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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Andi Ilman Alqadri M.
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi pada kelompok white collar, blue collar dan pink collar worker terhadap elemen tingkah laku civil (sopan santun, respek, empati dan kewajiban warga kota). Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah kelompok pekerja di Jakarta. Alat ukur utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian awal yang dilakukan oleh peneliti. Partisipan diminta untuk mengurutkan tingkah laku yang paling menggambarkan elemen civility berdasarkan ranking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik white collar worker, blue collar worker dan pink collar worker secara signifikan memiliki perbedaan persepsi dalam memandang tingkah laku civil dari masing masing elemen, yaitu kewajiban warga kota, sopan santun, respek dan empati. Penelitian selanjutnya disarakankan melakukan wawancara untuk mendapatkan data yang lebih kaya mengenai persepsi tingkah laku civil dari ketiga kelompok pekerja.
The research purpose is to describe the differences in the perception of civil behavior elements (politeness, respect, empathy, and obligations of citizen) among white collar, blue collar, and pink collar worker. The participants were employees in Jakarta area. Primary measurement tool used in the research was the result of a preliminary study. Participants were asked to put the most describing civil behaviors in order of ranking. The result showed either white collar, blue collar, or pink collar worker had differences in perceiving civil behavior based on each element (politeness, respect, empathy, and obligations of citizen). Future researches are suggested to include interviews to obtain a deeper understanding on perception of civil behavior from the three groups of worker.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Pratiwi Widowaty
Abstrak :
Meningkatnya prevalensi perokok di Indonesia menimbulkan kekhawatiran, terlebih diikuti dengan meningkatnya prevalensi perokok perempuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa risiko merokok pada perempuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan laki-laki, baik kanker, jantung terutama pada kesehatan reproduksi. Perokok perempuan memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dibandingkan laki-laki. Mereka sering merasa ambivalen, tidak siap untuk berubah dan memiliki kepercayaan diri yang rendah terhadap keberhasilan mengatasi ketergantungan rokoknya. Hal ini merupakan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan sulitnya berhenti merokok. Faktor kesiapan berubah merupakan langkah awal yang sangat penting bagi terjadinya perubahan perilaku merokok. Oleh karena ini terapi mengenai peningkatan kesiapan berubah menjadi isu yang sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas Motivational Enhancement Therapy, yang diadaptasi dari Project MATCH yang disusun oleh Miller, Zweben, DiClemente dan Rychtarik dalam meningkatkan kesiapan berubah pada perempuan dewasa muda dengan ketergantungan rokok. Intervensi ini bertujuan untuk menggali ambivalensi dan meningkatkan motivasi internal untuk meningkatkan kesiapan berubah pada perilaku merokoknya. Intervensi ini dilakukan sebanyak lima sesi dengan melibatkan empat partisipan. Setelah dilakukan intervensi, seluruh partisipan mengalami perubahan tingkat kesiapan berubah serta dua partisipan diikuti dengan perubahan perilaku merokok. Dari hal ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Motivational Enhancement Therapy efektif dalam meningkatkan kesiapan berubah pada perempuan usia dewasa muda dengan ketergantungan rokok.
The increasing prevalence of smokers in Indonesia creates concern, in particular the increased prevalence of female smokers that entails. Research has shown that the risks causes by cigarettes in relation to cancer, heart disease, and reproduction are higher in female smokers compare to male. Female smokers have distinct characteristics in comparison to male. They often become ambivalent, not ready to change and have relatively low level of confidence in their effort to overcome their dependency. These factors lead to difficulty to quit smoking. Readiness to change factor is essential as the first step in influencing and improving smoking behavior. Therefore, therapy on how to enhance the level of readiness to change becomes an important issue. This research aims to observe Motivational Enhancement Therapy effectiveness, adapted from MATCH Project compiled by Miller, Zweben, DiClemente, and Rychtarik, in enhancing the extent of readiness to change in women with smoking dependence. The purpose of this intervention is to solve ambivalently and to increase internal motivation among female smokers in enhancing the readiness to change on their smoking behavior. Five sessions involving four participants were conducted for the intervention. All participants experience an enhancement in their readiness to change after the intervention, while an improvement on their smoking behavior are also found on two of the participants. From this, it can be concluded that Motivational Enhancement Therapy is effective in enhancing the readiness to change in women with smoking dependence.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irene Raflesia
Abstrak :
Kompleksitas penanganan diabetes terlihat dari interaksi faktor yang bekerja berlawanan. Pasien menjadi bingung dan merasa kesulitan untuk mencapai penanganan yang optimal. Fokus penelitian ini terletak pada pasien dari kelompok sosek rendah yang mengalami stres terkait diabetes. Penerapan teknik pemecahan masalah dapat memberikan kemampuan mengendalikan diabetes pada pasien dengan cara mengurangi stres. Teknik yang digunakan adalah relaksasi, identifikasi pikiran negatif (ABC), dan pengelolaan emosi (SSTA). Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 3 pasien menggunakan desain kuasi-eksperimental. Ketiga partisipan mengalami penurunan stres dilihat dari berkurangnya skor Diabetes Distress Scale-17. Perubahan skor Problem Solving Test menandakan bahwa partisipan telah memahami pentingnya menerapkan problem solving untuk mengurangi stres.
The complexity of diabetes management can be seen in the interaction of several factors that work in opposite direction. Patients may become confused and find it difficult to achieve optimal outcomes. This study focuses on those of lower socioeconomic status who experience diabetes-related distress. Application of problem solving techniques works to provide a sense of control over diabetes by reducing stress. Various techniques used in this study are relaxation, negative thoughts identification (ABC), and negative emotion regulation (SSTA). This study was conducted using quasi-experimental design. All three participants experienced less stress as shown by lower average scores of Diabetes Distress Scale-17. Changes in Problem Solving Test score indicates that participants have understood about the importance of using problem solving techniques for dealing with diabetes-related distress.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pradipta Christy Pratiwi
Abstrak :
[Latar Belakang : Konflik relasi berpacaran rentan dialami oleh dewasa muda. Konflik yang tidak terselesaikan memunculkan kekerasan dalam pacaran. Kekerasan dalam pacaran mungkin terjadi dalam bentuk fisik, psikologis, seksual dan ekonomi. Riwayat pengalaman traumatis yang dialami sebelumnya oleh individu, membentuk self-esteem rendah pada individu dan membuka peluang pada individu untuk kembali terjebak pada relasi berkekerasan yang serupa, salah satunya kekerasan dalam pacaran. Self-esteem yang rendah mengakibatkan korban sulit untuk keluar dari siklus relasi berkekerasan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan intervensi untuk meningkatkan self-esteem pada dewasa muda yang mengalami kekerasan dalam pacaran. Intervensi yang telah terbukti efektif dalam menangani self-esteem yang rendah adalah cognitive behavior therapy. Metode : Penelitian ini berupa intervensi CBT pada 4 orang partisipan. Desain penelitian ini termasuk dalam one group pretest-posttest design (before and after). Analisis : Analisis dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan data kuantitatif dari hasil pre-test dan post-test pada alat ukur RSES. Analisa kualitatif dilakukan melalui wawancara dan observasi terhadap perkembangan dan perubahan yang dialami partisipan. Hasil : CBT cukup berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan self-esteem pada partisipan, namun demikian intervensi selama 6 sesi pertemuan ini dirasa belum cukup untuk mengatasi permasalahan kekerasan dalam pacaran secara menyeluruh. Partisipan mengalami perubahan aspek kognitif dan perilaku. Partisipan merasa percaya diri dan nyaman terhadap penampilan fisik maupun kemampuan yang dimiliki. Partisipan memperoleh pemikiran yang lebih realistis untuk keluar dari relasi pacaran yang tidak sehat. ......Background: Conflicts in dating relationship are commonly experienced by young adults. Unfinished conflict provokes violence in dating relationship. Dating violence may occur in physical, psychological, sexual, and economic matter. Previous traumatic events, experienced by individual, conceive low self-esteem and provide more possible chance for individual to get back to the same violence based relationship, including dating violence. Low self-esteem causes the victims to withdraw themselves from the violence-based relationship. Hence, interventions are required to enhance self-esteem on young adults who experience dating violence. Cognitive behavior therapy is considered effective in enhancing self-esteem. Method: This research investigated CBT intervention on 4 participants with the research design of one group pretest-posttestdesign(before and after). Analysis: Analysis was carried out by comparing quantitative data of pre-test and post-test result acquired from RSES instrument. Qualitative analysis was carried out through interview and observation on the development and changes experienced by participants. Results: CBT is influential enough in enhancing self-esteem on participants, nevertheless 6 meetings session of intervention are considered less effective in solving dating violence entirely. Qualitative result indicated that participants experienced changes in cognitive and behavior aspects. Participants felt confident and secure either about their physical performance or their competence. Participants obtained realistic thinking to withdraw themselves from unhealthy dating relationship.;Background: Conflicts in dating relationship are commonly experienced by young adults. Unfinished conflict provokes violence in dating relationship. Dating violence may occur in physical, psychological, sexual, and economic matter. Previous traumatic events, experienced by individual, conceive low self-esteem and provide more possible chance for individual to get back to the same violence based relationship, including dating violence. Low self-esteem causes the victims to withdraw themselves from the violence-based relationship. Hence, interventions are required to enhance self-esteem on young adults who experience dating violence. Cognitive behavior therapy is considered effective in enhancing self-esteem. Method: This research investigated CBT intervention on 4 participants with the research design of one group pretest-posttestdesign(before and after). Analysis: Analysis was carried out by comparing quantitative data of pre-test and post-test result acquired from RSES instrument. Qualitative analysis was carried out through interview and observation on the development and changes experienced by participants. Results: CBT is influential enough in enhancing self-esteem on participants, nevertheless 6 meetings session of intervention are considered less effective in solving dating violence entirely. Qualitative result indicated that participants experienced changes in cognitive and behavior aspects. Participants felt confident and secure either about their physical performance or their competence. Participants obtained realistic thinking to withdraw themselves from unhealthy dating relationship., Background: Conflicts in dating relationship are commonly experienced by young adults. Unfinished conflict provokes violence in dating relationship. Dating violence may occur in physical, psychological, sexual, and economic matter. Previous traumatic events, experienced by individual, conceive low self-esteem and provide more possible chance for individual to get back to the same violence based relationship, including dating violence. Low self-esteem causes the victims to withdraw themselves from the violence-based relationship. Hence, interventions are required to enhance self-esteem on young adults who experience dating violence. Cognitive behavior therapy is considered effective in enhancing self-esteem. Method: This research investigated CBT intervention on 4 participants with the research design of one group pretest-posttestdesign(before and after). Analysis: Analysis was carried out by comparing quantitative data of pre-test and post-test result acquired from RSES instrument. Qualitative analysis was carried out through interview and observation on the development and changes experienced by participants. Results: CBT is influential enough in enhancing self-esteem on participants, nevertheless 6 meetings session of intervention are considered less effective in solving dating violence entirely. Qualitative result indicated that participants experienced changes in cognitive and behavior aspects. Participants felt confident and secure either about their physical performance or their competence. Participants obtained realistic thinking to withdraw themselves from unhealthy dating relationship.]
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rangga Radityaputra
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Bekerja dapat menimbulkan beberapa efek negatif seperti burnout. Burnout layak mendapat perhatian khusus karena dampaknya cukup signifikan terhadap kehidupan pekerja. Penelitian ( dalam Schabracq, Winnubst, & Cooper, 2003) telah menunjukkan bahwa orang yang mengalami burnout akan terlihat sedih dan memperlihatkan mood yang depresif, merasa tidak berdaya, tidak memiliki kekuatan, keluhan - keluhan psikosomatis, bolos kerja, keluar dari pekerjaan, performa kerja yang menurun, dan kehilangan motivasi intrinsik seperti gairah, antusiasme, minat, dan idealisme. Wawancara yang pernah peneliti lakukan terhadap seorang staf pada lembaga penelitian X, menyatakan bahwa kemungkinan burnout yang dialami oleh beberapa karyawan dan peneliti yang bekerja disana. Beberapa keluhan dari karyawan menunjukkan indikasi burnout seperti kelelahan dan sikap negatif terhadap pekerjaan khususnya terhadap atasan. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi burnout adalah mengembangkan keterampilan coping dan mengembangkan metode relaksasi (Maslach & Goldberg, 1998). Pengembangan keterampilan coping dan metode relaksasi dapat diwujudkan dengan pendekatan modifikasi perilaku. Modifikasi perilaku dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan coping terhadap stresor (Moller, Milinski, & Slater; Taylor dalam Martin & Pear, 2007). Salah metode modifikasi perilaku adalah program self-control (Martin & Pear, 2007). Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuasi-eksperimental dengan tipe one groupprettest ? posttest design (Kerlinger & Lee, 2000) yang dilakukan pada 2 orang karyawan lembaga penelitian X. Intervensi dengan program self-control dilakukan selama 8 hari sebanyak 4 sesi pertemuan. Hasil Kedua partisipan mengalami penurunan skor burnout, khususnya penurunan pada dimensi exhaustion, diketahui dari perbaikan skor Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey. Kesimpulan Program Self-Control dapat membantu menurunkan burnout pada 2 orang peneliti lembaga penelitian X. Teknik self-control yang dianggap membantu adalah self-recording dan mastery criteria.
Background Working can cause negative effect on people, such as burnout. Burnout deserves special attention because of its significant effect to the worker's life. Researches (Schabracq, Winnubst, & Cooper, 2003) have shown that people who experienced burnout will look sad, feel helpless, powerless, show depressive mood, psychosomatic symptoms, absenteeism, decreasing work perfomance, and loss of intrinsic motiovation such as passion, enthusiasm, interest, and idealism. Researcher has taken an interview with one worker in X research institution, the worker stated that there are possibilities that some workers dan researchers in the institution are experiencing burnout. Some of the workers? complaints are exhaustion and negative attitude towards the job especially the supervisors. There are several strategies that can be used to decrease burnout, such as developing coping skills and a relaxed lifestyle (Maslach & Goldberg, 1998). Developing coping skills and a relaxed lifestyle can be done through behavior modification. Behavior modification can be used to develop the ability to cope with stressor (Moller, Milinski, & Slater; Taylor in Martin & Pear, 2007). One method of behavior modification is self-control program (Martin & Pear, 2007). Method This research use quasi-experimental method with one group pretestpostest design (Kerlinger & Lee, 2000) which is done to two X research institution workers. The self-control program range eight days with four sessions. Result The two participants experienced a decrease in burnout, especially in the exhaustion dimension. This result is known through change of score in Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey. Conclusion Self-Control Program is useful to decreased burnout in two X research institution researchers. The techniques that are considered useful are selfrecording and mastery criteria.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yan Ariyani
Abstrak :
Perempuan Madura yang bercerai menghadapi tekanan psikologis yang lebih berat karena adanya konsepsi budaya yang membuat mantan suami merasa masih turut andil dalam kehidupan mantan istrinya. Belum lagi penyesuaian terhadap perceraian itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab perceraian pada perempuan Madura, permasalahan yang dihadapi, dan bentuk penyesuaian yang selama ini mereka hadapi, serta membuat rancangan program support group yang tepat agar perempuan Madura bisa menghadapi kehidupan pasca-perceraian dengan lebih baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif terhadap 12 responden, yaitu 2 responden melalui wawancara mendalam dan 10 responden melalui FGD. Hasilnya, faktor penyebab perceraian disebabkan karena kurangnya komunikasi, suami yang tidak peduli terhadap anak, kepribadian suami yang kurang matang, ekonomi sulit, adanya pihak ketiga, dan adanya faktor magis. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah menjalani proses hukum, emosi diri, pemenuhan kebutuhan ekonomi, perebutan hak asuh, peran orang tua tunggal, menghadapi pandangan orang lain, jatuhnya harga diri, penerimaan terhadap perceraian dan status janda, kesulitan memulai hubungan baru dan masalah keterlibatan mantan suami. Upaya penyesuaian dilakukan sesuai dengan permasalahan dan belum efektif bagi sebagian responden, terutama yang belum menikah kembali. Dengan demikian permasalahan psikologis yang dihadapi para responden dalam penyesuaian pasca-perceraian, yaitu: withdrawal; tekanan psikologis dalam menghadapi keterlibatan bahkan ancaman dari mantan suami, tidak memiliki otonomi/ kebebasan yang seharusnya, perasaan sedih, kehilangan, marah, kesal, benci, sakit hati, ketidakberdayaan/ keterpurukan, bahkan putus asa; tidak percaya diri dan turunnya harga diri; kompleksitas permasalahan menjadi orang tua tunggal; pendampingan terhadap anak; pikiran dan dorongan untuk dendam, serta penerimaan akan status janda. Rancangan program support group difokuskan pada aspek permasalahan dalam penyesuaian terkait keterlibatan mantan suaminya dan peran sebagai orang tua tunggal. Terdiri dari lima sesi, yaitu: 1. Pembentukan Support Group, 2. Psikoedukasi tentang perceraian dan penyesuaian pasca-perceraian, 3. Mengenal dan Menghadapi mantan suami, 4. Menjadi orang tua tunggal, 5. Menjadi pendamping anak yang bermasalah dengan perceraian orang tua.
Madura Woman who is divorced will face a harder psychological pressure because there is still a cultural conception that makes an ex-husband is yet to take a part in his ex-wife?s living. Excluding, the adaptation to that divorce itself. The objective of this research is to discover the cause of the divorce of Madura woman, the problem that is taken, the form of adapting that they has taken so far, and also making a program design of support group precisely so that Madura woman can live their post-divorce lives better. This research was conducted qualitatively with 12 respondents, which is that, by thoroughly deepth interview with 2 respondents, and by FGD with the rest of them. The result, the factors that is causing the divorce is the lack of communication, husband abandoning the children, the immature personality of husband, poverty, cheating, and magical factors. The problem that must be taken are; undertaking law procedures, self emotion, fulfilling the needs, retrieving the right of custody, the role of single parent, receiving people adjustment, indignity, accepting the fact of divorce and having the status of being widow, the difficulties of making a new relationship, and the problem of ex-husband interfere. The effort of adapting was conducted due to the problems and it was not effective yet to some respondents, especially those who were not re-married. Therefore, it must be designed a program that must be focused on one of aspects of problems in adapting, which is involving her ex-husband. Program of Support Group which was designed consists of 5 sections, they are; 1. The form of Support Group2. Psycho-education on divorce and Post-divorce adaptation, 3. Behaving toward ex-husband, 4. Being a single parent, and 5. A companion children with problems of his parents' divorce.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library