ABSTRAKKinerja proyek dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, diantaranya adalah kebijakan
perusahaan, kompetensi manajemen proyek dan tingkat maturity manajemen proyek.
Untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh faktor kebijakan perusahaan, kompetensi
manajemen proyek, dan tingkat maturity manajemen proyek terhadap kinerja
proyek, maka dilakukan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode
survey kuesioner, dan selanjutnya data diolah dengan menggunakan Partial Least
Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh kebijakan perusahaan,
kompetensi manajemen proyek, dan tingkat maturity manajemen proyek terhadap
kinerja proyek adalah sebesar 10,95%, sedangkan sisanya 89,05 % dipengaruhi oleh
variabel lain di luar model yang diteliti.
ABSTRACTProject performance influence by a lot of factors, which are company policy,
project management competence, and project management maturity. This study aims
is to know how company policy, project management competence, and project
management maturity influence project performance. This study was conducted by
survey questionnaire, than further processed with Partial Least Square. The results
show that the influence of company policy, project management competence, and
project management maturity to project perform;Project performance influence by a lot of factors, which are company policy,
project management competence, and project management maturity. This study aims
is to know how company policy, project management competence, and project
management maturity influence project performance. This study was conducted by
survey questionnaire, than further processed with Partial Least Square. The results
show that the influence of company policy, project management competence, and
project management maturity to project perform, Project performance influence by a lot of factors, which are company policy,
project management competence, and project management maturity. This study aims
is to know how company policy, project management competence, and project
management maturity influence project performance. This study was conducted by
survey questionnaire, than further processed with Partial Least Square. The results
show that the influence of company policy, project management competence, and
project management maturity to project perform]"