"[Reformasi birokrasi Pemerintah Indonesia bertujuan untuk memberikan
pelayanan yang cepat, transparan dan akuntabel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengevaluasi implementasi strategi komunikasi salah satu program reformasi birokrasi
pemerintah, yaitu penyelenggaraan layanan unggulan pencatatan nikah di lingkungan
Kementerian Agama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif
dengan pendekatan studi kasus intrinsik, melalui wawancara mendalam dengan
responden terpilih dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dengan lima orang narasumber menunjukkan
bahwa strategi komunikasi pada program pelayanan pencatatan nikah di Kementerian
Agama telah menerapkan kerangka Nine steps of Strategic Public Relations, yaitu
analisa situasi, analisa organisasi, analisa publik, tujuan dan sasaran, tindakan dan
respon strategi, komunikasi efektif, taktik komunikasi dan implementasi rencana
strategis. Namun demikian terdapat beberapa step yang harus dioptimalisasikan;Bureaucratic Reform of the Indonesian Government aims to provide the better
service for the public that is fast, transparent and accountable. The aim of this research
is to evaluate the implementation of the communication strategy in one of the current
feature program, which is the civil registration in the office of Religious Affairs, known
as KUA. This research uses descriptive qualitative methodology with a case study
The result of this research after having discussed by five expert resources had
concluded that the communication strategy used in civil registration program in KUA
right now is appropriate and effective by using Nine steps of Strategic Public Relations
that includes situation analysis, organizational analysis, public analysis, goals and
objectives, action and response strategies, effective communication, communication
tactics and implementation of strategic plans. Although there are steps to be optimized, Bureaucratic Reform of the Indonesian Government aims to provide the better
service for the public that is fast, transparent and accountable. The aim of this research
is to evaluate the implementation of the communication strategy in one of the current
feature program, which is the civil registration in the office of Religious Affairs, known
as KUA. This research uses descriptive qualitative methodology with a case study
The result of this research after having discussed by five expert resources had
concluded that the communication strategy used in civil registration program in KUA
right now is appropriate and effective by using Nine steps of Strategic Public Relations
that includes situation analysis, organizational analysis, public analysis, goals and
objectives, action and response strategies, effective communication, communication
tactics and implementation of strategic plans. Although there are steps to be optimized]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015