalam keunggulan kompetitif dalam pemetaan lingkungan di kepengurusan PB HMI Perode 2013-2015.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengambil informan pengurus aktif PB HMI Periode 2013-2015 yaitu ketua umum, ketua bidang sosial dan politik, ketua bidang hukum dan hak asasi manusia (HAM), ketua bidang informasi dan teknologi, ketua bidang ekonomi dan kesejahteraan rakyat dan ketua korps HMI wati (KOHATI). Data didapatkan dengan metode wawancara mendalam. Pemetaan lingkungan menjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam sebuah organisasi khususnya HMI untuk bisa mendeteksi sebuah sinyal agar dapat menjadi masukan para pemangku kepentingan dalam merumuskan kinerja apa yang akan dicapai untuk kedepan. Pemetaan yang efektif dengan melakukan metode yang benar akan bisa mengatasi kondisi lingkungan eksternal yang sangat cepat berubah. Studi empiris penelitian sebelumnya menjadi hal untuk bisa dikaji dan di implemetasikan dalam penelitian ini.

The Focus of this study is the contribution of environmental scanning to organizational performance by taking a case study of PB HMI period 2013-2015. The background of study of the existence of a youth organization are less able to answer the demands of society as a bridge between people and government. External factors were included in this study to see whether the organization is able to answer the external problems of uncertainty. This study uses the theory Hough and White (2004) to see the environmental scanning with identification, collection, processing and translating, while to look at the opportunities and threats SWOT researchers used the theory written by Albert Humphrey (1960-1970) with a view to important trends as a source of opportunities or threats to the sustainability of the organization and in the end the researchers wanted to see capabilities of organizations by using the theory of Baker and Sinkula (2005) to see more spesific skills, procedures, and processes can leverage resources into competitive advantage in an environmental scanning HMI management during the period 2013-2015.
This research using qualitative method by taking the informant active of PB HMI in period 2013-2015 who are head of HMI, the head division of the social and political fields , the head division of law and human rights ( HAM ), the head division of information and technology, head division of the economics and welfare and head division of women's associations in HMI. the Data is obtained by the method of indepth interviews. Environmental scanning becomes very important in an organization, especially HMI to be able to detect a signal in order to become the input of stakeholders in formulating performance of what will be achieved to the fore . Effective mapping by making the correct method to be able to cope with the external environment that is rapidly changing . Empirical Study of previous research into it to be assessed and in deployments in this study.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Yusuf Amartha
PT. Y telah menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001:2004 sejak tahun 2006 untuk mencegah terjadinya pencemaran di area PT. Y, namun pencemaran lingkungan masih terjadi. Pencemaran lingkungan umumnya terjadi karena perilaku pekerja yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Tujuan dari riset ini adalah menganalisis hubungan kesadaran lingkungan terhadap perilaku pekerja PT. Y; menganalisis hubungan sistem manajemen lingkungan ISO 14001 terhadap perilaku pekerja di wilayah kerja PT. Y; menganalisis hubungan sistem manajemen lingkungan ISO 14001 dan kesadaran lingkungan secara simultan terhadap perilaku pekerja PT Y. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kombinasi kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 314 pekerja, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 194 pekerja menggunakan metode Slovin. Untuk pemilihan karyawan menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Metode analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian diolah dengan metode univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah dan searah antara kesadaran lingkungan dan perilaku karyawan dengan nilai korelasi R = 0,23 . Hasil yang berbeda pada sistem manajemen lingkungan ISO 14001 dengan perilaku pekerja. Hasilnya menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara sistem manajemen lingkungan ISO 14001 dan perilaku pekerja dengan nilai korelasi R = 0,39 . Sedangkan korelasi antara kesadaran lingkungan dan sistem manajemen lingkungan ISO 14001 terhadap perilaku pekerja menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat dengan nilai korelasi R = 0,56 . Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari hasil analisis tersebut adalah kesadaran terhadap lingkungan memainkan peran penting dari perilaku pekerja PT. Y terhadap Lingkungan. Program perusahaan seperti sistem manajemen lingkungan ISO 14001 tidak dapat berjalan secara efektif tanpa dukungan dari kesadaran lingkungan. Perusahaan harus meningkatkan kesadaran lingkungan terlebih dahulu sebelum menerapkan program lain yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan di wilayah kerja perusahaan.

Environmental pollution is happening in working area of PT Y. It happens since worker rsquo s behavior is not environmental friendly. This research aims to find factors that influence worker rsquo s behavior as an effort to minimize environmental pollution. This study used a combination of the quantitative and qualitative method. Obtaining ISO 14001 environment management system data including knowledge, perception, and satisfaction. On the behavior of workers population in this study are 314 workers, with sample number are 194 Workers number using Slovin method. Employee selection is done by using simple random sampling method. Analysis method in this research is descriptive analytical. It used the relationship of one variable with the others on the population study tested using cross sectional design. This design could explain study validity of a model or hypothesis formulation and level of difference between the sampling groups at a given point in time. This research was conducted by survey method, observation, and interview using the instrument in questionnaire form. The result was processed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate ways. The results showed a weak and unidirectional relationship between environmental awareness and employee behavior with correlation value R 0,23 . The different result showed on ISO 14001 environmental management system with worker rsquo s behavior. The results showed a moderate and unidirectional relationship between the ISO 14001 environmental management system and the worker 39 s behavior with the correlation value R 0,39 . While the correlation between environmental awareness and ISO 14001 environmental management system to Worker rsquo s behavior shows a strong relationship with correlation value R 0,56 . The conclusion is environmental awareness plays an essential role in worker rsquo s behavior of PT. Y on the environment. A corporate program such as ISO 14001 management System could not run efficiently without the adequate support of education on environmental awareness. The company should raise environmental awareness first before making or breaking other programs related to the environment in the company 39 s work area. Keyword Environmental Awareness, Environmental Management System ISO 14001, Worker rsquo s Behavior "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Budiman
"Metode pengukuran kinerja suatu proyek, waktu, jadwal dan biaya merupakan faktor penting dalam mengukur suatu kinerja proyek sehingga diperlukan suatu metode nilai hasil (earn value concept) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dalam memantau dan mengendalikan kegiatan proyek. Penggunaan konsep Cost Performance Index (CPI) dan Schedule Performance Index (SPI) based EAC merupakan bagian metode nilai hasil dimana untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa kinerja suatu proyek, efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya dalam pelaksanaan proyek di indikasikan dengan indikator CPI dan SPI yang digunakan untuk meneliti data pencapaian dari biaya dan jadwal suatu proyek. Suatu pengendalian berfungsi dengan baik dalam hal ini CPI dan SPI stabil menunjukkan bahwa kontraktor mampu menerapkan suatu sistem manajemen pengendalian, terutama perencanaan, penganggaran, dan sistem akuntansi suatu proyek.
Pengambilan dan pengumpulan data untuk penelitian ini diambil pada perusahaan PT. WK pada salah satu divisi dimana data CPI dan SPI diambil pada kondisi 20%, 50% dan 70% proyek selesai. Untuk mengetahui kinerja proyek yang dikerjakan PT. WK pada ketiga wilayah dengan data diatas, penelitian ini mengunakan statistik sebagai suatu metode untuk mengetahui wilayah mana yang memiliki kinerja yang baik sesuai dengan definisi yang telah ditentukan.
Hasil yang diperoleh menjawab bahwa dengan menggunakan metode CPI dan SPI kinerja perusahan PT. WK pada salah satu Divisi dapat diketahui wilayah mana memiliki kinerja yang terbaik dan mengambil tindakan koreksi yang diperlukan agar sumber daya digunakan secara efektif dan efisien dalam mencapai sasaran yang telah ditentukan.

Method measurement of performance project, time, cost and schedule represent all important factor in measuring performance of project so that needed concept earn value aim to increase effectiveness in watching and controlling activity of project. Using concept of cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) Based EAC represent part of earn value method where to know and analyze performance project, efficiency using of resource in execution project shall be indicated with indicator of CPI and SPI used to check attainment data of cost and schedule project. The function of controlling project shall better in this case CPI and SPI stable indicate that contractor can apply operation management system, especially planning, budgeting, and accounting system a project.
Data collecting for this research have been taken at one of the division PT. WK where data of CPI and of SPI taken at conditions 20%, 50% and 70% project finish. To know performance project of which done by PT. WK at regional third with data above, this research using statistical method to know which region have good performance as according to definition which have been determined.
The result obtained answering that using method CPI and SPI, performance one of Division PT. WK shall know which region owning best performance and bring an action against needed correction resource to used effectively and efficient in reaching target which have been determined.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Tisalita Permata
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi atas penerapan anggaran berbasis kinerja pada satuan kerja di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) berdasarkan klasifikasi best practices di negara-negara OECD yang telah menerapkan Penganggaran Berbasis Kinerja (PBK) sejak berpuluh tahun lalu. Evaluasi lebih lanjut atas penerapan PBK di satuan kerja X OJK dilakukan berdasarkan 3 (tiga) faktor yang digunakan sebagai basis penilaian yaitu faktor Orientasi Tujuan, Sumber Daya Manusia, dan Teknologi Informasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisa dokumen regulasi dan kemudian dikonfirmasi dengan kondisi riil PBK di OJK melalui wawancara dengan pejabat dan staf yang berwenang dan kompeten dalam pelaksanaan penganggaran di OJK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa OJK berada pada level 2 klasifikasi PBK Negara-Negara OECD, yaitu Performance-Informed Budgeting. Pada level Performance-Informed Budgeting, dimana sebagian besar negara OECD berada, pelaksanaan anggaran telah dikaitkan dengan informasi kinerja. Lebih lanjut, evaluasi atas masing-masing faktor menghasilkan tingkat efektivitas yang cukup baik pada faktor orientasi tujuan dan faktor sumber daya manusia, namun tingkat efektivitas yang rendah pada faktor Teknologi Informasi. Beberapa kendala juga diketahui dari hasil wawancara, diantaranya waktu dan proses penyusunan anggaran yang panjang, jumlah SDM yang kurang dan sistem informasi yang kurang mumpuni. Penelitian juga memberikan beberapa rekomendasi guna meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan PBK.

This research aims to evaluation of the application of performance-based budgeting to work units in the Financial Services Authority (FSA) based on the classification of best practices in OECD countries that have implemented Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB) since the last decade. Further evaluation of the implementation of PBB in work unit X OJK was carried out on the basis of 3 (three) basis of assessment, namely: Goal Orientation, Human Resources, and Information Technology. The study was conducted by analyzing regulatory documents and then confirmed with the real conditions of PBB at the OJK through interviews with officials and staff who are authorized and competent in the implementation of budgeting at the OJK. The research results show that OJK is at level 2 of the OECD countries’ PBB classification, namely Performance-Informed Budgeting. In the Performance-Informed Budgeting level, whereas most OECD countries are classified, budget execution has been linked to performance information. Furthermore, evaluation of each factor resulted in a fairly good level of effectiveness for the goal orientation and human resources, meanwhile a low level of effectiveness for the information technology. Several obstacles were also identified from the interview results, including long duration and processes of budget preparation, insufficient human resources and inadequate information systems. The research also provides several recommendations to increase the effectiveness of PBB implementation."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Avelinus Dwi Hartono
Kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sangat diperlukan bagi kegiatan pengusahaan energi geothermal, walaupun energi geothermal sering disebut dengan energi yang ramah lingkungan. Kerusakan lingkungan tetap saja dapat terjadi bilamana perusahaan tidak memperhatikan masalah lingkungan. Untuk memastikan kegiatan di lapangan tidak merusak lingkungan maka PT X
mengangkat pengawas operasional yang berkompeten yang salah satu tugasnya adalah memastikan bahwa kegiatan perusahaan dapat dilakukan dengan aman, selamat
dan ramah lingkungan. Kompetensi seseorang terbentuk karena pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan kompetensi pengawas operasional dengan kepedulian lingkungan di PT X. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan cara menyebarkantan kuesioner kepada 50 orang responden. Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil dari analisis terdapat hubr-rngan antara pengetahuan dengan kepedulian lingkungan (0,887), antara sikap dengan kepedulian lingkungan (0,723), dan antara keterampilan dengan kepedulian lingkungan (0,820), Hubungan ketiga sub variabel kompetensi (secara bersama-sama) dengan kepedulian lingkrngan sebesar (0,954). Jadi terdapat hubungan yang positif dan kuat antara kompetensi pengawas operasional dengan kepedulian lingkungan.

Environmental awareness is indispensable for the geothermal energy business. Although geothermal energy is often referred to as an environmentally friendly energy, environmental degradation can still occur when companies do not put any attention to environmental issues. To ensure that field activities do not cause the environment degradation, PT X appointed competent operating supervisors whose job is to make sure that the company's activities can be carried out safely and environmental friendly. Competence is formed through knowledge, skill and attitude. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between operational supervisory competence with environmental awareness in PT X. This study uses a quantitative approach. On this research, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 50 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this research is univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results of the analysis of the relationship between knowledge with environmental awareness (0.887), attitude with environmental awareness (0.723), and skills with environmental awareness (0.820), The relationship among third competency sub-variable (together) with the environmental awareness is (0.954). Therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship between competence operational supervisor and environmental awareness.;Environmental awareness is indispensable for the geothermal energy business. Although geothermal energy is often referred to as an environmentally friendly energy, environmental degradation can still occur when companies do not put any attention to environmental issues. To ensure that field activities do not cause the environment degradation, PT X appointed competent operating supervisors whose job is to make sure that the company's activities can be carried out safely and environmental friendly. Competence is formed through knowledge, skill and attitude. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between operational supervisory competence with environmental awareness in PT X. This study uses a quantitative approach. On this research, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 50 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this research is univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results of the analysis of the relationship between knowledge with environmental awareness (0.887), attitude with environmental awareness (0.723), and skills with environmental awareness (0.820), The relationship among third competency sub-variable (together) with the environmental awareness is (0.954). Therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship between competence operational supervisor and environmental awareness.;Environmental awareness is indispensable for the geothermal energy business. Although geothermal energy is often referred to as an environmentally friendly energy, environmental degradation can still occur when companies do not put any attention to environmental issues. To ensure that field activities do not cause the environment degradation, PT X appointed competent operating supervisors whose job is to make sure that the company's activities can be carried out safely and environmental friendly. Competence is formed through knowledge, skill and attitude. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between operational supervisory competence with environmental awareness in PT X. This study uses a quantitative approach. On this research, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 50 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this research is univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results of the analysis of the relationship between knowledge with environmental awareness (0.887), attitude with environmental awareness (0.723), and skills with environmental awareness (0.820), The relationship among third competency sub-variable (together) with the environmental awareness is (0.954). Therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship between competence operational supervisor and environmental awareness.;Environmental awareness is indispensable for the geothermal energy business. Although geothermal energy is often referred to as an environmentally friendly energy, environmental degradation can still occur when companies do not put any attention to environmental issues. To ensure that field activities do not cause the environment degradation, PT X appointed competent operating supervisors whose job is to make sure that the company's activities can be carried out safely and environmental friendly. Competence is formed through knowledge, skill and attitude. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between operational supervisory competence with environmental awareness in PT X. This study uses a quantitative approach. On this research, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 50 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this research is univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results of the analysis of the relationship between knowledge with environmental awareness (0.887), attitude with environmental awareness (0.723), and skills with environmental awareness (0.820), The relationship among third competency sub-variable (together) with the environmental awareness is (0.954). Therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship between competence operational supervisor and environmental awareness.;Environmental awareness is indispensable for the geothermal energy business. Although geothermal energy is often referred to as an environmentally friendly energy, environmental degradation can still occur when companies do not put any attention to environmental issues. To ensure that field activities do not cause the environment degradation, PT X appointed competent operating supervisors whose job is to make sure that the company's activities can be carried out safely and environmental friendly. Competence is formed through knowledge, skill and attitude. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between operational supervisory competence with environmental awareness in PT X. This study uses a quantitative approach. On this research, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 50 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this research is univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results of the analysis of the relationship between knowledge with environmental awareness (0.887), attitude with environmental awareness (0.723), and skills with environmental awareness (0.820), The relationship among third competency sub-variable (together) with the environmental awareness is (0.954). Therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship between competence operational supervisor and environmental awareness., Environmental awareness is indispensable for the geothermal energy business. Although geothermal energy is often referred to as an environmentally friendly energy, environmental degradation can still occur when companies do not put any attention to environmental issues. To ensure that field activities do not cause the environment degradation, PT X appointed competent operating supervisors whose job is to make sure that the company's activities can be carried out safely and environmental friendly. Competence is formed through knowledge, skill and attitude. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between operational supervisory competence with environmental awareness in PT X. This study uses a quantitative approach. On this research, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 50 respondents. Analysis of the data used in this research is univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results of the analysis of the relationship between knowledge with environmental awareness (0.887), attitude with environmental awareness (0.723), and skills with environmental awareness (0.820), The relationship among third competency sub-variable (together) with the environmental awareness is (0.954). Therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship between competence operational supervisor and environmental awareness.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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