ABSTRAKBerbagai penelitian mengenai media menunjukkan bahwa media memiliki efek
terhadap sikap seseorang. Sehubungan dengan penggunaan media, pemerintah
melalui Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K)
melakukan sosialisasi terkait program peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat
kurang mampu. Sosialisasi yang bertujuan memperkenalkan program yang
dikemas dalam istilah Kartu Sakti Jokowi menggunakan berbagai macam metode
salah satunya media massa. Bagaimana pengaruh media exposure dan media
literacy terkait berita program pada sikap penerima bantuan menjadi pertanyaan
dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk melihat
pengaruh media exposure dan media literacy terkait berita program terhadap sikap
penerima bantuan pada pemerintah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
media exposure berpengaruh signifikan terhadap media literacy karena media
literacy tidak akan terjadi tanpa adanya terpaan media. Selanjutnya media
exposure tidak mempengaruhi sikap penerima bantuan karena masyarakat
penerima bantuan sudah memiliki sumber informasi lain dalam memahami isi
berita media terkait program. Hal ini diperkuat dengan adanya pengaruh yang
signifikan antara media literacy dengan sikap. Artinya, pemahaman terhadap
konten media mempengaruhi sikap penerima bantuan. Meskipun berita memilki
sentimen negatif, tidak mempengaruhi sikap masyarakat untuk tidak menyukai
program bantuan pemerintah. Hal ini terjadi karena berbagai metode sosialisasi
yang dilakukan TNP2K menjadi sumber informasi yang menumbuhkan
pemahaman masyarakat penerima manfaat.
ABSTRACTMany research about media indicated that media has effect towards someone’s
behavior. In accordance with the media usage, the government through Tim
Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) held dissemination
related to the prosperity improvement program for poor community.
Dissemination which aimed to introduce the program in the package of
KartuSaktiJokowi using some methods, which one of them is mass media. How is
the influence of media exposure and media literacy related to the program news
coverage towards the behavior of aid beneficiaries became a question in this
research. This research used quantitative method to see the influence of media
exposure and media literacy related to the program news coverageof the aid
beneficiaries behavior towards the government. The result of this research has
shown that media exposure is significantly influential to media literacy because
media literacy will not happened without media exposure. Media exposure has no
influence in the aid beneficiaries behavior because the aid beneficiaries have had
other information resources in understanding media content related to the
program. This is strengthened with the significant influence between media
literacy with the behavior. This means that the understanding towards media
content influences the beneficiaries behavior. Although there were news with
negative sentiment, the community’s behavior was not influenced to dislike the
government aid program. This happened because many dissemination methods
done by TNP2K became resource of information which grows the understanding
of aid beneficiaries, Many research about media indicated that media has effect towards someone’s
behavior. In accordance with the media usage, the government through Tim
Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) held dissemination
related to the prosperity improvement program for poor community.
Dissemination which aimed to introduce the program in the package of
KartuSaktiJokowi using some methods, which one of them is mass media. How is
the influence of media exposure and media literacy related to the program news
coverage towards the behavior of aid beneficiaries became a question in this
research. This research used quantitative method to see the influence of media
exposure and media literacy related to the program news coverageof the aid
beneficiaries behavior towards the government. The result of this research has
shown that media exposure is significantly influential to media literacy because
media literacy will not happened without media exposure. Media exposure has no
influence in the aid beneficiaries behavior because the aid beneficiaries have had
other information resources in understanding media content related to the
program. This is strengthened with the significant influence between media
literacy with the behavior. This means that the understanding towards media
content influences the beneficiaries behavior. Although there were news with
negative sentiment, the community’s behavior was not influenced to dislike the
government aid program. This happened because many dissemination methods
done by TNP2K became resource of information which grows the understanding
of aid beneficiaries]"