Terkait dengan upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas di perusahaan-perusahaan milik negara (BUMN), diperlukan penelitian tentang variabel mana saja yang berdampak pada peningkatan kinerja karyawan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi dampak dari variabel dukungan sosial, kepemimpinan transformasional, dan komitmen organisasional terhadap kinerja kerja karyawan BUMN. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengkaji apakah perilaku kerja inovatif berperan sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara variabel-variabel tersebut. Data diperoleh dari 300 karyawan BUMN Klaster Industri Jasa Keuangan dianalisis menggunakan model persamaan struktural (Structural Equation Modeling - SEM) untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial, kepemimpinan transformasional, dan komitmen organisasional memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja kerja. Lebih lanjut, perilaku kerja inovatif teridentifikasi sebagai mediator penuh antara dukungan sosial dan kepemimpinan transformasional dengan kinerja kerja, serta sebagai mediator parsial antara komitmen organisasional dan kinerja kerja. Temuan ini menekankan pentingnya dukungan sosial, kepemimpinan transformasional, dan komitmen organisasional dalam meningkatkan kinerja kerja karyawan BUMN Klaster Industri Jasa Keuangan. Studi ini juga menyoroti tantangan bagi BUMN ke depan untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung perilaku kerja inovatif. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada literatur yang ada dengan menunjukkan bahwa perilaku kerja inovatif dapat berfungsi sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara variabel-variabel yang diteliti.
This study presents the condition of work engagement among health workers in Java and Bali Island in doing their jobs. Complaints against health workers for the lack of services provided at health facilities in seven provinces on the islands of Java and Bali. This study will discuss several variables that affect the work engagement of health workers. This research uses empirical methods to see the influence of transformational leadership of health facility leaders, psychological capital of health workers, and the state of mindfulness of health workers in doing their work, which these variables are associated with the mediator of job satisfaction. The research data was collected using a questionnaire and 495 respondents were obtained. However, the data that can be used is 429 samples due to imperfect data that cannot be used in research. The collected data were analyzed using the Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) method with the LISREL 8.8 application. The results showed a relationship between these variables and health workers' work engagement. The findings can be used to improve their work engagement by exploring more deeply the use of transformational leadership, psychological capital, and mindfulness that lead to job satisfaction and ultimately improve the engagement of health workers themselves and the services provided. The results showed that job satisfaction influences work engagement as well as being a mediating variable that affects the relationship between transformational leadership, psychological capital and mindfulness. Psychological capital positively affects the work engagement of health workers. This study provides insight and information related to the effects of external and internal factors on work engagement and job satisfaction and how to optimize external and internal factors to improve service quality in health care facilities located in Java and Bali.