"Loyalitas pelanggan di sektor bisnis jasa masih menjadi target pernasaran yang menguntungkan bagi perusahaan_ Keunggulan kompetitif adalah rahasia dari keberlangsungan hidup perusahaan tersebut. Salah satu perusahaan yang baik dalam loyalitas pelanggannya adalah J.Co donuts & Coffee. Pemasaran jasa mengangkat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas pada gerai-gerai donat tersebut.
Beberapa faktor yang akan diteliti dalam mengukur loyalitas adalah atribut produk, kualitas pelayanan, harga, customer indifference dan ekuitas merek. Atribut produk menjadi panting dalam pengambilan keputusan konsumen, banyak perusahaan berupaya mencapai kualitas terbaik produknya. Disisi lain, kualitas pelayanan tetap menjadi nilai terbaik di mata pelanggan jasa. Hal ini tetap berbanding lurus dengan penetapan harga produk yang dijual, dan pentingnya mengukur persepsi harga para pelanggan. Customer indifference juga mempengaruhi loyalitas pada pasar jasa yang pelayanan dan produknya homogen bagi pelanggannya. Faktor terakhir adalah ekuitas merek yang dianggap paling berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas, karena konsumen sangat percaya merek mewakili perceived value yang akan diperoleh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan atribut produk, kualitas pelayanan, harga, customer indifference dan ekuitas merek terhadap loyalitas pelanggan melalui metode analisis regresi berganda. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap pelanggan J.Co Donuts & Coffee di Jakarta dan Depok, Jawa Barat dengan metode penentuan sample adalah non-probability sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan convenience sampling untuk para responden.
Hasil penelitian dan analisis ditemukan bahwa loyalitas pelanggan dipengaruhi secara positif dan signi_fikan oleh atribut merek, kualitas pelayanan, harga, dan ekuitas merek (hipotesis ke-l, ke-2, ke-3 dan ke-5 diterima). Sementara ditemukan bahwa customer indifference tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan (hipotesis ke-4 tidak diterima). Juga ditemukan bahwa karakteristik pengeluaran per bulan pelanggan JCo Donuts & Coffee homogen pada segmen tertentu saja.
Saran peneliti bagi J.Co pada peningkatan atribut produk, kualitas pelayanan, persepsi harga, dan ekuitas merek dalam mempertahankan konsumen. Khususnya penambahan atribut produk dan penyesuaian harga sangat penting dilakukan karena atribut produk dan harga menjadi faktor yang paling determinan.
Customer loyalty in the service industries sector is still the target and is very profitable for the companies. The secret of the company longevity is competitive advantage. One company that has been very successful in retaining its customer is J. Co Donuts & Coffee. Services marketing have developed the many factors that influence customer loyalty on their doughnut outlets.
Some factors that would be used to measure customer loyalty are product attributes, service quality, price, customer indifference and brand equity. Product attribute is very important during the consumer decision making process, and many companies strive to produce the best quality products. Meanwhile, in the service industry the service quality is still important. This is equivalent toward the price of the product being sold, and the important of measuring customer perception toward the price. Customer indifference it also influences the customer loyalty in service industries which have homogenous products and services according to their customer. The Iast factor is brand equity which is consider most influencing toward customer loyalty, because consumer perceived value toward the brand their trust and are willing to consume. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of product attributes, service quality, price, customer inderence and brand equity on customer loyally by using multiples regression method The research was conducted on customer of J. Co Donuts & Coffee customer in the Jakarta and Depok area, using non probability sampling method The data collecting technique used in this research is convenience sampling.
The result of this research found that customer loyalty is positively and significantly influenced by product attributes, service quality, price, and brand equity has been positively influenced the customer loyalty (supporting 1S, 2"d 3'd and 5`h hypothesis). Whereas customer indifference did not have a significant influence toward loyalty (4'h hypothesis was not supported). It also found that respondent characteristic in month expenditure is homogen.
This research suggest that J. Co Donuts & Coffee should improve their product attributes, service quality, pricing perception, brand equity in order to uphold their customer loyalty. As a managerial implication from this research, JCo Donuts & Coffee should improve the product attributes and set in the price because these two factors is the most determinant."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007