"Di dalam budaya patriarki, marital rape adalah sebuah kejahatan yang pada umumnya rentan dialami oleh perempuan. Namun, perlindungan perempuan korban marital rape belum optimal dilaksanakan. Studi kualitatif ini bertujuan menemukan dan menganalisis transformasi nilai kesetaraan gender melalui kebijakan sosial yang dapat mendorong perlindungan bagi perempuan korban marital rape. Penelitian ini melibatkan 3 informan perempuan korban marital rape dan 20 narasumber terkait dari lembaga pemerintah (KemenPPA, Kepolisian, P2TP2A), lembaga layanan korban (Women Crisis Center), Komnas Perempuan, akademisi maupun pemuka agama (Islam, Kristen, Katolik, Buddha). Wawancara dilakukan secara daring dan tatap muka. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan teori kriminologi feminis dan feminis radikal. Teori kriminologi feminis melihat marital rape sebagai kejahatan dan feminis radikal melihat patriarki sebagai penyebabnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bentuk kebijakan sosial di level individual, interpersonal, organization, community, dan public policy yang beragam seperti transformasi bimbingan pranikah, regulasi, layanan pendampingan (psikologis, medis, ekonomi dan keterampilan bekerja). Dari beragam bentuk kebijakan sosial yang ditemukan, peneliti memprioritaskan terlaksananya transformasi layanan pendampingan korban yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan korban dan bimbingan pranikah di berbagai level kebijakan.
In a patriarchal culture, marital rape is a crime that is generally vulnerable to experience by women. However, protecting women victims of marital rape has not been optimally implemented. This qualitative study aims to find and analyze the transformation of the value of gender equality through social policies that can encourage protection for women victims of marital rape. This study involved three female informants who were victims of marital rape and 20 related sources from government institutions (KemenPPA, Police, P2TP2A), victim service institutions (Women Crisis Center), and Komnas Perempuan, academics and religious leaders (Islam, Christian, Catholic, Buddhist). Interviews were conducted online and face-to-face. The data collected were analyzed using feminist and radical feminist criminology theory. The feminist criminological theory sees marital rape as a crime, and radical feminists see patriarchy as the cause. The results of this study show that there are various forms of social policy at the individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and public policy levels, such as the transformation of premarital guidance, regulation, and mentoring services (psychological, medical, economic and work skills). From the various forms of social policies found, the researchers prioritized the transformation of victim assistance services according to the needs of victims and premarital guidance at various policy levels."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022