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Farid Yudoyono
Latar Belakang: Cedera otak traumatika akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas masih merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian dan kecacatan utama pada kelompok usia produktif. Cedera otak sekunder dideskripsikan sebagai konsekuensi gangguan fisiologis, seperti iskemia, reperfusi, dan hipoksia pada area otak yang beresiko, beberapa saat setelah terjadinya cedera awal (cedera otak primer). Cedera otak sekunder sensitif terhadap terapi dan proses terjadinya dapat dicegah dan dimodifikasi. Metode: Penelitian kohort retrospektif dengan data primer rekam medis. Data yang terdiri dari beberapa variabel yang dikumpulkan secara retrospektif dari catatan medis pasien. RS. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 2011-2014. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 647 pasien. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat, dan analisis multivariate cox proportional hazard dengan model matematis yang
selanjutnya akan dibuat model skoring. Analisis roctab digunakan untuk menentukan nilai cut-off setiap variabel numerik. Hasil: Variabel perdarahan otak, tingkat kesadaran, dan edema serebri merupakan
faktor resiko outcome, sedangkan variabel peningkatan tekanan intrakranial, kadar elektrolit natrium dan klorida, serta terapi diuretik merupakan faktor resiko untuk terjadinya outcome kematian pada pasien ensefalitis anak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat skoring didapatkan urutan faktor prognostik yang dominan menyebabkan kematian, yaitu Variabel usia memilik HR sebesar 1,00, natrium
mempunyai HR 0,8, Perdarahan otak pada CT Scan kepala mempunyai HR sebesar 1,73, edema serebri mempunyai HR 2,53, hipoksia mempunyai HR sebesar 2,13, farktur maksillofascial mempunyai HR sebesar 0,6, hipotensi memiliki HR 0,7 dan pembedahan/trepanasi mempunyai HR 0,388 Berdasarkan analisis tersebut maka natrium, GCS, hipotensi, pembedahan dan MFS fraktur merupakan faktor proteksi outcome sedangkan usia, perdarahan otak pada CT Scan, edema serebri, hipoksia merupakan faktor resiko terjadinya outcome
kematian pada pasien cedera kepala berat. Dari hasil mulitvariat yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya apabila skor -69 s/d -47 mengalami resiko rendah untuk mengalami kematian, skor -46 s/d -20 mengalami resiko sedang untuk terjadinya kematian dan skor >-19 akan mengalami resiko tinggi terjadinya kematian. Kesimpulan: Model skoring prognosis yang telah terbentuk ini mampu memprediksi sebesar 84,75 % faktor faktor yang berhubungan dengan prognosis cedera otak traumatika berat. Apabila ada 100 pasien cedera kepala berat dengan adanya semua variabel maka 76 pasien akan meninggal dan bila 100 pasien
cedera kepala berat tanpa adanya semua variabel maka 25 pasien akan meninggal.

Background: Severe traumatic brain injury caused by traffic accidents is still one of the major causes of death and disability in the productive age group. Secondary brain injury is described as a physiological disorders, such as ischemia, reperfusion, and hypoxia in brain areas at risk, some time after the initial injury (primary brain injury). Secondary brain injury is sensitive to therapy it can be preventable and modifiable.
Methods: This cohort study with primary data medical records. The data consists of multiple variables collected retrospectively from patient medical records at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung West Java, Indonesia. Data were collected in 2011-2014. The number of samples was 647 patients. Analysis was conducted on univariate, bivariate, and multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis with a mathematical model which would then be created scoring models. Roctab analysis
is used to determine the cut-off value of any numeric variable.
Results: Variable brain hemorrhage, level of consciousness and cerebral edema is a risk factor outcomes, while variable increased intracranial pressure, electrolyte levels of sodium and chloride, as well as diuretic therapy is a risk factor for the occurrence of mortality outcomes in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Based on the results of the multivariate analysis of prognostic factors scoring sequence obtained the dominant cause of death, the age variable having an HR of 1.00, sodium has HR 0.8, brain hemorrhage on CT scan head has a HR of 1.73, had a cerebral edema HR 2,53, hypoxia has a HR of 2.13, fracture maxillofascial have HR of 0.6 and hypotension have HR 0.7, surgery / trepanation HR 0.388, based on the analysis of the sodium, GCS, hypotension, MFS fracture, surgery and outcome protection factor whereas age, brain hemorrhage on a CT scan, cerebral edema, hypoxia is a risk factor for mortality outcomes in patients with severe head injury. From the results multivariate analysis has score of -69 s/d -47
experiencing low risk to experience death, a score of -46 s / d -20 experiencing moderate risk for the occurrence of death and a score of > -19 will experience a high risk of death. Conclusions: This Prognostic model scoring has capable to predict 84.75% factors related to the prognosis of severe traumatic brain injury. If there were 100 patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the presence of all variables and 76 patients will die and when 100 patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the absence of all variables that 25 patients will die., Background: Severe traumatic brain injury caused by traffic accidents is still one
of the major causes of death and disability in the productive age group. Secondary
brain injury is described as a physiological disorders, such as ischemia,
reperfusion, and hypoxia in brain areas at risk, some time after the initial injury
(primary brain injury). Secondary brain injury is sensitive to therapy it can be
preventable and modifiable.
Methods: This cohort study with primary data medical records. The data consists
of multiple variables collected retrospectively from patient medical records at
Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung West Java, Indonesia. Data were collected in
2011-2014. The number of samples was 647 patients. Analysis was conducted on
univariate, bivariate, and multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis with a
mathematical model which would then be created scoring models. Roctab analysis
is used to determine the cut-off value of any numeric variable.
Results: Variable brain hemorrhage, level of consciousness and cerebral edema is
a risk factor outcomes, while variable increased intracranial pressure, electrolyte
levels of sodium and chloride, as well as diuretic therapy is a risk factor for the
occurrence of mortality outcomes in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
Based on the results of the multivariate analysis of prognostic factors scoring
sequence obtained the dominant cause of death, the age variable having an HR of
1.00, sodium has HR 0.8, brain hemorrhage on CT scan head has a HR of 1.73,
had a cerebral edema HR 2,53, hypoxia has a HR of 2.13, fracture maxillofascial have HR of 0.6 and hypotension have HR 0.7, surgery / trepanation HR 0.388,
based on the analysis of the sodium, GCS, hypotension, MFS fracture, surgery
and outcome protection factor whereas age, brain hemorrhage on a CT scan,
cerebral edema, hypoxia is a risk factor for mortality outcomes in patients with
severe head injury. From the results multivariate analysis has score of -69 s/d -47
experiencing low risk to experience death, a score of -46 s / d -20 experiencing
moderate risk for the occurrence of death and a score of > -19 will experience a
high risk of death.
Conclusions: This Prognostic model scoring has capable to predict 84.75%
factors related to the prognosis of severe traumatic brain injury. If there were 100
patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the presence of all variables and 76
patients will die and when 100 patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the
absence of all variables that 25 patients will die]"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmanto Mendatu
Yogyakarta: Panduan, 2010
616.852 1 ACH p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lies Dewi Nurmalia
Latar Belakang Biomarker dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi derajat keparahan trauma kepala Tujuan Mengetahui hubungan antara kadar S100B dengan derajat keparahan trauma kepala dan kelainan CT scan kepala Metode Penelitian Penelitian potong lintang di IGD RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati dan RS Permata Cibubur selama Juli Desember 2015 Subjek adalah anak usia 1 18 tahun yang mengalami trauma kepala dengan onset

Background Biomarker has ability to predict the severity of TBI and abnormal CT scan Objectives To determine the association between S100B level with the severity of pediatric TBI and intracranial injury Methods A cross sectional study at Emergency Department of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati and Permata Cibubur Hospital on July December 2015 Subjects were 1 18 year old children with TBI onset within 24 hours before admission We measured SKG score serum S100B level and performed cranial CT scan if indicated Results Twenty subjects had mild TBI and 18 subjects had moderate TBI were included S100B levels were higher in children with moderate TBI as compared to children with mild TBI 0 173 0 054 0 812 g L vs 0 067 0 039 0 084 g L p;Background Biomarker has ability to predict the severity of TBI and abnormal CT scan Objectives To determine the association between S100B level with the severity of pediatric TBI and intracranial injury Methods A cross sectional study at Emergency Department of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati and Permata Cibubur Hospital on July December 2015 Subjects were 1 18 year old children with TBI onset within 24 hours before admission We measured SKG score serum S100B level and performed cranial CT scan if indicated Results Twenty subjects had mild TBI and 18 subjects had moderate TBI were included S100B levels were higher in children with moderate TBI as compared to children with mild TBI 0 173 0 054 0 812 g L vs 0 067 0 039 0 084 g L p;Background Biomarker has ability to predict the severity of TBI and abnormal CT scan Objectives To determine the association between S100B level with the severity of pediatric TBI and intracranial injury Methods A cross sectional study at Emergency Department of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati and Permata Cibubur Hospital on July December 2015 Subjects were 1 18 year old children with TBI onset within 24 hours before admission We measured SKG score serum S100B level and performed cranial CT scan if indicated Results Twenty subjects had mild TBI and 18 subjects had moderate TBI were included S100B levels were higher in children with moderate TBI as compared to children with mild TBI 0 173 0 054 0 812 g L vs 0 067 0 039 0 084 g L p;Background Biomarker has ability to predict the severity of TBI and abnormal CT scan Objectives To determine the association between S100B level with the severity of pediatric TBI and intracranial injury Methods A cross sectional study at Emergency Department of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati and Permata Cibubur Hospital on July December 2015 Subjects were 1 18 year old children with TBI onset within 24 hours before admission We measured SKG score serum S100B level and performed cranial CT scan if indicated Results Twenty subjects had mild TBI and 18 subjects had moderate TBI were included S100B levels were higher in children with moderate TBI as compared to children with mild TBI 0 173 0 054 0 812 g L vs 0 067 0 039 0 084 g L p"
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hophoptua NM
"Latar Belakang : Cedera kranioserebral ada 2, yaitu cedera primer dan sekunder. PatofisioIogi cedera sekunder yang kompleks menyebabkan perlunya parameter tambahan untuk menilai perburukan klinis penderita cedera kranioserebral. Pada penelitian terdahulu didapat suatu hubungan antara kadar interleukin 6 serum dengan keluaran cedera kranioserebral. Dimana semakin tinggi kadar 11-6 akan semakin buruk keluaran cedera kranioserebral. Dengan melihat hal ini kami melakukan penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara kadar M-6 dengan penderita ceders kranioserebral.
Objektif : Mengetahui peranan IL-6 pada kondisi klinis penderita cedera kranioserebral 5KG 6-12
Desain dan Metode: Observasional dengan repeated measurement design sesuai dengan kriteria seleksi dan dieksplorasi apakah terdapat hubungan IL-6 dengan SKG hari 1,3,7 atau mortalitas.
Hasil : 63 penderita cedera kranioserebral SKG 6-12 dalarn 24 jam dari onset. Semua pasien dilakukan pemeriksaan IL-6 serum dan DPL rutin, Nilai rerata IL-6 tertinggi adalah pada SKG 6 508,938 ± 98,125 dan nilai rerata terendah adalah 11,725 ± 8,441. Dengan uji kai kuadarat didapati hubungan semakin tinggi nilai IL-6 semakin rendah nilai SKG (p<0,0001). Dengan uji kai kuadrat juga didapati semakin tinggi kadar M-6 semakin tinggi mortalitas (p<0,002).
Kesimpulan : IL-6 dapat dijadikan salah satu prediktor keluaran penderita cedera kranioserebral.

Background : Traumatic brain Injury (TBI) is divided in to primary and secondary injury. Complexities of the pathophysiology of secondary brain injury made additional parameters in to evaluation for observed the worsening effect of those mechanisms. In the current study there is a correlation between IL 6 serum concentration and the outcome of TBI. The higher 1L6 would be markedly worsening outcome. Based on this concept, we make the research to explore the correlation between IL 6 concentration and TBI patient.
Objective: To explore the rule of IL 6 on the worsening clinical condition of the TBI patient GCS 6-8 and GCS 9-12.
Design and methods: Observational study with repeated measurement design due to selection criteria and being explored whether any correlation between IL 6 and GCS on day 1,3,7 or mortality.
Results: 63 TBI patients with GCS 6-12 and the onset are 24 hours enrolled to this study. All the patient had IL 6 serum and routine blood test. The highest mean of IL 6 is 508,938 + on GCS 6 and the lowest mean is 11,725 + 8,441 on GCS 12. Result of the chi square test showed there was correlation the higher IL 6 and the lower GCS (p<0,0001). The other analyzed the chi square test showed there were also correlation between the higher IL 6 and mortality (p<0,002).
Conclusion : IL- 6 could be used as one of TBI outcome predictor.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mischa Indah Mariska
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi Resource Development and Installation (RDI) dengan Pendulation Exercise pada anak perempuan usia 12 tahun yang mengalami Developmental Trauma. RDI dilakukan dengan menggunakan protokol dasar RDI untuk anak yang dibuat oleh Korn dan Leeds (2002) untuk membangkitkan resource positif. Setelah itu dilakukan Pendulation Exercise untuk memroses pengalaman traumatik berupa perceraian orangtua yang menjadi sumber munculnya perilaku agresif pada anak. Tujuan dari terapi RDI adalah untuk membangkitkan resource guna membentuk positive cognition yang akan bermanfaat untuk mengubah negative cognition. Hasil dari intervensi menunjukkan penurunan perilaku agresif. Penurunan perilaku agresif ini menjadi bukti bahwa telah terjadi pemrosesan informasi yang adaptif. Hal tersebut nampak dari penurunan skor Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) pada area permasalahan perilaku agresif. Selain itu orangtua dan partisipan juga melaporkan bahwa partisipan sudah lebih mampu mengontrol perilaku saat marah.

This study is done to explain the effectiveness of Resource Development and Installation (RDI) with Pendulation Exercise in a 12 year old girl with Developmental Trauma. RDI is done using RDI basic protocol for children made by Korn and Leeds (2002) to activate positive resources. The other technique is using Pendulation exercise to process the traumatic experience: parental divorce as a source of aggressive behavior. The goal of RDI therapy is to activate the resources and install them for the adaptive information processing, and change the negative cognition into positive cognition. The result of this therapy is the reduction of aggressive behavior. The reduction of aggressive behavior reflects that there has been an adaptive information processing. Participant indicates behavioral changes that were reflected in the Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) scores. Parent and participant also report that participant was able to successfully control the anger., This study is done to explain the effectiveness of Resource Development and
Installation (RDI) with Pendulation Exercise in a 12 year old girl with
Developmental Trauma. RDI is done using RDI basic protocol for children made
by Korn and Leeds (2002) to activate positive resources. The other technique is
using Pendulation exercise to process the traumatic experience: parental divorce
as a source of aggressive behavior. The goal of RDI therapy is to activate the
resources and install them for the adaptive information processing, and change the
negative cognition into positive cognition. The result of this therapy is the
reduction of aggressive behavior. The reduction of aggressive behavior reflects
that there has been an adaptive information processing. Participant indicates
behavioral changes that were reflected in the Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL)
scores. Parent and participant also report that participant was able to successfully
control the anger.]"
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi komparatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kejadian stres pasca traumatik pada ibu post partum dengan seksio scsaria emergensi, vakum, dan partus spontan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu post partum dengan Seksio sesaria emergensi dengan indikasi partus macet, dan ibu primipara bersalin dengan vakum dan spontan yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Abdoel Moeloek & Rumah Sakit Urip Surnoharjo Bandar Lampung. Jumlah sampel 81 responden yang terdiri dari 3 kelompok responden dengan seksio sesaria emergensi, vakum dan partus spontan masing-masing responden berjumlah 27 orang. Kejadian stres pasca traumatik pada ibu post partum dengan seksio sesaria berdasarkan hasil observasi dan Kuesioner menunjukkan hasil yang sama yaitu kejadian stres berat 11.1% dan stres ringan 88.9% Kejadian stres pasca traumatik pada ibu post partum dengan vakum berdasarkan hasil observasi dengan stres berat 40.7% dan dengan kuesioner kejadian stres berat 37%. Kejadian stres pasca traumatik pada ibu post partum dengan partus spontan menunjukkan angka kejadian yang sama yaitu stres berat 3.7 % dan stres ringan 96.3%.
Hasil penelitian dengan uji chi square menyimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan bermakna antara kejadian sires pasca traumatik pada ibu Seksio sesaria emergensi, vakum, dan partus spontan. Mengingat tingginya kejadian stres pasca traumatik pada pertolongan persalinan dengan alat vakum ataupun operasi rnaka penelitian ini merekomendasikan pentingnya ante natal care (param education agar ibu dapat bersalin secara normal dan mendapatkan ibu yang sehat, bayi sehat dan keluarga sehat.

This study was a comparative study design with cross sectional approach. The aim of the study is to iind the difference between post traumatic stress disorder in post partum mother with emergency section caesarcan, vacuum, and spontaneous delivery. Population of this research is post partum mother with emergency section caesarean with indication of snick delivery indication, and primipara mother give birth by vacuum and spontaneous that hospitalised at Abdoel Moeloek hospital and Urip Sumoharjo hospital, Bandar Lampung. There were Sl sample of respondent that consist of 3 groups of respondents with emergency section caesarean, vacuum and spontaneous delivery, with 27 respondent In each group post traumatic stress disorder in post partum mother with section caesarcan based on observation and questioner result shows same result as severe stress 11,1% and light stress S8,9%. Post traumatic stress in post partum mother with vacuum based on observation result with severe stress is 4O,7% and by questioner severe stress is 37%. Post traumatic stress case in post pamlm mother with spontaneous delivery shows the same rate, which is severe stress 3,7% and light stress 96,3%.
Research study analized by chi square test, it shows a significant difference between post traumatic stress disorder in post partum mother with emergency section caesarean, vacuum and spontaneous delivery. Evidence that there is increasing incident rate of pasca traumatic stress disorder at delivery service with vacuum or section caesarean, this research recommend to all health that ante natal care / parent education are important to make woman delivery safety or normal and to support the women, baby and familly health.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yos Suwardi
"Latar belakang : Pasien luka bakar sedang dan berat mempunyai angka mortalitas dan morbiditas yang tinggi. Morbiditas terjadi karena gangguan fisik maupun psikis. Sebanyak 46,6 % dari pasien luka bakar mengalami gangguan psikiatri. Gangguan stres pasca trauma merupakan salah satu gangguan psikiatri yang sering terjadi dan sering tidak terdiagnosis pada pasien luka bakar. Gangguan ini sering menjadi penyulit terhadap kesembuhan optimal dari pasien luka bakar. Angka prevalensi dari berbagai penelitian yang sudah dilakukan di luar negeri menunjukan hasil yang berbeda-beda, umumnya angka prevalensi meningkat dalam sate tahun pertama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa prevalensi gangguan stres pasca trauma yang terjadi pada pasien luka bakar di RSUPN DR.Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta.
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan rancangan cross sectional, dilakukan pada 66 pasien luka bakar sedang dan berat yang berobat di RSUPN DR.Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta. Sampel diambil secara consecutive sampling, observasi pada 34 subyek dilakukan di lingkungan RSUPN DR.Ciptomangunkusumo dan pada 32 subyek lainnya di rumah subyek. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis-1 Disorder (SCID-I) dalam terjemahan bahasa Indonesia.
Hasil dan Simpulan : Angka prevalensi gangguan stres pasca trauma adalah 16,2% (11 subyek). Prevalensi pada subyek pasca rawat inap 21,1% sedangkan subyek rawat inap 10,7%. Hasil uji statistik X2 pada berbagai faktor demografi dan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya gangguan stres pasca trauma menemukan satu variabel yaitu jenis kelamin wanita mempunyai nilai p = 0,035. Observasi pada 11 subyek yang mengalami gangguan stres pasca trauma menemukan bahwa karakteristik gejala gangguan stres pasca trauma dari SCID1/ DSM-IV yang terbanyak adalah gejala perasaan bahwa masa depan menjadi pendek (kelompok C) dan respon kejut yang berlebihan yaitu 81,8% sedangkan yang paling sedikit adalah gejala tidak mampu untuk mengingat aspek penting dari trauma yaitu 27,3%.

Background: Patients with moderate and severe burn wounds have high morbidity and mortality. Morbidity occurs due to physical as well as psychological disorders. Up to 46.6% of the burn wound patients develop psychiatric disorders. Post-traumatic stress disorder constitutes one of the common psychiatric disorders and is frequently under diagnosed in burn wound patients. This disorder often becomes a complicating factor for optional recovery of burn wound patients. The prevalence rates from a variety of studies in other countries reveal different outcomes; generally the prevalence rate increase in the first year. The purpose of this study was to elicit information on how high the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder was among the burn wound patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
Methods: This study was cross-sectional, performed on 66 moderate and severe burn wound patients who presented to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. The samples were taken by consecutive sampling. The observation of the 34 subjects was conducted on the premises of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and the other 32 subjects were observed in their homes. The used instrument was structured clinical interview for D5M-IV Axis-1 Disorder (SCID-1) in the Indonesian version.
Result and conclusion: The prevalence rate of post-traumatic stress disorder was 16.2% (11 subjects). The prevalence in the post-hospitalized subjects was 21.1% and 10.7% for the hospitalized subjects. The result of X2 statistic tests of a variety of demographic factor and factors that influenced the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder found one variable, namely female gender whose p value was 0.035. Observation of 11 subjects who developed post-traumatic stress disorder found the most common characteristics of post-traumatic stress disorder from SCID-1/DSM-IV were a feeling that the future became short (group C), and response of excessive surprise (81.8%) whereas the least common was the symptom of being unable to recall the significant aspect of the trauma (27.3%).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khusnul Khatimah
Penelitian ini berusaha mengetahui peran faktor keluarga, melalui tingkat family functioning dan family hardiness terhadap keterkaitan antara paparan kejadian traumatik (traumatic exposure) dengan posttraumatic growth melalui analisis moderated-mediation pada penyintas bencana alam gempa bumi dan likuifaksi di PASIGALA. Partisipan yang didapatkan adalah 122 orang penyintas berusia 17-35 tahun (M = 21.541, SD = 4.936) yang merupakan penyintas likuifaksi PASIGALA secara primer atau langsung. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat family hardiness sedang hingga tinggi memberikan efek positif terhadap keberfungsian keluarga sehingga menjadi fungsional meskipun mengalami beberapa paparan kejadian traumatik. Namun, keberfungsian keluarga yang diperkuat oleh family hardiness tidak menjadikan individu dapat mencapai posttraumatic growth yang lebih tinggi meskipun family hardiness berperan penting dalam menjadikan keluarga berfungsi dengan baik. Secara praktis, hasil mengarahkan agar program trauma healing yang mendukung tercapainya posttraumatic growth sebaiknya berfokus pada aspek personal penyintas, seperti perbedaan paparan kejadian yang dialami. Tetapi, program untuk membantu keluarga dapat berfungsi dengan baik kembali (healthy) setelah melalui krisis kebencanaan dapat dilakukan dengan berfokus pada membantu keluarga membentuk karakter yang hardy.

This study discusses the role of the family, through family functioning and family hardiness on the relationship between the reporting of traumatic events (traumatic exposure) with posttraumatic growth through moderated-mediation analysis in survivors of Earthquake and Liquefaction disaster in PASIGALA. Participants obtained were 122 individuals (17-35 years old, M = 21.541, SD = 4.936) who were primary survivors of PASIGALA liquefaction. The results obtained indicate that the mean and higher level of family hardiness have a positive effect on moderating the negative effect of traumatic exposure to the family functioning. However, family functioning supported by family hardiness does not make individuals able to achieve higher post-traumatic growth indirectly although it is an important factor for helping family to function well. These lead to encouraging social workers in helping survivors, to focus on their personal aspect, such as degree of traumatic exposures. However, helping family as a whole to be well-functioning after disaster also could be conducted, by focusing on building characteristics of hardy family."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yovie Syafitri
"Saat ini fenomena HIV positif meningkat di kalangan ibu rumah tangga. Banyak penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa pada ibu rumah tangga terinfeksi HIV, mereka mengalami shock, depresi, cemas dan stress akibat dari kondisi fisik mereka serta stigma dari kondisi HIV positif. Dampak psikologis lain yang juga dialami oleh para pengidap HIV adalah trauma. Trauma yang disebabkan oleh diagnosis HIV positif, bersamaan dengan dampak psikologis lainnya, menyebabkan ibu rumah tangga yang mengidap HIV positif tidak dapat menjalani perannya dalam keluarga dengan maksimal. Sebagai hasil dari usaha mengatasi pengalaman traumatis, dalam diri individu dapat mucul perubahan yang bersifat positif yang dikenal dengan istilah posttraumatic growth. Meningkatnya posttraumatic growth pada para pengidap HIV positif dapat membantu mereka beradaptasi dengan kondisinya lebih cepat dan meningkatkan kemungkinan membaiknya kondisi kesehatan mereka.
Saat ini belum ditemukan penangangan psikologis yang menangani dampak traumatis dari diagnosis HIV positif serta dapat meningkatkan posttraumatic growth pada ibu rumah tangga. Salah satu intervensi penanganan trauma yang berfokus pada peningkatan posttraumatic growth adalah posttraumatic growth path. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat efektivitas posttraumatic growth path dalam meningkatkan posttraumatic growth pada ibu rumah tangga yang mengidap HIV positif.
Metode Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang menggunakan metode one group before-and-after study design dengan pemberian intervensi posttraumatic growth path sebanyak 4 sesi. Hasil Pada kedua partisipan dalam penelitian ini terlihat adanya peningkatan posttraumatic growth berdasarkan meningkatnya skor Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), meskipun pada salah satu partisipan ditemukan penurunan pada salah satu dimensi skor. Secara kualitatif, kedua partisipan merasa diri mereka lebih dapat memaknai secara positif diagnosis HIV positif yang dialami, dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah yang dikeluhkan sebelumnya, dan dapat menerapkan peningkatan posttraumatic growth yang dialami ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

These days the phenomenon of HIV positive in housewives population has been raised. Previous studies showed that shock, depression, anxiety, and stress occur in housewives living with HIV positive caused by their physical condition and stigma among societies as well. Another psychological impact of HIV positive is trauma. The trauma of HIV positive diagnoses joint other psychological impacts of this diagnoses has caused the housewives living with HIV positive unable to perform their roles in the family at their maximum capacity. In other hands, as a result of attempts to struggle with the aftermath of traumatic event, there could be a positive changes occur within individuals which termed posttraumatic growth. Increased posttraumatic growth within individuals living with HIV positive could help them adapt with their condition faster and the possibility of improve physic health becomes higher.
These days, in Indonesia, psychological intervention to handle trauma and to increase posttraumatic growth for housewives living with HIV positive has not been found yet. One of many interventions used to handling trauma that focused on increasing posttraumatic growth is posttraumatic growth path. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the effectiveness of posttraumatic growth path in increasing posttraumatic growth within housewives living with HIV positive.
Method This is a quantitative and qualitative research using one group before-and-after study design. The intervention was conducted in 4 sessions. Results In participants, posttraumatic growth were reported increased indicated by improved score in Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), important to note that in one participant one of dimension score is decreased. Both participants also reported that they could value the diagnoses in a positive way, coped with their previous problems, and applied their increased posttraumatic growth in daily life."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Jamil
"Peristiwa bencana gempa bumi pada 27 Mei 2006 di Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya telah menyebabkan sebagian korban mengalamai trauma mental yang disebut stres pascatrauma. Stres pascatrauma umumnya terjadi setelah seseorang mengalami, menyaksikan trauma berat yang mengancam secara fisik dan jiwa. Dari literatur yang ada diketahui bahwa ridha akan takdir dan tipe kepribadian merupakan dua variabel yang turut memberikan pengaruh terhadap stres pascatrauma, untuk itu perlu diketahui sejauhmana besarnya pengaruh dan bagaimana korelasi kedua variable tersebut terhadap stres pascatrauma. Ridha akan takdir adalah sikap menerima diiringi dengan bersikap tenang, bersyukur, serta mengendalikan hawa nafsu yang ditunjukan seorang mu?min saat menghadapi apa-apa yang merupakan ketentuan Allah, Tipe kepribadian adalah aspek-espek atau komponen dari kepribadian individu yang relatif stabil atau mantap dan mendominasi pada individu yang menyebabkan individu itu relatif tetap dari situasi ke situasi tertentu, sedangkan stres pascatrauma korban bencana adalah keadaan yang melemahkan individu secara ekstrim ditandai dengan perasaan murung, semangat menurun, memiliki kewaspadaan dan reaksi terkejut berlebihan, mengalami mimpi buruk dan teringat saat bencana yang timbul setelah seseorang mengalami atau menyaksikan suatu kejadian bencana yang hebat yang mengancam fisik atau jiwa.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dan bagaimanakah korelasi ridha terhadap takdir dan tipe kepribadian terhadap stres pascatrauma. Desain penelitian adalah non-eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan purposive sampling, regresi ganda linier digunakan untuk menganalisa data dengan bantuan program SPSS ver. 10.1 for windows. Populasi penelitian adalah masyarakat Kecamatan Sewon Kabupaten Bantul Prop. DI Yogyakarta dengan pertimbangan mereka adalah korban gempa pada Mei 2006, sehingga berpotensi mengalami stres pascatrauma, adapun sampel berjumlah 100 orang dengan kriteria mengalami, menyaksikan kejadian gempa bumi yang dapat menyebabkan kematian dan cedera serius pada diri sendiri atau orang lain pada saat terjadinya gempa yaitu tanggal 27 Mei 2006.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kedua variable yaitu ridha akan takdir dan tipe kepribadian ?A? secara signifikan membawa pengaruh terhadap stres pascatrauma sebesar 54,8% dengan hubungan korelasi negatif, sementara sisanya (45,2%) adalah dipengaruhi oleh adanya faktor-faktor lain. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan kesimpulan, maka peneliti memberikan saran untuk dilakukan pengembangan penelitian, serta perlu dilakukan program pengembangan metode untuk mengatasi stres pascatrauma para korban bencana melalui peningkatan ridha akan takdir serta pengembangan tipe kepribadian.
The earthquake 2006 in Yogyakarta and surrounding area had a traumatic impact on survivors which is called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is a disorder which develops while people has seen and experienced traumatic events happening to them both physically and mentally. It is known from some literatures that both acceptance of destiny and type of personality have an effect on post-traumatic stress disorder. Therefore, it is necessary to know how far an affect and correlation of both variables has a big influence in post-traumatic stress disorder. Acceptance of destiny is is an attitude to accept calmly, thankfully, and by controlling desire shown by mu?min when he gets what Allah has decided. Type of personality is aspects or component of individual personality which is stable and dominant to him in any situation. Post traumatic stress is a weakening condition which extremely has signs such as desperate, low energy, much of worry, nightmare, and frightening to the event he saw and experienced both physically or mentally.
The objective of this research is to know how far an effect and correlation of acceptance of destiny and type of personality toward post-traumatic stress disorder. The research design is non experimental utilizing quantitative approach as well as purposive sampling; double linear regression was also used in analyzing the data acquired by using software SPSS 10.1 for windows. The population of this research is people from Sewon district of Bantul Yogyakarta with assumption that they are survivors of earthquake on May 2006, then they are potentially to experiencing the post-traumatic stress disorder. The sample of this research is 100 adults at Sewon district Bantul Yogyakarta with criteria such as saw and experienced the earthquake causing deadly impact on them.
The result shows that both variables acceptance of destiny and ?A? type of personality have an effect in post-traumatic stress disorder of 54.8 % with negative correlation and the other (45.2%) is affected by other factors. According to the results, I (as researcher) give a suggestion to develop more such research and program method to take care who has post traumatic stress through the teaching of acceptance of destiny and type of personality development.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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