"ACS recognizes that there is a need to improve their level of service and customer satisfaction overall in the company. This study discusses the various developments in the business climate that warrants a change and adoption of an appropriate strategy that has a Relationship Focus.
Customers in a business to business (B2B) environment are becoming more demanding and the transaction approach with them will not suffice. They believe in partnerships and a company that does not only provide basic services but also, be part of their business solution. As such, ACS embarked on a form of Relationship Marketing Strategy that emphasizes Market Orientation, Customer Partnerships, Creating Value and Integrated Marketing.
This strategy also emphasizes the need for long term customer relationship, two-way flow of communication always; economies of scope not only scale which is the depth and breadth of relationships, adaptive strategies and marketing productivity. Another aspect of this is representation of Relationship Marketing as the coming together of Quality, Marketing and Customer Service.
ACS itself has demonstrated most aspects of the Relationship Marketing perspectives as covered in this study. These are real life applications with data to represent its success. To support this further, this study undertakes to conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey to gauge its success with the dimensions of Service Quality - SERVQUAL. These dimensions include Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy, which is related to ten elements of Service Quality that ACS already adopts. Multiple Regression Analysis and Descriptive Statistics would be employed.
This study will also bring some perspectives of the results of the survey as well as some suggestions for the future and the way ahead. The overall information will indeed be useful for all parties as we convert the data to information, information to fact, fact to knowledge and in the end some areas that all can work on for future improvements. This perhaps confirms that Relationship Marketing will continue to be an effective strategy for ACS."