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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hayati Darmawi
Abstrak :
Prevalensi obesitas meningkat di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko dari berbagai penyakit yang dapat menyebabkan turunnya performa dan produktifitas pekerja. Salah satu faktor yang dihubungkan sebagai faktor risiko obesitas adalah kerja gilir. Kerja gilir lazim digunakan oleh pekerja dibidang pelayanan kesehatan seperti perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh kerja gilir terhadap risiko berat badan berlebih dan obesitas serta faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhinya pada perawat di rumah sakit. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain comparative cross sectional membandingkan IMT 43 perawat kerja gilir dengan 43 perawat bukan kerja gilir. Dilakukan penilaian terhadap faktor-faktor risiko yang dinilai dapat meningkatkan risiko berat badan berlebih dan obesitas antara lain jenis kelamin, usia, status perkawinan, riwayat obesitas dalam keluarga, kebiasaan olahraga, riwayat merokok, jumlah jam tidur dan asupan kalori. Hasil: Prevalensi berat badan berlebih dan obesitas pada perawat kerja gilir di rumah sakit adalah 69.8% dan prevelensi berat badan berlebih dan obesitas pada perawat bukan kerja gilir di rumah sakit adalah 48.4%, ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara kerja gilir dengan berat badan berlebih-obesitas dengan OR = 2.418 (1.000 ? 5.851). Faktor risiko yang meningkatkan risiko berat badan berlebih dan obesitas adalah kerja gilir, jumlah jam tidur kurang dari 7 jam dan asupan kalor berlebih. Kesimpulan: Dari semua faktor, asupan kalori berlebih merupakan faktor risiko dominan dengan OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).ABSTRACT
The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses. Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours of sleep and calorie intake. Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR = 2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake of excessive calories. Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).;Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses. Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours of sleep and calorie intake. Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR = 2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake of excessive calories. Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).;Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses. Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours of sleep and calorie intake. Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR = 2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake of excessive calories. Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Metalapa
Abstrak :
Prevalensi Rinitis Akibat Kerja (RAK) berkisar antara 5-48%. Penyebab RAK antara lain adalah partikulat debu yang beterbangan di lingkungan kerja. Hal ini akan meningkatkan beban pembiayaan baik terhadap pekerja itu sendiri maupun perusahaan tempat ia bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi RAK serta hubungan antara kadar partikulat debu dengan kejadian RAK dengan populasi pekerja parkir basement di sebuah Hotel dan RSUD di Jakarta dengan waktu pengumpulan sampel dilakukan selama bulan Desember 2014 hingga Maret 2015. Sampel penelitian adalah yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yakni area kerja di parkir basement, usia 20-40 tahun, masa kerja lebih dari 1 tahun dan bersedia mengikuti prosedur penelitian. Subyek penelitian di wawancara dan diperiksa kadar eosinofil kerokan mukosa hidung sebelum dan sesudah bekerja. RAK positif apabila terdapat gejala rinitis, memberat ketika bekerja dan ada peningkatan eosinofil kerokan mukosa hidung. Analisa penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan karakteristik usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok dan bagian kerja (terpapar langsung atau tidak dengan partikulat debu). Dari 57 subyek penelitian, 6 orang (10.5%) mengalami peningkatan eosinofil dengan karakterisktik sebagai berikut: 4 orang memiliki masa kerja > 4 tahun; 4 orang memiliki kebiasaan merokok; dan 3 orang bekerja di bagian kerja yang terpapar langsung dengan partikulat debu. Dari 6 orang tersebut terdapat 3 orang (5.2%) yang memenuhi kriteria RAK dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut: 2 orang berusia 30-40 tahun, 2 orang adalah laki-laki, 2 orang mempunyai masa kerja ≤ 4 tahun, dan 2 orang berasal dari bagian kerja yang terpapar tidak langsung dengan partikulat debu. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara riwayat atopi dengan peningkatan eosinofil (OR 23.33 dan 95%CI 2.40-224.62). Namun tidak ditemukan hubungan antara kadar partikulat debu dan masa kerja dengan RAK yang bermakna. ABSTRACT
The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.;The prevalence of occupational rhinitis ranges between 5-48%. It is caused by particulate dust in the workplace. It will increase financial burden both for the workers themselves and the company. This study aims to determine the prevalence of OR and the relation between the levels of particulate dust with OR incident among workers who work in a hotel or hospital basement parking lot in Jakarta, during December 2014 to March 2015. The sample inclusion criteria were: age 20-40 years, working period of more than one year and are willing to participate in the study. The subjects were interviewed and nasal mucosal scrapings eosinophil levels were measured before and after work. OR was defined as has symptoms of rhinitis, increase during work and there is an increase in eosinophils nasal mucosal scrapings. Analysis of the research carried out based on the characteristics of age, sex, years of smoking and working directly or indirectly exposed to dust particulates. Of the 57 subjects of the study, 6 (10.5%) experienced an increase in eosinophils with the following characteristics: 4 people has a work period > 4 years; 4 people smoke; and 3 people work directly exposed to particulate dust. Three subjects (5.2%) meet all the OR criteria with the following characteristics: 2 were aged 30-40 years, 2 were male, 2 have a working period of ≤ 4 years and 2 were indirectly exposed to particulate dust. There is a very significant association between history of atopy with increased eosinophils (, OR 23.3 and 95% CI 2.40-224.62). However, no association was found between levels of particulate dust and working period.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Tresnasari
Abstrak :
Perilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerja Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) khususnya pengolahan kayu di Indonesia masih kurang baik, ditandai dengan masih tingginya angka disabilitas akibat kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahui dan diperolehnya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerja UMKM pengolahan kayu. Studi kualitatif menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan kelompok diskusi terfokus dengan pedoman wawancara semi-struktur pendekatan teori Green di 2 perusahaan informal pengolahan kayu. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan pada 2 orang bagian manajemen, 2 orang mandor, 4 orang pekerja. Kelompok diskusi terfokus dilakukan pada 2 kelompok dengan 5 orang pekerja di setiap kelompok. Pekerja pengolahan kayu memiliki persepsi yang cukup baik mengenai perilaku keselamatan kerja hal ini dikarenakan memiliki pengalaman bekerja cukup lama meskipun berlatar belakang pendidikan rendah. Sikap dan perilaku yang belum mencerminkan perilaku keselamatan kerja dipengaruhi motivasi, minat, role model, kesiapan, kebijakan dan pengawasan yang masih kurang. Mandor masih kurang ketat bertindak sebagai role model dan melakukan pengawasan terhadap pekerja di lapangan. Manajemen perusahaan sudah melakukan penyediaan sarana dan prasarana sesuai standar tetapi tidak diikuti oleh adanya kebijakan, peraturan, pelatihan serta reward dan punishment. Persepsi baik berperilaku keselamatan kerja pada pekerja pengolahan kayu dalam mencegah kecelakaan kerja dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan, pengalaman dan sarana prasarana standar yang cukup baik. Tetapi kurangnya motivasi, minat, contoh teladan, kesiapan dan pengawasan mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku keselamatan kerja yang kurang baik. Manajemen dan mandor yang kurang menerapkan kebijakan, peraturan, pelatihan, reward dan punishment juga mempengaruhi perilaku keselamatan kerja bagi para pekerja pengolahan kayu.ABSTRACT
Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by a high incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with semi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepth interviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focus group discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience, although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not comply with safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policy and supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision. Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy, regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions to occupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standard infrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Management and supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy, regulation, training, reward and punishment system.;Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by a high incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with semi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepth interviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focus group discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience, although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not comply with safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policy and supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision. Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy, regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions to occupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standard infrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Management and supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy, regulation, training, reward and punishment system.;Workers in MSME lack good safety behavior specially carpenters in Indonesia, marked by a high incidence of disability caused by occupational accidents. The aim of this study is to identify influencing factors to workers?s safety behavior of carpenter in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). A Qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with semi-structured guidelines from Green theory, conducted in 2 MSME carpenter industry. Indepth interviews involving 2 management staffs, 2 supervisors and 4 carpenters. Focus group discussion was conducted with 2 groups, each consisting of 5 carpenters in . Adequacy of good safety behavior perceptions was found, due to carpenter?s long experience, although they have low educational level. Carpenter?s attitude and behavior did not comply with safe behavior, influenced by lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness, policy and supervision. Supervisors were not regarded as role models and are weak in supervision. Management already provides standar infrastructure and facilities, but lack of policy, regulation, training also reward and punishment system. The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) carpenter?s good perceptions to occupational accident prevention influenced by knowledge, experience and standard infrastructure and facilities, but Carpenters?s lack of motivation, interest, role model, readiness and supervision influenced low attitude and lack of safety behavior.Management and supervisor?s also fail to support carpenter?s safety behavior by not implementing policy, regulation, training, reward and punishment system.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moh Danurwendo W Sudomo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesertaan latihan fisik usia dan jabatan dengan pengendalian berat badan karyawan perusahaan T yaitu perusahaan minyak dan gas di Kalimantan Timur Metode Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode potong lintang kepada karyawan perusahaan T yang konsisten mengikuti Medical Check Up MCU dari tahun 2009 ndash 2011 Data sekunder didapatkan dari hasil MCU tahun 2009 ndash 2011 dan daftar hadir latihan fisik di tempat kerja tahun 2009 ndash 2011 Hasil Penelitian Jumlah karyawan yang konsisten mengikuti MCU adalah 110 orang merupakan jumlah sampel yang diteliti Proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali lebih banyak yang tidak latihan fisik usia 21 ndash 35 tahun dan teknisi Secara statistik menunjukkan proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali pada kelompok mengikuti latihan fisik tidak berbeda bermakna dengan yang tidak mengikuti latihan fisik OR 0 64 90 CI 0 28 ndash 1 41 proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali pada kelompok usia 21 ndash 35 tahun tidak berbeda bermakna dengan 35 tahun OR 1 63 90 CI 0 85 ndash 3 40 akan tetapi tingkat pengendalian berat badan karyawan teknisi berbeda bermakna dengan superintendent dan supervisor OR 5 61 90 CI 2 75 ndash 16 46 Analisis multivariat menunjukkan jabatan memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan pengendalian berat badan OR 5 41 90 CI 2 26 ndash 12 92 Dari 29 karyawan yang mengikuti latihan fisik proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali lebih banyak pada usia 21 ndash 35 tahun dan teknisi Secara statistik menunjukkan bahwa proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali pada kelompok usia 21 ndash 35 tahun tidak berbeda bermakna dengan 35 tahun OR 3 75 90 CI 1 01 ndash 13 80 akan tetapi tingkat pengendalian berat badan karyawan teknisi berbeda bermakna dengan superintendent dan supervisor OR 7 333 90 CI 1 80 ndash 29 73 Analisis multivariat menunjukkan jabatan memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan pengendalian berat badan OR 5 63 90 CI 1 26 ndash 25 07 Kesimpulan Karyawan teknisi perusahaan T mempunyai peluang memiliki berat badan terkendali 5 415 kali dibanding jabatan lain setelah dikontrol variabel kesertaan latihan fisik dan usia Kata Kunci aktivitas fisik berat badan lebih latihan fisik pengendalian berat badan program pengendalian di tempat kerja. ABSTRACT
Background This study was conducted to determine the association between participation in physical exercise age and position with employees body weight control company T which is an oil and gas company in East Kalimantan Method The study was conducted by cross sectional method to employees who consistently perform Medical Check Up MCU in 2009 ndash 2011 Secondary data used were MCU result and attendance list participating in physical exercise in 2009 ndash 2011 at the company T Result The number of employees who consistently perform MCU in 2009 2011 was 110 who became the sample of this study The proportion of employees with controlled body weight was higher among employees who do not participate in physical exercise were at the age 21 ndash 35 years and were technicians There were no significant association between participation in physical exercise and age with controlled body weight but a very significant difference in controlled body weight was found between technicians and superintendent supervisor OR 5 61 90 CI 2 75 to 16 46 Multivariate analysis showed that job position has a very significant association with body weight control ORadj 5 41 90 CI 2 27 to 12 93 Among 29 people who attend physical exercise the proportion of employees with controlled body weight were higher in employees aged 21 ndash 35 years and technicians There were no significant associations between age with controlled body weight but a significant difference in controlled body weight was found between technicians and superintendent supervisor OR 7 33 90 CI 1 81 to 29 73 Multivariate analysis showed that job position has a significant association with body weight control ORadj 5 63 90 CI 1 27 to 25 1 Conclusion Technicians in company T have opportunity to have controlled body weight 5 41 times compared to other positions after controlled by participation rate in physical exercise and age variable Key words body weight control control programs in the work place obesity overweight physical activity physical exercise.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library