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Kiu Wakimura
Abstrak :
Tujuan makalah ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi pendorong dan hambatan dari transfer pengetahuan yang efektif dalam konteks lintas budaya. Dalam MNC, pengetahuan dianggap sebagai sumber utama untuk keunggulan kompetitif sementara transfer pengetahuan yang efektif di perusahaan induk dan anak perusahaan di luar negeri memerlukan perhatian pada perbedaan budaya, prasangka, dan praktik bisnis khusus setiap negara. Pelaku pengetahuan dalam konteks tersebut diwajibkan untuk memiliki disseminative capacity atau kemampuan untuk menyebarluaskan pengetahuan bersama dengan kapasitas absorptive capacity atau kemampuan untuk memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan tersebut. Penelitian ini mengadopsi pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi kasus di mana ekspatriat dari suatu anak perusahaan MNC manufaktur Jepang yang berlokasi di Jawa Barat, Indonesia diminta untuk mengikuti sesi wawancara mendalam. Kerangka dan prosedur grounded theory yang bersifat interpretatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MNC perlu mempromosikan pelatihan keterampilan komunikasi dan linguistik untuk lebih mengembangkan disseminative capacity dan absorptive capacity antara para anggota organisasi serta untuk merancang strategi manajemen yang merangsang kepercayaan, empati dan visi bersama yang dapat mengatasi perbedaan budaya dalam organisasi diperlukan. ......The purpose of this paper is to explore the enablers and disablers of effective knowledge transfer in cross-cultural contexts. In MNCs knowledge is considered to be a primary source of competitive advantage while effective knowledge transfer across the headquarters and its foreign subsidiary entails attention to the divergence of culture, prejudice, and country-specific business practices. Knowledge actors in such settings are required to have the disseminative capacity or the ability to promulgate knowledge along with absorptive capacity or the ability to understand and apply the knowledge. This research adopted a qualitative approach using an exploratory case study where expatriates from a foreign subsidiary of Japanese manufacturing MNC in West Java, Indonesia were asked to respond to in-depth interview sessions. Interpretive grounded theory framework and procedures were used for data analyses of the results. The findings suggest that MNCs need to promote communication and linguistic skill training to further develop disseminative capacity and absorptive capacity among the members as well as to design a management strategy that stimulates trust, empathy and a shared vision that can overcome cultural differences within the organization.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rida Aulia
Abstrak :
Peningkatan jumlah wisatawan setiap tahun berdampak positif terhadap kondisi perekonomian masyarakat Baduy namun di sisi lain menjadi dilema untuk keberlanjutan segi lingkungan dan sosial budaya. Baduy belum memiliki payung hukum yang kuat untuk mengaturpengelolaan pariwisata adat, ketidaktersediaan fasilitas untuk wisatawan serta rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia. Tujuan dalam penelitian adalah 1). menganalisa persepsi tingkatkeberlanjutan pariwisata adat pada Suku Baduy, 2). menganalisis tantangan dan peluang dan 3).menganalisa implikasi kebijakan untuk mendorong keberlanjutan pariwisata adat pada SukuBaduy. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan post- positivist. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 100 responden (non probability) masyarakat adat Baduydengan teknik purposive sampling, serta wawancara mendalam kepada 9 narasumber dandokumentasi. Hasil perhitungan persepasi tingkat keberlanjutan pariwisata masyarakat adat di Baduy berada pada tingkat II dan masuk pada kategori OK (almost sustainable) yang ditunjukanmelalui persentase perolehan skor perhitungan sebesar 80.83%. Serta implikasi kebijakan yangbisa dikembangkan oleh pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Lebak yaitu berupa strategi pariwisataberbasis minat khusus, strategi sekolah adat dan strategi pengembangan UMKM hasil kerajinantangan masyarakat adat Baduy. Kata kunci : Pariwisata masyarakat adat, Baduy, keberlanjutan, tantangan dan peluang. ......The enhancement in the number of tourists every year has a positive impact on theeconomic condition of the Baduy people, but on the other hand, it becomes a dilemma for environmental and socio-cultural sustainability. Baduy does not yet have a strong legal protection to regulate the management of indigenous tourism, the unavailability of facilities fortourists and the low quality of human resources. The objectives of the research are 1). analyze theperception of the level of sustainability of indigenous tourism for Baduy people, 2). analyzechallenges and opportunities and 3). analyze the implications of policies to encourage thesustainability of indigenous tourism for Baduy people. The research method uses a post-positivist approach. Technique of data collection was through the distribution of questionnairesto 100 respondents (non- probability) of the Indigenous Baduy people with purposive samplingtechnique, as well as in-depth interviews with 9 sources and documentation. The perceptioncalculation result of the sustainability level of indigenous peoples tourism for Baduy are at levelII and included in the OK (almost sustainable) category which is indicated by the percentage of the calculation score of 80.83%. As well as policy implications that can be developed by the local government of Lebak, namely special interest-based tourism strategies, traditional schoolstrategies and strategies for developing MSMEs made by the Baduy indigenous people.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atika Uyun
Abstrak :
Selama dua dekade terakhir, manajemen pengetahuan telah menerima perhatian yang signifikan di dunia bisnis dan telah diakui sebagai elemen penting dalam proses pembelajaran organisasi untuk menciptakan produk, strategi, dalam layanan baru. Perusahaan berlomba-lomba dalam memberikan produk dan layanan yang terdepan demi mampu bertahan di dunia bisnis. Banyaknya perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang digital marketing, inovasi dan kemampuan menjadi sangat penting untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan organisasi. Karenanya, PT XYZ mengadopsi manajemen pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi karyawan dan mempertahankan keberlangsungan organisasi. Namun, PT XYZ belum memiliki metode yang efektif untuk mengukur aspek-aspek terpenting dalam manajemen pengetahuan sehingga manajemen pengetahuan yang ada sekarang belumlah optimal. Pengukuran tingkat kematangan diperlukan untuk membantu organisasi agar fokus dan memperioritaskan aspek-aspek pada manajemen pengetahuan agar penerapannya dapat berjalan optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kematangan dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan agar penerapan manajemen pengetahuan dapat optimal dan memberikan hasil yang signifikan. Pengukuran kematangan manajemen pengetahuan pada penelitian ini menggunakan model kematangan G-KMMM. Secara keseluruhan, tingkat kematangan manajemen pengetahuan berada pada tingkat 2 (aware). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa organisasi sadar dan memiliki niat untuk mengelola pengetahuan, dan memiliki intensi untuk mengimplementasikan MP dengan baik. Terdapat delapan rekomendasi perbaikan yang diusulkan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan tingkat kematangan manajemen pengetahuan di PT XYZ Indonesia ......Over the past two decades, knowledge management has received significant attention in the business world and has been recognized as an important element in the organizational learning process for creating products, strategies, and new services. Companies are competing in providing leading products and services to be able to survive in the business world. The number of companies engaged in digital marketing, innovation and capability is very important to maintain the sustainability of the organization. Therefore, PT XYZ adopted KM to improve employee competencies and maintain organizational sustainability. However, PT XYZ does not have an effective method to measure the most important aspects of knowledge management yet. Thus, management of existing knowledge is not optimal enough. Measurement of the level of maturity is needed to help the organization to focus and prioritize aspects of knowledge management so that its application can run optimally and give the result significantly. This study aims to measure maturity and provide recommendations for improvement to optimize the application of knowledge management. Measurement of KM maturity in this study used the G-KMMM maturity model. To sum up, the level of maturity in term of Knowledge Management occupies level 2 (aware). It can be said that organization is realized and having intention to manage knowledge and implement it well. There are 8 recommendations of suggested improvement that will be expected to enhance maturity level of KM in PT XYZ Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kusnul Nur Kasanah
Abstrak :
Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Gunungkidul menghadapi berbagai permasalahan dalam pengembangan geowisata di Geopark Gunung Sewu yang menunjukkan adanya keterbatasan sumber daya pemerintah daerah, sehingga mendorong Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Gunungkidul membangun tata kelola kolaboratif dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan. Menggunakan pendekatan postpositivism dan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini menjawab bagaimana proses tata kelola kolaboratif dalam pengelolaan pariwisata Geopark Gunung Sewu di Kabupaten Gunungkidul dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses tata kelola kolaboratif telah terbangun antara Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Pemerintah Desa setempat, Kelompok Masyarakat Pengelola Geosite, dan Perguruan Tinggi karena adanya kepercayaan dan kesetaraan pemahaman tentang konsep pengembangan geopark, komitmen yang ditunjukkan dengan keterlibatan dalam proses kolaborasi, serta hasil yang sudah dirasakan oleh pemangku kepentingan, sedangkan dialog menjadi media untuk membangun kepercayaan, pemahaman, komitmen, dan mencapai hasil antara. Keterlibatan swasta dalam proses tata kelola kolaboratif masih terbatas, belum terbangun secara luas, dan kerja sama dengan Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Pacitan dan Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Wonogiri belum direalisasikan. Faktor ketokohan dan keberadaan pemimpin organis ditingkat kelompok masyarakat menentukan jalannya proses tata kelola kolaboratif. Penelitian juga menemukan bahwa budaya masyarakat Gunungkidul dan teknologi komunikasi menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi proses tata kelola kolaboratif. Inklusifitas forum sebagai salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi proses tata kelola kolaboratif diupayakan oleh Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Gunungkidul dengan menginisiasi pembentukan PHRI dan HPI Cabang Gunungkidul, serta Forum Promosi Pariwisata Daerah yang diikuti oleh lintas pelaku. Kelembagaan Badan Pengelola Geopark Gunung Sewu yang dibentuk dengan Keputusan Bupati Gunungkidul Nomor 171 Tahun 2017 belum efektif mendorong tata kelola kolaboratif antara tiga kabupaten, karena tidak memiliki instrumen untuk menyatukan komitmen.
The Gunungkidul Regent`s Tourism Office has been dealing with various problems in geo tourism management of Geopark Gunung Sewu, mainly caused by the local government`s limited resources, which in turn prompting the government to establish solid collaboration with relevant stakeholders. The study adopts a postpositivism approach using qualitative methods and will address the issue on a collaboration process of tourism management and other factors affecting it in Geopark Gunung Sewu in the Gunungkidul Regency. The result reveal that collaborative governance processes has been established between the Gunungkidul Regent`s Tourism Office, the local Village Government, the Geosite Management Community Group, and the College Academics, because they shared the mutual beliefs and understanding of geopark development concepts, demonstrated their commitment by fully involved in the collaborative process, and acknowledged the results, while using dialogue as a medium to build trust, understanding, commitment, and achieve intermediate outcomes. Private involvement in collaborative governance processes is still limited, not yet widely established, and cooperation with the Pacitan Regent`s Tourism Office and Wonogiri Regent`s Tourism Office has not been realized. The leadership factor and the presence of organic leaders at the community level determined the process of collaborative governance. The study also found out that the community culture of Gunungkidul and communication technology has become a factor affecting collaborative governance process. The inclusiveness of the forum as one of the factors influencing the collaborative governance process was endeavored by the Gunungkidul Regent`s Tourism Office through the initiation of the formation of PHRI and HPI Branch of Gunungkidul, as well as the Tourism Promotion Forum of the Region joined by cross stakeholders. The establishment of Geopark Management Board of Gunung Sewu, which was formed by the Decision of Bupati of Gunungkidul Number 171 of 2017, has not been effective in promoting collaborative governance between the three regents, as it has no instruments to unite the commitments.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singh, N.K.
Abstrak :
[The book explores profiles of culture-management axis through secondary literature study in various languages of the East, empirical research conducted with nearly one thousand managers and 375 organizations in India. The effective management in the next millennium will be mission-based strategic integration of the team, combined with people-sensitive approach. In spite of growth of hi-tech, the emotional human issues will dominate the coming decades. Happiness and health in institutions will largely depend on successive sacrifice of greed and possessiveness in creation of wealth for human development. The meltdown in the US and its repercussions in the world are direct outcome of failure to learn these lessons. Already the world is witnessing acute consciousness of interdependence and universal linkages. This is the quintessence of Vedanta, Zen-Buddhism and Sufi order in the Eastern globe. West-dominated management technology must now synthesize with Eastern intuition and values. The book is divided into three parts. First part delves into East-West psyche. Second part presents integration-affection model as potential approach to effective management. Third part shows the author’s successful applications of the approach in different organizations while working as chief executive or consultant., The book explores profiles of culture-management axis through secondary literature study in various languages of the East, empirical research conducted with nearly one thousand managers and 375 organizations in India. The effective management in the next millennium will be mission-based strategic integration of the team, combined with people-sensitive approach. In spite of growth of hi-tech, the emotional human issues will dominate the coming decades. Happiness and health in institutions will largely depend on successive sacrifice of greed and possessiveness in creation of wealth for human development. The meltdown in the US and its repercussions in the world are direct outcome of failure to learn these lessons. Already the world is witnessing acute consciousness of interdependence and universal linkages. This is the quintessence of Vedanta, Zen-Buddhism and Sufi order in the Eastern globe. West-dominated management technology must now synthesize with Eastern intuition and values. The book is divided into three parts. First part delves into East-West psyche. Second part presents integration-affection model as potential approach to effective management. Third part shows the author’s successful applications of the approach in different organizations while working as chief executive or consultant.]
New Delhi: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atika Rachmawati Winardono
Abstrak :
Globalisasi mendorong perusahaan multinasional untuk berkompetisi dan ekspansi secara internasional. Akan tetapi, anak perusahaan luar negeri sering kali menghadapi kurangnya ketersediaan manajer lokal yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan oleh karena itu perusahaan- perusahaan multinasional harus menunjuk para pegawai mereka untuk penugasan internasional di luar negeri. Ekspatriasi, meskipun demikian, dapat menyebabkan masalah- masalah lainnya terkait dengan perbedaan kultur antara negara asal dan negara tujuan, sebagaimana latar belakang kultur yang berbeda dapat menghasilkan perbedaan gaya kepemimpinan ekspatriat yang dimana tidak selalu dapat diaplikasikan di kultur negara lain. Sehubungan dengan masalah tersebut, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti hubungan antara tipe tertentu dari gaya kepemimpinan ekspatriat, yang mana dipengaruhi oleh kultur negara asal, terhadap tingkat kesuksesan penugasan internasional mereka di negara tujuan seraya mempertimbangkan perbedaan kultur diantara kedua negara. Penilitan ini berfokus kepada latar belakang kultur di Korea Selatan sebagai negara asal dan Indonesia sebagai negara tujuan. Aspek kultur kedua negara juga dipersempit menjadi dua dimensi kultur dari Hofstede, yaitu Uncertainty Avoidance dan Long-Term Orientation. Selain itu, gaya kepemimpinan di penelitian ini terperinci kepada Autocratic Leadership dan Democratic Leadership. Tinjauan literatur dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang diperlukan untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel-variabel tersebut dan wawancara terhadap sejumlah ekspatriat asal Korea Selatan akan dilakukan untuk mengklarifikasi informasi yang terkumpul. ......Globalization pushed multinational enterprises to compete and expand internationally. However, foreign subsidiaries often face the lack of availability of local qualified managers and thus MNEs have to appoint employees for international assignments abroad. Expatriation, however, may lead to other issues related to cultural differences between home and host country, as different cultural backgrounds may result in a different leadership style adopted by the expatriates that is not always applicable in other culture. In regard to that issue, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between a certain type of leadership style of expatriates, which is affected by the culture of the home country, to the success rate of their international assignments in a host country while also considering the cultural differences between the two countries. The study focused on the cultural backgrounds in South Korea as the home country and Indonesia as the host country. The cultural aspect of the countries is also narrowed down to two cultural dimensions from Hofstede, which are Uncertainty Avoidance and Long Term Orientation. Moreover, the leadership style in this study is specified between Autocratic Leadership and Democratic Leadership. The literature review is done to gather the information needed to see the relationship between these variables and interviews of a number of South Korean expatriates will also be conducted to clarify the information gathered.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elashmawi, Farid
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1996
658 .049 ELA m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Livermore, David, 1967-
Abstrak :
Most people know that some basic cultural sensitivity is important. But few have developed the deep cultural intelligence (CQ) required to really thrive in our multicultural workplaces and globalized world. Now everybody can tap into the power of CQ to enhance their skills and capabilities, from managing multi cultural teams and serving a diverse customer base to negotiating with international suppliers and opening offshore markets. "The Cultural Intelligence Difference" gives readers: a scientifically validated instrument for measuring their personal CQ score; customized strategies for improving interactions with people from diverse cultures; new findings on the bottom-line benefits of cultural intelligence; examples of major organizations that use CQ to achieve success; and, a high CQ points to more than just cultural sensitivity. It is linked to improved decision making, negotiation, networking, and leadership skills - and provides a crucial advantage in a crowded job market. "The Cultural Intelligence Difference" delivers a powerful tool for navigating today's work world with finesse - and success.
New York: [American Management Association, ], 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anghel, Ghenadie
Abstrak :
[A sound theoretical framework presenting the conceptual path that in turn elaborates the tools necessary to explain the intertwined relationship between globalization, corporate culture, national culture and modernization is to be firstly developed. The design of this dissertation aims to embed in this theoretical framework methodologically reliable empirical data rather than fragmented personal experiences in regard to the intercultural processes within German enterprises as a result of internationalization and globalization., A sound theoretical framework presenting the conceptual path that in turn elaborates the tools necessary to explain the intertwined relationship between globalization, corporate culture, national culture and modernization is to be firstly developed. The design of this dissertation aims to embed in this theoretical framework methodologically reliable empirical data rather than fragmented personal experiences in regard to the intercultural processes within German enterprises as a result of internationalization and globalization.]
Wiesbaden: [Gabler Verlag, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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